DECEMBER 1999: Club Member of the Month |
July 2002: Club Member of theMonth |
I have decided that I am no longer able to keep my entire tape collection, so the majority of my tapes are for sale. Click here for a list of what is still available. Please email me with any questions.
Some of my personal home videos are available for purchase. Please email me for more information if interested.
1=Excellent (only competitions taped by me will receive this rating), 5=Poor (unwatchable)
***I am now able to make direct PAL to PAL copies, as well as PAL/NTSC conversions.
ABC/American Cup M&W (:35) 3.5
NBC/Budapest Invitational (:35) 4.5
BBC/Champions All (:09) 4
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:52) 3
NHK/Moscow News (:40) 4.5/5
ABC/Rome International M&W (:30) 3.5
TNT/US Classic (:50) 2
CBS/US Nationals (:16) 3
ABC/US v. USSR (:22) 2.5
ABC/World Cup (:05) 2.5
FRA/World Cup EF (:25) 2.5
ABC/American Cup W&M (:27) 3
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:30) 4
DSF/East Germany v. USA (:05) 2.5
NOR/European Championships AA,EF (2:10) 2/2.5
CBS/Pan American Games (:40) 2.5
NBC/Pre-Olympics (:24) 3.5
NHK/TBS Cup M&W (1:20) 2.5
CBS/US Nationals (:21) 3.5
HV/US v. USSR (1:08) 3.5
BBC/World Championships EF (:27) 2
GER/World Championships EF (1:07) 2/2.5
NHK/World Championships (2:00) 3.5
CBS/American Cup (:20) 3
TVE/Blume Memorial (1:45) 3 *PAL
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:30) 4
BBC/Daily Mirror Soviet Display M,W,R (:27) 3.5
DSF/East Germany v. Hungary v. Romania (:05) 2.5
DSF/East Germany v. Switzerland v. Bulgaria (:07) 2.5
HV/Jr. Europeans (:40) 3.5
ABC/Olympics C,T,AA (3:15) 3.5
ABC/Olympics T,AA (2:00) 2.5
ABC/Olympics EF (:50) 2
HV/Olympics AA, EF (1:50) 2.5
TVE/Olympics Team Group 1 (2:23) 2.5 *PAL
TVE/Olympics Team Group 2 (:36) 2.5 *PAL
NHK/TBS Cup M&W (:40) 3
NBC/US Nationals (:14) 3.5
ABC/US Olympic Trials W (:48) 4
ABC/US Olympic Trials M (:45) 4
USA/US v. China M&W (1:30) 2.5
HV/Alternate Europeans (:34) 3 no sound *PAL
CBS/American Cup W&M (:50) 3
AUS/Australia Games (:10) 2 (inc)
BBC/Belgian Gym Masters (:15) 3
BBC/Champions All (:30) 3.5
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:58) 2.5
DSF/DTB Cup M&W (1:18) 3.5
NHK/European Championships (:45) 3
EURO/European Championships EF (2:35) 3
???/Hungarian International (:06) 3.5 *PAL
NHK/Jr. International (1:23) 2.5
NBC/Mixed Team Challenge M&W (:22) 2.5
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:20) 3/3.5
HV/Moscow Riga M&W (2:00) 3
NBC/US Nationals M&W (:57) 3
ESPN/US World Team Trials (1:26) 3
ABC/World Championships T,AA,EF (1:27) 3
HV/World Championships C,AA,EF (1:50) 2
DSF/World Championships T (1:00) 3.5/4
DSF/World Championships AA (:40) 3.5
NPS/Ahoy Cup (:50) 4
CBS/American Cup (:20) 2.5
NHK/Asian Games (:14) 2.5/3
TVE/Blume Memorial (:21) 3.5 *PAL
BBC/Champions All (:45) 3.5/4
NHK/Chunichi Cup (1:10) 2.5
FRA/French Championships (:12) 3.5 *PAL
TBS/Goodwill Games T,AA (:48) 2.5
TBS/Goodwill Games (1:01) EF 3.5
HV/Jr. Euros (1:15) 2.5/3
BBC/Kraft Invitational M&W(:45) 2.5
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:26) 2.5/3
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:26) 2.5
NHK/Sports Fair (:38) 2.5/3
NHK/Tokyo Cup (:20) 3
NBC/US Nationals (:38) 2
CBS/US Olympic Festival (:35) 3
HTS/USAIGC (2:00) 2.5
ESPN/US v. China M&W (1:15) 2.5
ABC/US v. USSR (:42) 2
ABC/World Cup (:22) 2
HSE/Alamo Invitational (1:45) 3.5
CBS/American Cup (:37) 2
TVE/Blume Memorial (1:03) 2.5/3
CBC/Canadian Nationals (:47) 3.5
BBC/Champions All (:23) 3
NHK/Chunichi Cup W (1:03) 2
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (:47) 3.5
ESPN/DTB Cup (:40) 3
DSF/East Germany v. Romania (:11) 2.5
DSF/European Championships AA (:58) 2.5
HV/European Championships EF (1:03) 3.5
HV/Friendship Cup (:26) 4 (screen flips, no sound)
NHK/Jr. International (1:16) 2/2.5
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:30) 2
HV/Moscow News (:36) 4
CBS/Pan American Games T,AA,EF (2:15) 2/2.5
NBC/US Nationals (:32) 2.5
ESPN/US Olympic Festival AA,EF (1:40) 3.5
ABC/US v. USSR (:35) 2
RUS/USSR Nationals (:28) 3
AUS/Westfield Spectacular (:16) 3 (inc.) *PAL
HV/World Championships Team-Soviets (:32) 2.5/3
HV/World Championships-Romania Compulsories (:50) 2.5
HV/World Championships Team USSR/CAN/ROM/BUL (1:24) 2/2.5
HV/World Championships Team USA/GDR (:45) 3
HV/World Championships M&W EF (1:40) 3
ABC/World Championships W AA, EF W&M (1:08) 2
DUT/World Championships AA (2:46) 2.5 *PAL
NPS/World Championships T (:30) 3
NHK/World Championships AA (1:05) 2.5
CBS/American Cup (:17) 3
STV/Arthur Gander Memorial (:23) 2.5/3
USA/Carolina Invitational M&W (1:42) 3
BBC/Champions All (:24) 3.5
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:51) 2.5
TBS/DTB Cup M&W (:45) 2.5
GER/FDR v. USSR (:05) 3
FRA/Jr. Europeans M&W (:22) 2
NBC/Las Vegas Sports Festival (:15) 2.5
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:15) 3
CBC/Olympics Team (1:13) 2
NBC/Olympics Comp & Opt. (2:00) 2
NHK/Olympics Team Opt (teams 1-4) (1:38) 2
NBC/Olympics AA (1:00) 2.5
NBC/Olympics EF (:50) 3
NOR/Olympics EF (1:28) 2.5/3
KOR/Olympics EF (:55) 2
TSN/Pacific Alliance EF (:55) 2.5
NBC/Panasonic Victory Tour (:17) 2.5
RAI/Rome Grand Prix (1:02) 2.5
NHK/Sports Fair (:28) 2
STV/Swiss Cup (:15) 3.5
NHK/Tokyo Cup (:25) 2.5
FRA/Trophee Massilia (1:10) 4 *PAL
NBC/US Nationals AA (:54) 3
NBC/US Nationals EF (:19) 3.5
ABC/US Olympic Trials (1:20) 2.5
MSG/USAIGC (:50) 2
ABC/US v. USSR (:31) 2.5
CBS/American Cup (:20) 2
HV/American Cup Training & Prelims (1:16) 2.5
HV/American Classic Jr. (:32) 3
BBC/Champions All (:27) 3/3.5
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:44) 2
EURO/Cottbus Cup (:36) 2.5/3
TBS/Cottbus Cup (:25) 4
DSF/DTB Cup AA,EF (2:00) 3.5
CTV/Elite Canada (:29) 2.5
EURO/European Championships AA,EF (3:05) 2
ABC/European Championships (:25) 2.5
BBC/European Championships AA,EF (:43) 2.5
HV/European Championships (5:20) 2.5/3 w/names
NPS/Dutch Nationals (:06) 2.5
EURO/French International M,W,R (:54) 2 (not available for trade)
NHK/Jr. International (1:00) 2
AUS/Konica Grand Prix AA (:48) 3 (inc)
AUS/Konica Grand Prix EF (:47) 3
HV/Leningrad International (:47) 3
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:05) 2.5
HV/Moscow Stars (:43) 3.5/4
EURO/RSG World Championships (:57) 3
TVE/Spain v. Bulgaria (:31) 3 *PAL
NHK/Sports Fair (:13) 2
NHK/Tokyo Cup (:30) 3.5
ESPN/US Challenge M&W (:36) 2
ESPN/US Olympic Festival C,TF,AA,EF (1:32) 3.5
ESPN/US Olympic Festical AA (:58) 2/2.5
ESPN/US Olymic Festival EF (:45) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals AA (:56) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals EF M&W (:43) 2
ESPN/US World Team Trials (1:10) 2
HV/USSR World Team Trials (2:00) 3
ABC/US vs. USSR (:36) 2
ABC/World Championships AA,EF (1:10) 2.5
ESPN/World Championships T (1:32) 2.5
HV/World Championships AA,EF (2:45) 2
NHK/World Championships T (1:47) 2/2.5
NHK/World Championships AA (3:12) 2
NBC/American Cup W&M (1:10) 2
HV/American Cup Prelims (1:19) 2
STV/Arthur Gander Memorial M&W (:37) 2.5
NHK/Asian Games T,AA,EF (5:30) 2.5/3
TVE/Blume Memorial M&W (:29) 2/2.5 incomplete
CTV/Canada Airlines Cup (:25) 2
HV/Canada Airlines Cup W (1:06) 3
HV/Canada Airlines Cup M (2:18) 3
CTV/Canadian Nationals EF M&W (1:36) 2.5
Euro/Centenary Cup (:28) 2
ABC/Chunichi Cup (:20) 3
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:50) 2.5
