~*WhAt DiD yOu SaY?*~

"We are not people..we are an experience."- Me and Anton

"When I speak I cross my fingers."- Guster

"I don't wanna be there when you're ... Coming down I don't wanna be there when you hit the ground."-Oasis

“There’s a place inside my mind, yeah a place you’ll never find.”- Good Charlotte

“Wow, there’s a lot of smoke!.” Dan “Yes, and it’s all from my vag.” Lily – this was at the fireworks where many pelvic thrusts went down

With love, It’s gonna be a glorious day.”- Radiohead

“I love it when the only sound that I hear is your infectious laughter. Mabey I’ll hear it again in eight hundred years if I am lucky.” – 311

"Another turning point a fork stuck in the road time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go so make the best of this test and dont ask why its not a question but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable but in the end theres right i hope you had the time of your life so take the photographs and still frames in your mind hang it on a shelf in good health and good time tatoos and memories and dead skin on trial for what its worth its worth all the while its something unpredictable but in the end theres right i hope you had the time of your life." Green Day

“Shampoo is better. It goes on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. It leave the hair silky and smooth. Oh really fool? Really. Stop looking at me swan!.” – Billy Madison

"Well I'm scared..for the moment. But I know you'll be there."- Gob

“Happiness will come when you are with the one, who can take you to places you never were but always knew.”- Midtown

“It’s your own life, Live it for yourself.”- NFG

"Crush me baby i'm all ears."- TBS

“Gorilla ….rila…..rilla…..rilla….rilla.”- Optimus Prime

“Oh no!….How are we gonna get on the plane now?”-Boz

"If I told you this was killing me would you stop?"- The Juliana Theory

“What? Friends listen to ‘Endless love’ in the dark”.- Happy Gilmore

"I really doon't mind what happens now and then. As long as you'll be my friend at the end."- 3 Doors Down

“Well you had a second chance but you threw it all away, a forth and fifth and sixth, but that was yesterday”- GC

"B-8. OJ Simpson killed his wife..................O-64. What did you call my mother?"- Fred

"I know it's sad but we all cry, we all lie and we all die."- The Youth Ahead

"Hate can't solve the problem it began."- Good Charlotte

“If I fall down would ya come around, and pick me right up off the ground?”- Good Charlotte

"I just wanna give props to anyone that's in a real band that rocks."- Puck

"If I could just be who you wanted all the time....."- Radiohead

"Let me keep you in this place. You'll be better off this way. I will keep you warm and safe. Trust me dear you're better off this way."- Guster

"somewhere under water, maybe you could find my heart cause that’s where I threw it after you had torn it out"-Saves The Day

"You can't cross bridges that you've burned."- Good Charlotte

"If I could somehow make you mine...You're beatiful just not on the inside."- Saves The Day

"And I wonder, when I sing along with you. If everything could feel this real forever If anything could be this good again."-Foo Fighters

"If my heart could sing, I'd say your name."- New Found Glory

"She gives me a funny feeling, like when we used to climb the ropes in gym class."-Garth Algar

"I could never be the apple of your eye, the story of your life, its what’s inside.. and I can never be the one who saves your day" the juliana theory.

"Scars are souvenirs we never loose. The past is never far. Did you loose yourself somewher eout there? Did you get to be a star? Don't it make you sad to know that life is more than who we are?"- Goo Goo Dolls

"Nothing feels like wasted time with you."- LWL

"Love is another word for regret."- New Found Glory

"Sorry mom, I won't be home till dawn. I'll be out all night at DUNKIN DONUTS!."-LWL

"Boz! You broke it."- me

"Don't doubt what's nobody's sure about."- Willy Wonka

"Don't touch me cause I'm electric and if you touch me you'll get shocked."- Puck

"I'm a little boy, with the body of a man."-Tree Face

"Fred, is it the part where the monkey's like this?"(hand gesture)-Dave

"Whatever happened to the life that we once knew? Can we really live without each other? Where did we lose the touch that seemed to mean so much? It always made me feel so... Free as a bird, like the next best thing to be." -Lennon/ McCartney, Harrison, Starkey

"So quiet...another wasted night, the telovision steals the conversation. Exhale....another wasted breath, again it goes unnoticed. Please tell me your just felling tierd cause if it's more than that I feel that I might break out of touch, out of time. Please send me anyhthing but signals that are mixed, cause I can't read your rolling eyes. Out of touch, are we out of time? Close lipped, another goodnight kiss is robbed of all its passion. Your grip, antoher time, is slack it leaves me feeling empty. I'll wait untill tomorrow mabey you'll feel better then, mabey we'll be better then. So what's another day when I can't bear these nights of thoughts of going on without you. This mood of yours is temporary, it seems worth the wait to see your smile again. Out of the corner of your eye won't be the only way you look at me then."- Dashboard Confessional

"Some things can never be explained... why every sky still looks the same... and I wonder how my world would look without you... some things can never be explained... like how our scars remain the same.. and I wonder how the sky would look without my star..." -Thr Juliana Theory.

