
Circlism was conceived sometime throughout 2000-2001. My friend Alex and I came up with this crazy (yet bootleg and fake) belief system, entitled “Circlism”. This “belief system” revolves around the concept that the lazier you are and the less you try, the more you’ll get done, yet explains this on a spiritual level. Keep in mind, we have very little to do, so we have a lot of time to be creative and frighten people with our version of insanity. The best way to help you understand what it’s all about is to define what Circlism really is, and each element of it involved. (Note: This is not a cult.)
(n) The belief that the spiritual and physical bodies have a “circle-like” protective barrier around each.
(pl. n) Invisible spirits or anything that makes people crazy, frenzied, paranoid or absent-minded, inevitably causing extreme stupidity or insanity. Common uses include, “Those damn crazies!”
(n) usu. pl. see Inner Circle. The spirit-like beings that attack the Inner Circle. They consist of hundreds to thousands of evil Circles spinning at an immense speed.
Inner Circle:
(n) The protective barrier that shields the soul, which can only be hurt by Orbs. Once the Inner Circle is destroyed, the soul leaves the body, and the physical form of that person dies.
(pl. n) see Outer Circle. The physical beings that attack the Outer Circle, which include any being or substance harmful to the body.
Outer Circle:
(n) The protective barrier that shields the body. It can be hurt and destroyed more easily than the Inner Circle, however it still has good resistance. It can be damaged by anything on the physical plane.
Grand Circle:
(n) The circle protecting the earth. It is the largest known circle.
Divine Circle:
(n) Protector of all. It creates all circles. Little is known of the Divine Circle.
Holy Orb:
(n) Creator of all Orbs. Also known as the “Destroyer Of Circles”. Brother of the Divine Circle. Little more is known.

Introduction To Circlism: Basic Ideas & Concepts

Circlism is a belief system –not a religion, and especially not a cult. One who believes in Circlism is referred to as a circlist.

Circlists believe that everything has “circles”, or protective barriers, which surround them and lessen any type of harm. Every living being and everything with an inner life force contains both an Inner Circle and an Outer Circle.

An Inner Circle protects the very soul from evil. Should this barrier be broken or damaged, the soul becomes drastically more susceptible to the manipulation of evil and to bad luck. The Inner Circle is the only protection we have from the dangers of the universe, and once destroyed, our very essence is attacked and/or threatened.

An Outer Circle protects one’s physical embodiment. It is our shield from physical harm. Destruction of this circle means death. Though not a complete shield, it relieves much physical pain.

Circles cannot be seen. They are invisible, however their presence can be felt. The most common examples of this are when one is physically, mentally, or emotionally, harmed. One can feel their circles being attacked, whether it be the twisting of the soul, or burning anger, those are merely reactions to a circlistic attack.

Orbs, Circles, and cRaZiEs

The Divine Circle is the God of Protection, and creates all circles. There are many types of circles, however, orbs are variations of these.

One of the Divine Circle’s first creations, the Holy Orb, bonded with many circles in an attempt to become the strongest protective barrier in existence. It tried to protect all creatures, however it took so much abuse that it lost its way and became corrupted with evil. From that day forward it spent its time convincing circles to join together in an orb-like form.

Orbs are the punks and thugs of circlistic universe. They strive to destroy all Inner Circles, and attack them by any means possible. Any type of emotional pain or harm on a level other than physical is caused by the orbs. Sometimes they don’t succeed in their attacks, and these are the days when one is unaffected by what they would consider “bad things”.

CRaZiEs are invisible spirits that cannot cause direct harm. They manipulate those in their most vulnerable states, and use them to attack others. They are any negative force in our lives. cRaZiEs are capable of messing with someone on any level. When someone or something behaves much differently than usual, they/it is usually possessed by a cRaZiE, and should be avoided for a day or more depending on its severity.


The harder you try, the harder achieving your goal becomes. Therefore, once you stop trying and neglect the road you feel can take you to these goals, you will “accidentally” get what you wanted.

