Unraveling The Secrets: Year 3
May 1, 2006                                                             Volume III Number  5
"Don't rock the boat … Instead kick a damn hole in it’s rotten bottom."
Editor: Dennis Crenshaw
Highlights of this Issue
Amateur Hacks Into US Military Computers Looking for UFO and Aliens Truth
They even sold our History!   Smithsonian's secret deal with Showtime
IN the Appalachians???
alien autopsy faked
Are the Hidden Underground Military Bases the Real Headquarters for the New World Order?
'The Secret Underground Lectures of Commander X"
Eyeballin’ The Advances of The New World Order
UFO -- Word Wide Reports

& Selected Short Subjects
Unraveling the Secrets is a FREE Research Report from:
Thanks to my long-time friend BRANTON all the back issues of this series of reports can be found archived at: https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangel/THEI/THEI.html
Visit BRANTON’S Underground Base & Hideout at:
aloha Dennis
brilliant news …  Unraveling the Secrets Vol. III #4
we've known for a decade that anal oil lords must deny climate crises, no matter who/what ecospasms kill millions they'd like to die anyway.
On debunking Einstein - I agree totally, he was a plagiarist, wrong, widely speculating with fantasy models to prove his bogus theories of vacuum of empty
space - we know now is filled with electric plasma, ether, Chi, Forgone, etc.
Uncle Albert inspired anal white folks who believed we invented industry revolution, the Chinese invented 3/4 of what grew our industry centuries before, we brag how great we are - the world empire, electrified U$-UK secret puppet masters of real world fantasy of plastic reality, needy sucking consumers of toxic waste, aging & killing us with Big $science medical treatments of slow death in luxury - Nuke Dog kills the sun with Big
bang, electricity & RC
POLE FLIP NOT RANDOM - such old retro news Big $cience rants about what Velikovsky exposed in 1950s best selling $cience books of 1900-1960s, now reborn in1990s as catastrophic evolution of earth pole shifts -(Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock) "likely caused by comet plasma discharge" (McCAnney; &
Thunderbolts of the Gods - Talbot & Thornhill Books)  since 2000.
Spirallove … micheal sunanda
Greetings micheal,
As usual I find your comments to be hard-hitting and straight to the point.  Keep up the good work.
[Check out Michael’s ’Earth Space Weather"  site at:  www.efn.org/~ecozma/sunergy … Dennis].
Hello Dennis,
Here is a book review for your newsletter. I'm sure a few of your readers
will know Michael Mott.
Pulsifer: A Fable, The First Novel of Pulsifer the Rogue
by Wm. Michael Mott
PublishAmerica, Paperback
6 x 9, 270 pp.
For those who enjoyed Michael Mott's nonfiction book, Caverns, Cauldrons,and Concealed Creatures, you will be pleased to know that Mott has not strayed far from some of the concepts in that work in his latest book, Pulsifer: A Fable, the First Novel of Pulsifer the Rogue. Age-old archetypes and folkloric forms are put to use in original and entertaining ways that will keep you wanting more with each turn of the page.
In Pulsifer, Mott has assembled a mass of misfit trolls and wizards and every form of flesh-eating monster one can imagine, and we see them all through the eyes of Calim Pulsifer, a conniving, thieving, fast-talking, scoundrel banished from his homeland, roaming distant lands bent on revenge for those responsible for his abolishment.
Throughout his wanderings, and despite his best laid plans, Pulsifer always seems to wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time, fighting for his life against an assortment of angered women, unscrupulous wizards, reptilian-like beasts, and bizarre human forms.
Regardless of his checkered past, Pulsifer is a very likable guy, an underdog whom we can relate to, whose quick wit and steal charm are equal weapons against any adversary. Mott keeps the reader guessing with each chapter as he gets our rogue hero in and out of trouble and throws in a surprise ending sure to please even the most finicky of readers.
It is books like this that remind us why we read: they take us to strange lands, we meet exciting people, and for a short time we leave the everyday world we are accustom to. I think there is a little bit of Pulsifer in all of us. --Paul Jay Steward
Thanks for the review.  I am also sure that many of our readers know Michael Mott and his excellent work.   As for me … Michael and I have corresponded for years.  I can’t wait to read this new "fun" book by a great researcher/writer.
Strange Nation
Submitted by: HIGHFIELD@
Group: fantasticreality@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Strange Nation - Dedicated to strange phenomena in Australia
Visit the site:  http://www.strangenation.com.au/
New Article Archive
From: Royce Holleman mrparanormal@swbell.net
Subject: [strangeexperience] New Article Archive
I just wanted to let everyone know I just added a new article archive to my site consisting of 6048 articles about conspiracies, UFOs, and occult from the 80's.This is the kind of stuff that’s disappeared from the web been forgotten etc, etc much of it looked useful from what I could see reading the topics. There was too many to post in a matter of days or weeks so I thought I would post letting people know. From my homepage click research on the left in the navigation menu and 3 links will drop down just pick the one you want. Hope everyone finds this useful.
Scientists crack mystery of planet formation
Source:  CNN
Posted by:  TheLoneWolf@
Group:  watch2050@yahoogroups.com
Dateline: 4/5/06
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Scientists think they have solved the mystery of how planets form around a star born in a violent supernova explosion, saying they have detected for the first time a swirling disk of debris from which planets can rise. …
[It must be noted that this "new" knowledge will fit either the establishment theory or the Hollow Earth Theory.   For, as Marshall B. Gardner stated, "we are forced to the conclusion that the rotating mass of gas, breaking off from its center nucleus forms an envelope of a roughly spherical shape which afterwards solidifies, leaving the central nucleus still in the center to form an inner sun."