"I’m through being cool" -Saves The Day

"That means PUBIC HAIR."- Howie Glatt

"You're my girl, I'm your man. I don't care if we live in a garbage can. I'm your man. You're my gal...I'm so glad that we are pals......You're not fat. you don't smell bad. You're always smiling never sad. I bet you take a shower everyday. HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY!."- The Aquabats

"I just wanna be like everyone else... why can't I be everything to everyone else, or maybe just you" - Saves The Day

"You left me standing here a long long time ago Don't leave me waiting here lead me to your door."- Johnn Lennon/ Paul McCartney

"Today I woke up, more awake than I have felt in years, Not concerned with anything, no tears."- Alkaline Trio

"If I could only have one thing for the rest of my life? That's easy... PEZ, Cherry flavored PEZ, no question about it." -Less Than Jake

"We hung out at the rainbow where we drank til' half past two. Nothing could go wrong anytime that I'm with you."-The Ataris

"when I look up you’re the brightest star in a pocketful of skies my colored picture in a world of black and white" -The Juliana Theory.

"we talked so much I think we filled this ash tray twice" -Alkaline Trio

"I guess its you I want to hold on to, but you're holding on to someone else" -the ataris

"sometimes I’m old enough to keep routine, sometimes I’m child enough to scream" -the get up kids

"I doubt if you want me anyway"- Midtown

"I'm like two guys."- Fred

"I saw myself touch your face and I noticed the jets begin to race above our heads. but I pinched myself and remembered how much you hate me and remembered the fact I can’t see what you need" -Saves The Day

"I want to be the one who gets to hold you in my arms.. I want to be the one who you love more than anyone"- Wagner

"........but if I could be with you for one day just to see how it would feel if we could whisper in this screaming world, and save this dream for you and me, if we could silently become this moment, and know that it means everything. sometimes a moment is a lifetime sometimes a lifetime is a dream a million new beginnings that we will never see I guess my heart was never in this and I was just too tired to fight but there’s nothing quite as lonely as the sky was that night the blue skies were torn apart as I sighed melodies life is born out of screams but fades away silently the concrete lets me wait and watch the lights disappear you still shine in my head as I save a place for you here some things are best left unexplained cause nothing is ever as it seems life is better when its never ending life is better when it’s just a dream."- Hooray for Everything

"So dont go away, say what you say Say that you'll stay Forever and a day ... In the time of my life Cos I need more time, yes I need more time just to make things right."- Oasis

"you can say I knew it all along but you were all I wanted to know.. the pain has made me grow strong, the scars inside have made me beautiful"-Midtown

"every day it’s still the same, different places, different names, still stuck here playing these stupid games"-The Ataris

"don’t give up fighting till nothing else stands in your way, don’t give up talking until there’s nothing left to say."- The Ataris

"everything I wish that I could tell you is everything that I wish you would say" -Lanemeyer.

"unless you could see inside my head you couldn’t possibly understand, I’m happier when things are falling apart, but you'll never know this just by looking at me" – Less Than Jake

"I think about you for every day now, if I tried to forget you, id never know how" -Lanemeyer

"in the bright of day it might seem like the stars are gone, they never leave, they come back when the sun moves on"- New Found Glory

"you never know what you have til you get it yanked out of your chest" -Saves The Day

"When the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines in me........shine until tomorrow. let it be,"- Lennon/ McCartney

"As long as I got you I know I'll be cool."- Rent

“Hope we fall in love before I wake." - Ultimate Fake Book

“so tell me why I cant be the thing you need, when its you I've needed all along" - Over It

“I heard everybody's voice cut out when you spoke, and I watched all the lights go dim when your eyes opened" - Alkaline Trio

