Insider’s Report for 2004 #7 February/15/2004
QUOTE OF THE WEEK"If Americans were ever allowed inside the 'nation's attic', as the Smithsonian has been called, what skeletons might they find?"
… David Hatcher Childress
Archeological Cover-ups
NEXUS magazine, Volume 2 #13.(Visit the number one source of paranormal and related news sources in the world bar none. Of course that’s the web site of the unprecedented time-proven publication from OZ … Nexus Magazine at:**********************
UPDATE ON BLUE SKIES OF MARSBrazilian Hollow Earth Researcher/Writer Dean Dominic De Lucia (SN: Dharma/Dean)
first brought us the startling story, "The Blue Skies of Mars" in Issue 2004-3 that presents "Evidence that NASA is altering the true colors of the pictures of Mars."Now he sends an Update"
From the International Harold Tribune ( on the web) comes the following:
"How did the red planet turn pink?
Kenneth Chang NYT"PASADENA, California It hardly seemed a surprise that the panoramic photograph of Gusev Crater, the landing site of NASA's Mars rover Spirit, showed a red landscape. After all, Mars is called the red planet because it looks red, a hue imparted by rust in the planet's ubiquitous dust.
"But did NASA fiddle with the image to make it look that red? As Mars buffs have pointed out in recent weeks on Web sites like, a closer look reveals that parts of the rover itself, in the foreground, are oddly garish. Even the color chips placed on the rover to calibrate the color photographs had shifted. What should be bright blue is instead bright pink; what should be bright green is brown. …"Check it out! This is mainstream press we’re talking here! Read the whole thing at: your journey through Dean’s Hollow Earth Web Page at: NEWS:
UP TO THE MINUTE:According to a report from the Lexington Kentucky Herald-Leader;MAN SAYS MOST HUMANS INHABITED BY ALIEN CLONES
By Janet PattonHERALD-LEADER STAFF WRITERAN INTERVIEW WITH THE SUSPECTIs your wife alive? 'I don't know, and I don't care'
"We're going against the evil alien clones. ... I started with my wife."
Pat Hutchinson said he shot his wife, Fontaine, in the head yesterday because she, like most of the other people on the planet, had been taken over by alien clones.
For the complete story go to: above along with the following stories were up on our CURRENT NEWS listing at 11:50 PH EST Sat. 2/14/04:"Flash in the Sky Sparks UFO Theory.""UFO Buff Fascinated by the Unexplained.""Three People Needed to help in 32-year Old UFO Mystery"
CURRENT NEWS you may have missed from our up-to-the-minute worldwide UFO column: to an AP report on the "News from Oregon and Southwest Washington" web page:Vancouver tops in reported UFO sightings across Canada
Associated Press"Vancouver and Toronto topped the list of Canadian cities with sightings of unidentified flying objects, according to an annual report.
:According to the 2003 Canadian UFO Survey released Tuesday by Ufology Research of Manitoba, there were 673 UFO sightings across Canada last year, 39 percent more than in 2002. Of the sightings reported last year, 41 were in Vancouver and 34 in Toronto."
The report further states that 17% of them are still "unexplained."
For the complete report go to: REPORT: The Smithsonian & The Lost City in the Grand CanyonThe very first site I visited way back when I got my first computer and went on line was KeelyNet is one of the longest running Websites of it’s kind, and is still the best site of its type in presenting information in a truly scientific matter, something rare on a lot of the sites on the Internet dealing with the mysteries and secrets of the world. KeelyNet should be on any researchers list of "return often" sites. Jerry Decker and his crew have my support and blessings.(Excerpted)"The following is an intriguing article entitled "Archeological Cover-ups", by David Hatcher Childress in the above NEXUS magazine. [See Quote of the Week above]. Following that is a newspaper article from a 1909 newspaper indicating a bizarre suppressed find in the Grand Canyon area. It indicates either a hoax published at the time OR that the Smithsonian and/or the government is covering up details of past archeological discoveries that would rock current understanding of the past.
"Despite KeelyNet being primarily a science based board, this article intrigues us because of the similarity in information suppression to "protect the people".... This would appear to be the reason WHY we don't have working free energy and anti-gravity devices as well as absolute cures for most terminal diseases.