--- "A Journey to the Earth’s Interior" (1913 revised 1920) … Dennis].
America's war on the web
Source: Sunday Herald
Posted by:  hal838us@myway.com
Group:  HAL838@yahoogroups.com
While the US remains committed to hunting down al-Qaeda operatives, it is now taking the battle to new fronts. Deep within the Pentagon, technologies are being deployed to wage the war on terror on the internet, in newspapers and even through mobile phones. Investigations editor Neil Mackay reports. …
IMAGINE a world where wars are fought over the internet; where TV broadcasts and newspaper reports are designed by the military to confuse the population; and where a foreign armed power can shut down your computer, phone, radio or TV at will.
In 2006, we are just about to enter such a world. This is the age of information warfare, and details of how this new military doctrine will affect everyone on the planet are contained in a report, entitled The Information Operations Roadmap, commissioned and approved by US secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld and seen by the Sunday Herald.
Continue:  http://www.sundayherald.com/54975
Ohio (USA)
Possible Gospel of Judas Fragments Revealed in Ohio
M. R. Kropko
Associated Press
April 20, 2006
A lawyer charged with raising money to pay off the bankruptcy debts of an art and antiquities dealer offered a glimpse Wednesday of several small, brown bits of papyrus that may be part of the ancient Gospel of Judas. …
Article and Photo:
Related Article::
Lost Gospel Revealed; Says Jesus Asked Judas to Betray Him
Stefan Lovgren
for National Geographic News
April 6, 2006
He is one of the most reviled men in history.
But was Judas only obeying his master's wishes when he betrayed Jesus with a kiss?
That's what a newly revealed ancient Christian text says.
After being lost for nearly 1,700 years, the Gospel of Judas was recently restored, authenticated, and translated. …
Complete report:  http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/04/0406_060406_judas.html
Amateur Hacks Into US Military Computers Looking for UFO and Aliens Truth
Source: Yahoo News
Dateline 4/27/06
To the United States, he is a seriously dangerous man who put the nation's security at risk by committing "the biggest military computer hack of all time."
During his two-year quest, McKinnon broke into computers at the
NASA and the Johnson Space Center as well as systems used by the U.S. army, navy and air force.
U.S. officials say he caused $700,000 worth of damage and even crippled vital defense systems shortly after the September 11 attacks.
The unemployed computer programmer is now battling extradition to the United States, where, if found guilty, he faces up to 70 years in jail and fines of up to $1.75 million. His lawyer fears he could even be sent to Guantanamo Bay. …
Continue:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060427/sc_nm/security_britain_hacker_dc_1
(Our No Surprise Here Dept).
Salford man admits alien autopsy fake
Source: Manchester Evening News
Posted by:  brian_earthwatcher@
Group:  watch2050@yahoogroups.com
Dateline:  4/6/06
A SALFORD-BORN special effects expert, who has designed the aliens for Ant and Dec's big screen debut Alien Autopsy, claims he made models that 10 years ago fooled the world into thinking they were really watching the dissection of a real-life extra-terrestrial.
Sculptor John Humphreys has done modeling work for films such as Alexander and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and for TV series including Doctor Who.
But until now, he says, he has kept secret his most well-known work -footage of an alleged post mortem of an alien which, some say, crashed to Earth in Roswell in the United States in 1947. For years skeptics have claimed it was a hoax, but John has stayed quiet -
saying he was sworn to secrecy. …
Complete expose’ at:  http://tinyurl.com/nslco
They even sold our History!   Smithsonian's secret deal with Showtime
By:  Magorn
Posted by: dogbonz@
 Group:  Reality_101@yahoogroups.com
Tue Apr 18, 2006 at 04:00:48 PM PDT
We all know Satayana's Famous warning about those who forget their history; but I wonder what special damnation waits for those who sell it off to the first megacorporation that cuts a check?
Thanks to a secret, no-bid deal cut in the beginning of this year, the complete terms of which they refuse to release, The Smithsonian, "the Nation's Attic", has become Showtime's Candy Store instead.
As part of a near-exclusive deal with Showtime Networks, the Smithsonian Institution is restricting filmmakers' access to its scientists and archives...., Now most filmmakers will not have in-depth use of Smithsonian materials unless they are creating work for the Smithsonian/Showtime unit.
Which means effectively that $800 million a year in taxpayer funds we spend on the venerable institution has just become another form of corporate welfare: …
"Missing link" walking-fish fossils awe scientists
April 5, 2006
Special to World Science
Scientists are hailing a set of newfound fossils as a "missing link" that documents one of evolution’s most spectacular transitions: the shift from water to land.
The fossils come from a fierce fish with bones in its fins, which gave it enough strength to walk on land a bit, researchers say.
Human comprehension of the history of life on Earth is taking a major leap forward," said H. Richard Lane, director of sedimentary geology and paleobiology at the U.S. National Science Foundation in Arlington, Va., which helped fund the research.
Dubbed Tiktaalik roseae, the species "blurs the boundary between fish and land-living animal," said the University of Chicago’s Neil Shubin, co-leader of the research team.
The group published its findings in two papers in the April 6 issue of the research journal Nature.
Complete report with photos, graphs etc.
Secret rivers in Antarctica
By Helen Briggs
BBC News science reporter
Posted by:  hal838us@myway.com
Group:  HAL838@yahoogroups.com
Dateline: 4/23/06
Antarctica's buried lakes are connected by a network of rivers moving water far beneath the surface, say UK scientists.
It was thought the sub-glacial lakes had been completely sealed for millions of years, enabling unique species to evolve in them.
