Star Wars - Breakthrough

                                               "...Waitin' for the right
phenomenon.." (Eminem - The world on my shoulders) / "I' m the biggest, the
best, better than the rest !..." - Clawfinger ... / "Aaaa ? what ?!?..." -
Beavis & Butt-head
                                               "F*ck all that centual sh*t
!..." - Keith Murray, in LL Cool J' s "I shot ya" remix)
                                               "I' m better than you."
(Mystikal - Beware !) "Prove me the opposite." - ME~
                                               "I faked even the trickin',
just for the sake of it... Art requires sacrifices." - ME~
                                               "You disgust me, trust
me..." (Mystikal - Beware !)
                                               "That' s why I' m rolin'
with a chosen view, / You ain' t really real 'nd I can tell when I look at
you !..." (X-Zibit - Paparazzi)
                                               " I' m stayin' in my
corner, with my homies, gettin' stoney, tryin' to avoid the phoneys..." -
Cypress Hill
                                                "We like to hate you !..."
(Mystikal - "Beware !")

  These are several infos available on the net, courtesy of psychics and
researchers, among which I personally added some infos combined in a way to
seem comprehensyble.
  This is far from be a complete vision of the whole deal, but I find it
enlightnin' enough...
  (But, who am I to judge ?)


                                          THE MANU

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{ANANDA: Let us now very briefly skim retrace this ancient genealogy,
starting from the Manuvah creator god Manu Brata Vakaspati/Brahmanaspati. One
of Manu Brahmanaspati"s son was called Marichi, who had a son called

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Kashyapa is also known as Manu Prajapati, "Lord of Creatures"—a very
important character and root of the Christ Mythos. Kashyapa married thirteen
daughters of Manu Daksha, another of Manu Vakaspati"s sons. Out of this
marriage came most living forms:  man, demons, gods, animals, and all living
beings. From one daughter in particular, Manu Savarna, came Manu Vivasvan
the Oversoul Logos Sun god, who according to different accounts or
calculation appeared in a span of 120 billion years, past, present, and future, as
Manu Savarna is the anthromorph of Manu Salhvana (in Sarasvati
Numi-jargon), only now coming into Manufestation 1998-2012.

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In the Bhagavad Gita chapter 4, Verse 1, the whole history of the
introduction and transmission of Kriya Yoga is explained, the embodied godhead
relates "I proclaimed this imperishable Yoga to Vivashvan, the sun god... I
was before creation came, and have countless incarnations in this

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Then further explains that this technique of Kriya Yoga was first given to
Vivasvan, then Vivasvan gave it to the son of the Sun, Manu Vaisvata.
Manu, just like Noah, survived a great flood, and also became the progenitor
of the human race, in this Bhumi Loka dimensional loka-lity. The first
three letters of Manu are man, which is a Sanskrit root meaning "to think".
This is the same Sanskrit root that gave birth to the English word "man".

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

This Manu was the seventh Manu of a succession of 14 world progenitors,
which marks the lifespan of one universe (i.e. one day of Manu Vakaspati
ergo Brahmanaspati).

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Manu in Soma sacrifice Manufested as a female animation, Ila, the
"daughter" who is his "mother." (Anthromorph). Manu Vaivasvata and Manu Ila had
nine sons. One of them was Ikshvaku, founder of the solar dynasty. One of
the representatives of the lunar dynasty was Pururavas.

