~*PiRaTe DinNeR aDvEnTuRe*~

Well..when we went to Disney World, they made us go to this Pirate Dinner Adventure thing. It was like Midevil Times, but with pirates. It was supposed to be all fancy. We all got dressed up and all ths crap. Well Anton brought his own eye patch and I took it and wore it the whole night. Well we went in and waited in this room with palm reading and all crap like that for a little while. Then we got ot go in the boat! Well it smelled really gross. We all got the orange pirate, Andre. He was pretty gross. Rachel and I were the only ones in the whole section who cheered. I got called up to go on the boat and the pirates made me an official pirate. I went up with Kate Talbot. The pirates made us say all this random stuff then they gave us these crappy hats, which I still proudly have. Then they said we were official pirates. It was quite exciting. Kate Talbot threw her hat away so she is no longer an official pirate. Not only did the show suck, but the fod was nastey. They gave us some sort of mystery meat. Andre lost even though he should of won. The best part of the night was when we found the bathroom sign said "wenches" instaed of "girls". I got my picture taken with Andre but it dind't come out. Oh well.

BaCk To PiCs