Writing in the journal Nature, experts say international plans to drill into the lakes may now have to be reviewed.
Any attempts to drill into one body of water risks contaminating others.
"What this paper shows is that not only could you contaminate a lake, you could contaminate the whole drainage system," lead author Duncan Wingham, of University College London, told the BBC News website.
Time capsules
The sub-glacial lakes of Antarctica are regarded as "time capsules" of the period when the continent began to freeze over.
Scientists believe any life they contain might shed light on extreme environments on other worlds, such as the ice-bound ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa.
The presence of the drainage system may change current thinking on the chances of finding microbial life that has evolved "independently".
"The notion that these things have been sitting in the lakes evolving for millions of years probably won't wash," said Professor Wingham.   "I think the idea that they have an isolated biological environment where things have gone their own way will have to be re-examined." …
Continue Report:  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4908292.stm

Are the Hidden Underground Military Bases the Real Headquarters for the New World Order?
 A former Canadian military officer finally goes public with shocking information he learned while working at an underground base at Cold Lake in Canada. Although some may say his story is pure fiction, others claim the secrets to the New World Order's depopulation plan lies underground.
20 Oct 2005
By Greg Szymanski
Everyone is talking about the New World Order and a one world government, but according to a former Canadian military officer, nobody wants to believe its true sinister nature lies in the mysteries surrounding thousands of deep underground military bases scattered throughout the world. Here is his story:
Timothy of Canada tells a wild story, a story of underground military bases where animal and human sacrifices nourish the bowels of creatures that have inhabited the earth long before man arrived.
He doesn't expect anybody to believe him, saying most people will think he's talking science fiction anyway. But nevertheless he feels compelled to speak, feeling compelled to risk life and limb as the New World Order zeroes in on the last stages of its incredible worldwide population reduction plan. … http://www.arcticbeacon.com/20-oct-2005.html

UFO - Worldwide Reports
UFO Bit’s Reporting
1920’a UFO Photos:
French Military Air Traffic Controller Claims a Link Between Nuclear Weapons Tests & UFO Sightings
Source: Yahoo News
Dateline: 4/5/06
To: National Desk
Contact: Michael Salla of the Exopolitics Institute, 808-323-3400, exopolitics@yahoo.com
KONA, Hawaii, April 5 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A former French military air traffic controller claims in a recently published journal article that UFO sightings can be correlated with nuclear weapons testing. Eric Julien served in the French Air Force for five years as an air traffic controller and later went on to become a senior airport manager in France. He analyses data gained from a number of sources available in France that point to UFO activity in the vicinity of nuclear weapons tests. He claims that a clear correlation exists between the 2419 nuclear tests on Earth from 1945 through 1998, and 140 cases involving radar and visual sightings of UFOs. In the article, released in the April edition of the Exopolitics Journal, he also studies the correlation between alleged UFO crash/retrievals and nuclear testing. Julien argues that the common view that UFOs pose a security threat to humanity is very likely misplaced. He concludes that it may be more likely that nuclear testing poses some kind of security threat to UFOs, and this is real reason for frequent UFO sightings on Earth. …
Continue at:  http://tinyurl.com/k5kt2
US astronauts spotted UFOs on the Moon?
Source: Pravda
Dateline:  4/4/06
The Apollo 11 mission took off Launch Pad 39A of the Kennedy Space Center in the small hours of July 16, 1969. The crew of the spaceship comprised the astronauts N. Armstrong, M. Collins, and E. Oldrin.  Having flown to the Moon for several hours, the crew reported that some "shining balls" were on the heels of the spaceship. The balls were reportedly trailing Apollo 11 flying the same maneuver patterns. …
Continue at:   http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/05-04-2006/78378-ufo-0
Are air forces avoiding places where UFOs are sighted?
Posted by:  Misty misty3@paradise.net.nz
Group:  HAL838@yahoogroups.com
---- Original Message ----- From: AUFORN@yahoogroups.com
To: AUFORN@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 10:21 AM
Subject: [AUFORN AUSTRALIA] Digest Number 1439
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 08:08:03 +1000
From: Diane Harrison <auforn@hypermax.net.au>
Interesting correlation between UFO sightings and avoidance of flights by the Air Forces in that region of the world
India Daily Technology Team
Apr. 4, 2006

Analysis of flight patterns of many Air Forces as documented in various public sources reveal an interesting pattern. Somehow major Air Forces in the world avoid certain part of their territories at certain times. Computer models show interesting correlation between UFO sightings and avoidance of flights by the Air Forces in that region of the world.  What that really means is that Governments know where UFOs will operate their flight activities and these days cooperating Governments avoid flying into those regions. Interestingly commercial aircrafts fly in specific routes controlled by the countries.
The big question then is how are these UFOs contacting the Governments?
Some scientists and engineers believe the communications are taking place secretly at very special short-wavelength, high-frequency signals that occupy the electromagnetic spectrum above 190 THz in the infrared range. It is the optical wireless range that requires special devices and is normally out of reach of the public though in
some countries no licensing is required.
The communication in many cases are electro-magnetically shielded and encrypted. There are researchers all around the world who are receiving such signals and are working on reverse engineering the shield as well as the encryption. It will not be
long before someone comes out with complete details of these secret communication mechanisms.
It is not known if the shielding of communication is created by the extraterrestrials or by the countries involved in such communication. Very strange signals are being passed in that frequency range and are very difficult to detect.
Regards Diane Harrison
The Australian UFO Research Network
UFOlogist Magazine
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Schoolyard UFO witnesses reunite
By Miguel D'Souza
Source:  News.com au
April 07, 2006
Posted by:  PunkinPie68@
Group:  forteanphenomena_again@yahoogroups.com
ONE of Australia's biggest UFO mysteries has taken off again, 40 years on.