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Pururavas married an apsara, which is a form nymph race. Together they had
three sons: Ayu, Amavasu, and Nahusha. Through Nahusha, he had one son
Yayati. It is with Yayati that starts the lineage of the clans that will be
fighting in the Mahabharata war, as an extension of the dimensional, time,
and star wars.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Yayati had two wives: Devayani and Sharmishtha. With Sharmishtha he had a
son called Puru. Puru had a son called King Bharata. Through this lineage
of King Bharata came King Hastin. King Hastin later founded a city called
Hastinapura. Hastinapura is very important in the Mahabharata war. It is
where the Kauravas and Pandavas princes grew up together. This city is
actually one of the main reason of the future war.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Then through this same lineage came Samvarana who married Tapati. Tapati
was a daughter in a long descent from the Vivasvan ANU sun god. Together
they had a son called Kuru. With Kuru comes the famous lineage of the

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Yayati and his other wife Devayani had a son called Yadu, from which came
the lineage of the Yadavas. The two main lines of characters: the Kauravas
on the one side, and the Yadavas on the other side — it is the Via Media,
the golden middle way of these two lines, that gives as the alchemical
marriage of the Sun and the Moon: that time is now upon us, and emerging
within our midmost depths.}

Freya- Athena came from this...
Infos courtesy of Ananda.


Heart Arrows - Cosmic Serpent -

Fusion / Remothering - Serpent Draco Sumer Blood -

Galaxy Healing Climaxes on Earth

from Dan Winter, 3/30/2001 ../heartarrows , other articles:

  A portion of the Draco soul group 'fell to Earth' in the DACian origins
of Rumania. Uru /serpent -RU-m'an ia...

Is This a Key to the Genetic and Snake Like Root of our "FALL"?

true History for Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby? (/ Paperback (257 pages)
/ April 1999

.." suggests that DNA, and the life it codes for at the cellular level,
are "minded." "

Quote from Wingmakers -"Your planet is of interest to an extraterrestrial
species that you are not aware of at this time. It is a species more
advanced and more dangerous than your average citizen can imagine. If humankind
is destined to be the stewards of this genetic library called earth, which
we so carefully cultivated and exported to this galaxy, then it will need
to defend itself from this predator rave." (wingmakers - book 1, pdf file,
at )


F*ck it ! - phenomen31 ( I was only 31 years old, what did I know about
life ?)
comment :
Did you know that the team that came with the famous "Greenbank equation"
is part of a secret society called "the order of the dolphin" ?
well, now you know...
And, did you know that the dolphin appeared on the Delphi inscriptions,
on the wall ?
Ah, who tried to put it "in the outer" ? - F*CK IT !
I mean, come on... "In the outer" of what ? "Where do you go,when nobody'
s expectin' ya ?!?" - THE ONE


Korinna's Story:.... felt her German roots more powerful than her Rumanian
birth. Fluent in German, Hungarian, Rumanian, Italian, English and
Spanish. She hosts international events in Sacred Geometry and Ananda's Diamond
Light Body training. She connects much of Europe with her facility with
language and tradition. Her husband died being irradiated by the 'secret
societies' for revealing the true Rumanian history also of World War II. The
book was: "Antonescu", (he was ghost writer for the signer Dragan European
Foundation)- and also he wrote "The Origins of the Rumanian Language,
Literature and Nation". It includes photos - and suggests the DACian and
'Traci '- Tracian origins of Rumanian. (See Morningsky on the Orion queen
origin of Mag vs Tak - MagzDak.. see TAK=ORION below) - Traci / Dragi -
Rumanian (including Transyvanian - Hungarian) were the closest to pure Draco
language of this planet. See Korinna's book editing: "History of Romanian
Literature". (by G.Calinescu ,Nagard Publishers pres. J.C.Dragan, limited
edition, English 1988) Particularly helpful here are the sections tracing the
real roots of St. Germain's Dracul family blood in Transylvania.

(Her husband was TRAIAN FILIP, author also of "Falsifier of Images"
largely dealing with George Calinescu - original source of 'History of Romanian

Drag = DR-AG., M-AG, becomes AMYGdala, meaning 'to tower', being the mouth
of the reptilian brain stem where the juices of kundalini, tantra,
testasterone and bliss are regurgitated feeding the high bird brain. (URU feeds
IBI - serpent feeds eagle, Quetzlcoatel / SUN-God returns. )

AG= AG-ni. (Source of AGNI / FIRE)

"Uru-An-ia"? - Ro-man, Ru-man-ia...