BBC/Commonwealth Games M,W,R (1:25) 2.5 *PAL
EURO/Cottbus Cup M&W (:51) 3
SC/DTB Cup (:42) 2
NPS/Dutch Open AA, partial EF (:42) 2.5
TVE/Feminina Cup (:41) 3 *PAL
HV/FRA v. ROM v. CAN v. USA (1:05) 3
2Sport3/French International M,W (1:30) 2 *PAL
TBS/Goodwill Games T,AA,EF (4:00) 2
HV/Goodwill Games Team (2:02) 3
BBC/Europeans AA (1:10) 2
ABC/Europeans AA (:25) 3
HV/Europeans EF (1:00) 2.5
EURO/Europeans EF (:42) 3.5
NHK/Jr. International (1:02) 3.5
HV/Jr. Pan American Games (1:40) 2
CHN/Li Ning Cup (:15) 3.5
AUT/Medico Cup (:13) 3
ESPN/Mixed Pairs (1:35) M&W 2
HV/Moscow News (:32) 2.5
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:42) 2
HV/Netherlands v. Bulgaria (1:00) 3 *PAL
ABC/Olympic Cup (:40) 2.5
TVE/Romania v. Spain (:20) 2.5
HV/Romanian International (1:20) 3
STV/Swiss Cup M&W (:33) 3/3.5
NHK/Tokyo Cup M&W (1:03) 3
HV/US Classic Jr (2:00) 3.5
NBC/US Nationals W AA(:55) 2
NBC/US Nationals EF M&W (1:20) 2.5
HV/US Jr. Nationals (:43) 2.5/3
ESPN/US Olympic Festival AA,EF (:57) 2.5/3
ABC/US v. East Germany (:46) 2
NBC/US v. USSR (:40) 2.5
HV/US v. USSR (1:07) 3
HV/USSR Nationals (2:00) 4
CBC/USSR v. The World (:40) 2.5
ABC/World Cup AA,EF (:55) 2
EURO/World Cup AA (2:10) 2.5/3
HV/World Cup AA (1:58) 2.5 w/names
NBC/American Cup (:45) 2.5
HV/American Cup Prelims & some Finals (2:00) 3.5
NPS/Amerikaans Turngala (USA Display in Holland) M&W (:24) 2.5/3
KOR/Arthur Gander Memorial (:14) 3(reception is a bit strange)
AUS/Seiko Grand Prix(1:40) 3.5 (tracking problems in first part)
ESP/Blume Memorial (:30) 2/2.5 incomplete
SSports/Champions All (:49) 2
NHK/Chinichi Cup (:50) 3.5
BBC/Coca-Cola Gymnastics Classic (:30) 3
3sat/Cottbus Cup AA (:21) 2.5 *PAL
3sat/Cottbus Cup Mixed Pairs M&W (1:10) 3 *PAL
Prime/DTB Cup (:48) 2
NPS/Dutch Open M&W (:08) 2.5
ABC/European Cup W AA (:27) 2
BEL/European Cup W AA (:37) 2.5
ABC/European Cup M AA (:24) 2.5/3
HV/France v. USSR v. Belgium (1:30) 3
HV/Hungarian International (1:23) 4
HV/Jr. Europeans AA,EF (1:00) 2.5
NHK/Jr. International M&W (:41) 2.5/3
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:37) 2.5
HV/Moscow Stars (1:00) 4
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:43) 2.5
TNT/Pan American Games C,TF,AA,EF (1:30) 3.5
TNT/Pan American Games TF (:31) 2
TNT/Pan Am Games EF (:40) 2.5
RAI/Romania v. Italy (:06) 2.5/3
HV/Round Lake Soviet Training (2:02) 2.5
HV/Sports Fair (:34) 2.5
STV/Swiss Cup (:35) 2.5
NHK/Tokyo Cup AA,EF (:53) 3
HV/Trophee Massilia (1:58) 3
FRA/Trophee Massilia (:35) 2.5/3 *PAL
BBC/University Games M&W (:30) 2.5
HTS/USAIGC (1:15) 2/2.5
NBC/US v. Romania (1:07) 2
ESPN/US Olympic Festival (:22) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals W AA,EF (1:10) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals M (:32) 2.5
HV/US World Team Trials (1:52) 2.5
HV/US World Team Training (:38) 2
EURO/USSR Display M&W (:32) 2.5/3
HV/World Championships Team Compulsories (2:00) 2.5 w/names,scores
HV/World Championships AA,EF (2:00) 2
ABC/World Championships T (1:25) 2
ABC/World Championships AA,EF (1:35) 2.5/3
HV/World Championsips Team HUN/BUL/USSR (1:17) 2
HV/World Championships Team ROM/FRA/PRK/KOR/JPN (:45) 2.5 w/names
HV/World Championships AA,EF (2:05) 2
HV/World Championships AA,EF (2:17) 2.5 (different from above)
NHK/World Championships T (1:30) 3
NHK/World Championships AA,EF (3:05) 2.5
ABC/World Professional Championships M&W (:37) 2
NBC/American Cup M&W (1:25) 2
STV/Arhtur Gander Memorial M&W (1:12) 3
AUS/Australian Nationals (:49) 2
CTV/Canadian Olympic Trials (1:20) 3
BBC/Champions All (:23) 2
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (:55) 2
3Sat/Cottbus Cup (:12) 2.5
CBC/DTB Cup M&W (:30) 3
CBC/Elite Canada (:17) 3.5
ABC/Europeans AA(:25) 2
EURO/Europeans AA,EF (2:35) 3
FRA/Europeans EF (1:03) 2.5
HV/Europeans AA (:55) 4/5
HV/Europeans EF (1:46) 4
HV/German Olympic Trials (:15) 3 *PAL
HV/Germany v. Romania (3:34) 2.5
HV/Gold Reef City Invitational (:18) 2.5
BBC/Great Britain Jrs. (:20) 2
ISR/Israeli Peace Cup M&W (:27) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italy Grand Prix M&W (:15) 2
EURO/Jr. Europeans EF (:32) 2 (not available for trade)
EURO/Jr. Europeans T (1:10) 4
HTV/Karolyi Exhibition (:58) 3.5
AUT/Medico Cup (:12) 3
ESP/Memorial Tiernogalvan (:45) 3 *PAL
HV/Messe Cup M,W,R (1:40) 2.5
HV/Moscow Stars (:58) 3
ESPN/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:06) 2 (bouncy)
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:46) 2.5
NBC/Olympics Comp. (1:57) 2
NBC/Olympics T (1:49) 2
NBC/Olympics AA (1:55) 2
NBC/Olympics EF (1:20) 2
KOR/Olympics T,AA,EF (1:50) 2
Triplecast/Olympics Team Opt (Teams 5-8 & individual qualifiers) (2:53) 2.5
Triplecast/Olympics Team Opt (Teams 9-12) (1:32) 2
Triplecast/Olympics Team Opt(Top 4 teams) (2:00) 2 (bouncy)
Triplecast/Olympics AA (2:24) 2.5
Triplecast/Olympics EF (2:04) 2.5
Triplecast/Olympics TF Men (2:05) 2.5
KOR/Pacific Alliance T,EF (2:16) 2
RAI/Romania v. Russia v. Italy (:30) 3 inc *PAL
HV/Romanian Nationals (:25) 4 (frequent screen flips)
BRZ/Soviet Display in Brazil M,W,R,SA (:40) 3
STV/Swiss Cup (1:00) 2.5
FRA/Trophee Massilia (:30) 3.5
ABC/US v. Japan (:25) 3.5
NBC/US Olympic Trials W (1:32) 2
NBC/US Olympic Trials M 2 (tracking line throughout)
HV/US Jr. Nationals (1:30) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals W AA (1:06) 2
NBC/US Nationals M AA (:36) 2.5
TNT/Winter Cup M (:43) 2/2.5
EURO/World Championships (:50) 2.5 (tracking line at beginning)
HV/World Championships (3:25) 2.5 *PAL
ABC/World Championships (1:05) 2
NBC/American Cup (:50) 2
HV/American Cup Prelims & Finals (1:10) 3
AUS/Australian Nationals (:48) 2 (cuts in) *PAL
BBC/Birmingham Classic (:35) 2.5
MBC/Brimingham Classic (:26) 2
ESP/Blume Memorial M&W (:28) 2.5 incomplete
CBC/Canadian Nationals AA,EF (1:50) 3
AUS/Chinese Competition in Australia (:12) 2.5
CHN/Chinese Nationals M&W (:09) 3.5 (screen flips)
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (1:43) 3
AUS/Diet Coke Mixed Duos M&W (:29) 3 (incomplete
DSF/DTB Cup (:20) 3
KOR/East Asian Games (:20) 2
EURO/European Cup AA (1:40) 2/2.5 *PAL
EURO/European Cup EF (:25) 3
HV/France v. Romania (1:48) 3 B&W *PAL
EURO/French International(:15) 2.5
HV/French International Qualif (1:05) 3.5 *PAL
FRA/French Nationals (:35) 2/2.5
BBC/Jr. Europeans AA,EF (:26) 3
HV/Jr. Europeans (1:49) 3.5
NHK/Jr. International M&W AA,EF (1:40) 2
CA/Mediteranean Games M,W,R (1:00) 2.5
TNT/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:06) 3.5
HV/Moscow Stars (:25) 4 *PAL
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:29) 2
AUS/Nikon International AA,EF (1:34) 2/2.5
RAI/Romania v. Russia v. Italy (:27) 3.5 *PAL
DSF/ROM v. UKR v. HUN v. GER (:10) 3
HV/ROM v. UKR v. HUN v. GER (2:15) 3.5
CBC/Soapberry Shop World Challenge (1:16) 2
ABC/Subaru World Open M&W (:42) 2.5
STV/Swiss Cup M&W (2:21) 3.5
NHK/Tokyo Cup M&W (1:20) 2.5
BEL/Top Gym (:40) 3
NYT/University Games WT,AA,EF (:35) 2.5/3
NYT/University Games MT,AA,EF (:37) 3
HV/University Games M&W (1:20) 2.5
HTS/USAIGC (1:45) 2 (w/comm)
HV/US Classic Jr & Sr AA (1:46) 2 (cuts off)
ESPN/US Olympic Festival AA (:33) 2
TNT/US Olympic Festival EF (:40) 2.5 (tracking line)
HV/US Jr. Nationals (1:50) 3.5/4
NBC/US Nationals AA,EF (1:55) (w/comm) 2
ABC/US v. Ukraine v. Belarus M&W (:55) 2
Prime/US v. Japan T,AA (:38) 3
BBC/World Championships Prelims (2:30) 2.5
BBC/World Championships AA,EF (cuts off during Gogean's FX) (3:00) 2 *PAL
EURO/World Championships W AA,EF (4:00) 3.5