And researchers hope the truth will out at a reunion of more than 30 witnesses tomorrow.
About 200 people are said to have seen either a flying saucer or crop circles near Westall High School on April 6, 1966.
Witnesses described the as silver, saucer-shaped and silent. Others who saw the object say they saw it drop behind trees at Westall's Grange Reserve, then rise vertically and leave. …
Complete story:  http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,18735844-1243,00.html
Author of "The Kelly Incident" Photographs UFO over Nevada Object Apparently Identical To Similar Unexplained Sightings From Around the World
Source:  Yahoo News
Dateline 4?27?06
PRWEB) - Las Vegas, Nevada (PRWEB) April 27, 2006: "There are objects in the sky that have not been identified," says Anna Karyl, author of "The Kelly Incident," a novel based on the true 1955 alien encounter in Kelly, Kentucky, "and I have photographed one of them.
In 2004," the author explained, "I visited an open-air structure outside of Las Vegas and using a simple digital camera, I took photos of the architecture. Standing in the center of the structure and shooting upward through the open girder-like beams, I saw nothing at all in the sky at the time this photo was taken. But when I downloaded the photos, there was a metallic-like silver orb in the sky over the structure."
The author said that the unidentified, apparently identical silver orbs were also captured on film and video all over the world that same year, many within a month of her photographic sighting – and often, those objects were not seen by the naked eye, though they show up clearly on film, on videotape and on digital media. …
Continue:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20060427/bs_prweb/prweb378285_4
Expert: UFOs are real
By: Keith Brooks
Issue date: 4/28/06   Section: Campus News
There is an abundance of evidence that not only proves the existence of UFOs, but the government has been hiding classified documents for decades, an expert told students last night.
Robert Hastings, independent UFO researcher who claims to have first spotted UFOs at Malstrom Air Force Base in 1967, spoke last night in Memorial Hall at a lecture entitled, "UFOs: The Hidden History." …
Continue:  http://tinyurl.com/hs2pa
A Devastating UFO Encounter In Kelowna, British Columbia
By:  Brian Vike
Posted by :brian_earthwatcher
Group:  watch2050@yahoogroups.com
Source:  American Chronicle
April 25, 2006
The story is real but one of the names in this report is fictitious for obvious reasons. Corina, the driver of the vehicle is her real name.
Monday - August 18, 2003 I received a telephone call from Corina who lives in Kelowna, British Columbia. The lady was very upset and had a time speaking of the event that took place with her and a close female friend of hers. She told me today that a friend had brought over a newspaper article which was run in the Kelowna Capital Newspaper. The headline read "Seeking Witnesses to UFO." which showed up on August 15, 2003
Here is her story.
Cosmic conspiracy: six decades of government UFO cover-ups
Omni, April, 1994 by Dennis Stacy
Posted by:  misty3@
Group:  Paranormal_Research@yahoogroups.com
Source: Omni
 - part 1 -
includes related articles on the Freedom Fighters Handbook and tips for accessing classified materials
UFO Casebook newsletter # 202 is now online:
This Week's Highlights
Life Magazine UFO Photograph from 1957 Sent by Reader
Secret UFO Video Filmed by Finnish Officials Published
Chance UFO Photographed in Orizaba-03-10-06
Unknown Northern California Object Videotaped, 04-13-06
Video Clip of UFO over West Eugene, OR Published
1965 Photograph from Belgium Shows Spherical Object
Telescope Bid to Spot Alien Beams
Unknown Object Near Plane Photographed Near Chapala Lake
From the UFO Casebook Archives...
1977, Mayaquez, Puerto Rico Two UFOs Enter & Emerge from Ocean
UFO sightings of the past week, UFO picture of the week,
plus more...
You can access this week's magazine at this URL:
the Best UFO Photos Ever Taken  1970 - 1959
Posted by:  teamronnie2005@
Group:  earth2025@yahoogroups.com
Thanx to the folks at ufocasebook.com
Bob White’s UFO Encounter Page
 Posted by:   meno_slither@
Group: alienoverlords@yahoogroups.com
ALL of our DATA is available to any media source or ligitiment scientific group
who wants to investigate this case.
We keep hearing that this is nothing but casting spillage from a bad poor.
You will never see any aluminum with a chad layer effect.  The properties of molten aluminum will never form in this abalation layering effect.
We would love to see anyone who claims this to just show us some of the metal
We keep hearing this explanation but NO ONE HAS SHOWN ANYTHING SIMILAR IN SHAPE OR LAYERING EFFECT, from our planet anyway.
Surely since this is so common, SOMEONE will be kind enough to produce one for all us to see.  Some others have brought up the NIDS TESTS done in 1996.
Paul A. Fuierer, a scientist at New Mexico Tech did a basic elemental on the Bob White metal. The findings where that the metal was a manufactured alloy that was a close match was a 360 alloy. There are 9 elements in a 360 alloy. NIDS identified 22 elements in the Bob White sample. Since then 8 more elements have been identified.  That is hardly a close match as NIDS STATED to anything yet they stated  it was a manufactured alloy. Every lab who has done testing on this metal has stated this is a manufactured alloy yet NO MATCH to any alloy has been identified.
For complete report with compelling photos go to:

IN the Appalachians???
Posted by:  burlingtonnews@yahoo.com
Group:  ancientmysteriesms@yahoogroups.com
Mary Writes:
An ancient name for Atlantis was Appalachia . Being so it stands to reason that Atlantean treasures would be found in the Appalachian Mountain Area..