Sumer / An / Uru's came for Gold. Then the Romans, the Turk's, AND the
Russian's ALL came to Rumania for gold.

The uRu-An's came to RU-M'ANia because of gold deposits. Drag / MAG's
needed to follow the Gold. The gold magnetic lines were fractality food for
their wounded soul. (After the Templar MAG - Then the Roman's conquered
Dacia (today 'Rumania') looking for gold. (Rumania was at that time called
DACIA , DACia comes from DAC, as in MAG z TAK. Tak = Orion as in AlniTAK,
MinTAKa, etc.). Their king was DECebal, (DAC?) was fighting with Roman
emporer Traian. Aryan/ Tryon is the name of the town in Carolina settled by
Daniel Peyseur of King Louis of France MAG fortune initiating the
Rockefellers, ref: Pandora's Box, book. Traian- last name of Korinna's husband, whose
life purpose involved telling the story of Russian Jew's parasitic effect
on Rumania during and after WW II. In his last novel called "Thalassa"
(TALaban, TALtos, TAL.. see also PTAH-TAAL.. ) ancient name of Mediterranean,
\ was in part the story of early Korinna's childhood memories - saving the
pregnant VIPER - who gave birth in her hands. She petted the pregnant
snake - massaging it's envelope unto birth. Like heart sound peristalsically
pumping the snake juice of the spine to give birth to the Amygdala juices
of bliss. When the serpent feeds the Eagle....

According to the good Antwerp Doctor, the Mongolian's (An's) were the
source of Ashkanazi, and later Bank of England. We wrote about the MAG Templar
origins of Insurance and Banking (usu-ally similar to the industries of
FEAR - piracy / extortion / parasites) as the ET Drac way of harvesting
genepools - on many planets before and after EA's Earth.

From Hancock's book: Heaven's Mirror:

Korinna went to be near the Draco star map at Ankor complex in Cambodia
with Anana. There Mantak Chia (m-AN -from- TAK means ANunaki from Orion /
TAK - Snaking Tantra thru the spinal orbit work), directed her to the ritual
of drinking King Cobra live snake blood then it's gall bladder. With this
she was able to see the vision and memory of the snake line. The reptile
there is close to the universal shape shifter skill of what makes DNA able
to 'worm' itself into any shape. (Book: ShuffleBrain, also - Cosmic
Serpent by Jeremy Narby)

We were trying to see why the portion of the DRAGON blood line 'fell',
became Draco / Sumerian, and became NEPHILIM (to fall). In the process
suffering such indignities as being the "God's" behind the scenes eating the
live human glands sacrificed in the Central American - Teotihaucan - Pyramid
of the Sun , etc.

The origin hi Dragon lineage, were the MAG's of the Orion queens. They
were the power DNA of the Orion sector. She saw that the Draco warriors
became over zealous in their war on the chalk planet. My interpretation is that
a green beam emerged from a nuclear like blast they caused which put an
ARROW thru a portion of the Draco soul group. She saw this chalk like planet
which had been the source of the green beam splitting the brain and heart
of the wounded Draco. This rang of the "Green Stone" book in the MAGdalen
story, and the Green Stone made of Jade used by Mayan.

What Korinna saw was that a small portion of the fierce Dragon family
blood line, was wounded in some rather permanent way by an arrow which split
both the brain and heart hemispheres. She saw a green beam emitting from a
conflict they over-did. I speculated the conflict may have been nuclear,
like the Enlil AN blast 'pillar of salt' they (the An's), blew up & made
desert of Sinai (Soddom and Gmorrah).

