The Deities
Aker (god): Two lions back-to-back; tract of land with lion or human heads at either end.
Amaunet (goddess): Snake-headed.
Amenhotep Son of Hapu (god): Man.
Ammit (goddess): Head of Crocodile; front part of panther or lion; rear of hippopotamus.
Amun (god): Man with double-plumed headdress; ram or ram-headed; goose; frog-headed.
Anat (goddess): Woman with lance, axe & shield.
Anubis (god): Jackal or jackal-headed.
Anuket/Anukis (goddess): Woman with tall plumed headdress & papyrus sceptre.
Apis (god): Bull.
Apophis (god): Snake.
Arensnuphis (god): Man with plumed crown.
Astarte (goddess): Naked woman with Atef-crown or bull's horns, riding horse.
Aten (god): Sun disc.
Atum (god): Man with Nemes headdress or Double Crown; snake.
Baal (god): Man with pointed beard & horned helmet, holding a cedar tree, club or spear.
Baba (god): Baboon.
Banebdjedet (god): Ram.
Bastet (goddess): Cat or cat-headed.
Bat (goddess): Human head with cow's ears & horns, & body in shape of necklace counterpoise.
Benu (god): Heron.
Bes (god): Leonine dwarf.
Buchis (god): Bull.
Duamutef (god): Jackal-headed.
Geb (god): Man (smtms ithyphallic), smtms with goose on head or Red Crown.
Hapi (god): Man with pendulous breasts & aquatic plants headdress.
Hapy (god): Baboon-headed.
Hathor (goddess): Cow; woman with cow ears, or horns & sun disc on head, or falcon on perch on head.
Hatmehyt (goddess): Lepidotus fish.
Hauhet (goddess): Snake-headed.
Heket (goddess): Frog or frog-headed.
Herishef (god): Long-horned ram with Atef-crown & sun-disc headdress.
Horus (god): Falcon or falcon-headed.
Hu (god): Man.
Huh/Heh (god): Frog-headed; man holding notched palm-rib.
Ihy (god): Child.
Imhotep (god): Seated man with skull cap & papyrus roll.
Ipy/Ipet (goddess): Hippopotamus.
Ishtar (goddess): Woman.
Isis (goddess): Woman in throne headdress.
Imsety (god): Human-headed.
Kauket (goddess): Snake-headed.
Khepri (god): Scarab beetle or man with scarab beetle for head.
Khnum (god): Ram or ram-headed.
Khons(u) (god): Child with headdress of full and crescent moon.
Kuk (god): Frog-headed.
Maat (goddess): Woman with single feather headdress.
Mafdet (goddess): Woman; panther.
Mandulis (god): Man with headdress of ram horns, plumes, sun discs & cobras.
Mehen (god): Coiled serpent.
Mehet-Weret (goddess): Cow.
Mer(e)tseger (goddess): Cobra.
Meskhen(e)t (goddess): Brick with human head; woman with bicornate uterus headdress.
Mihos (god): Lion.
Min (god): Man with erect phallus, & double-plumed headdress.
Mnevis (god): Bull.
Montu (god): Falcon or falcon-headed, with sun disc & double-plumed headdress.
Mut (goddess): Vulture.
Naunet (goddess): Snake-headed.
Nefertem (god): Man with lotus headdress; lion-headed.
Neith (goddess): Woman with Red Crown of Lower Egypt holding shield & crossed arrows.
Nekhbet (goddess): Vulture.
Neper (god): Man.
Nephthys (goddess): Woman with headdress of a basket & enclosure.
Nun (god): Man; holding solar barque above head; frog-headed baboon.
Nut (goddess): Woman; cow.
Onuris (god): Man; beard; four plume headdress.
Osiris (god): Mummified man with Atef-crown, holding crook & flail.
Pakhet (goddess): Lioness.
Ptah (god): Semi-mummified man with skull cap and was-djed-ankh sceptre.
Qadesh (goddess): Naked woman standing on lion.
Qebehsenuef (god): Falcon-headed.
Re/Ra (god): Ram-headed or falcon-headed with sun disc & cobra headdress.
Renenutet (goddess): Cobra.
Reshef/Reshep (god): Man with beard & White Crown with gazelle head at front & ribbon behind.
Sah (god): Man.
Satet/Satis (goddess): Woman with White Crown & antelope horns.
Sekhmet (goddess): Lioness or lioness-headed.
Selket/Serket (goddess): Woman with scorpion headdress.
Seshat (goddess): Woman with panther-skin robe, & seven-pointed star on head.
Seth (god): Unidentified quadruped or 'Seth-animal' headed.
Shay (god): Man.
Shezmu (god): Man.
Shu (god): Man with feather on head; lion-headed.
Sia (god): Man.
Sobek (god): Crocodile or crocodile-headed.
Sokar (god): Mummified man with crown of horns, cobras, atef, & sun disc; hawk-headed.
Sopdet/Sothis (goddess): Woman with star on head.
Tatenen (god): Man with double-plumed crown & ram's horns.
Taweret (goddess): Hippopotamus (with lion & crocodile parts).
Tayet (goddess): Woman.
Tefnut (goddess): Woman; lioness-headed; cobra.
Thoth/Djehuty (god): Baboon; ibis or ibis-headed.
Wadjet/Edjo (goddess): Cobra; lioness.
Wepwawet (god): Jackal or jackal-headed.
Credit for this page also goes to Lucia Gahlin.
Copyright © 2002-2004 Tony E Productions. All Rights Reserved.