And this is where James Scott's Story begins.....
Go to this site and read more about what James has found in Kentucky and listen to the show that Bones and I did with him last night.   Brad and I are ready to pack the bags,grab our Indie Hats and head out in search of the Lost Treasures of Solomon!
Strange Artifacts, The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica
Posted by:  greenwood38@
Group:  HAL838@yahoogroups.com
One of the strangest mysteries in archaeology was discovered in the Diquis Delta of Costa Rica. Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been documented, ranging in size from a few centimetres to over two meters in diameter. Some weigh 16 tons. Almost all of them are made of granodiorite, a hard, igneous stone. These objects are monolithic sculptures made by human hands. …
Complete Report with photos:  http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_12.htm
NASA, University Scientists Uncover Lost Maya Ruins – From Space
Marshall Space Flight Center
Media Advisory: 06-018
February 15, 2006
Remains of the ancient Maya culture, mysteriously destroyed at the height of its reign in the ninth century, have been hidden in the rainforests of Central America for more than 1,000 years. Now, NASA and university scientists are using space- and aircraft-based "remote-sensing" technology to uncover those ruins, using the chemical signature of the civilization's ancient building materials.
NASA archaeologist Tom Sever and scientist Dan Irwin, both from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., are teaming with William Saturno, an archaeologist at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, to locate the ruins of the ancient culture.
"From the air, everything but the tops of very few surviving pyramids are hidden by the tree canopy," said Sever, widely recognized for two decades as a pioneer in the use of remote-sensing for archaeology. "On the ground, the 60- to 100-foot trees and dense undergrowth can obscure objects as close as 10 feet away. Explorers can stumble right through an ancient city that once housed thousands – and never even realize it." …
Continue:  http://www.nsstc.nasa.gov/news/msfc_nr_02_15_06.html
Strieber: Mysterious Ancient City
Posted by:  brian_earthwatcher
Group:  watch2050@yahoogroups.com
Last November, Unknowncountry reported on a possible pyramid in Bosnia, and now Semir Osmanagic, the Bosnian archaeologist involved in unearthing it, has found geometrically carved slabs that suggest that the pyramid is indeed manmade.
Osmanagic spent 15 years studying the pyramids of Mexico and Central America, which are all "step" pyramids, and he believes that the Bosnian pyramid was built that way too. His former investigations were the reason he realized, when he saw the 2,000 foot high hill
outside the small town of Visoko, that it could be a pyramid. Many of the Mexican pyramids were in this overgrown condition before the gigantic cities of ancient cultures there began to be rediscovered in the late 19th century.
Each side of the pyramid has a 45-degree slope. The archeologists uncovering the pyramids have found entrances to tunnels that seem to be part of an underground network connecting three pyramid-shaped hills together, meaning that this too may be an entire ancient CITY.
Underwater pyramids have been discovered off the coast of Cuba that seem to form a city that stretches all the way to Central America.
The archeologists in Bosnia are using satellite imagery to find other possible pyramids in the area. Osmanagic thinks that the Bosnian pyramid, when it is finally uncovered, will be over 700 feet high. This is one-third taller than the tallest pyramid in Egypt, the Pyramid of Giza.
But how could this be? Surely Mayan builders did not travel across the ocean to Eastern Europe thousands of years ago— or did they?
A Stone Pyramid At Cahokia, Illinois?
Posted by:  hal838us@myway.com
Group:  HAL838@yahoogroups.com
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Archaeologists have made an astonishing discovery at the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site: what appears to be a large stone structure beneath the site's biggest earthen mound.
The site was discovered accidentally Jan. 24 during drilling to construct a water-drainage system within Monks Mound, the largest Indian mound north of Mexico and the largest prehistoric earthen construction in the New World.
"This is astounding," said William Woods, an archaeologist with Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, who is leading the investigation of the mystery structure. "It's so unexpected that it would never have entered your mind before."
The stone is at least 32 feet (10 meters) long in one of its dimensions. It is buried about 40 feet below the surface of a terrace on the western side of Monks Mound and well above the mound's bottom. Researchers believe it may be made of cobbles or slabs of limestone or sandstone.
Even if the apparent structure turns out to be no larger than this, it would be a dramatic find. Stone does not occur naturally at Cahokia (which is the Mississippi River valley about 20 miles (32 kilometers) southeast of St. Louis, Missouri--J.T.) so any stone would have had to be brought by humans. Stone is uncommon at excavations there.
"There's no question this is a unique discovery," said Melvin Fowler, an archaeologist at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. "It's totally unexpected."
Continue:  http://www.anomalous-images.com/news/news274.html
Source: Archaeo News no.173 (23 April 2006)
Ancient mounds in Florida looted in search for gold
Source: Gainesville (Florida) News Press
Under the supervision of cultural resource specialist Chuck Blanchard, five rangers spent a day restoring an Indian mound in Florida (USA), on which natives lived from about 500 BCE until contact with Europeans in the early 16th century. "Though I've been shouting about it for years, the nature of these sites as actual monuments to our past is beginning to catch on," Blanchard said. "If  we treat our national monuments like national monuments, we're less likely to get this type of vandalism."
People were drawn to this site, officially designated CH-9 and once popularly called the Hippie Commune Mound, by stories of pirate Jose Gaspar. According to legend, Gaspar buried much of his ill-gotten gains in Indian mounds in Charlotte Harbor. Only one
problem:  Jose Gaspar never existed. Unfortunately, some people believed the tales and sought their fortune by ripping up many of the area's cultural monuments. "It's amazing what the whisper of gold will do,"  Blanchard said.   Looters have ravaged Southwest Florida's
prehistoric sites for other reasons, including lightning whelks,  which are sold on the Asian market and turned into devotional candles. "There are so many holes in the harbor," Blanchard said. "There's not a site that's not badly injured."