She said the portion of the Dragon soul group which broke off, became
DRACO - fractionated, and un-ensouled, and 'fallen', and became our genetic
ancestors (Sumer), was only a tiny part of the Dragon line, but enough to
become the chief parasites of our planet for millenia. And as John Fox said,
you learn most about a body by studying it's parasites. She said the
Dragon Queen's leadership of the majority of their soul group, regarded those
fallen DRACO as terribly sad, and not-retrievable. Reminding me of how many
times Max the Drac healer in Hiwaii had to attempt successful near death
experience. (The geometry of successful memory thru death requires accurate
braid compression in DNA worm - a sequence of recursively superposeable
symmetry turns - well mapped by those who drew the steering they saw during

I had long believed that this the process of becoming NEPHILIM or FALLEN
among this Dragon remnant DRACO bloodline, was a loss of skill to make the
glandular passion fire or implosion in the recursion steering it takes to
make DNA self entwine / braid (worm) enough to implode.& ensoul. (ref:
../superDNA , and ../magneticx ). This story was critical because it
explained what destructive URges those URU brought here (SUM-UR-IA , SUMER means
dragon in Celtic ). It explained the parasitic side of the moment of
conception of our genepool. Those UR or AN Dragon's (morph animation to Sumerian
Goddess from Draco at ../lionpath ), needed Gold powder to shore up their
loss of implosion (AGni fire) in the DNA - literally blood ignition. (Adam
and EVE, ISIS and OSIRIS were borg's they made crossing our ancestral DNA
to make gold mining slaves).

Korinna's story helped me see WHY the DRACO's highly telepathic wholesale
slaughter of our best NAVY Seal's at DULCE was by those WHO HAD 2 HEARTS
each. When a heart is split, it no longer can implode, turn inside out, and
produce FIRE / IMPLOSION / perfect COMPRESSION / COMPASSION. ("Charlie"
the head DRAC running Montauk bumps into what prevents his own DNA from
steering the deca-delta time chair like the EMPATH of a simple human teenager.
Empathy being the implosion making symmetry of FUSION in the EKG.)

She said that there was one hope for them : the Drac queens our ancestral
EVE / Mother. She felt their racial sadness with intense grief. She said a
beam of purest fusion energy held in love, from the HEART OF THE SUN -
would be hope and healing for their broken soul pod. She said the great women
of the Solar Shaman's had the capability to steer that great healing SOLAR
beam at the source of our own collective egg, to heal them. And in this
process, we might do the soul retrieval for our own primal racial
re-mothering. ../solarshamans

I had thought the fallen Nephite Drac's would be toasted genetically by
the Sun's fire during Solar maxima, like all vampires DNA heats during
compression. Instead, how rich it is that Solar maxima steered by our racial
awakening into pure fractal feminine re-fuse-ing receptive love, could turn
that rapt-or into rapt-ure.


Land-dwelling Reptilians that walked on two legs.[And may have moved
Underground via a Vast Cavern System.]
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 ,From: QUESTOR <questal@---->

New Rare Dinosaur Track Site Found in Northern Wyoming Photo of tracks at
: The Gypsum Spring Dinosaur
Track site includes impressions made by land-dwelling REPTILIANS that walked
on two legs.
* Unlike the Sundance tracks that preserve only the three toes and rarely
the heel of the dinosaur's foot, many examples of toe and heel impressions
have been found in the Gypsum Spring track ways.
Ancient Egyptian Treasure and the Grand Canyon PART THREE: Subterranean
Homesick Clues .... there is a continuous
vast subterranean cavern system that begins near Death Valley, runs
through Nevada, Utah, parts of Colorado river basin, down through Arizona and
the Grand Canyon, and then on down to Mexico!! He also mentioned that an arm
of the system branched through New Mexico (Dulce anyone?) and into Texas!
And of course there is the whole hollow Earth and REPTILIAN alien
connection to also add spice to this story.
Ancient Egyptian Treasure and the Grand Canyon, PART FOUR: A Red Serpent
Appears ... brings to mind the
very thoughts I have been tossing around since the "REPTILIAN-subterranean"
aspect came into the picture. It has been my contention that the
electro-magnetic parameters beneath the surface of the earth are not the same as
those on the surface.
The Discovery Channel's online :... beast. Or, as the Puerto Rican
newspaper San Juan Star put it : "a REPTILIAN body, oval head, bulging red eyes,
fanged teeth and long, darting tongue." Amazing
Paranormal News, Double sighting reports "REPTOID" and UFO ... The first witness,
Alan S., reported that he saw a "REPTOID" entity appear in his bedroom
between 1 and 2 am April 15 in Ballwin, MO. He said he "woke up and looked to my
right. It was standing near my bed. It disappeared after about two
minutes." "It was a very strange creature. It was lime Green, Glowing, and it
looked like it had a light lime Green Aura around the body. It had two arms
and two legs. His eyes were bright glowing Red. His skin looked Scaly, like
a Reptile. [NOTE : "This is very similiar to my own encounter." TAL]
Paranormal News, Gary Lowery... who's been regularly visited by what he
believes are...REPTOID aliens. The creatures enter his bedroom and night,
leaving marks on Lowery, and in one case, shedding a piece of evidence
Lowery calls a claw.
Paranormal News ... And, like the Gary Lowery insectoid /reptoid
visitation case in California, whatever has visited the women in Australia may have
left verifiable evidence behind ...


