Accordin' to Ananda, several previous attempts were "followed in 1923 by Project PHI-SUMmum. A time Gate like project overseen by the Black Sun society and Vrill Order, as well as Thule Societyt designed by Crowley and the like.(...)
( just enter, then click on "TIME GATE 2001" )
There are sources revealin' that the original Vril Society craft was in fact "a time machine", dismontled early in 1924 and shipped to Augsburg.
Accordin' to Maia Schamayyim, the time-travel project "startin' point was in 1923, with an experiment gone awry involvin' several key Nazi occult(ist) figures as well as a few peripheral participants, includin' Aleister Crowley.
Through Dietrich Eckhart and the Thule Group, (...) and Aleister Crowley' s Lodge, the Astrum Argentinum, a hybrid project was created called the Phisummum (PHI). The order that controled the PHI was the Order of the Black Sun (OBS). The whole purpose of the OBS was project PHI,whose focus was time travel and originally for the purpose of retrievin' the Holy Grail from a past century (...). But once a small distorted window in time was opened to them, they began to feel the overwhelmin' power of such an operation. The Spear of Longinus was used as a magic power source to achieve the window, along with drugs and sexual perversion. The OBS largely stayed out of these antics themselves, but controlled the results. (...)
In 1923, they made a grave mistake with the time portal that sent a discharge that was out of phase lock with the planetary diochromy. This set off a series of events, includin' Bannock Hill in Merlin' s time, as well as the 1634 Montauk rift. This is all too extensive and meta-scientific to adress here (Dha!... E=mc2 - my note). It was in 1923 that the master of the PHI project, Eckhart, died. After his death that same year, those with lesser understandin' of the Beast they had created, caused the time rift to spill out the occurences of the Philadelphia Experiment and Bannock Hill, and other key locations in time."
You can find extra infos and ineterstin' corelations in
Project Phisummum was to connect to the future time travel projects, to Orion and the ancient ones, accordin' to the obscure alchemikal text left behind by Flammel, edited by the Arabian Sufi alchemist Kyot.
Phisummum was also to go back to the time of Merlin and Nimue to link to his time travel Shamanic Somajetic superconductin' natural nanotechnology, and Ambrosius Grail Cauldrion tradition descended from Joseph of Arimathea, Merlin's great ancestor.(...)"
You can find more infos and corelations in Ananda's "Time Gate 2001"
And, accordin' to Branton, the Reife microscope (in fact, a Tesla scalar micro) represented the "magick key" to the " "human genom" kingdom". It was discovered in the 1920s in Berlin.
These infos are somehow connected, through Ananda' s interpretation of dr. Burisch' s report : the MAJI projects are supposed to keep on graftin' timelines through DNA intercalation, preventin' the EBE / J- rod from vanishin' in their timeline.
(Dr. Burisch says that, accordin' the MAJI briefin' documents, EBE are considered as a part of the human race in the future that mutated.)
12th of july 1946, Bikini Islands. Two powerfull atomic bombs exploded. One of 'em, a few hundreds metters high, the other aproximately 10 metters under sea-level. The submarin explosion capted through radio from 20 miles away, dissambaled a huge mass of water, 2.5 km high, 900 metters diameter, lookin' like a huge oak, produced a 100 metters wavw that sinked a few ships gathered together as part of the test. It all took almost 1 minute.
Otto Oscar Schneider took some photos of the event. Accordin' to Branton, UFOs were flyin' very fast from the test- site at the moment. (The Bikini area was, at the time, an UFO areal, especially under water phenomena...)
Anyway, they say that the first "grey" UFO appeared after the Bikini-tests, right in that area. F*ckin' coincidence...
There' s Roswell, too.
Accordin' to Jean Sider, the key to the "Roswell incident" is the craft that landed between Magdalena and Socorro.
The Roswell craft was like a "Horton flyin' wing", shapped as a half-moon. The aircraft seemed intact, except for a lateral fisure.
Meanwhile, a silver round aircraft crashed in the San Augustin area. The Anderson family and professor Buskirk' s team of archeologysts witnessed the event.
(Gerald Anderson situated the incident at 5th of july 1947 - instead the 3rd of july, William Moore version.)
Accordin' to psychic sources, the first Roswell event ever happened durin' ... 1945. The pilots of the crafts had 6 fingers. Back then, there was no recovery - the bodies "dematerialised".