Restoration of CH-9 started in April when Mary Glowacki and Kevin Porter of the state's Public Lands Archaeology Program visited the site. "We're doing salvage archaeology," program supervisor Glowacki said. "When the looters help out, we collect as much
information as we can. The site had been dug into, and we wanted to get information from the site without digging more." Among other things, Glowacki and Porter documented the layers within the looter pit - shell mounds were constructed in individual building events
over hundreds of years, each event marked by a visible layer of construction. They also collected artifacts, and took samples for radio carbon dating.  Another important part of this stage was collection of pottery:  Different kinds of pottery were developed at different times over the centuries. If a lot of a particular kind of pottery is found in a layer of a mound, that mound probably dates to the period when the pottery was common. Sand-tempered plain pottery, for example, was the dominant pottery form starting in about 500 BCE, and pottery at the bottom of the looter pit was sand-tempered plain, so the mound might date back about 1,500 years. 
Restoring a shell mound is hard, hot work. First, the bottom of the pit was packed with two tons of sand - 80 50-pound sandbags that the rangers tossed around like volleyballs. The sand was put in the pit while still in plastic bags. "When we restore a site, we usually
put something in the bottom so, if there's a formal excavation in the future, they'll know where the looters stopped," Glowacki said. Thencame the backbreaking work of filling the rest of the looter pit with shell. While they were digging up the mound, looters piled shell
around the pit; over the years, the piles packed together and became almost rock-hard. "This is not the fun part," Blanchard said of breaking up the piles with pickaxes and then shoveling the shells into the pit. Finally, the shell was in place, and the mound looked
almost whole.
Watching the work, Florida Park Service specialist Andy Goodwyne shook his head at the looters' destruction. "It's horrible that people think there's gold in these Indian mounds," Goodwyne said. "Digging these mounds is a desecration, something you just don't do.
But people get gold fever - some people will do anything for a dollar."
Sources: The News-Press, Gainesville.com (22 April 2006)
Graves of the Pacific's first seafarers revealed
Source: Science Magazine
Little is known about the Lapita peoples, the first settlers of the Western Pacific, other than their ubiquitous calling card: red pottery fragments with intricate designs. But in what's being hailed as one of the most dramatic finds in years, researchers at the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress in Manila offered a glimpse of the first-known early Lapita cemetery. "This is the closest we're going to get to the first Polynesians," says
archaeologist Matthew Spriggs of Australia National University (ANU) in Canberra, a member of the excavation team.
The graves on Efate, in the Vanuatu Islands, are estimated to be 3000 years old. That's around the time that the Lapita peoples began hopscotching across the Pacific from New Guinea's Bismarck Archipelago, fanning out as far as Samoa and Tonga. The site reveals
unknown facets of their burial customs, and DNA from the bones may offer clues to their origins.
Since the first Lapita shards came to light a half-century ago, more than 200 sites have been found, but skeletal remains are very rare. Then just before Christmas in 2003, workers quarrying soil for a prawn farm came across a chunk of pottery with a complex pattern.
They showed it to a field worker with the Vanuatu Cultural Centre, Salkon Yona, who luckily had just been trained in Lapita identification. Yona consulted ANU archaeologist Stuart Bedford, who in a second stroke of luck was on the island for a wedding. Bedford
confirmed the shard as early Lapita, and scrambled to protect the site, near Teouma Bay.
But the biggest surprise came when the team, led by Bedford, Spriggs, and Ralph Regenvanu of the Vanuatu National Museum, began excavating bones. Because so few Lapita burials had been found, the researchers assumed these were recent graves until paleoanatomy expert Hallie Buckley of  the University of Otago in New Zealand
confirmed the remains were Lapita. Everywhere they dug, it seemed, was a skeleton. In two seasons, they excavated 25 graves containing three dozen individuals.
All skeletons were headless, a feature of other Pacific cultures. In some graves, cone shell rings were placed in lieu of the skulls, indicating that the graves were reopened after burial and the heads ceremonially removed, Bedford says. (The rings are 3000 years old, according to radiocarbon dating.) The heads were reburied. In one grave, three skulls were lined up on the chest of a male skeleton, whose grave the bulldozers missed by centimeters. His bones bear scars of advanced arthritis.
The pots too are revelatory. Some are burial jars, by far the oldest in the region. The inner rim of one features four clay birds peering into the vessel. The vessels are similar in form to early "red-slip" pottery found in Taiwan and islands of Southeast Asia, bolstering the argument that Lapita peoples at least tarried in this region on their eastward migration. An article on Teouma is in press in Antiquity.
After excavations this summer, the team hopes to extract DNA from bones to compare with modern populations. In the meantime, Teouma has become the pride of Vanuatu, which has featured its Lapita heritage in a set of postage stamps.
Source: Science magazine (21 April 2006)
New giant picture found on Peru's Nazca plateau
A new giant picture on the Nazca Plateau in Peru, which is famous for giant patterns that can be seen from the air, has been discovered by a team of Japanese researchers. The image is 65 meters long, and appears to be an animal with horns. It is thought to have been drawn as a symbol of hopes for good crops, but there are no similar patterns elsewhere, and the type of the animal remains unclear.