In the below, we might ask ourselves - how is this ability to 'shape
shift' the waves - a snake like skill.

Intro note from Dan here regarding WHY perception / focus steers waves:
Waves will always be directed or bent toward the center of what is fractal
or recursive or self embedding. Human perception as focus requires wave
alignment and thus establishes recursion/ embedding geometrically among the
waves in order for them to converge or phase align non-destructively -
Which is to say: bringing waves into focus for percption is identical with the
process of making them recursive / fractal / implosive.

Corrolary to: 'only love bends the light, therefore only love creates' ,

we have:

'only perception embeds the waves, so only focus steers the light'.

(ref: How does INTENT steer waves? , and ref: URi Geller work proving
human focus measureably reduces radioactive half life (radioactivity in
essence is loss of the bond of self-reference/embedding ).

>From: "Ananda" <> Thu, 08 Feb 2001
>Subject: GNN: Conscousness Field Affects
GNN: Grail New Now , >?Ananda 1995, Neurenberg
>Thoton Universe, Consciosness Unifies All Fields.
>Simply Looking At Something Affects It: Quantum Theory Demonstrated ,
From The Weizmann Institute (An IBI-URU institution?)
REHOVOT, Israel, February 26, 1998--One of the most bizarre premises of
quantum theory, which has long fascinated philosophers and physicists alike,
states that by the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed
reality. In a study reported in the February 26 issue of Nature (Vol. 391,
pp. 871-874), researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have now
conducted a highly controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of
electrons is affected by the act of being observed. The experiment revealed that
the greater the amount of "watching," the greater the observer's influence
on what actually takes place.

The research team headed by Prof.Mordehai Heiblum, included Ph.D. student
Eyal Buks, Dr. Ralph Schuster, Dr. Diana Mahalu and Dr. Vladimir Umansky.
The scientists, members of the Condensed Matter Physics Department, work
at the Institute's Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Center for Submicron
Research. When a quantum "observer" is watching Quantum mechanics states that
particles can also behave as waves. This can be true for electrons at the
submicron level, i.e., at distances measuring less than one micron, or one
thousandth of a millimeter. When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously
pass through several openings in a barrier and then meet again at the
other side of the barrier. This "meeting" is known as interference. Strange as
it may sound, interference can only occur when no one is watching. Once an
observer begins to watch the particles going through the openings, the
picture changes dramatically: if a particle can be seen going through one
opening, then it's clear it didn't go through another. In other words, when
under observation, electrons are being"forced" to behave like particles and
not like waves. Thus the mere act of observation affects the experimental
findings. To demonstrate this, Weizmann Institute researchers built a tiny
device measuring less than one micron in size, which had a barrier with
two openings. They then sent a current of electrons towards the barrier. The
"observer" in this experiment wasn't human. Institute scientists used for
this purpose a tiny but sophisticated electronic detector that can spot
passing electrons. The quantum "observer's" capacity to detect electrons
could be altered by changing its electrical conductivity, or the strength of
the current passing through it.