(The "body" used durin' the 1947, seen in that famous movie, was somekind of a "puppet", made by "izotopic flesh" of "densified" "aetherykal matter", which "dematerialised" itself later, too...)
Accordin' to Michael Ash, tall zeta-reticulan greys were involved at Montauk. (There were also dracos there, who were actually in control of most of the projects.)
You can find this info and the rest of the story in . More infos in .
Accordin' to Preston B. Nichols & Peter Moon, in "Montauk revisited", the USA government entered into a treaty with an "alien" race durin' 1913 (it was somethin' regardin' ww I).
A second treaty got signed sometimes between 1945-47, involvin' the "K Group" - aka "the Kondroshkans", which later ceased collaboration.
The "greys" tried to contact the german government durin' 1933. As a result of the nazi rejection, the "greys" made their presence known in 1934th Washington. Rashed by the Roswell events, the "oficial" contact occured. You can find details in .
The reason why german government refused to collaborate with the "greys" was its previous collaboration with "the Giza intelligence", which (accordin' to Byron T. Weeks, MD) is supposed to mean a renegade humanoid group, predominantly plejadians - Ashtar, Commigal and Jehovah were part of the group for some time.
As early as 1936 Hitler was sendin' teams of "spelunkers" into caves and mines all ovber Europe searchin' for the Vril-Ya. Presumably the Vril Society established contact with the "secret chiefs" or the Vril-Ya 'emselves, which conducted to the secret cooperation with certain german scientists in the late 1920s.
Robert Charroux is mentionin' "the Greens (Green Men) people aka Vril-Ya".
In , it's mentioned that the Kuen Yuin (aka Kn'yan), ruled by Yue-Laou / Dzil- Nbu "has perverted the Xin, the good genii of China, and has fashioned from their warped bodies a monster which he calls the Xin".
You can find some infos in .
Then, there were the well-known UFO files involvin' George Adamski / venusians - durin' 1952, Reinhold O. Schmidt / saturnians - durin' 1957, Billy Meier / plejadians (watch semjase.jpg) -durin' 1975.
Also read , and notice that Jan van Helsing definitely identified Schmidt' s "saturnians" with members of the "Balck Sun" organisation.
In between, there were the encounters in the Holloman base area.
In 1953, a group of "greys" landed and claimed they came from Betelgeuse system, Orion.
Then, the group known as "the tall blonds" ("arrians") made their presence known. (Accordin' to Jan van Helsing, "the tall blonds" are supported by the "Great Lodge of Vril".)
Li Xiao Chin (that' s his name) mentioned several times "the miracle of the subtle light", which was about to manifest 100 years from then, as "spots of colour flowin' in the air".
In 1960, a group of tourists saw somekind of strange coloured clouds, movin' all around and changin' their form permanently. The phenomena got caught on photos in 1972.
Well-known mediums said they were "feelin' " the presence of non-terrestrial "spirits", comin' from a "paralel world", which includes this 3D world, but it' s three times "bigger" than this dimension.
You can find interestin' infos on the event in and .
What-really-happened : a special device especially built to get blown away in that particular area got dismembered with the purpose to spread in the Earth' s atmosphere the chemykal element (still unknown to oficial science) named "technetium", ment to become the basis of "manufestation" of this kind of energy called "Vril".
Ananda' s answer and interpretation sounds like this : "Kala-ran Empire (...). No longer universal Anu-Nabi, but only logged into the dimensional forms of the Naga / Nagi, as the Anu-Nagi (Sumerianologist Christian O' Brian. who worked with Sir Wooley, at Ur, publishes the accurate spellin' of ANU.NAKI as ANU-NAGI "shinnin' ones". The MANU genealogykal lists from the Indus valley, list the Sumerians as just one set of families from the descendents of MANU,which are in an Omni-Temporal arrangement and relationship with our planet..."
More on that matter c be found in , where you can also find a key of this whole mind-game (courtesy of Ananda, too) : "The Kala-Ran Empire is used in the sense to gain more of the riches of the illusion, more of the the dream, playin' more of the game... They are playin' a game and are enjoyin' that game, on physikal planes, interphysikal planes and spiritual planes."
Accordin' to Michael Ash, there were references to military attacks in Rigel and Aldebaran, usin' the Montauk vortex.
Some sources claim that the first time-travel took place in 1944, shortly after the allied conquered Prague.
