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Carissa Thanks: My parents for always being supportive, keeping music in my life, and always lending a helping hand... Aubrie because I couldn't do it without you... Danielle thank you for being one of my best friends despite all the poopie things that happen... Kerry for being my other best friend, for introducing me to Rob (an interesting chapter in my life) and for helping me with Spanish... Big Liz for being so darn enthusiastic and helpful. I really do appreciate all you do for me and for the band... Margaret and Liz for singing for me and for enjoying Home Star Runner with me... Jenna, Janine, and Nicole for eating lunch with me so I didn't feel like a loser... Nikki for showing me 'real punk', for driving me places, for all those study halls when it was just the two of us... Matt for those oh so wonderful nights in Florida and for saying "phone" to make me happy... Alicia and Ditter for being awesome seniors and giving me rides everywhere at the drop of a hat... Mommy Becca for being an awesome stage manager and for bringing be places (like Dunkie's) when I needed a ride... Jake for his support... Mr. Jim DeMartino for teaching me how to play... Mr. Howie for all those fun summer camp sing-alongs and for being a major musical influence... Kyle for keeping me laughing in the summer and introducing me to Brian, and for those days by the pool and on the bus... Chris for keeping me laughing and that lovely time in the locker room... Jordan for keeping me occupied in Religion class... Everyone that came to the talent show... Everyone that came to the site and is reading this now ... All the people that I strongly dislike for showing me what not to be - you know who you are (just think back to grade school- I hold grudges-ha you laughed then, well like the GC song says, "you used to call us names now you want our autographs")... Thank you to Mike for all the summer rides... Josh thanks for being funny and keeping it real... Justin for teaching me a thing or two about respect... Jared for being there... Allison for being there too... The rest of the Hamden Hall crew... LizJen for your awesome back massages... The Rest of the SHA crew... Good Charlotte (Including Aaron and Dusty) for bringing me through all those difficult times back in the day... All the other bands that I "heart" so much... To all my Co7dies!!... Joe you rock!!... Alex for being an awesome guy who is so much fun to be around (CryAwayDie rocks!)... Doozer for being an awesome local band that I dropped everything to see and for making songs that now hold a significant place in my heart... and now to copy Aubrie... for Burger King because their Whoppers are the best (with cheese, no onions, extra pickles, extra mayo)... Diet Coke because I don't drink anything else... and Cheese- in all it's glorious forms: easy cheese, sliced cheese, blocks of cheese, chunks of cheese, string cheese, graded cheese, shredded cheese, and even blue cheese salad dressing!

Aubrie Thanks: ... Ok Ok Ok.....I s'pose it's about time to thank someone OTHER than the elusive 3 dots, so here goes: first of all, considering I'm not sure exactly what I'm thanking people for-I will have to thank everyone I know for not thinking I'm a loser and actually bothering to come on here and read this! I'll thank my Mom and my Dad for the usuals, and of course CARISSA'S PARENTS for everything, including a constant and willing taxi-service and every kind of support possible-God bless you!, my brother for not making fun of me too much and actually caring enough to show interest in my random endeavors, and also for trying so hard to shape my music horizons! (It'll sink it one day) Ok, let's see-friends, Carissa: even though you are a colossal pain in the rear sometimes, and even though you're scaring me with your extreme dedication......I LOVE YOU! and we'll go far, I'm certain. Kerry: I hope you know how much you mean to me and how awesome you are, because when it all comes down to it I would hope you know that you're more important to me than a music excursion! Danielle: DITTO for what I said to special-K, and also I want you to know that your enthusiasm and cheeriness are what gets me through the day sometimes-and no matter what anyone says-BONGOS ROCK!. "Big Liz": got to thank you for being so passionate about Carissa and I (even if it is forced at gunpoint just kidding) and for being such a constant source of encouragement. Jim: I know you don't understand why we have thank you's...heehe, but, hey, it kills good page space! So, any who, I want you to know you're-I'm going to say it-one of my best friends, and the reason this insane music business is corrupting me. I won't get too mushy but I guess this is where I plug your band so (be there or be square). Ok, now everyone else that cares or is a part of my life I'm going to do names because there is way too many: SHA people that know me and love me (Katies in plural, Carolines in plural, Alex and Ashley, Janine, Erica, Marissa, etc.)  or anyone that came to see us at the talent show, Jennaness (for caring hehe), Margaret, Nicole, Little Liz, Christina for being a constant support and Amy & Brandie for coming along, Sean, Rob for being my therapist and being so darn awesometastical, Hannah for an awesome past, LizJen (my favorite senior!), Miele for a fellow guy stalker, Gary, Katie and choir people, JoSiAh for being an awesome friend and of course Annie, Chels, Chris for probably still bothering to check this out, Stu, Old friends (Faith, Rachel), new, THERE'S MORE! Every band I ever listened to, and/or enjoyed, any teacher that ever encouraged me to be idiotic, Wendy's and their spicy chicken sandwich, YOcrunch yogurt, Pasta Anytime for trying to be so darn Italian!, Amity Teen Center for letting only half-way decent ragtag children grace your floors hehehe, alright alright-and of course, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving me and making it possible to dreams to come true when you truly trust in His word!

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