EURO/World Championships M AA (1:00) 3
ABC/World Championships W AA,EF (1:40) 2, VT & UB EF 4
KBS/World Championships W AA,EF (1:30) 2
ABC/World Championships M AA (:30) 3
RSA/African Championships (:40) 2.5
NBC/American Cup M&W (1:26) 2
HV/American Cup Finals (:45) 2.5
KOR/Asian Games T,AA,EF (no BB final) (2:00) 2
NHK/Asian Games BB Final (:30) 2
NHK/Asian Games EF (1:58) 3
HV/Australian Club Championships (:55) 3 *PAL
BBC/Birmingham Classic (:30) 2
MBC/Birmingham Classic (:16) 2
ESP/Blume Memorial M&W (1:15) 2.5/3
CBC/Canadian Nationals (:32) 2.5
SRC/Canadian World Team Trials (:45) 2.5
CBC/Commonwealth Games AA,EF (1:05) 2
BBC/Commonwealth Games T (1:15) 2/2.5
ZDF/Cottbus Cup (:03) 2.5
HV/Cottbus Cup (1:05) 4
NHK/Chunichi Cup (:40) 2.5
GER/DTB Cup (:31) 2 *PAL
EURO/European Championships (4:00) 2.5
FRA/France Telecom W,M,R,SA (:38) 4
FRA/French Nationals M&W (2:50) 2/2.5
ESPN/Georgia v. Alabama (:50) 2
HV/Germany v. Romania v. France (:29) 3 *PAL
ABC/Goodwill Games T (1:36) 2
ABC/Goodwill Games AA (:45) 2
ABC/Goodwill Games EF (1:17) 2
TBS/Goodwill Games Mixed Pairs M&W (1:22) 2.5
DSF/Goodwill Games (1:02) 2/2.5 (incomplete)
ESP/Goodwill Games AA (2:58) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Jr. Europeans AA,EF (2:40) 2.5
NBC/Mixed Pairs M&W (:26) 2.5
HV/Moscow Stars M&W (1:00) 3
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:35) 2 (incomplete)
NOR/Norway v. Denmark (:17) 2.5
ESPN/Peachtree Invitational (1:22) 2
HV/Pope City Cup (:44) 3 B&W *PAL
TVR/Romanian Jr. Nationals (:30) 4
TVR/Romanian International M&W (1:43) 3.5/4
CBC/Soapberry Shop World Challenge M&W (1:10) 3.5
STV/Swiss Cup (:57) 2.5
NBC/Team World Championships (1:22) 2.5
NHK/Team World Championships (2:50) 2.5
FRA/Trophee Massilia (1:05) 3.5
HV/Ukrainian Cup (2:40) 3
NBC/US Nationals (1:30) 2
HV/US Nationals Jr & Sr (:52) 2
NBC/US v Romania (1:30) 1
ABC/US v. Belarus v. China (:35) 2
CBS/US Olympic Festival AA (:30) 3.5
Prime/US Olympic Festival EF (:28) 3.5
HTS/USAIGC (1:45) 3.5
TNT/Winter Cup (:45) 2.5
EURO/World Championships V & UB Prelims (1:35) 2.5 *PAL
EURO/World Championships BB & FX Prelims (:55) 2.5 (B&W)
EURO/World Championships W (4:00) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/World Championships AA,EF (2:30) 1.5
AUS/World Championships W AA, EF (4:00) 3 (not available for trade)
ABC/World Championships W AA,EF (1:45) 2.5
ABC/World Championships M 3
Euro/World Championships EF (1:02) 2
ESPN/US World Team Trials (1:22) 2.5
HV/American Classic Jr (2:00) 3 w/names
NBC/American Cup (1:03) 2.5
NBC/Atlanta Invitational (1:20) 2.5
HV/Atlanta Invitational (1:24) 2 w/names
HV/Australian Nationals Jr & Sr (2:05) 3.5 *PAL
HV/Canadian Pan American Games Trials (2:20) 2.5
HV/Canberra Cup (1:40) 2.5 *PAL
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (1:05) 2
DSF/Cottbus Cup (1:32) 2.5/3
DSF/DTB Cup (:54) 2.5
DSF/DTB Gala M,W,R (:33) 2.5
NPS/Dutch Nationals M&W (:07) 3
EURO/European Cup (2:20) 2
ABC/European Cup M&W (:36) 2
BBC/European Youth Days (:11) 2
RDS/French International (:29) 2
EURO/French International M&W (:55) 2.5 (inc) *PAL
2Sport3/French Nationals M&W (2:43) 2
DSF/German Nationals (:50) 2
HV/Great Britain v. Romania (1:02) 3
ISR/Hapoel Games M,W,R (1:14) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italian Club Championships (:16) 2 (inc) *PAL
HV/Italian Nationals (:58) 2.5
RAI/Italian Nationals (:37) 2.5
RSA/Jr. African Championships (:08) 2.5
NHK/Jr. International W&M (1:10) 2
BEL/Jr. Europeans Team (1:32) 2.5
Prime/J.O. Nationals EF (1:00) (commercials) 2
ESPN/Kodak Invitational (1:10) 2
DSF/Messe Cup (:28) 2
NBC/Mixed Pairs M&W (1:25) (w/comm) 2
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:44) 2
HSE/Pan American Games (:35) 2
TVR/Romanian International (2:02)
TV5/Russia v. France M,W,R (:27) 3.5
RUS/Russian RSG Championships (:42) 3.5 *PAL
RSA/South African International Day 1 M&W (:44) 3
RSA/South African International Day 2 W (:28) 2.5
RSA/South African Nationals (:32) 2
STV/Swiss Cup (1:33) 3
CBC/Subway Challenge W&M (1:35) 3
RAI/Trinacvia d'ova (:16) 2 (cuts off)*PAL
2Sport3/Trophee Massilia (:56) 2
FRA/Trophee Massilia Gala 3
HV/University Games (1:50) 4
EURO/JPN/Univesity Games M,W,R (:36) 2/3.5 *PAL
HTS/USAIGC (1:30) 2
HV/US Classis Jr (1:19) 4
CBS/US Olympic Festival AA,EF (1:37) 2.5
NBC/US v. Belarus v. China (:48) 2 (tracking problems)
NBC/US v. Ukraine (:10) 2.5
HV/US v. Ukraine (1:13) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals AA,EF (1:38) 2
HV/US Jr. Nationals (2:00) 3.5
HV/World Championships AA,EF (1:50) 2
CBC/World Championships T (Canada only) (:05) 2
CBC/World Championships EF (:34) 2.5
ABC/World Championships WT,AA,EF & MT,AA (3:23) 2
DSF/World Championships T (4:40) 2.5/3
HV/World Championships T HUN/UKR/ROM (1:18) 2
MAL/World Championships T (:21) 2
NHK/World Championships AA (2:40) 2.5
NHK/World Championships T (2:00) 2.5/3
ESPN/US World Team Trials (1:08) 2
NBC/American Cup (1:00) 2
HV/American Cup Finals & Prelims (2:26) 2
AUS/Australia v. Japan (1:10) 2.5/3 *PAL
AUS/Australian Nationals Sr AA (:20) 2.5
AUS/Australian Nationals Jr AA(:49) 2.5
HV/Australian Nationals Jr EF (:40) 3
AUS/Australian Olympic Trials (1:30) 2.5
AUS/Australian Cup (:50) 2.5
HV/Australian Cup (5:30) 2 *PAL
HV/Buratino Cup M&W (1:15) 2.5
CBC/Canadian Olympic Trials (:40) 2.5
AUS/Canberra Cup W AA (:45) 2.5
AUS/Canberra Cup W EF (:36) 2.5
HV/Canberra Cup AA, Training (2:06) 2 w/names
AUS/Canberra Cup M AA (:45) 2.5
RAI/Catania Cup (:54) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Chinese Nationals M&W (2:00) 3.5/4
NHK/Chunichi Cup (1:00) 3
DSF/Cottbus Cup W & Some M (1:33) 3.5
HV/Cottbus Cup (1:22) 2.5/3 *PAL
WDR/DTB Cup (:56) 3.5
SDR/DTB Cup (Beam only)(:37) 2/2.5
DSF/DTB Gala M,W,R (:48) 2/2.5
NPS/Dutch Nationals (:06) 2/2.5
NPS/Eco Air (:11) 2.5
ABC/European Championships (1:25) 2.5
BBC/European Championships T,AA (1:50) 2
BBC/European Championships EF (1:25) 2
2Sport3/France v. Russia Display M,W,R,TR (1:11) 2/2.5
2Sport3/French Nationals M&W (1:23) 2
2Sport3/French International M,W,R (:45) 2.5
TVR/Gala Aniversara a Gimnasticii Bucaresti M,W,SA,etc (1:25) 2.5
DSF/German Nationals (1:50) 2.5
HV/Germany v. Romania v. UK v. Greece (Jrs) (:51) 3
HV/Great Britain v. Romania (:50) 3
NBC/International 3 on 3 M,W,R (1:03) 2
HV/Italy v. Belarus v. Romania v. Russia (1:25) 2.5/3
RAI/Italy v. Romania v. Ukraine (:45) 3.5
RAI/Italian Nationals M,W (1:36) 2.5 (cuts off) *PAL
BBC/Jr. Europeans EF Highlights (:16) 2.5
HV/Jr. European Championships (1:20) 2
Prime/J.O. Nationals (:51) 2
ABC/Kodak Invitational (1:02) 2/2.5
FRA/Milk Gym W,M,R (2:00) 3
CBS/NCAA Nationals (:33) 2.5
BBC/Olympics AA (2:30) 2.5
BBC/Olympics Team (3:15) 2.5
CBC&SRC/Olympics Team (2:05) 2
CBC/Olympics AA (:45) 2 - incomplete
EURO/Olympics Gala (1:00) 2/2.5
HV/Olympics AA (3:00) 2.5
KBS/Olympics AA (:45) 2
NBC/Olympics Compulsories W-all 4 sessions (3:30) 2.5
NBC/Olympics Compulsories Men (:54) 2.5
NBC/Olympics Team Optionals W (1:50) 2.5
NBC/Olympics AA (2:00) 2.5
NBC/Olympics EF (1:45) 2.5
NBC/Olympics Gala (1:05) 2.5 (other events mixed in)
NHK/Olympics Team Optionals (5:20) 2
NHK/Olympics AA (2:25) 2
SNG/Olympics AA (2:07) 3.5
SC/Reno Team Challenge M&W (1:14) 2
HV/San Diego Holiday Classic (1:28) 2
RSA/South African International (:45) 3
RSA/South African Nationals M&W (:47) 2.5
STV/Swiss Cup (1:00) 2.5
BEL/Top Gym (:30) 3.5
HV/Ukraine Pre-Olympic Meet M&W (:56) 2.5/3