"If, after reading the article and the attached newspaper file, you decide to investigate the matter further, we here at KeelyNet would appreciate you sharing your findings with either/or Mr. Childress at the World Explorers Club or us here at KeelyNet."
Thanks. Jerry
Read it all at: out David Hatcher Childress & his site. If you’ve never read any of his books you are missing out. There is more first-hand Hollow Earth/Subterranean evidence and history in his books than you’ll find anywhere else. The key words here are "first-hand knowledge." The thing that puts David Hatcher Childress high above most other modern day researchers… he doesn’t just sit at home researching from his computer screen like I do … he’s a regular Indiana Jones. He walks the talk. Check him out:
The Lost City of The Dead in the Grand Canyon
Researchers Jack Andrews and Susan Anway have worked long and hard looking into this story, and a person could spend days on their web page reading the mass of information they have released. Their discoveries may one day prove to be the most important find in our lifetime. I’m including the complete introduction from their web page as requested instead of just a teaser. Their discoveries may one day prove to be the most important find in our lifetime.Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
About this web site:"The Havasupai know that the Grand Canyon is the origin of the human race, so it is a sacred area" - Grand Canyon Explorer home page."In 1909, near a sacred region of planet earth, known as the Grand Canyon of Arizona, a lone explorer named G. E. Kincaid, allegedly dared to take a long, dangerous and arduous journey, in a small boat, alone, with the original purpose of "looking for mineral" through the entire length of the Grand Canyon and beyond. What he claimed to have found on his journey through the chasm, as reported in a front-page headline story of the "Arizona Gazette" of April 5th 1909, was so fantastic, so mysterious that it nearly defies belief.
"Yet it appeared in the front page headlines of an otherwise nearly mundane mainstream newspaper, a paper which was not prone to print such fantastic stories, the forerunner to the present day "Arizona Republic", which is considered a conservative publication. It appeared among daily reports of Theodore Roosevelt's African Safaris, reports of local gunfights, and commentary the price of sugar beets in the Phoenix "Valley of the Sun".
"I have personally searched tediously page-by-page and watery eyed through reel after reel of microfilm for a period of several months before and after the story's appearance in 1909, looking with a skeptical eye for a pattern of journalism that might reveal a tendency by the paper's authors to publish sensational fictitious "tales". Such a tendency was not found for the several months of articles I searched. I am convinced that no such tendency occurred in 1909 in the "Arizona Gazette.
"Yet there is the appearance of this one story, claimed to be "regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archaeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the world" which contains statements, that nearly 100 years later, refuse to be written off as a "hoax" or "fraud" or "fabrication" as has been casually suggested. What happened in the Grand Canyon in 1909? Why did this story apparently fade off into obscurity? What happened to the artifacts that Kincaid said he found and shipped to "Washington"? And what happened to the scientists and scores of people who certainly must have known something about this discovery? Was there a conspiracy of cover-up, and if so, what was found in the "nearly mile long tunnel" that would demand such a cover-up? Did this story die because the exploration team met disaster on the river? Did the team of archaeologists/scientists fail to decipher the "cave's" hieroglyphics and fail to unravel the mystery of the artifacts and if so, what culture could be so mysterious as to baffle the experts of the time?
"What happened in 1909 at the site? Who created such a fantastic installation, why and when and for what purpose? These questions and other concerns are all questions I hope to pursue in this web site and hopefully one day a clearer picture of this mystery will begin to emerge."- Jack Andrews copyright 2001 may be only used in it's entirety with this notice clearly visible.Read the extensive and continuing research, documentation and information researchers Jack Andrews and Susan Anway are compiling at: is top-notch research!!
As reported by the EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY on their web page "Science & Technology"
Oxygen and carbon discovered in exoplanet atmosphere 'blow-off' [heic0403]
02 Feb 2004
The well-known extrasolar planet HD 209458b, provisionally nicknamed Osiris, has surprised astronomers again. Oxygen and carbon have been found in its atmosphere, evaporating at such an immense rate that the existence of a new class of extrasolar planets – ‘the chthonian planets’ or ‘dead’ cores of completely evaporated gas giants - has been proposed.
Oxygen and carbon have been detected in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System for the first time. MAN WHO DEFIED GRAVITY … and used the knowledge to build a Castle.
