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Towards Car Keys and Dunkin Donuts Cups

Throughout the halls of RHS roam four broad types of people: the freshmen, the sophomores, the juniors, and, of course, the seniors. Each class plays a general role in the school. The freshmen serve the purpose of being annoying to the rest of the school. They roam around mindlessly and never seem to know where to go. The sophomores sort of blend into the background. They pretty much serve as the chief tormenters of the freshmen. The juniors are those quick paced, stressed out students, who can get pretty edgy at times. Then there are the seniors. We are the laid back ones. We’ve mastered the ins and outs of the school, and don’t seem to be too worried about anything school related. We’ve certainly come a long way since ninth grade.

The freshmen, as an entire body, seem to be looked down upon by the rest of the school. They’re the “new kids”, the “scum of the earth”. For some reason, freshmen view it as their God given right to get in the way of others. These “annoyances” spend most of their time between bells standing in one spot, in large herds, causing chaos. These youngsters have not yet mastered the walking and talking aspect of student life. So often I have tried to get to my Spanish class at the end of the ninth grade hallway and have had to almost hurdle over flocks of freshmen to get there. Every class of freshmen that walks through the halls of RHS does it- the getting in the way, the insisting on not moving until the bell has rung. Due to some unexplained phenomena, however, most of the freshmen outgrow this habit by sophomore year.

The “sophs” have no real defining characteristics. Their only contribution to society is not being freshmen, and they take on the responsibility of putting the new class of freshmen through the same “rite of passage” which they had to experience in the previous year. I vaguely recall having a conversation with a current sophomore about how, throughout her freshmen year, she vowed not to treat the next class of freshmen as horribly as she had been treated, but she could not help it when the opportunity arose. Sophs often fade into the background, becoming mere faces in the crowded corridors.

Maybe the sophomores lack personality, and the freshmen lack common sense, but the juniors- they’re different. They are overworked, under rested, and generally overwhelmed. Sadly for these guys, all of the stresses of the world seem to fall on their shoulders. Everyone must constantly remind them that this will be the “hardest year of their high school careers”. The juniors are expected to work, work, work, all day, every day. Clubs, sports, and activities are all pressed upon the sad souls of the juniors. Even to stop for a breath of air is deemed a sin. Two or three hours of homework, on top of tests, papers and SAT prep is a standard night’s work. The only consolation for these battered soldiers is the prestige of senior year.

Finally, after three long, hard years of high school comes the year to beat all years. Seniors are characterized by their laid back nature. We are not ruled by bells and heavy schedules, we rule the school. All of us have waited for this year our entire lives and will inevitably enjoy this year the most. As the seniors, we are the wisest- knowing that we must make the best of our short time left. Instead of notebooks and binders, we come to school armed with car keys and Dunkin Donuts cups. We relax, we lie back, and we enjoy life.

While anyone can see the obvious desire to be a senior, the only way to become a real, true senior is to weather the other years of high school. Everyone must come to find him or herself. Each person must go through the good and bad times of these three horribly wonderful years. Each of us has to play each role- the tormentor, the tormented and the stressed out. Approaching the time to put on my cap and gown, I realize how vital every grade of high school has been. And while I may not fully realize the challenges and tribulations that may cross my path in the future, I know that I can get through them because of the knowledge, in class and out, that I have gained at RHS.