CBS/US v. France M&W (1:32) 2
HTS/USAIGC (1:35) 3
FOX/US v. the World (1:30) 2
HV/US Classic (:47) 3
NBC/US Nationals (1:25) 2.5
HV/US Jr. Nationals (:35) 2
NBC/US Olympic Trials W (1:57) 2
NBC/US Olympic Trials M 3
HV/US RSG Nationals (:57) 2.5
HV/Wildrose Invitational (:35) 2.5/3
ABC/World Championships M&W (1:45) 2
HV/Worlds-Prelims, Semi-finals, finals (1:50) 2
HV/Worlds Podium Training (4:00) 4 (tracking line)
ESPN/World Professional Champs (missing final day) (1:34) 2.5
ESPN/World Professional Champs (final day) M&W (1:35) 3 (tracking line)
TVE/Zaragoza Spanish Gala (1:02) 3
HV/American Classic Jr (1:18) 2
HV/American Classic Sr (1:40) 2
NBC/American Cup (1:00) Mostly W 2.5
NBC/American Cup M&W (1:50) 2 w/comm
HV/Australian Jr Nationals (1:25) 2 *PAL
HV/Australian Sr Nationals (1:10) 2 *PAL
AUS/Australian Sr Nationals (:35) 3.5
AUS/Australian World Team Trials W&M (1:20) 3
ESPN/Battle of the Sexes M&W (1:13) 3 (tracking line)
TVE/Blume Memorial M&W (2:35) 2.5 *PAL
CBC/Canadian Nationals M&W (1:15) 2.5
HV/Canadian World Team Trials (1:08) 2.5
AUS/Canberra Cup (:55) 3
NHK/Chunichi Cup W (:22) 2
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (:37) 3
DSF/Cottbus Cup (1:45) 3
ZDF/DTB Cup (:15) 3/3.5
KOR/East Asian Games T,AA,EF (3:40) 2
NPS/Eco Air Cup (:09) 2.5
ABC/European Masters M,W,R (:32) 2.5
BBC/Europeans Masters W,M,R (:42) 2.5
BBC/European Youth Days (:03) 2.5
SportsTV/Europe v. Asia W (:40) 2
EURO/Europe v. Asia M&W (1:40) 2.5
AUS/Fox Sports Challenge W&M (AUS v. USA) (1:25) 2.5
2Sport3/French Cup M,W,R (1:22) 2.5/3
FOX/Georgia v. Michigan (:44) 2/2.5
2Sport3/French Nationals M,W,R (1:23)
HV/Germany v. Romania Jrs. (1:02) 3.5
BBC/Glasgow Grand Prix (:40) 3
BBC/Glasgow Grand Prix (:41) 2.5 *PAL
EURO/Golden Challenge M,W,R (:34) 3
NBC/International Team Champs Jr. W (1:45) 2
NBC/International Team Champs Sr. W (2:00 w/comm) 1
NBC/International 3 on 3 M,W,R (1:28) 2 w/comm
RAI/Italian Club Championships (:45) 2
ET3/Jr. Balkan Championships (:04) 2 *PAL
NHK/Jr. International (:15) 2.5
HV/Jr. Pan American Games (1:15) 2
RF2/Le Tornoi des Prodiges M&W (1:20) 2.5 *PAL
ET2/Mediteranean Games T,AA,EF W, some M (4:35) 2.5 *PAL
DSF/Messe Cup M,W,R (1:53) 2.5
HV/Moscow Stars M&W (2:00) 3.5
CBS/NCAA Championships (1:30) 2/2.5
TVR/Romanian Nationals (1:56) 3.5
HV/Russian Cup Jr. (1:40) 2
HV/Russian Cup Sr. AA (1:25) 2.5
HV/Russian Cup Sr. EF (1:20) 2
ESPN/Rhythmic World Champs (1:30 w/comm) 1
HV/Steffl Cup (:45) 2
STV/Swiss Cup M&W (2:55) 3.5
EURO/Top Gym (:27) 2.5
HV/Top Gym AA & Mixed Pairs (3:30) 2.5 *PAL
RAI/Trinacvia d'ova (ITA/BLR/RUS) (:42) 2
2Sport3/Trophee Massilia (1:24) 2.5
HV/Ukraine Nationals AA (1:06) 3
HV/Ukraine Nationals EF (:40) 3
EURO/University Games Highlights M&W (:05) 2
RAI/University Games M&W (1:35) 2 (cuts off) *PAL
HV/US Classic Jr & Sr (2:03) 2.5/3 (first :50 is dark)
HV/US Jr. Nationals (2:30) 2
NBC/US Nationals AA (1:00) 2.5 (w/comm)
ESPN/US Nationals Sr & Jr W (1:25) 2
SUN/USAIGC (1:31) 2
HV/US RSG Nationals (:52) 2.5
HV/US World Team Training-Chelsea Piers (1:00) 2.5
Shaw/Wildrose Invitational (2:40) 2
HV/Victorian Championships (1:40) 2 *PAL
ABC/World Championships T,AA,EF (2:05) 2
DSF/World Championships AA,EF (2:15) 2 *PAL
ESPN/World Championships T,AA (1:12) 4
HV/World Championships TF/AA (1:50) 1.5
HV/World Championships Team UZB & AUS (:16) 3.5 *PAL
HV/World Championships Team Prelims (2:25) 3 *PAL
NHK/World Championships T,AA,EF (2:55) 2
HV/World Championships T,AA (All Russians) (:35) 2.5
HV/World Championships Training (3:50) 1.5
ESPN/World Professional Champs (3:00) 3 (tracking line)
NBC/American Cup M&W (1:30) 2
HV/American Classic Sr. (2:30) 2.5
HV/American Classic Jr. (1:35) 2.5
FOX/Arthur Gander Memorial (:25) 2
AUS/Arthur Gander Memorial M&W (2:20) 2.5
NHK/Arthur Gander Memorial (:44) 2
BS1/StarSports/KOR/Asian Games T,AA,EF (2:26) 2 (AA & some T&EF are in English)
AUS/Australian Cup AA (1:23) 2
AUS/Australian Cup EF (:55) 2.5
AUS/Australian Commonwealth Games Team Trials M&W (1:37)
AUS/Australian Nationals Sr. (1:00) 2.5
HV/Australian Nationals Jr. (1:21) 2 *PAL
AUS/Australia v. Japan (:43) 2
HV/Avignon Tournament (:24) 3.5 *PAL
HV/Bluewater Invitational (1:50) 2
HV/British Nationals Sr & Jr EF (1:02) 2.5
AUS/Canberra Cup EF (:37) 2.5
HV/Canberra Cup (1:42) 2 *PAL
TVBS/China Motor Cup W&M (2:00) 2.5 screen flips
HV/China Mototr Cup (:48) 2.5
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (:45) 3
HV/Chunichi Cup M&W (1:03) 2
BBC/Commonwealth Games T,AA,EF (1:25) 2.5
CBC/Commonwealth Games T,AA,EF (1:15) 2.5
MAL/Commonwealth Games T,AA,EF (1:30) 2
RSA/Commonwealth Games M&W South African Hilights (:22) 2.5
FOX/Copa Gimnastica (:43) 1
BCPV/Copa Gimnastica EF, Training, Interviews (4:00) 2
HV/Copa IMSS (Acapulco Invite) M&W (1:25) 3
HV/Cottbus Cup (1:33) 2.5
FRA/D'efis D'or W (:15) 2/2.5 *PAL
SDR/DTB Cup (1:05) 2.5
StarSports/DTB Cup M&W (:51) 2
JSports/DTB Cup (1:38) 2.5
NPS/Dutch Nationals (:03) 2.5
NPS/Eco Air (:10) 2.5
HV/Eco Air Cup (1:25) 2
ROG/Elite Canada (1:22) 2
HV/Elite Canada Jr. (:51) 2
HV/Emerald Team Challenge (3:37) 3
CBS/ERA Professional Championships Week 2 (1:47) 2
RUS/Europeans Sr. Team (:58) 2.5
ABC/Europeans Sr. AA (:35) 2
EURO/Europeans Sr. AA (1:25) 2.5
EURO/Europeans Sr. EF (1:05) 2.5
ESPN/Europeans Jr. AA (1:00) 2
HV/Europeans Jr. AA, EF (1:38) 1.5
HV/Europeans Jr. Team (1:05) 1.5
HV/Europeans Sr. Team (:45) 1.5
ABC/France Telecom (shown as World Cup Qualifier) (:42) 2
2Sport3/French Nationals M,W,R (:58) 2
FOX/Georgia v. Alabama (:35) 2.5 (tracking line)
SUN/Georgia v. Florida (:55) 3
FOX/Georgia v. UCLA (:46) 2/2.5
HV/German Liga (1:02) 2.5/3
SDR/German Nationals (:12) 3
BBC/Glasgow Grand Prix (:52) 2.5
JSports/Glasgow Grand Prix (1:42) 2.5
TBS/Goodwill Games W& Some M (3:57) 2.5
NBC/Int'l Team Championships Sr. W (2:00 w/comm) 2
HV/Int'l Team Championships Jr. W (1:03) 2.5
NBC/International 3 on 3 W,R (:47) 2
NBC/International 3 on 3 M,W,R Finals only (:30) 2
RAI/Italian Nationals M&W (:58) 2.5
HV/Italy v. Spain (1:40) 3
ESPN/Lane's Rock n' Roll Championships M&W (1:30) 1
HV/Maryland Classic (:43) 2
BEL/Milk Gym Gala M,W,R,T (1:24) 2.5
HV/Moscow Stars (2:40) 2
CBS/NCAA Nationals (1:14) 2.5
CBC/Pacific Alliance M&W(2:00) 2
HV/Parkette Invitational (2:00) 3
KOR/Pusan International AA (1:00) 2
KOR/Pusan International UB EF (:24) 2
HV/Russian Nationals AA,EF (3:57) 2 *PAL
HV/Russian Cup EF (:39) 2.5/3
RUS/Russian RSG Championships (:29) 3 *PAL
RSA/Russian Juniors in South Africa (:10) 2/2.5
CBC/Sagit Cup M&W (1:11) 2
HV/Summer Stars Friendship Games M&W (1:22) 2/2.5
StarSports/Swiss Cup W&M (:50) 2
JSports/Swiss Cup (1:40) 2
HV/Top Gym (2:30) 2.5
HUN/Hungarian Tornaszgala M,W,SA,GG (1:00) 2.5
HV/Ukraine Nationals (3:05) 2 *PAL
HV/US Classic Sr & Jr (3:00) 2.5
HV/US Jr. Nationals (:51) 2
HV/US Jr. Nationals (2:05) 2
HV/US Nationals Sr (3:30) 2
HV/US Nationals Sr. AA (1:15) 2
NBC/US Nationals (1:45) 1
SUN/USAIGC (1:00) 2
HV/US RSG Nationals (:32) 2.5
Shaw/Wildrose Invitational (2:30) 2
BBC/World Cup Final W (:20) 2.5
BBC/World Cup Final W&M (:55) 2.5
NHK/World Cup Final W (1:30) 2
HV/World Youth Games (4:20) 2 *PAL
RSA/All-African Games (1:05) 2/2.5
NBC/American Cup W&M (1:30) 2
HV/American Cup Prelims (1:35) 2
HV/American Cup Prelims & Final (2:02) 2.5
HV/American Classic (1:40) 1.5
JSports/Arthur Gander Memorial M&W (2:00) 2
AUS/Australian Nationals W, M (highlights) (1:42)
HV/Australia v. France (:56) 2.5