After years of researching Flying Saucers and more recently the great Mystery Airships of the turn of the century I have come to positively believe that it is possible to overcome gravity. I also believe this ability is one of the great secrets of the Ancients being kept from the masses by the Controllers. If nothing else keeping that knowledge a secret keeps mankind in the iron grip of fossil fuels … and all that that implies.I also believe one man not only exposed the secret of gravity, but he did it while thumbing his nose at the Keepers of the Secrets. That man’s name was Edward Leedskalnin. He not only left positive proof that the gravitational pull of the earth could be controlled or manipulated, but he left a monument to that secret technical knowledge so large and noticeable that it couldn’t be hidden or easily destroyed without public scrutiny. That monument is Coral Castle near Homestead Florida. To visit Coral Castle go to:
(Or head South on I-95).For more on Edward Leedskalnin go to: an in-depth look at The Mystery of the castle and its builder read the Atlantis Rising article:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*************************
The TAL Zone
More input from that man from the Hollow Hassle, Tal LaVesque.
Leviathan Cave
Cave System on Mountaintop North of Rachel, Nevada
Report by Glenn Campbell
Based on an expedition by the Groom Lake Interceptors on 8/24/96"Leviathan Cave is an impressive series of tunnels and chambers on the top of the Worthington Mountain Range, north of Rachel, Nevada. The opening is a huge sinkhole on the northwestern flank of Meeker Peak at an elevation of about 7800 feet. The remote location and difficult four-hour hike keep most visitors away. Entering the cave involves a vertical drop of about 15 feet requiring ropes or freehold climbing, but the rest of the cave is fairly level. This is a "living" limestone cave with stalactites, stalagmites and many other formations. It is said to be about 1/5 mile at its longest, but many side passages make this cave quite complex. [GC 8/96]. …"For the complete report go to:
Mr."SCI-FI"...Forrest J. Ackerman
Back when I was a teenager, I would call (1-213-MOONFAN) to speak with Forrest J. Ackerman ("Forry," as he is known). I would ask if I could come over and go on a free tour of the mansion. Really, I originally went over to his mom's house (before he bought the Mansion). He liked it if I brought over young teenage girls, for him to scare with the "monster in the basement". Forry really liked the photos I took of his place, with a 3-D Camera I owned. Once I went with George Lucas to Forry's house. Today, George won't admit he went there (and I KNOW WHY. But, I don't want to tell. *) I had most of the magazines, "Famous Monsters of Filmland," which Forry was editor for many years. In fact, Ackerman is credited for coining the term "sci-fi" when referring to science fiction. Born in 1916, Ackerman is best known for his collection of sci-fi, horror and fantasy memorabilia. * Forry still has a standing offer of a $100. Reward!
for information leading to the recovery of stolen treasures from his house.
Any sci-fi or horror aficionado worth his salt knows the name of Forrest J. Ackerman. The legend who shook hands with H.G. Wells, published Ray Bradbury's first story, coined "sci-fi," received 13-year-old Stephen King's first fiction, and created Vampirella is now 80 years old and plans to be the George Burns of Science Fiction.
His famed "Ackermansion" in Hollywood, Calif., held more than 300,000 pieces of SF history in its 18 rooms, ranging from film props to first-edition novels.
Can't get to Hollywood to see Forrest J Ackerman's legendary Ackermansion?
(Well. It’s gone today, anyway.) Take a virtual tour of his home with this four-CD collection.
"Forrest J. Ackerman's Museum of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy"
... an entertaining CD-ROM featuring the collections of Ackerman's Los Angeles, CA, museum.
This four-CD set (which Forry calls the "4ECD") contains 2.4 gigabytes of memorabilia.
Visit Forry, as he's affectionately called, at his Website Forrest J. Ackerman's Wild Webbed World.****************************************************************************************************************************************************
From Insider BRADENTAPES comes a report that he feels is of upmost importance. He has been researching a little known fact that could be affecting us all … and we don’t even know it! It concerns our flag …BRANDENTAPES writes:I was born in November of 1934. I have always been a patriot of this country and I have always loved the American flag. NOW THIS!