Previously, the Vril lodge mediumnically contacted a civilization called "the Sumeran empire", located in Aldebaran. In 1944, a time-travel secret project sent a Vril-7 ship to 'em. 'Till 1947, a mediumnykal contakt was mentained to its members. (Jan van Helsing call the papers "The Vril Protocols".)
Then again, a confidential report comin' from a Vril member (quoted by the same Jan van Helsing) claims that the destination of the Vril-Odin space-craft was not at all the Aldebaran system, but a far region in space, maybe even ... Andromeda.
In "The Aldebaran ", Jan van Helsing investigated the break out of the Reiner Festle family, who claim to have met Aldebaran representants, durin' the '90s.
Accordin' to Michael Ash, there is major interaction between aliens from Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, Sirius-B and Aldebaran, while some sources associate Aldebaran with "fascist nordic-type plejadians" (who were associated with the nazis via the Giza or Kamagol-II Ashtar Intelligence).
And, there are some like Vladimir Terzisky who suggest that the nazi aryan pure-bred forces actually colonized Aldebaran by sendin' 'em far back through time and settin' up their empire via time-space gates.
Major info comes from the romanian psychic self-named comte Incapucciato : humans traveled / were sent to Plejades arround 30 000 - 35 000 years ago (modality not specified).
Accordin' to several sources, the plejadians are assistin' the "andromedan council".
And, accordin' to another source, referin' to Ashtar : "Some of their stories were fabricated and some were (for real). These beings from Aldebaran were insulted after they were labeled untrustworthy. They went back in time and had a meetin' of psychics with the Thule Society who were a secert society. (Dha !... - my note) The meetin' of the Thule Society led to what is called the Third Rite (Reich). The Ashtar Command were also in contact with two psychics, named Maria Austich (Orsitch, accordin' to Jan van Helsing - my note) and Zigrun who were in contact with Hitler.
Read also .
The realm
The "Jubileum" booklet, edited by the "Daimonium" group, wrote about the mmetin' between Hitler, Eichmann and Mengele durin' 1942, which result was the Lebensborn II program.
It started at 21st of march 1943 and ended at 23rd of september 1943.
The selected individuals were provided by the Lebensborn program, and durin' 1943 Mengele' s research ment mostly to get the job done. The young men were selected biologikally and, more important, genetikally and they were integrated into a secret elite regyment - 66 000 fighters, originally from Germany and Austria, but also german ethnyks from USA, Transylvania, Hungary, Switzerland and Italy, and even norwegyans, danish, finnish, hungaryans and british.
Inside the Auschwitz subterraneans, the Lebensborn II para-troopers got instructed and kept there 'till 23rd of september 1943.
The group was ment to retreat within a space-time "bag", completely isolated from "the outside world".
Inside the concentration camps, Mengele was assisted in his research not only by doctors (selected from the prisoners), but also by... rabbies ( ! ).
In "The modern occultism", Cyrill Scott mentions the three leaders of "the great white lodge" (obviously, he means Agartha...) :
- Manu, rulin' every "primary race";
- the Teacher of the World, dealin' with religion and evolution;
- Mahachohan, controlin' (superior) aspects of culture, and also the development and decline of civilizations.
Another source mentions that Mahachohan controle the so-called "elementals" (some kind of "inferior matter in the "unseen", able to get any form a controlin'-mind would suggest/induce & stuff").
C. Scott says that Manu has a chinese physikal body, while the Teacher of the World has a celtic physikal body. (They both live in Himalaya.)
We may identify Manu with Sanat-Kumara, while the Teacher of the World is Sananda.
(It's a little more complicated, 'cause Sanat-Kumara can' t be the original Manu of the hindu ancient religions, while Sananda can't be, as new-age is claimin', identified with... Jesus.We' ll get back to this problems later, though...)
And, also durin' the same period, reptylians from Orion landed somewhere in Pakystan (in the Punjab / Kashmir region), genetaikally inter-breedin' an aryan branch who migrated from Hyperboreea the same time with the sumerian "wing". The process lasted a pretty long time, and the final result was the whole semytik population on the earth.
About the "nephilims", mentioned by Maia Schamayyim, you can read... , , , and others (just type "nephilim DNA' in google and navigate...).
Accordin' to Edgar Cayce (he was a freemason, too - read "The Star Gate conspiracy"...), the "spirits of nature" are not supposed to be mistake for another kind of "projections" of the "humankind subconsciusness".