AUS/Australia v. Spain T,EF (1:40) 2
AUS/Australian World Team Trials M&W (2:42) 2
HV/Bluewater Sr. AA (:57) 2
BRZ/Brazilian Nationals Highlights (:02) 2
BRZ/Brazilian World Team Trials (:07) 2
TSN/Canadian Nationals (:30) 2
HV/Canada v. USA (1:48) 2
TSN/Canada Winter Games Team (:21) 2
AUS/Canberra Cup M&W (3:30) 2.5
HV/Como Cup (1:05) 2.5
StarSports/Cottbus Cup (1:55) 2
NHK/Chunichi Cup M&W (:47) 2
2Sport3/D'efis D'or M,W,R (1:16) 2/2.5 (orange tint throughout)
StarSports/DTB Cup (2:00) 2
NPS/Dutch Nationals (:05) 2.5
NPS/Dutch Club Championships (:08) 2.5
HV/Eco Air Cup (:55) 2/2.5
HV/Elite Canada (1:46) 2
EURO/European Masters M,W,R (1:16) 2
ET1/European Masters M,W,R Day 1 (2:00) 2.5
NHK/Four Continents R (:50) 2.5
2Sport3/French Nationals M,W,R (1:02) 2
FOX/French International M,W,R,T (:45) 1
HV/France International W,R (1:18) 2
2Sport3/French International (1:20) 2 (inc)
HV/German Team Championships Final (:42) 2 *PAL
StarSports/Glasgow Grand Prix (1:42) 2
FOX/Glasgow Grand Prix M&W (5:17) 1 (2.5 - 3rd Day) some commercials
HV/Glider Invitational (1:18) 2
HUN/Hungarian International M&W (:51) 2/2.5
NHK/International Junior M&W (:32) 2
HV/International Junior W (:41) 2
NBC/International Team Champs Sr. W (1:30) 2
HV/International Team Champs Sr. W (1:30) 2.5 (bouncy at times)
HV/International Team Champs Jr. W (1:12) 2
NBC/International 3 on 3 M,W,R (1:10) 2
HV/Italian Nationals (2:00) 2.5
RAI/Italy v. Spain (:53) 2
HV/Li Ning Cup (:30) 2
HV/Leverkusen Cup (:52) 2 *PAL
HV/Monteforte Friendly Cup (:40) 2.5/3
HV/Moscow Stars AA (1:30) 2
HV/Moscow Stars EF (1:17) 3
RUS/Moscow Stars (1:47) 2.5 *PAL
NPS/Netherlands v. UK v. Germany (:11) 2.5
ESPN/NCAA Nationals M (1:30 w/comm) 1
CBS/NCAA Nationals W(1:15) 2.5
NPS/Netherlands v. Romania (:12) 2.5
HV/Netherlands v. Romania (:45) 2.5
HV/Netherlands v. Romania (1:20) 2.5 (inc/different from above)
CBC/Pan American Games W T,AA,EF (1:30) 1
CBC/Pan American Games M AA,EF (:55) 1
SRC/Pan American Games W T (:20) 2.5
SporTV/Pan American Games Team-Group 2 (1:35) 2
SporTV/Pan American Games Team-Brazil (1:00) 2
BRZ/Pan American Games AA (1:24) 2
BRZ/Pan American Games EF (1:02) 2.5
SporTV/Pan American Games VT EF (:36) 2.5
UNI/Pan American Games W T (:15) 2
UNI/Pan American Games M&W Highlights AA,EF (:20) 1
HV/Quebec Cup Circuit - Trampoline (:16) 2
HV/Reach for the Stars Invitational (:32) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Region 5 Zone Meet-CGA (:39) 2.5
HV/Region 7 Zone Meet-Parkettes (:34) 2
HV/Region 7 Zone Meet-Hill's (:39) 2
BRZ/Rhythmic World Championships (2:03) 2
RUS/RSG Grand Prix in Moscow (:42) 2.5
RUS/RSG Russian Nationals (Groups) (2:00) 2.5
HV/Romanian International M&W (2:10) 3.5
HV/Russian Nationals (March) (5:15) 2
HV/Russian Cup (July) (1:24) 2
RUS/Russian Cup (:53) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Russian Youth Games Qualifier (3:02) 2.5/3 *PAL
HV/Russian Youth Games (1:40) 3.5 *PAL
MBC/Samboo International (1:17) 2
HV/St. Petersburg Tournament (:20) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Summer Camp in Hungary (2:30) 2.5 (partially B&W) *PAL
HV/Swiss Cup Prelims (1:12) 2.5
StarSports/Swiss Cup (1:53) 2
BEL/Top Gym International (:25) 2
HV/Top Gym International (2:23) 2/2.5
HV/Top Gym International Day 2 (1:10) 2 *PAL
2Sport3/Trophee Massilia (1:35) 2
HV/Ukrainian Cup (2:30) 2
HV/Ukraine Nationals (1:22) 2
HV/Unive Gym Gala M,W,SA (:28) 2
HV/US v. France Jrs (1:10) 2
HV/US Classic Jr. (2:40) 2
HV/US Classic Sr. (2:35) 2
HV/US Jr. Nationals AA (:53)
HV/US Jr. Nationals AA,EF (4:45) 2/2.5
HV/US Nationals AA,EF (3:16) 2
NBC/US Nationals AA,EF (1:30) 1
NBC/US Nationals M (1:30) 2 (taped by me, but reception is not perfect)
ESPN/US World Team Trials W (1:32) 1
HV/US World Team Trials W Days 1 & 2 (3:35)
ESPN/US World Team Trials M (1:32) 1
HV/Victorian Championships (:20) 2.5 *PAL
HV/WimGym Invitational (2:00) 2
HV/Winter Cup M (:40) 2
ESPN/World Championships M&W Team (1:57) 1
ESPN/World Championships M&W AA,EF (2:00) 1 >
EURO/World Championships AA (2:25) 2.5
BS1/World Championships T,AA,EF (3:25) 2
BS1/World Championships-Japanese Team (:24) 2
EURO/World Championships Team (2:15) 2
HV/World Championships Prelims sessions 3,5,6,7 (2:35) 2.5
HV/World Championships Team Final (:47) 2
HV/World Championships AA (1:03) 2
HV/World Championships AA (1:32) 2
HV/World Championships M&W EF (1:27) 2
TVE/World Championships Prelims (BUL/NOR/ROM/KOR/SVK/LUX/MGL) (1:32) 2.5
TVE/World Championships Prelims (RSA/POL/BER/NAM/VEN/RUS/BRZ/YUG) (1:47) 2.5
TVE/World Championships Prelims (ARG/CHI/LAT/GER/CHN/BEL/POR) (1:50) 2.5
GRE/World Championships Prelims (USA/CAN/SUI/BLR/SLO/MAR) (1:40) 2/2.5
GRE/World Championships Prelims (HUN/CZE/GBR/FIN/AUT/MAS) (1:48) 2.5
NPS/World Championships Prelims (NED/AUS/UKR/ESP/FRA) (:45) 2.5
HV/World Champions Prelims RUS&UKR (2:25) 2
HV/World Championships Team Final (1:35) 2
HV/World Championships AA (2:04) 2
TVE/World University Games T,AA,EF (6:40) 2.5
HV/World University Games EF (:37) 3/3.5
HV/World University Games Trials (:47) 2
HV/AIS Cup (1:22) 2 *PAL
HV/American Classic Jr (:41) 2
HV/American Classic Jr (3:00) 2.5
HV/American Classic Sr (2:15) 2
NBC/American Cup Qualifier #1 (RCA Challenge) M&W (1:27) 1
HV/American Cup Qualifier #1 (:30) 2
HV/American Cup Qualifier #2 (Aussie Haircare Invitational) (:37) 1
NBC/American Cup Qualifier #2 (Aussie Haircare Invitational) M&W (1:51) 1 w/comm
HV/American Cup Qualifier #2 (:36) 2
NBC/American Cup Final (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/America Cup Final (:35) 2
HV/American Cup Final (complete VT, UB only) (:08) 1
HV/Antwerp Olympic Gymnastics Gala (1:31) 2 *PAL
BEL/Antwerp Olympic Gymnastics Gala (1:00) 2 *PAL
AUS/Arthur Gander Memorial M&W (1:55) 2 *PAL
AUS/Australian Nationals (1:16) 2 *PAL
AUS/Australian Olympic Trials (2:11) 2 *PAL
AUS/Australia v. Ukraine v. Belarus (3:35) 2 *PAL
HV/Bluewater International Sr AA (2:08) 2/2.5
HV/Bluewater International Jr AA (1:57) 2/2.5
HV/Bluewater International Jr & Sr EF (1:50) 2/2.5
HV/Brazilian Nationals (:45) 2/2.5
HV/British Nationals (1:03) 2 *PAL
HV/British Team Championships (2:52) 2
HV/Canadian Nationals Sr Prelims & AA (2:58) 2
HV/Canadian Nationals Trampoline & Tumbling (1:30) 2
CBC/Canadian Nationals Trampoline & Tumbling M (:48) 2/2.5
HV/Canadian Olympic Trials (2:40) 2
TSN/Canadian Olympic Trials (:47) 2.5
HV/Cascade Invitational (:42) 2
JPN/Chunichi Cup M&W (:52) 2 (commercials)
BRZ/Copa Gimnastica M&W EF (:46) 2
Star/Cottbus Cup (2:15) 2
FOX/Cottbus Cup M:V,PB,HB W:BB,FX (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/Cottbus Cup Qual & Finals (2:50) 3 *PAL
UKR/Deryugina Cup R (1:14) 2/2.5 (B&W)
HV/Deva Training (2:20) 2/2.5
GER/DTB Cup M&W (2:44) 2 *PAL
AUS/DTB Cup W, Some M (3:22) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/DTB Cup Qualifications W (:40) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Dutch European Team Trials (2:37) 2
HV/Dutch Nationals (Ages 10-13, Jr & Sr) (2:03) 2/2.5
HV/Essen Cup (:25) 3
2sport3/European Championships AA (1:50) 2
2sport3/European Championships EF (1:35) 2
FOX/European Championships Sr AA (:45) 1
FOX/European Championships EF (:46) 1
GRE/European Championships Team groups 2&4 (3:45) 2.5
HV/European Championships Team (4:00) 2
HV/European Championships Jr AA (1:43) 2
HV/European Championships Jr & Sr AA (1:28) 2
HV/European Championships Jr & Sr EF (1:47) 2
