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The Site
+ You (Art)
+ More on me
+ Harry Potter (Fic Recs and Info
+ Writings
+ back to me ____________________________ Other Links
+ Me at FB
+ AudioScrobbler + Myspace
+ fairy site
+ LJ
+ fanfiction
+ sotp
+ vln
+ ginny fans
+ more ginny
+ nbn
+ neopets


Hello all. Welcome to the site of me Beth aka. Bethie known all around the internet as bethzc! (I never change my username crazy I know...)
So anyways this is my site. Well not so much my site as a acculimination of all the things I've ever done on the net. If you're as obsessed with the net as moi you begin to get involved with things.
So up there you've got the linkie to my first site ever the fairy site, fanfiction I've written, sotp, vln, and all the ginny stuff which I've done with other people mostly my dear online friend Morgan *huggles Morgan*, then there's my neopets profile, and NBN (come on over we are insane there) which were two of the first sites I visited EVER!
As the title says this. is. me.
Beth, Bethie, bethzc,, iishbethie@AIM, alwaysbethie @ Myspace, alluringlcliche @ Last FM
Now leave me a note maybe? (tagboard)