Apart from "observing," or detecting, the electrons, the detector had no
effect on the current. Yet the scientists found that the very presence of
the detector-"observer" near one of the openings caused changes in the
interference pattern of the electron waves passing through the openings of the
barrier. In fact, this effect was dependent on the "amount" of the
observation: when the "observer's" capacity to detect electrons increased, in
other words, when the level of the observation went up, the interference
weakened; in contrast, when its capacity to detect electrons was reduced, in
other words, when the observation slackened, the interference increased.

Thus, by controlling the properties of the quantum observer the scientists
managed to control the extent of its influence on the electrons' behavior.
The theoretical basis for this phenomenon was developed several years ago
by a number of physicists, including Dr. Adi Stern and Prof. Yoseph Imry
of the Weizmann Institute of Science, together with Prof. Yakir Aharonov of
Tel Aviv University. The new experimental work was initiated following
discussions with Weizmann Institute's Prof. Shmuel Gurvitz, and its results
have already attracted the interest of theoretical physicists around the
world and are being studied, among others, by Prof. Yehoshua Levinson of the
Weizmann Institute.

Tomorrow's Technology
The experiment's finding that observation tends to kill interference may
be used in tomorrow's technology to ensure the secrecy of information
transfer. This can be accomplished if information is encoded in such a way that
the interference of multiple electron paths is needed to decipher it. "The
presence of an eavesdropper, who is an observer, although an unwanted one,
would kill the interference," says Prof. Heiblum. "This would let the
recipient know that the message has been intercepted."

On a broader scale, the Weizmann Institute experiment is an important
contribution to the scientific community's efforts aimed at developing quantum
electronic machines, which may become a reality in the next century. This
radically new type of electronic equipment may exploit both the particle
and wave nature of electrons at the same time and a greater understanding
of the interplay between these two characteristics are needed for the
development of this equipment. Such future technology may, for example, open
the way to the development of new computers whose capacity will vastly
exceed that of today's most advanced machines.

This research was funded in part by the Minerva Foundation, Munich,
Germany. Prof. Imry holds the Max Planck Chair of Quantum Physics and heads the
Albert Einstein Minerva Center for Theoretical Physics. The Weizmann
Institute of Science, in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's foremost
centers of scientific research and graduate study. Its 2,400 scientists,
students, technicians, and engineers pursue basic research in the quest for
knowledge and the enhancement of the human condition. New ways of fighting
disease and hunger, protecting the environment, and harnessing alternative
sources of energy are high priorities.


Magnetic Components of Brain Activity
27 Mar 2001 ,From: Ken MacLean <>

Dear Dan:
Got this while reading an interesting, but sometimes bizarre paper on the
internet, from some group called the
"Chicago Research Institute Group." Well you know how that goes! But there
is an interesting bit I copied that
you may have an interest in. I have added my own emphasis in larger type.
I can tell you one thing, I sure would
like to get hold of that 6-minute video!
-- Ken MacLean

From Chicago Research Instutute Group:
Magnetic Components of Brain Activity

Let me continue. I already discussed the importance of the magnetic
component of brain activity in studying and monitoring brain processes and
functions accurately and precisely. Further research by our Russian colleagues
has also shown that with proper parallel computing algorithms, one can
plot three-dimensionally the magnetic field configuration and spatio-temporal
time-varying fields of the midbrain's thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus,
amygdala, pituitary and pineal functions in real time!

This is unprecedented, because it shows that, as we all here have learned
in our Hermetic Gnostic Order's teachings, the so-called "Cave of Brahma",
Dr. N's favourite "hang-out" (laughter), is indeed the magnetic and
acoustic resonance chamber, its shape being a topological complex analogue of an
ellipsoidal, prolate spheroid and a torus. In American lingo, I think that
is called, a doughnut inside an egg? (Laughter) May I have the cine film
strip please? Thank you. (Short film showing computer graphics is shown).