The discovery marks the first time since the 1980s that a picture other than a geometrical pattern has been found on the Nazca Plateau. The picture was found by a team of researchers including Masato Sakai, an associate professor at Yamagata University, after
they analyzed images from a U.S. commercial satellite. They confirmed it was a previously undiscovered picture in a local survey in March this year. It is located at the south of the Nazca Plateau, and apparently went undiscovered since few tourist planes pass over the
There is evidence that vehicles had driven in the area, and part of the picture is destroyed. Two parts of the picture, that appear to be horns, bear close resemblance to those that appear on earthenware dating from 100 BCE to 600 CE, during the time when the Nazca kingdom flourished, and it is thought that they relate to fertility rites.
The research team will use images from the advanced land-observing satellite "Daichi," which was launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in January this year, to create a distribution map of images on the earth that can be seen from the air. "We want to identify all the images, and work to preserve earth pictures that are gradually being destroyed," Sakai said. Most of the newly-found designs were in the southern part of the Nazca plateau, which is away from the major tourist area to the north where hundreds
of images have been discovered, Sakai added.
Sources: Mainichi Daily News, AFP, Yahoo! News (20 April 2006)
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Stone Pages
Ancient Aztec Civilization
Posted by:  oz_lady142@
Visit the Web Site at:
Hollow Earth Reports
Rodney Cluff on Radio
Posted by:  JMAHANEY@
Group:  HollowPlanets@yahoogroups.com
Rodney Cluff was on BBS radio on March 19 2006.
He talks about Hollow Earth.
This is archived at.
[Rodney is the author of "The Land of no Horizon" and the driving force behind the planned "Voyage to the Hollow Earth". …Dennis].
 His site is:
UNRAVELING THE SECRETS of Secret Codes & Code Breakers
A Break for Code Breakers on a C.I.A. Mystery
Posted by: CryptidSeeker
Group:  forteanphenomena_again@yahoogroups.com
Source:  NY Times
Dateline: April 22, 2006
For nearly 16 years, puzzle enthusiasts have labored to decipher an 865-character coded message stenciled into a sculpture on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency's headquarters in Langley, Va. This week, the sculptor gave them an unsettling but hopeful surprise: part ofthe message they thought they had deciphered years ago actually says
something else.
The sculpture, titled "Kryptos," the Greek word for "hidden," includes an undulating sheet of copper with a message devised by the sculptor, Jim Sanborn, and Edward M. Scheidt, a retired chairman of the C.I.A.'s cryptographic center.
The message is broken into four sections, …
Complete report:  http://tinyurl.com/fnqvj
Video: Decoding Ancient Scrolls From Volcanic "Tomb"
Posted by:  hal838us@
Group:  HAL838@yahoogroups.com
Source: National Geographic
April 10, 2006—Scientists have started to decode some mysterious scrolls found centuries ago in the ancient Roman village of Herculaneum. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 entombed the town in lava and ash, but the blackened papyruses survived—barely.
Join the scientists as they use new technology to reveal the scrolls' hidden words and become the first people in nearly 2,000 years to read the documents.

Bob Lazar
Posted by:  GeorgeBaadenRS@
Group:  ETandufoconspiracyandhistoryonEArthandNibiru@yahoogroups.com

George writes:
This is Bob Lazar's website. He was the Scientist who went on Local T.V. in Las Vegas and claimed that he worked at Area 51 and he was reverse engineering E.T. Spacecrafts.
You go through his website, you almost get the feeling that you can buy what is needed to build a Nuclear Bomb!!!

[I didn’t find a mention of Bob Lazar in a quick look through of the site, not that I doubt you George  … at any rate … thanks for a very interesting link! --- Dennis].
Eyeballin’ The ESCALATING Advances of The New World Order
UK Big Brother Has Eye On ID Card
Posted by:  shoestring_potatoes@
Group:  openmindopencodenews@yahoogroups.com
Any UK citizen who refuses to be marked as cattle of the state and carry a national ID card must leave the country before 2008 or face fines and prison sentences as the government cracks down on refusniks …
Continue at:  http://www.prisonplanet.com/
Posted by: misty3@
Group:  armageddon-or-newage@yahoogroups.com
Dateline 4/13/06
To see how big carriers could control the online world, you must understand its structure
Finally. After nine months of nasty public sparring with competitors and intense regulatory scrutiny, WorldCom Inc. (WCOM) is on the verge of clearing the highest hurdles to its proposed $37 billion merger with MCI Communications Corp. (MCIC). On July 8, the European Commission gave its tentative blessing to the deal--only after forcing MCI to sell off its entire Internet business and making the company agree not to solicit its existing Net customers in the future. The U.S. Justice Dept. and the Federal Communications Commission will probably give the green light in the next several weeks.
What's occurring is nothing less than the first antitrust debate over the Internet. The issues now being decided are likely to set precedents that will affect how quickly the Net grows and which companies will play leading roles in its evolution.
Still, many of the key issues in the debate are not well understood. For one, people find the idea of Internet dominance baffling. The Net's growth has been so explosive--in the number of users, Web sites, and even carriers of Net traffic--that it's difficult to understand how one company or a handful of companies could dominate it. To understand why there are concerns, you need to understand how the Internet backbone functions. What follows is an examination by Washington Correspondent Catherine Yang on how the backbone works and why large carriers have the potential to control the Net.
Complete in-depth report:  http://www.apfn.org/apfn/internet_spying.htm
Calling for a Response to Digital ID
By Sonia Arrison

Posted by:akamartian@
Group:  alienoverlords@yahoogroups.com
Source: Tech News World
04/21/06 5:00 AM PT
State barriers to information sharing do create problems for law enforcement when they can't identify crooks and terrorists past state lines. That's the problem the Real ID act is trying to address, but it remains to be seen if federal bureaucrats can devise a system that incorporates sharing with civil liberty safeguards. That's why a national discussion is in order.