Nothing in the world has enraged me so deeply as finding out that we have been robbed of our freedom through the flag we hold so dear!I was never taught in school that there were not one, but two official Unites States flags.
One, being Federal and Military, the other being Civil to be used during times of peace. Today the flag we all look up to, as the symbol of a free people, is the flag of the Federal Government and the Military. The Civil flag remains hidden.
Nor had anyone ever explain to me why our real flag, a flag of peace, has been put away and the Federal or Military flag used to replace it no matter the condition of war or peace in our country. Here is how and why it was done.In the early days of our nation ordinary citizens could not afford flags anyway so the subject wasn‘t dealt with. . But as the young new country prepared to fight to gain their freedom a flag was needed to rally the people behind. Betsy Ross designed the well known battle flag, although even this "fact" about the history of our flag is suspect in some quarters.Along with the Battle flag, a civil authority flag was made. This flag was meant to be flown in all civil buildings, showing the authority under which we were governed … proving that ours was not a military form of government. The Military, or battle flag, was to be flown over federal and military buildings and bases.To further imphensize how important that the separation of the use of these two flags was a law was passed. It was made against the law for a civil flag to be flown in Federal buildings and vice versa; the Federal flag was not to be flown in civil installations.It was later decided that the civil authority (under the Treasury Department) needed a coast guard to ensure our businesses a fair exchange and to thwart illegal movement of goods by sea. The coast guard ships were assigned the flag of civil authority and still use it today. Unfortunately that’s about the only place you see it any more.
Take a look around today!!! All civil buildings, all schoolrooms, court houses, fly the flag of war! Why? Is there hidden symbolism there so that some can look at it and gloat? Is it not unlike the symbols hidden in plain sight on our dollar bill? I don’t know. But I do know that at some time during my lifetime we have had our civil flag stolen from us and replaced by a Military flag. The implications of this are staggering.When you fly a flag you should understand fully that the authority of whichever flag you fly represents you. By displaying a battle flag, we are telling one and all that we are a Military State.
How did they do such a thing? First, they understood that hardly anyone had knowledge of the civil flag because it was rare. It was seldom seen outside of buildings in a very public place. The civil flag was quietly replaced while we slept. But we can turn this around … Use this as a wake-op call! If they will take our flag this way, what’s next?You might also notice a gold fringe on some American flags. This gold fringe places the authority of that building or site under the jurisdiction of the Admiralty! Of course the Admiralty is under the authority of the federal government.It’s a shame what’s happening to our country and our freedoms. But, after thinking this through very carefully I honestly believe that if we educate each other -- That if we keep asked the right questions, loud enough and long enough we can regain those freedoms our forefathers fought and died for without any further bloodshed.You’ll know that day has come when you see the rightful United States civil flag flying over municipal buildings, schools and sporting events.[The three links below were also supplied by BRANDENTAPES along with this excellent and important report. Thank you BRANDENTAPES, You are a true Patriot. Editor].
Check out BRADENTAPES new web page:<<<INFORMATION<<BEST PRICE ON FLAGS ON INSIDER’S RESEARCH ON OLAF JANSONOn 11/13/02 Insider "Willow" opened a new subject in The Hollow Earth Insider Phorum asking for information about Olaf Janson the hero of one of many Hollow Earth books that are suspected of being true accounts of a trip into the Inner lands. This one, "The Smoky God" (
a story about Janson who made a trip through the elusive Northern Passage … the hole-at-the-pole. With the up-coming Expedition in search of that very same elusive hole, our thoughts again turn to "Gardner’s Hole" as it‘s been called.Was Olaf Janson a real person?
Long Time Insider and Phorum user "Karl" took up that challenge and has been researching the records of Glendale California for the past year trying to locate records proving that Olaf Janson was an actual person. Below are his reports from the pages of "Phorum": "The Hollow Earth."He has been on his quest for at least a year, as the dates on his posts to the Phorum will prove. He is to be commended for his persistence. Below are his string of posts.POST #1
Date: 02-10-03 17:38Friends,I am trying to find out two things:1) Was Olaf Jansen a real person?2) Was Olaf's manuscript donated to the Smithsonian by Emerson after all?To date, I have not been able to find any trace of an Olaf Jansen in or around Glendale, CA in the early 1900s. As a more primary step, I have confirmed that Willis George Emerson *is* located in the famous Forest Lawn Cemetery ( ) in Glendale, as rumored. This has been confirmed through the cemetery:"Date of death: Dec. 11, 1918
Date of placement: May 24, 1944
age at time of death: 62 years old, 8 months, 13 days.
