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'~*sOrAyA's jOuRnAl*~'

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About mE . My name is Soraya (soar-eye-uh)I got my name when my mom met an Iranian rehabilitation doctor who helped people re-learn how to walk, her name was Soraya and she was good friends with my mom. Later she met my dad who happens to also be Iranian and they both liked the name. It also turns out that Soraya is the name of an Iranian Queen, but no my mom didn't know this and she didn't intend to name me after a queen. In farsi Soraya is the name of a constellation. So that's pretty much what my name means. Personally, I think it's cool having a persian name.+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- I was born in seattle! --------Later our family just had to move to suburbia and now I live in the suburbs of Edmonds which is the suburbs of washington which is the suburbs of america. anywho, the suburbs of edmonds will be renamed to mukilteo as if you cared to know.+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-I went to Iran once-it was cool...........well i am tired and I can't think and I know I missed alot but if you really cared to know about me you'd either already know by now or will just e-mail and my mom (I was so little)me and my little brother Soheil the day i broke into mommy's underwear droor. don't ask. i don't remember.