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Computer Games School Work
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Updates--01/08/04-- ¡Feliz año nuevo!(that's "happy new year") Woo Hoo. I kept my promise and I mad a graphic for the Computer Games section. You can look if you care. --12/30/03-- I know it's not much but i made a new graphic for the books section, maby in the next few day i'll make one like it for the computer games section. --10/05/03-- Like I said I added a review into computer games today for SimCity 4. More to come later today or in the future but don't expect frequent updates during the school week. --10/04/03-- Thought it's about time to start adding some stuff to the site so I started in books And you can bet it's a good one, Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix! Also, expext a new computer game or two in the next few days. it's an updateing frenzy!
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