Location: Niche 16216 Columbarium of Fidelity
tablet reads: Willis G.
1856 - 1918"The niche indicates he was cremated. Olaf was also rumored to be in Forest Lawn but the cemetery can't locate any records for an Olaf Jansen. Further, they said the cemetery opened in 1917, long after Jansen allegedly died. However, if anyone has any useful info on Jansen, please post it. Thank you.
Date: 07-18-03 16:56
Friends,Further to my posts of Jan 15 and Feb 10, I implore you to help me determine, once and for all, whether Olaf Jansen was real or fictional. We can find out by searching the Los Angeles county death records for evidence. Does anyone live in that county? Here's how to view the records in person, if we assume specific birth or death date(s) to have the "deputy" pull up to 5 records for free:"The Department of Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk is located at 12400 Imperial Highway in Norwalk. The following will provide you with the procedure for viewing vital records. Certificates and indexes of birth, death and marriage records not exempt from public inspections may be examined at the Office of the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. In addition to certificates on file, there are indexes of birth, death and marriages available for public inspection as follows: Births prior to 1905 and from 1964 to the present; Deaths from 1877 to the present; and Marriages from 1852 to the present. Records of confidential marriages performed pursuant to Family Code Section 500 are not available for public review. Certificates and indexes may be examined at no charge unless a deputy is requested search and/or retrieve more than five records. Random searches of the indexes or the certificates are not allowed. An application is required for each record searched. Information sufficient to identify the requested record must be provided."More info on how to search for his death record can be found here: will cost $13 to have a search done though, which is fairly cheap by comparison to alternatives (i.e. having a pro company do it).More info:
"Records are available for deaths occurring in Los Angeles County since 1892. An Authorized or Informational certified copy of a death record will be provided for a $13 fee per copy. The fee is nonrefundable. A "No Record Statement" will be issued if the record is not found. Before ordering a death record please read the Information Sheet that explains the procedure for ordering a death certificate. After reading the Information Sheet please submit a written request with the decedent’s name, date of death, if known or the range of years to be checked, number of copies you need, your relationship to the decedent and a signed penalty of perjury statement. You must also submit a notarized Certificate of Identity. Include a preaddressed stamped envelope with your request. Payment for mail requests can be made by check or money order payable to the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. DO NOT SEND CASH. Out of state checks are accepted. We request that you use the Death Application and Certificate of Identity to ensure that all required information is received." Those forms are found at the link I've given above.
UPDATE: 2/2/04
Friends,Update: When I visited Glendale, CA in October, I checked the oldest city
directories available in the main Glendale public library. I eventually
found Mrs. Emerson name, at two different addresses over the years, but
never found any hint of even a single Jansen in all the volumes I checked.This, coupled with the fact the my numerous inquiries to different people
and parts of the Smithsonian, where Emerson said he intended to donate
Jansen's MS, along with the fact that there are no death records for 'Olaf
Jansen' in 1905-1908, makes me think that he never existed. I am going to
make the effort to check a couple more things, the only one of possible
promise being attempting to verify his existence in Batavia, IL.If anyone beats me to it, please post any findings here. Thank you.
Note: Interestingly enough, that Glendale library is "missing" both of its
copies of Emerson's book. Odd for semi-celebrity local author, no?
**********************************************************BRUCE WALTONThe first issue of "The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report" was sent out in September of 1992. At the time I had only the bare basics when it comes to a "Hollow Earth" research library.