No effort is a good effort. This is true on two levels:

  1. There is no good effort.
  2. Not putting in any effort is the best effort you can make.

This is because the harder you try, the more mistakes you can make. If you don’t do anything, you can’t screw things up. Therefore, we must strive to “try without trying”. We must chase our dreams and goals by going about our business, and not putting all our energy into it.

The same applies to caring. The more you care about whether a specific event will occur, the longer it takes to come. Because of this, we must not let goals, hopes, bad wishes cloud our minds or our souls or our hearts, because the closer we pull those fantasies to us, the farther we push them away.

Good stuff only happens if you are completely oblivious to it and you don’t think about it. This usually applies to really great/important situations.


All things in this world balance out. All good turns to bad, just as all bad turns to good. Balance is the reason that bad days are followed by good days. The good day is the bad day’s opposite, or counter-balance, which cancels out everything that went wrong. Counter-balances vary in intensity depending on the intensity of that which it is balancing.

Opposing forces are all around us and within us, as well. Good people/ bad people; calm people/ stressed people; health/ disease; life/ death. People are generally ambiguous in nature. Within us all are conflicting thoughts, feelings, and decisions. Opposites are everywhere. The world is a Yin Yang, and, through time, eventually balances out everything.

The Ten Suggestions

The ten most important concepts of Circlism are described as “suggestions” because no one likes to be told what to do.

The Ten Suggestions

  1. Thou should try without trying, and the effortless nirvana shall follow.

  2. Thou should be calm like a lake, but when pushed be violent like a raging sea.

  3. Thou should strive to achieve relaxation and rest.

  4. Thou should resist the orbs and cRaZiEs with all thou’s might.

  5. Thou should not bring forth harm on any Inner, Outer, or Mental Circles.

  6. Thou should only project positive vibes and receive happiness in return.

  7. Thou should help one’s self before others.

  8. Thou should not distract one’s self with unimportant details.

  9. Thou should always, always, be easy, by and by.

  10. Thou should not try in earnest to reach a new level, but let yourself flow unwittingly.

    Pac-Man Theory

    In the game Pac-Man, when you travel to the very end of the screen, you reappear on the opposite side. The Pac-Man Theory is rooted in the Atari Era, and states that something/ someone can be described as so much of one thing that it exceeds the limits and boundaries of that description and becomes the complete opposite.

    Examples: ~A person can be so stupid he’s smart.
    ~A theory can be so ridiculous it’s genius.
    Mario Theory

    Super Mario Bros. was a popular Nintendo game in the mid-80’s. In this game, you play as a plumber named Mario. As you progress through a level, the screen scrolls with Mario, however if you try to go back where you came from, and invisible wall blocking you, whether it be time, distance, or circumstances. Put simply, you can never go back for something you missed, because once you pass it, there’s no turning back.

    The Story of The 99 Circles

    As told by Alex Leon

    A really long time ago, or so we think, the world was plagued with evil, much as it is today. A resetting was necessary. But no one was able to stop the Holy Orb, which became corrupted by its own greed. It was a time grand warriors were needed – kings among men – fair, brave youths. Ones whose circles glimmered the world’s entirety.

    It all began when the Holy Orb lusted for power and saw how the people loved the Grand Circle. He grew envious and wickedness festered in his heart. As time passed that evil burst out upon the land. City smoldered in mountains of smoke and ash. The land became a wasteland, barren and fruitless. And the sea became a dead sea which wreaked of filth and death. The people despaired and cried for a savior.

    The Grand Circle heard their pleas and granted 99 warriors supreme strength. Bestowed upon them were almighty circles, not normal human ones, but those of true magnificence. They embodied the very essence of the circle itself (roundness). Among these 99 warriors were strong knights, powerful wizards, cunning thieves, keen-eyed archers, and crazy-ass jesters.

    These grand warriors journeyed up the Staircase Of Heaven to reach the city in the sky. The journey was long and difficult. 99 days and 99 nights, it took them. When they reached the Holy Orb only the 9 strongest remained. They battled for days – probably 9 or 99, we don’t know.

    We do know that from their efforts the world is what it is today. They probably failed. Some shit happened and now everything is messed up.

    The moral of the story is: When evil circles enslave peoples of your world you should mind your own business.