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Heylo everyone, welcome to my webpage. I'm glad you're here. Well, I guess I am. Anyway, I am Amy, but you can call me Bubbalooloo. Oh yeah, you know you love it. So for a further introduction, I live in Arlington, VA, and I go to Washington Lee High School. Or at least, I did. Next years school is still in the "undecided" stage. My mom wants to move, again. Yes, again. I am 15 years old, and once we make this move, I will be in my 8th place. Woo. We have never moved more than like, 3 blocks from whichever place we were at before, and this time she wants to move to a different city. Still in Virginia, which is nice, and it's only like, 5 miles away, but thats a big change for someone who has lived in the same neighborhood for their entire life. But I don't want to complain, it will give me a chance to meet lots of new people, most of which I will end up hating. I have heard things of this new school. Falls Church high school. have you heard the stories too??? I'm sure you have, unless of course you're someone that I don't know that lives far far away across the land and doesn't know where falls church is. I'm rambling now. But that's okay, because it's my site and I can do as I please, pretty much. I have another website at It was a very simple thing to make and turned out looking pretty good, but it doesnt give you much space, and a lot of the time I can't get stuff to work on it, so i gave up and came here. suggestion by my buddy purnima. Blah. So, I guess on here, I am going to try and put some of my poetry, and daily ramblings and adventures. Not that anyone really wants to hear them, too bad for them. They shouldnt be here then. yay. *waves* nice to see ya

My favorite things

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
go there, i promise it wont bite. well, maybe
Daycare Swindlers, hella cool
my other shitty website