(I) Bernard’s "The Hollow Earth" (2) Reed’s "The Phantom of the Poles", (3) Gardner’s "Journey to the Earth’s Interior", (4) Eric Norman’s "The Under People," "Etidorhpa" (5) a series of "Flying Saucer" magazines (that had been sent to me free by the man himself … Ray Palmer … after a brief phone conversation we had the mid-1969). And most the most important of all, (6) "A Guide to the Inner Earth" by Bruce A. Walton.It was Bruce’s "Guide" that helped me during those early critical issues of THEI to locate interesting stuff that wasn’t rehashed information. Thought outdated, (it was published by Health Research in 1983) it is still today the number one and most complete directory for Hollow Earth/Subterranean source material bar none. One of my hopefully-not-to-distant planned projects, along with Bruce, will be to update "A Guide to the Inner Earth." has been involved in research into the deepest realms of the secrets we study here at all of his life. His research has brought forth some of the best information we rely on to continue our studies. A good example is his research and report, "Was William Morgan The Man?" Which proves that ’I am the Man’ from "Etidorhpa" really existed and that the story told in Etidorhpa is a true story. You can find this fabulous piece of research/reporting posted on THEI under "Guest Researcher" at"
Shortly after starting THEI hard copy another leading Hollow Earth researcher. TAL LaVesque contacted me. (Read Tal’s column, "The TAL Zone" in the Insider‘s Report).
Tal introduced me to Bruce. We all corresponded and exchange information by mail and phone … we had no computers. I published several of Bruce’s reports in the pages of THEI over the five years of its existence, including an early release of some of the Mohave stuff. After my wife Betty contacted cancer and I quit publishing the hard copy THEI I lost touch with Bruce. We are now back in touch, and I am very happy to report that Bruce is doing great after defying death in a very bad traffic accident a while back.BRANTONSome of you may not be familiar with the name Bruce Walton. Much of Bruce’s best-known and most quoted works are published under his use-to-be secret research name. And I’ll bet a buck against a donut, you’ll recognize that name … it’s Branton.
Under the name Branton, Bruce has written some of the most important book-length reports containing information that’s being used as reference material by many semi-mainstream researchers today.
As Michael Barkun tells us in his book on the history of conspiracies, "A Culture of Conspiracy" © 2003 by the Regents of the University of California and published by the University of California Press:"According to Branton, the United States is "the last obstacle standing in the way of the joint Reptilian-Bavarian Illuminati’s NEW WORLD ORDER which is based after the Reptilian collective mind-control/annihilation-of-consciousness system as opposed to the Christian idea of individual liberty and free thought." The outcome of this subterranean war will decide whether good or evil rules this part of the universe.
"As others took up the reptilian theme, Branton’s influence has spread. By 2001, David Icke was including lengthy quotations from Branton’s Web sites in his own writings as the voice of authority on reptoid questions." (Page 123)
Over the years Branton has been the number one source for most of the first-hand information regarding the war being waged right below our feet. But more importantly, he has also been a good friend who has supported THEI in his every dealing with me since TAL first introduced us.
And now, Branton, a very private person, (for obvious reasons) is going to take time from his busy schedule to answer questions put to him by our Insider’s Report readers and I can’t thank him enough. In an effort to make the up-to-the-minute news and special report site for the Hollow Earth/Subterranean community his influence and help, along with that of Tal, John Rhodes and several other researchers will help us reach our goal. Our goal is to present top-notch current reporting by those actually doing the work along with reverent news from other areas of interest we are constantly watching without loosing the knowledge that we shouldn‘t take ourselves too seriously all the time. Of course without, you the reader and your input it all doesn’t matter, does it?At this time I am happy beyond explanation to announce that coming soon to … a new feature, a new reporter:BRANTON FOR THE INSIDERYou can start sending questions to Branton through me at, subject: "Branton. " I’ll forward them to him and in the not to distant future we’ll start publishing the answers to your questions in the Insider‘s Report. Please keep your questions short and to the point. Brandon will not answer questions on some on-going investigations for obvious reasons. Also please note, Branton is using his time to keep us informed. Don’t waste it. Check for the answer on his site before submitting it here. Also realize that he may not be able to answer all of your questions, but he’ll answer when we can.In the mean time, click on Branton’s site and bookmark it; you‘ll want to return often.
Some of Branton’s better-known works include:1999 - The Dulce War: Underground Alien Bases & the Battle for Planet Earth
1999 - The Secrets of The Mohave
2000 - The Omega Files: Nazi UFO Bases Revealed!
Oh, and tell your friends to drop by and get on our list! They are not going to want to miss one more issue of our Insider’s Report. Besides, if they are truly your friends you don’t want them to be "Outsiders" do you?
Dennis Crenshaw