~*SaNdY cHeN*~

There ain't no party like a S Chen party

This is a picture of me and the one and only Sandy Chen. sandy is amazing. She is one of the most perky girls I know. Sandy plays a myriad of insruments including the saxaphone and other stuff I can't remember right now. Ahhh..yes, one of them is the flute. Sandy drinks coffee everyday in her lovely Sandy Chen coffee mug. Once I spilled her coffee on her "Kate Spade" bag. You can usually find Sandy at Starbucks or the Livingston Mall (I see her there EVERY TIME I go there). She is always on her cell phone. Sandy has a lot of patience. Most days after school she would tolerate Boz, Lily, and me. Sandy Chen and i are going to make a Band Camp movie this year. Oh my God we're such dorks.

"Where are all the boys?"- Sandy

BaCk To ThE pOsSe