
This would be my best friend Lily. We have been friends since we were wee little children. We both live on Lum. Lily lives on lower Lum while I'm in mid Lum. Many people confuse us quite often. Mostly James Keyser. We've had tent parties, sleep overs, and birthday parties galore. She likes Ani. We're Rightious Babes. Doug C....a vision in white. Tin couches rock! I used to make her run home from school because I was afraid squirrels would jump on our heads. Now we stand in the hall and sing Bootylicious. That means pubic hair. Don't use bad grammer around her. We have fun talking to our Chem teacher, Mrs. Shannon. Pray tell what is that gas? SUCKA! SUCKA! Lily plans on being Shakira, living with the drudrys, next door to Wainy, and many other interesting people. Make metal, not love.

We always look through the junk on garbage day on our walks home form school. One day Lily saw a Tv she wanted. It was a little ays down the street from her house but too heavy to carry. We didn't know how to get the TV to her house but we finally got a sled and a pair of skis. We kinda lifted the TV with the skies under it and managed to get it in the sled. We then pulled it to her house. Needless to say.......the TV didn't work.

"Got a watch on ya?"-How


BaCk To ThE pOsSe

Email: bobsaget11@hotmail.com