My Sig Gallery

Welcome to my collection of sigs... (most) all made by yours truely!

My First Sig

Let me tell you now, that I can NOT take credit for the above sig. When I joined NNow, I had no clue as to what a sig was. or what on earth a "Photoshop" did. Be it I was clueless, I took time to request a sig from the kind folk on the site. Someone quickly took to it and busted this one out in "10 min" appearently. Eventually I got to umm... getting Photoshop 7 and began to figure out the bells and whistles on my own. Once I got familiar with the program, I devoloped a love for it and now make sigs for others at every opportunity. I've seen my skills improve along with the guy who made this one.

My (real) First Sig

This is the first job I ever took for sig making. At this time, I had still never really made a sig, but instead only knew the basics to Photoshop. I promised to have it done by the next night, and by the time it came around, I was a little paniced be it I still had yet to make it. I quickly threw together some Zelda pictures I'd grabbed off the net, and put the guys username on it. To my surprise, I was completely praised for it by someone! I later found out, though, that the only reason he did is cause he despritely neeeded a sig of his own... phoey.

A Specially Requested sig

This would be the kid who praised my previous sig for me to make one of his own. I should have realised from start this guy was a kid due to the immature username. He was absolutely impossible to work for, due to constant requests for me to change the pictures in the sig. Eventually, I finished the project with a (once) desirable outcome. Again, he praised me.

Parabola Who???

Really not to much to say about this one. At the time, I was satisfied with the outcome. I still don't get the guy's username though...

Not My Style Anime...

I liked the text in this one. I did however use Microsoft Word's Wordart to write Evangelion... hehe, I really was clueless.

I Needed Work

I'm not sure if there weren't a lot of sig requests at the time, or I wasn't checking, but it'd been a long time since I actually worked on one. In part to brush up my skills, and in part from missing Photoshop, I decided to make a sig of my own. To stand out amongst others, I chose to give an old school SNES look to it. Super Metroid, Zelda: LttP, Earthbound... it's all good. One user wrote saying he loved my new creation, commenting on the classic in game screen of Link exiting the Cathedral. Later I found however, that not everyone shared the same opinion on it...

Just for Fun

I made this one fairly quickly, mainly cause I'd developed a style I was familiar with making. The sig was actually put up to compete against several other sigs for a (if you will) "vet" to the boards. Unfortunately, I lost... damn.