NPS/European Championships Team (:33) 2/2.5
RAI/European Championships Team (1:50) 2
RAI/European Championships AA (1:45) 2
TVE/European Championships Team group 1 (1:35) 2 *PAL
HV/France v. Canada (:38) 2.5 *PAL
HV/France v. Netherlands (:31) 2.5 *PAL
HV/France v. Romania v. Spain (:43) 2.5 (inc) *PAL
2Sport3/France v. Russia M,W,R (1:23) 2/2.5
HV/France v. Russia Display M&W (1:20) 2/2.5
2Sport3/French Nationals M,W,R EF (1:18) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Friendship Classic (1:03) 2/2.5
SKY/Glasgow Grand Prix M&W (1:38) 2
FOX/Glasgow Grand Prix M&W (4:00) 1 w/comm
Star/Glasgow Grand Prix W (2:05) 2
HV/Great Britain v. Belarus (:57) 2 *PAL
HV/Gymco NB Cup (2:37) 2
TSN/Gymnastics Challenge M&W (:47) 2
HV/Gymnastics Challenge (2:20) 2
HV/Gym 2000 Gala in Liege M,W,etc (1:33) 2 *PAL
HV/Gymnix International Sr & Jr AA,EF (4:30) 2/2.5
BEL/Happy Gym Cup R (:58) 2 *PAL
HUN/Hungarian International (:21) 2
HV/Hypotheekshop Gymnastics Top (1:02) 2 *PAL
HV/IGI Style Meet (:51) 2.5
FOX/Illinois State High School Championships EF (2:12) 1
NBC/International Team Championships W (2:00) 1 w/comm
NBC/International Team Championships M (2:00) 1 w/comm
RAI/Italian Club Champs Stage 1&2 (:56) 2
HV/Italian Club Champs Stage 3 (:20) 2/2.5
RAI/Italian International Championships M&W AA (2:50)
HV/Italian International Championships EF (:43) 2/2.5
RAI/Italy v. Spain Sr (1:00) 2
HV/Italy v. Spain Jr (:42) 2
HV/Jr. Pan American Games (3:15) 2
PATH/Le Duel M&W (1:08) 2
HV/Le Duel (1:50) 2.5
HV/Leverkusen Cup (1:48) 2 *PAL
AUS/Le Zenith M,W,R (2:20) 2 *PAL
RTV/Le Zenith M,W,R (1:53) 2/2.5 (cuts off) *PAL
HV/Karolyi Training Camp - June (1:18) 2
RAI/Monteforte Friendly Cup (1:00) 2
HV/Moscow Stars AA (2:00) 2 *PAL
HV/Moscow Stars EF (:56) 2
HV/Netherlands v. Czech Republic v. Italy (2:28) 2
CBS/NCAA Championships W (2:00) 1 w/comm
ESPN/NCAA Championships M (1:30) 1 w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Alabama - Meet the Team (:45) 1
FOX/NCAA: Alabama v. Auburn (1:00) 1 w/comm
HTS/NCAA: Atlantic 10 Championships (1:18) 1
FOX/NCAA: Big 10 Championships (2:00) 1 w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Big 12 Championships (1:30) 1 w/comm
ESPN/NCAA: Florida v. Alabama (1:15) 1
FOX/NCAA: Florida v. LSU (:47) 1
FOX/NCAA: Georgia Gym Dawgs Show (:21) 1
FOX/NCAA: Georgia-A Championship Program (1:00) 1 w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Georgia v. Alabama (:47) 1
FOX/NCAA: Georgia v. Kentucky (1:00) 1 w/comm
ESPN/NCAA: Georgia v. LSU (1:10) 1
FOX/NCAA: Kentucky Excite Night (1:00) w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Kentucky v. Auburn (:45) 1
FOX/NCAA: PAC 10 Championships (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/NCAA: Region 1 Championships (1:02) 2
FOX/NCAA: SEC Championships (2:00) 1 w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Super Six Challenge (1:30) 1 w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Utah v. Oregon State (1:30) 1 w/comm
FOX/NCAA: Washington v. Oregon State (1:35) 1 some commercials
AUS/Olympics W Team Prelims (2:15) 2.5
BBC/Olympics W Team Prelims (1:10) 2 *PAL
BBC/Olympics W Team Final (3:06) 2 *PAL
BBC/Olympics W AA (2:57) 2 *PAL
BBC/Olympics Gala M,W,R (:50) 1 *PAL
BRZ/Olympics W Prelims (1:50) 2
BS1/Olympics W AA (1:57) 2
CBC/Olympics W Team Final (:24) 2.5
CBC/Olympics W AA (:58) 2.5
ESP/Olympics W Prelims session 1 (2:11) 2.5 *PAL
EURO/Olympics W Team Prelim session 1 (:45) 2 *PAL
EURO/Olympics W Team Prelim session 3 (:45) 2 *PAL
EURO/Olympics W Team Final (:50) 2/2.5 *PAL
EURO/Olympics Rhythmic AA (:52) 2 *PAL
GRE/Olympics W Prelims session 2 (1:36) 2/2.5 *PAL
GRE/Olympics W Prelims session 3 (1:19) 2.5 *PAL
NBC/Olympics W Team Prelims (w/comm) 1.5
NBC/Olympics W Team Final (1:52) 1
NBC/Olympics M Team Prelims (w/comm) 1.5
NBC/Olympics M Team Final (1:30) 1.5
NBC/Olympics M AA (1:20) 1
NBC/Olympics W AA (1:40) 1
NBC/Olympics M&W EF 1/1.5
NBC/Olympics Gala (:22) 1
NHK/Olympics W Team Final (1:42) 2
NHK/Olympics W AA (:30) 2
NHK/BS1/Olympics W EF (2:40) 2
SRC/Olympics W Prelims (1:53) 2.5
SRC/Olympics W Team Final (:36) 2.5
AUS/Olympic Test Event W AA (1:57)
AUS/Olympic Test Event W EF (1:19) 2.5
AUS/Olympic Test Event M&W EF (3:12) 2.5
NZTV/Pacific Alliance W T,AA,EF (1:49) 2
AUS/Pacific Alliance M&W (:56) 2 *PAL
AUS/Pacific School Games (:14) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Plano Classic (1:02) 2.5
NBC/Reese's Cup (2:00) 1 (w/comm)
ESPN/Rock n' Roll Championships M,W (2:00) w/comm 1
TVR/Romanian Nationals M&W (1:15) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Russian Cup (July) Qualification (1:10) 2 *PAL
HV/Russian Nationals (March) AA,EF (2:55) 2
HV/Russian Jr. Championships (2:40) 2 *PAL
ESP/Spain v. Ukraine v. Romania v. Great Britain (:24) 2 *PAL
HV/Spieth Sogipa International (:39) 2
ESP/Swiss Cup M&W (1:47) 2/2.5 *PAL
Star/Sydney World Cup Trampoline (1:10) 2
HV/Top Gym AA (1:21) 2 *PAL
HV/Top Gym EF (:40) 2 (no sound until awards) *PAL
2Sport3/Trophee Massilia (1:15) 2 *PAL
HV/Ukraine Cup (July) (2:30) 2 *PAL
HV/Ukraine Nationals (March) Q,AA,EF (4:00) 2/2.5
FOX/US Classic (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/US Classic Jr & Sr AA, some Nat'l Elite (1:52) 2
HV/US Classic Jr (2:20) 2
HV/US Classic Sr (1:35) 2
NBC/US Nationals M (1:30) 1.5 w/comm
NBC/US Nationals W (1:32) 2
HV/US Nationals Jr W (2:00) 3
HV/US Nationals Sr W Day 1 (1:51) 2/2.5
HV/US Nationals Sr W Day 2 (1:37) 2/2.5
NBC/US Olympic Trials M (1:30) 1
NBC/US Olympic Trials W (4:05) w/comm 1
HV/US Olympic Trials W (1:12) 2
HV/US Olympic Trials W Prelims (1:26) 2/2.5
HV/US Olympic Trials M&W (4:15) 2.5/3
HV/Welsh Open (:57) 2
BBC/World Cup Final M,W,R (1:18) 1 *PAL
ESP/World Cup Final W (1:30) 2 *PAL
OXY/World Cup Final W (1:30) 2.5
EURO/World Cup Final W,R (1:45) 2 *PAL
HV/Alexander Ditiatin Cup (1:10) 2.5 *PAL
HV/American Cup W,Some M (1:04) 1
NBC/American Cup M&W (2:00) 1 w/comm
NBC/American Team Cup M (1:50) 1.5 w/comm (inc. missing wrap up)
NBC/American Team Cup W (1:30) 1
HV/American Team Cup W (1:12) 2
WTSN/Arthur Gander Memorial (:47) 2
HV/Australia v. China v. Russia (1:33) 2.5 *PAL
AUS/Austalian Nationals (1:49) 2 *PAL
HV/Australian Trials for Sydney Youth Olympic Festival (2:05) *PAL
FOX/Big 12 Championships (1:30) 1 w/comm
HV/Australian World Team Trials (2:15) 2.5/3 *PAL
HV/British Nationals (1:18) 2.5 *PAL
HV/British Team Championships (:48) 2/2.5 *PAL
FOX/Cal State v. Stanford M&W (1:30) 1 w/comm
HV/Canada v. Czech Republic v. Germany v. Netherlands (2:35) 2/2.5
HV/Canadian World Team Trials (1:16) 2.5
HV/Canberra Cup (1:45) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Canberra Cup Trial & Open Challenge (2:01) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Chinese National Games (2:15) 3
CCTV/Chinese Olympians Exhibition (1:23) 2 *PAL
HV/Chunichi Cup M&W (1:35) 2
RAI/Como Cup (:30) 2 *PAL
HV/Como Cup (:42) 2 *PAL
ORB/Cottbus Cup W, some M (1:50) 2 *PAL
AUS/Cottbus Cup W (:56) 2 *PAL
FOX/Cottbus Cup W (1:30) 2.5
HV/Cottbus Cup W Qual, Finals (contains some Men) (2:57) 2 *PAL
CS/Denver v. LSU (1:28) 3.5
UKR/Deryugina Cup RSG (2:07) 2.5 *PAL
WTSN/DTB Cup (3:00) 2 (some comm)
HV/DTB Cup Qualifying (:54) 2.5/3 *PAL
BS1/East Asian Games W T,AA (2:25) 2
BS1/East Asian Games M AA (no 6th rotation) (1:30) 2
HV/Elite Ontario (1:31) 2.5
WTSN/European Cup for Clubs W,R (4:20) 2
EURO/European Team Championships M,W,R (1:35) 2 *PAL
RAI/European Team Championships M,W,R (2:03) 2 *PAL
