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DBZ Fanatics

Great DBZ Multimedia and Information!

Main Site

DBZ Clips
DBZ Music Videos
DBZ Pics
DBZ Fanart

DBZ Powerlevels


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This site was last
updated on December 29,
  Hello. Welcome to the new and improved DBZ Fanatics website where you will find all the information and multimedia you want! I am currently working on adding content to the site.

December 19, 2005 : Haven't updated in a while, added some submitted fanart. Sorry about the long loading time as a result of the ads, I may move to an ad-free host sometime in the near future. Also fixed many broken links.

May 7, 2005 : Bandwidth is alright now again, I am in the proccess of putting some new files on the site.

April 11, 2005 : Alright, now we are quite a bit above our monthly bandwidth, so please download sparingly! If this keeps up I may have to disable downloads for a while. I am pretty impressed with the amound of visitors coming here though, hope you are finding what you are looking for! If there is extra bandwidth next month, then I might even add some new media. Also, more positively, I fixed the annoying menu/navigation problem I was talking about much earlier.

March 9, 2005 : Recently I checked back here and saw that we had recieved more visitors than ever, so I decided to update the site. I have fixed most of the broken links, or just removed them. We have used about half our bandwidth - so for now that is OK. Enjoy your stay here, and maybe some time soon I will add some more here.

July 12, 2004 : I have just found out a way to fix the problems I was talking about earlier. The powerlevel section has been improved and the other sections will be shortly! Have fun.

July 11, 2004 : I have updated the clips section (and added extra clips) and have started the music videos section.

July 11, 2004 : Alright, there's some bugs/bad parts in the web site's script, so sorry for the messed up menu (especially in the power level's page). I might just make a whole new layout sometime when I have the time. Right now I am in the process of uploading some new files for the site, so expect them soon! Oh ya, I just added a pretty cool banner that I made for our site, so feel free to link to us!

July 10, 2004: Well, I havent worked on this site in a while since I really didnt have the time... Right now I just finished making the site easier to navigate. Tomorrow or next time I have time I will try changing the poll (its pretty old now) and adding some clips and other content. Possibly even adding extra powerlevels.

Apr 29, 2004: Right now I am trying to make the site more structurally sound. This means that I am working on ways to make the pages load faster, and properly. As soon as these problems are resolved I will add some new content which I have recently gotten. Come back soon!

Apr 16, 2004: For the past couple of days I have been working on buttons and banners for this site (I am slowly becoming better). I have added 2 buttons and 1 link to a very nice site. I would like to add some clips/music videos but I dont have enough space to put them. If anyone knows a good/free hoster which accepts .mpeg, .avi, .zip (most importantly), and so on - please email me and I will reward you :D (I'll think about how).

Apr 10, 2004: Like I said I would, I fixed most of the broken links (as a result of the hosting problem). Some are still not fixed and I will get to that when I have more time, I have only found a temporary solution... I also added some new fanart. We are still looking for someone to make a banner, please, if you are applicable email me.

Apr 9, 2004: Sorry I have not been able to update the site recently but I just realised something bad! My hoster canceled my files (most of the fanart and pics) for some reason. Again, if anyone can provide help - please do... I will try to fix everything tomorrow.

Mar 23, 2004: Once again, I have added more pictures to the fanart section and have organised it a little. I am having trouble adding clips since my hoster does not allow clips for some reason - if anyone can help (has to be a free hoster), please contact me. I am hoping to make a banner and/or button for this site but I am short on time. If anyone is good with photoshop or any other good graphics program and would like to make a banner please contact me at admin @ dragonballzfanatics . cjb . net.

Mar 22, 2004: I just added a few pictures to the fanart section. Right now I cannot update this site too much since I have been working on other things, but you can expect more soon! I will be adding clips and more pictures very soon.

Mar 10, 2004: I have submitted this site to a top 100 list to see how well it compares to other sites and to check its progress. I am also making the links more visible since they were barely visible being purple and blue... I will also soon try to add music videos and more clips.

Mar 3, 2004: I am trying to add more pictures, clips, links and possibly improve the powerlevels, and after experiencing difficulties have solved the problem. I will work on adding pictures and clips.

Feb 28, 2004: I have just completed making all parts of the site available and fixing broken links etc. I have also added a links section to the site. Now I will work on adding content to the site, be back soon!