"remember me now, things always change" - Bouncing Souls

"Thinking about you makes me simle."- Bigwig

"My dreams will never come true without you"- MxPx

"I think that we should run as fast as we can into what we don't know"-Saves The Day

"Is it my flaming groin?."- Wainy

"There are millions of people in this world, but in the end, it all comes down to one."- Crazy/ Beatiful

"Cannot stand to be one of many. I'm not what they are."-Guster

"Shut up! I'm trying to watch B Spears"- Tom while watching Crossroads

"You're the words that come out easy and i am speechless at best. Your star it seems to shine above the rest. You're the face before the cameras. The smile i'd like to earn. The closest thing to perfect in a hollywood to burn. Your the beauty that is deeper than than eyes can merely see. The closest thing to perfect but the farthest thing from me. And i'd love to be the shoulder that you cry on. And i'd love to be the friend you call when things are great. You're the dream that hasn't ended and i'm still anxious for rest. Your words they seem to hang above my head. You're the bud before the flower unfurls into full bloom captivating beauty but it may be all too soon You're the song that writes a story but leaves alot to read. And like i really deserve a chance to sit across a table and tell you that i think you're wonderful and i think you're something special i guess this is my only chance to say i wish i knew you because i'm sure you're wonderful if i'd get to know you."- The Juliana Theory

"Nothing gold can stay..." - A New Found Glory

"Hey Frankie, you gonna give me your class ring?" "uhhhh, I'm afraid I can't do that Annette" "Well, why not?" "Because I don't have any arms....AHHHHHHH!" - Dead Milkmen

"So shines a good deed in a weary world."- Willy Wonka

"All I wanna hear is you voice."- Unwritten Law

"my mind wanders to my existence in this world where hatreds such a common word and stupid people are always telling me what to do and who to be" -longfellow

"It's safe to fall if you just trust the ground that you stand on."-Midtown

"Everyone's just looking for a reason to go on. Everyone's just looking for a person whom to trust."- Midtown

"I'm NOT a piece of paper.-Boz

"My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me, so I die happy."- Dashboard Confessional

"Take me and break me...make me strong like you."- Brand New

"we're doing fine..we're doing nothing at all."- Dashboard Confessional

"Paint me a wish on a velvet sky"-Oasis

"Laugh it up laughie."- Jack Lennox (he said this as i was laughing at him because he fell out of his desk. Well he fell in his desk. It was one of those chairs that is attached to the desk, so he was still in the desk, it was just lying on the floor.)

"i have chalk colored pants, but when I wear them, I get dirt on them."- Mrs. Shannon in reference to getting chalk on her dark pants. I heart her.

"You grew up way too fast, and now there's nothing to believe."-Goo Goo Dolls

"I use music as some kind of weird salvation to get away from life" ~ Billy Corgan

"I hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips."- Brand New

"Me and you whats going on? All we seem to know is how to show The feelings that are wrong."-Oasis

"Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far. Shine on you crazy diamond. Pile on many more layers and I'll be joining you there. Shine on you crazy diamond. And we'll bask in the shadow of yesterday's triumph, sail on the steel breeze. Come on you boy child, you winner and loser, come on you miner for truth and delusion, and shine" - pink floyd

"have another drink and drive yourself home...I hope there's ice on all the roads, so you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt and again when your head goes through the windshield."- brand new

"Well, look at that! A dog driving a car! Now I've seen everything..." Paul Wrynn

"Dan W is half owl"- Limewheel guestbook

"Say what you want. Say what you mean. Question yourself, are you really what you dream?"- Dispatch

"Try and capture us. We've done nothing wrong."- Guster

"The present's just a pleasent interuption to the past."- Something Corporate

"The moon is shining and shadows are what's left of the noise. Simple silhouettes and cutouts as if we had the choice."- Something Corporate

"Well in the end my friend we will all be togehter again."- OAR

"and it's a perfect day to stay inside."-Beck

"Mabey when the door gets broke down love can break in."-something corporate

"I am driving up 85 in the Kind of morning that lasts all afternoon just stuck inside the gloom 4 more exits to my apartment but I am tempted to keep the car in drive And leave it all behind"- John Mayer

"There's someone in my head but it's not me. And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the moon"- Pink Floyd

"And won't you think I'm pretty When I'm standing top the bright lit city And I'll take your hand and pick you up And keep you there to so you can see As long as you're alive and care I promise I will take you there And we'll drink and dance the night away"- the used

Movie Quotes
i WaNt To Go HoMe