FOX/European Team Championships M,W,R (:45) 1
Sport2/European Team Championships Prelims M,W,R (1:55) *PAL
ESP/European Youth Olympic Days (4:35) 2.5 *PAL
SUN/Florida v. LSU (:45) 1
HV/Florida v. Michigan v. Auburn (:58) 1
SUN/Florida v. Michigan v. Auburn (:47) 1
SUN/Florida v. Oklahoma (:45) 1
HV/Florida v. Utah v. George Washington v. North Carolina (:45)
HV/France v. Romania Jrs (1:25) 3 *PAL
2Sport3/France v. Russia M,W,Tr (1:10) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/French Championships W Qualifying (:33) 2.5 *PAL
HV/French Championships W EF (:23) 2.5 *PAL
France3/French Championships EF (:30) 2 *PAL
2Sport3/French International M,W,T (2:02) *PAL
WTSN/French International Qualifying (:52) 2
FOX/French International M,W,T (1:00) 1 w/comm
HV/Friendship Classic (1:40) 1
BLR/Galina Blanka Gala (1:12) 3 B&W *PAL
HV/Gasparilla Classic (1:40) 1
ESPN/Georgia @ Alabama (1:30) 1 w/comm
FOX/Georgia v. Kentucky (1:00) 1 w/comm
ESPN/Georgia v. LSU (1:30) 1 (w/comm)
FOX/Georgia v. Michigan (1:00) 1 w/comm
HV/German Team Championships (3:48) 2 *PAL
WTSN/Glasgow Grand Prix (2:20) 2
TNT/Goodwill Games W AA (1:55) 1
TNT/Goodwill Games M AA (2:00) 1
TNT/Goodwill Games W,W,R EF (4:05) 1
BRZ/Grand Prix of Berlin RSG (:45) 2/2.5
HV/Great Britain v. Romania (3:18) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Gymnix International AA,EF (3:27) 2.5/3
HUN/Hungarian Nationals M&W (:35) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Hypotheekshop Gymnastics Top (1:07) 2 *PAL
HV/International Junior (:57) 2 (includes TV highlights)
RAI/Italian Team Championships M&W (3:53) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italy v. Czech Republic (:30) 2 *PAL
HV/J.O. Nationals (8:00) 2
HV/Lakeside Invitational (Australian) (3:36) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Magical Classic (3:04) 1
HV/Maryland Classic (2:00) 3.5
ESP/Mediterranean Games W T (2:25) 2/2.5 *PAL
GRE/Mediterranean Games W AA (:21) 2.5 *PAL
ESP/Mediterranean Games M&W EF (3:24) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Moscow Stars W Prelims & Finals (1:30) 2
RUS/Moscow Stars M&W (2:56) 3 *PAL
HV/NCAA Southeast Regionals (1:32) 1
CBS/NCAA Nationals Championships (2:00) 1.5 w/comm
HV/Netherlands v. Germany v. Switzerland (:55) *PAL
HV/Netherlands v. Romania (1:39) 2/2.5
HV/Oklahoma v. Arizona v. Utah State v. California (:41) 2
FOX/Oregon State v. Washington (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/Parkette Invitational (1:00) 2
FOX/PAC 10 Championships (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/Region 8 Elite Zone Meets (:27) 1
NBC/Reese's Cup M&W (2:00) 1 w/comm
ROM/Romanian Championships W AA, M&W EF (2:00) 2/2.5 *PAL
ROM/Romanian International M&W (2:18) 2.5 *PAL
OXY/RSG World Championships (1:00) 1 w/comm
RUS/Russian Nationals (March) M&W AA (2:03) 2.5/3 *PAL
HV/Russian Nationals (March) AA,EF (1:45) 2
RUS/Russian Nationals M&W EF (August) (2:45) 3 no sound *PAL
RUS/Russian Cup (March) M&W EF (2:38) 3 *PAL
HV/Russian Nationals/Cup (August) (3:04) 2 *PAL
RUS/Russian RSG Championships (1:22) 3 *PAL
HV/Sand Dollar Invitational (1:30) 1
SUN/SEC Championships (1:30) 1
TVE/Spain v. France (:51) 2/2.5
HV/Spring Cup (1:01) 2.5
ESPN/Super Six Challenge (1:30) 1.5 (w/comm)
AUS/Swiss Cup M&W (2:36) 2 *PAL
HV/Sydney Youth Olympic Festival T,AA,EF (2:21) 2/2.5 *PAL
GRE/Thessiloniki International M&W EF (4:07) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Trampoline World Age Games (:34) 2.5
HV/Trampoline World Championships Finals (:46) 2.5
2Sport3/Trophee Massilia (1:28) 2 *PAL
FOX/UCLA v. Oregon State (1:30) 1
HV/UCLA v. Alabama (:38) 2/2.5
HV/UCLA v. Georgia (1:15) 2/2.5
HV/UCLA v. Stanford (1:22) 2
HV/Ukraine Nationals (August) (3:04) 2 *
NOS/Unive Gym Gala (:10) 2 *PAL
HV/University Games M&W T,AA (1:15) 3
HV/USAIGC Nationals (2:03) 1
HV/US Classic Jr & Sr (4:00) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals W (2:00) 1 w/comm
NBC/US Nationals M (:50) 1 some commercials
HV/US Nationals Jr. W (2:30) 1
HV/US Nationals Sr. W (:48) 1
HV/US Nationals Jr. Men (1:00) 1
HV/US Nationals Jr & Sr Day 2 (1:30)
HV/WOGA Classic (2:40) 2.5
BBC/World Championships W AA (:50) 2 *PAL
BRZ/World Championships M&W (1:02) 2
ESPN/World Championships M&W Team Final (1:30) 1 (a few commercials)
ESPN/World Championships M&W AA & EF (1:32) 1
GRE/World Championships W Team Final (2:17) 2.5 (some Eurosport routines also) *PAL
HV/World Championships Qualif. Groups 1-7 (6:00) 2 *PAL
HV/World Championships Qualif. Groups 5-8 (2:05) 2 *PAL
HV/World Championships Prelims all VT routines (:36) 3.5 *PAL
HV/World Championships Prelims all UB routines (1:55) 2.5 *PAL
HV/World Championships Prelims all BB routines (3:45) 2.5 *PAL
HV/World Championships Prelims all FX routines (4:00) 2.5 *PAL
RAI/World Championships W Team Final (1:27) 2 *PAL
RAI/World Championships W AA (3:03) 2 *PAL
RAI/World Championships M AA (:55) 2 *PAL
RAI/World Championships W EF (1:50) 2 *PAL
HV/American Classic Team Cup (:35) 2/2.5
NBC/American Cup M&W (2:00) 1 w/commercials
BEL/Antwerp Gym Gala (1:00) 2 *PAL
WTSN/Arthur Gander Memorial (1:00) 1 w/comm
BS1/Asian Games W T,AA,EF (2:08) 2
HV/Australia v. China (1:12) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Australian Championships Sr & Jr Int'l T,AA,EF (3:45) 2 (w/names & scores) *PAL
HV/Brazil v. Ukraine v. USA (1:26) 2
BRZ/Brazilian Olympic Circuit EF (1:44) 2.5
HV/Brazilian South American Games Trials (1:00) 2
SKY/British Championships (:25) 2 *PAL
HV/Canadian Jr. Nationals (:34) 3
TAI/China Motor Cup M&W (:51) 3
HV/Chunichi Cup (1:00) 2.5
RUS/CIS Youth Games M,W,R (2:00) 3 *PAL
BBCi/Commonwealth Games W Team (2:51) 2 *PAL
BBCi/Commonwealth Games W AA (2:06) 2 *PAL
BBCi/Commonwealth Games M&W EF (5:08) 2 *PAL
BBCi/Commonwealth Games M T (4:50) 2.5 *PAL
BBCi/Commonwealth Games M AA (2:25) 2 *PAL
HV/Como Cup (1:00) 2/2.5 *PAL
RAI/Como Cup (:28) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Cottbus Cup Qualifying W (1:20) 2 *PAL
ORB/Cottbus Cup M&W (1:45) 2 *PAL
WTSN/Cottbus Cup W (2:00) 1 comm
UKR/Deryugina Cup RSG (1:58) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Dutch European Team Trials (1:01) 2 *PAL
HV/Dutch Nationals (:57) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Dutch Nationals (1:35) 2 *PAL
ESP/European Championships Jr. W Team Group 4 (1:35) 2/2.5 *PAL
ESP/European Championships Sr. M AA&EF (4:35) 2.5 *PAL
GRE/European Championships Jr. W Team Group 4 (:26) 2.5 *PAL
GRE/European Championships Sr. W Team Group 4 (1:27) 2.5 *PAL
GRE/European Championships Sr. W AA (1:55) 2.5 *PAL
GRE/European Championships Sr. W EF (2:09) 2.5 *PAL
HV/European Championships Jr. Team Groups 1-3 (4:10) 2
HV/European Championships Jr. W AA (1:52) 2
HV/European Championships Jr. EF (1:17) 2
HV/European Championships Sr. W AA (1:52) 2
HV/France v. Netherlands v. Switzerland (1:10) 2 *PAL
HV/French International (4:33) 2/2.5 (Includes FX Finals from TV) *PAL
AUS/French International Qualif W,some M (1:50) 2 *PAL
WTSN/French International Finals (1:52) 1 w/comm
RUS/French International Finals M&W (2:03) 3 *PAL
FRA/French Nationals M,W,R (1:15) 2 *PAL
HV/Friendship Classic (1:00) 1
SUN/Florida v. Stanford V. PSU v. Illinois-Chicago (1:00) 1 w/comm
BBC/Glasgow Grand Prix M&W (3:58) 2 *PAL
RUS/Gymnastics Gala in Moscow (:31) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Gymnix International Jr&Sr AA (2:57) 2
HV/Gymnix International Jr&Sr EF (1:21) 2