Last year, Congress passed the Real ID Act, a law that calls for standardization of drivers' licenses across the country by 2008. The current reaction from states like California and New Hampshire raises questions about how a national ID system would affect civil liberties, putting welcome pressure on the federal government.
California might have a reputation for supporting civil liberties but on the national ID debate the state is moving to comply blindly with federal mandates. Just this week, California's Senate Transportation Committee approved a measure that would bring the state into compliance with the Real ID Act.
'Mark of the Beast'
New Hampshire, on the other hand, is kicking up a storm warning of big brother and what some consider "the mark of the beast." Indeed, last month the New Hampshire House passed a bill barring the state from taking part in Real ID, rejecting it as a de facto national ID system. Testifying at a hearing on the issue, the Cato Institute's Jim Harper said: ….. Continue Complete Report:
'The Secret Underground Lectures of Commander X"
Posted by:  neomulder1
Group:  armageddon-or-newage@yahoogroups.com
See the complete Lecture:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3809463793151218968&q=secret
First Knights Templar are discovered
Posted by:  TheLoneWolf@
Group:  watch2050@yahoogroups.com
Source:  Daily Telegraph
April 10, 2006
LONDON: The first bodies of the Knights Templar, the mysterious religious order at the heart of The Da Vinci Code, have been found by archaeologists near the River Jordan in northern Israel.
British historian Tom Asbridge yesterday hailed the find as the first provable example of actual Knights Templar.
The remains were found beneath the ruined walls of Jacob's Ford, an overthrown
castle dating back to the Crusades, which had been lost for centuries.
They can be dated to the exact day -- August 29, 1179 -- that they were killed by Saladin, the feared Muslim leader who captured the fortress.
"Never before has it been possible to trace their remains to such an exact time in history,' Mr Asbridge said. "This discovery is the equivalent of the Holy Grail to archaeologists and historians. It is unparalleled." …
UNRAVELING THE SEACRTS of Underwater Mysteries
the mysterious underwater pyramid structure at Yonaguni
a continuing investigation by the Morien Institute ...
Posted by: PunkinPie68@
Group:  forteanphenomena_again@yahoogroups.com
Date:  4/29/06
The following pages are intended to provide news of recent developments in various studies of the mysterious pyramid structure that was discovered in 1985 by dive tour operator, Kihachiro Aratake, off the coast of the island of Yonaguni-jima, Japan. Since 1999, when the Morien Institute first set up some WebPages detailing the '1999 Yonaguni Expedition' of Dr Robert M. Schoch we have been inundated with enquiries from all parts of the world. Those initial pages contained only the opinions of Dr Schoch, and were liberally illustrated with underwater photographs taken by Dr Schoch during that 1999 expedition. Others who have dived at Yonaguni have different opinions of the structure, and we also intend to present their views on these pages.
Today is Saturday, April 29, 2006
The Morien Institute has kept a close watch on developments since 1999, and has been just as excited about the many new batches of underwater photographs that have emerged of the Yonaguni structures (yes! there is more than one), as we have been dismayed by the many citings of the structure's existence as somehow representing 'the final proof' of the existence of Atlantis and/or Lemuria. We have consistently taken the simple view that, following the dramatic series of rises in sea-levels that marked the ending of the last Ice Age, it is 'inevitable' that more and more evidence of ancient civilisation will be discovered on the continental shelves and shallow seas, everywhere around the world. …
Visit the site: 
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The Research and Writings of "TAL."
Dr. Wernher Von Braun Saw Alien Bodies/Craft
Russ Hamerly writes, "After World War II, a number of highly regarded German scientists were brought to the United States under a program called Operation Paper Clip." Their leader was Dr. Wernher von Braun who was technical director of the Peenemunde V-2 rocket research center. After the war, he worked on guided missiles for the U.S. Army and was later director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. In 1970, he became NASA's associate administrator. "In Robert Trundle's book, "Is ET Here," he discusses Clark C. McClelland's relationship with Von Braun. After a Manned Flight Awareness meeting McClelland and Von Braun left the Cocoa Beach Ramada Inn and met in a back patio. Von Braun's scientists were launching V-2 rockets at the White Sands Testing Range in 1947 not far from Roswell. McClelland asked Von Braun, "Did the Roswell Incident happen and was an alien craft recovered along with alien bodies? Von raised when he asked him the following questions.
Von Braun lit a cigarette raised his highbrows, thought for a second, and then began to discuss the crash openly. He explained how he and associates had been taken to the crash site after the bulk of the military personnel had left the scene. Von Braun stated. "The exterior of the space craft was not metal as we know it, but appeared to be made of something biological, like skin. McClelland's only thought at the time was that he was being told that the craft was made of something "alive." And yes, there were alien bodies which were being kept in a medical tent near the UFO.
The beings were small, very frail, and REPTILIAN in nature.
Von Braun compared their skin to rattlesnakes that he and his group had encountered at White Sands.
Von Braun said, "He was puzzled by the nature of the debris. The material was very thin, aluminum colored, similar to chewing gum wrapping, according to the scientist.
The craft's interior was bare of instrumentation, as if the creatures and the craft were of a single unit.
McClelland kept his vow to Von Braun, who died on June 15, 1977, never to tell anyone the story, while he was still alive.
"Is ET Here?" ISBN 0-9735341-2-5, by Robert Trundle, PhD

You are now exiting The ’TAL ZONE

And Last but Not Least:
Oh to be free …. Truly free!!!

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Or you might be disappointed… Dennis
UPDATE 4/4/06
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Dennis Crenshaw