RDS/Gymnix International (:25) 2
HV/Hypotheekshop (w/TV highlighs) (2:35) 2.5 *PAL
HUN/International Pre-Worlds Competition in Debrecen M&W (:50) 2.5 *PAL
ISR/Israeli Championships M&W (1:05) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italian Nationals (2:25) 2.5 *PAL
RAI/Italian Nationals: Prova 5 (:30) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italy v. France v. Germany (1:00) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italy v. Spain (:40) 2 *PAL
BUL/Mobitel RSG Grand Prix (1:57) 2.5 *PAL
HV/Magical Classic (1:33) 1
WTSN/Mexican Gala M&W (1:47) 2.5
HV/National Podium Meet (2:35) 1
CBS/NCAA Nationals W (1:41)1 some comm
HV/NED v. GER v. GBR v. AUT Youth Meet (1:57) 3 *PAL
HV/Netherlands v. Great Britain (:56) 2 *PAL
FOX/PAC 10 Championships (2:00) 2 w/comm
CBC/Pacific Alliance Championships M EF (1:00) 1 w/comm
CBC/Pacific Alliance Championships W EF (1:00) 1 w/comm
HV/Pacific Alliance Championships W Sr AA, Jr & SR EF (2:15) 2.5
ROM/Romanian Nationals M&W (2:24) 2 *PAL
RUS/RSG Moscow Grand Prix (4:06) 3 *PAL
STP/RSG St. Petersburg Pearls (1:01) 2.5 *PAL
GRE/RSG World Championships (3:04) 2.5 *PAL
RUS/Russian Cup (September) M&W (3:00) 3 *PAL
HV/Russian Cup (September) (2:43) 2.5 *PAL
RUS/Russian Nationals W AA,EF (March) (2:40) 3 *PAL
RUS/Russian Nationals M&W AA,EF (March) (6:12) 2 *PAL
HV/Sand Dollar Invitational (2:16) 1
BRZ/South American Games W T,AA (1:25) 2.5
BRZ/South American Games M&W EF(1:40) 2.5
ESP/Spanish Championships (1:00) 3/3.5 *PAL
FIG/Sports Acrobatics World Championships (:59) 2.5
HV/Spring Cup Jr AA (1:06) 2
HV/Spring Cup Sr AA (1:26)
HV/Spring Cup Sr EF,Gala (1:19) 2
COGECO/Spring Cup Sr EF,Gala (1:51) 2
ESPN/Super Six Challenge (1:30) 1 (w/comm)
WTSN/Swiss Cup M&W (2:30) 1 w/comm
HV/Top Gym (2:13) 2
FRA/Trophee Massilia (:58) 2 *PAL
HV/Trophee Massilia Team (1:50) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Trophee Massilia Finals (1:03) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/USAIGC Nationals Premier Qualifying (:32) 1
HV/US Classic National Elite (1:45) 1
HV/US Classic Junior International (1:36) 1
HV/US Classic Senior International (1:02) 1
HV/US Classic Team Cup (:51) 1
HV/US Nationals Jr. W Day 1 (1:58) 2.5
HV/US Nationals Jr. W Day 2 (1:45) 2.5/3 (not available for trade)
NBC/US Nationals W (1:45) 1 some/comm
NBC/US Nationals M (1:05) 1
NBC/US v. World M&W (1:22) 1 comm
HV/WOGA Classic (1:53) 1
ESPN/World Championships M&W Finals Day 1 (1:33) 1
ESPN/World Championships M&W Finals Day 2 (1:33) 1
HV/World Championships W Qual & Semi-finals, M&W Finals (no PB) (3:53) 2.5 *PAL
ESP/World Championships W Qualifying (4:50) 2/2.5 *PAL
ESP/World Championships W Semi-finals (3:31) 2/2.5 *PAL
ESP/World Championships M Qual (5:??) 2.5 *PAL
RAI/World Championships W Semi-finals (2:35) 2 *PAL
RAI/World Championships W Finals (2:15) 2 *PAL
BW/World Cup Final M&W (2:28) 2/2.5 *PAL
WTSN/World Cup Final W (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/World Cup Final W (:41) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/American Classic (6:45) 1
NBC/American Cup M&W (2:00) 1
HV/Australian Championships Sr & Jr (5:40) 2 *PAL
HV/Australian Youth Olympic Festival (2:10) 2 *PAL
HV/Blanc Mesnil (1:00) 2
BRZ/Brazilian Nationals M&W EF (2:30)
SKY/British Nationals EF (:46) *PAL
CBC/Canadian Nationals M&W EF (1:30) 1 commercials
HV/Canadian World Team Trials Day 2 (1:30) 2
WTSN/Cottbus Cup W (2:00) 2
UKR/Deryugina Cup RSG (2:02) 2.5/3
ESP/DTB Cup M&W (5:10) 2
OXY/DTB Cup (1:00) 1 w/comm
NED/Dutch Championships AA,EF (1:05) 2 *PAL
HV/Eight Country Meet (2:26) 2/2.5 *PAL
NED/Eight Country Meet EF (1:50) 2 *PAL
WTSN/European Team Championships Prelims W,R (3:00) 1 commercials
RAI/European Team Championships M,W,R (1:38) 2.5 *PAL
HV/European Youth Olympic Days T,AA,EF (3:06) 2 *PAL
ESPN/Florida v. LSU (1:10) 2.5 *PAL
HV/France v. Holland v. Romania (:58) 2
HV/France v. Russia M,W,R (1:00) 2 *PAL
AUS/French International M&W Finals(4:27) 2 *PAL
HV&FRA/French International Qualifying (1:50) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/Friendship Classic (2:34) 1
ESP/Glasgow Grand Prix M&W (4:15) 3 (tracking problem)
HV/Glider Invitational (1:33) 2
HV/Great Britian v. Russia (1:50) 2/2.5 *PAL
HV/International Junior (1:35) 2
RAI/Italy v. Netherlands v. Great Britain v. Israel (:32) 2 *PAL
RAI/Italy v. Croatia M (:42) 2.5/3
RAI/Italy v. Romania (2:15) 2.5/3
HV/Lugano International (:54) 2 *PAL
HV/Magical Classic (:48) 1
HV/National Podium Meet (4:34) 1.5/2
CBS/NCAA Championships W (1:30) 1
HV/Pacific Challenge (1:52) 3
BRZ/Pan American Games M&W (1:30)
HV/Parkette Invitational & National Elite Qualifier (3:51) 1
OXY/Rhythmic World Championships (1:00) 1 w/comm
ROM/Romanian Championships M&W (4:40) 2 *PAL
ROM/Romanian International M&W (6:11) 2 *PAL
RUS/RSG Grand Prix in Moscow (:55) 2.5 *PAL
RUS/RSG Russian Nationals (1:05) 3.5
RUS/Russian Championships (March) M&W AA,EF (5:43) 3 *PAL
RUS/Russian Cup M&W AA&EF (5:30) 2.5/3 (inc)
HV/Russian Display in Monaco M,W,R (:38) 2.5 *PAL
ESPN/Super 6 Challenge (1:10) 2.5
GRE/Thessiloniki World Cup Qualifer M&W (4:30) 2.5/3 *PAL
HV/Trophee Massilia Team & Gala (2:06) 2.5
FRA/Trophee Massilia EF (cuts in) (:48) 2.5
HV/US Classic (7:20) 1
HV/US Nationals Jr. W (1:38) 2/2.5
HV/US Nationals Sr W Day 1 (1:50) 2.5
HV/US Nationals Sr W Day 2 (1:47) 2.5
NBC/US Nationals W (2:55) 1
NBC/US Nationals M (1:05) 1
HV/WOGA Classic (2:15) 1
JPN/World Championships Prelims M&W (:48)
GRE/World Championships W Team Final (2:33) 2.5 *PAL
NBC/World Championships W Team Final (1:30) 1
GRE/World Championships W AA (1:55) 2.5 *PAL
NBC/World Championships W AA (:45) 1
GRE/World Championships M Team Final (3:30) 2.5 *PAL
NBC/World Championships M Team Final (1:30) 1
GRE/World Championships M AA (1:55) 2.5 *PAL
GRE/World Championships M&W EF (4:57) 2.5
NBC/World Championships W EF (:57) 1 commercials
NBC/World Championships M&W EF (1:12) 1
ESPN/Florida v. Alabama (1:15) 1 somm comm
SUN/Florida v. LSU (:50) 1 some comm
ESPN/Georgia v. LSU (1:30) 1 w/comm
HV/Parkette Invitational (1:17) 1
CN8/Parkette Invitational (2:00) 1 w/comm
HV/Sand Dollar National Elite Qualifier & Invitational (3:05) 1
ESPN/Super 6 Challenge (1:10) 1
HV/WOGA Classic (2:40) 1
American Anthem (1:42) 2
Are Your Going to the Ball? (:30) 3
Anna's Dream (1:26) 1
CNN/Parkettes 2003 Documentary (:45) 1
Fair Game (:23) 2.5/3
NHK/Romanian Documentary at Deva (1:00) 2
Little Girls in Pretty Boxes (1:30) 1
Dream to Believe (1:38) 2
Kim Zmeskal: Making of a Champion (:28) 2/2.5
Lefty (:45) 3
L'Or se Leve L'est (:56) 2.5
ARTE/2001 ROM Doc: Le Gymnastique de la Rigueur (:27) 2 *PAL
ESP/2000 Escuela des Deporte (1:00) 3 *PAL
RUS/2000 Leonid Arkaev Interview (:42) 3
NTV/2000 Russian Olympic Documentary (1:19) 2.5/3 *PAL
Olga Korbut on Biography (:45) 1
Olga Korbut - Reputations 2000 (:48) 2
Goin Deep: Atler & Moceanu (:25) 1
Mag 7: Made in America 1 (2:00) w/comm
Magic and Mystery of Nadia (:40) 2
Nadia (1:30) 1
Nadia's Return to Romania (:50) 1
Road to Glory (:50) 1
Red Files - Korbut, Kutchinskaya, Latynina (:58) 1
Nelli Kim (:30) 2.5
Perfect Body (1:30) 2
SRC/2000 Olympiquado: Report on Trampoline (:27) 2
Shannon Miller: One More Time (:28) 2
Shannon Miller on "Saved By the Bell" (:25) 2.5
2001 Trading Places (:48) 2 *PAL
1994 Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular (:50) 1
Push Episode 2 (:45) 2
Oprah - LGIPB (:30) 3