This shows a real-time plot of the nested magnetic fields around my own
head. This piece of research was a little favour from a British colleague
that likes to work nights. They call it the "Dracula Shift" (laughter). The
white lines of the overall contour, the green the Hypothalamus plus
Thalamus field, the red the Hippocampus plus Amygdala cycloid-shaped field
(semi-circular), and the dumb-bell shaped blue is the Epyphisis (Pineal) and
Hypophysis (Pituitary) combined fields. I wrote this algorithm myse lf with
the help of Professor Penrose -- another unofficial favour - to map the
magnetic fields using both the SQUID sensor helmets and a special helmet
designed by Dr. Z having Delta-T and Delta-Wye transforms, having specially
designed magnetic coils a nd sensors. This way we could pick up Pico and
Nanogauss fields (billionth of a Gauss). The combined information is
displayed here in three-dimensional coloured graphics. Notice the external
white-lined shape is like an egg. Inside, almost at the centre, is the toroidal
shape of the Hippocampus-Amygdala combined fields, the red contours. The
central tube-like "sausage with trumpet-like open ends" looks like what?
Anyone? (Chorus: "An Einstein-Rosen Bridge!") Right! (This is probably the
tube that runs through the toroid, and its exit points grow out in the
shape of a trumpet. This can also be seen by looking at the FOL pattern. Also,
Dan Winter has a great graphic of this on his website.)

The blue-green combined field of the
Thalamus-Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Pineal glands forms a sausage, like a mini
hyperspace tunnel, about 7cm long.
The screen image is magnified, but the actual side is about 7cm,
(reflecting) the normal brain size.

Let me pause as minute. Can we replay that part? Thanks. Notice how the
overall geometry is an ellipsoidal prolate spheroidal cavity containing a
sub-space of a toroid traversed by a hyperbolic, non-linear Einstein-Rosen
bridge. Again, in America n lingo, "an egg-shaped cavity containing a
doughnut crossed by a sausage". What do these nested fields look like to you,
dear friends? (Cross talk and comments). A topological analogue of a
relativistic, locally curved space-time locus around a solar system. Of course!
What else? A space-time torus with an Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting its
median points!

There, ladies and gentlemen...there is the scientific proof that the motto
of our Order, the dictum of the ancient sages, "As Above, So Below ... As
Within, So Without" is scientifically and neurophysiologically correct and
precisely so! These shapes, which you all recognise as hyperspatial
four-dimensional plots, are indeed magnetic-acoustical resonance chambers.
Notice that these amazing geometries are the synergistic effect of the magnetic
fields of these six organs surrounded by the ventricles, under the roof of
the choroid plexus and corpus callosum. Notice what happens if I subtract
the field of even a single organ, let's say the pineal gland. See how it
changes the entire structure?13 And, if I add the contribution of the
mamillary body, it only w idens the tube, right? And if we add the field from
the reticular formation, the master circuit network, relay and switchboard
of the brain where all waves are originated, what do we get? Next frame,
please? We get a tunnel merging with the main ellipsoid al field. In the
screen, it is the orange coloured grid.

To summarize, what is our Mid-Brain or Inner Cavity? It is a relativistic
spatio-temporal cavity with local enfolded hyperspatial bridges that
undergoes harmonic resonances to magnetic and acoustical stimuli. The
implications are almost astronomical, if I may use the term, because a model and
mechanism based on this novel scientific information implies that our human
brain is in reality none other than a biological space-time energy
transducer. As such, it creates not only space, but also time. Our ancient
Chinese ancestors maintained that "the Tao was in our head", in other words, all
the Universe was in our head! My own inference from this study is that
space and time are essentially biologically modulated, perhaps even
formulated, for my equations sh ow that possibility. Should this intuitive
scientific insight be correct, then it would demolish physics, biology, philosophy
and theology in a single, clean blow.

Incidentally, I showed this filmstrip and discussed my theory and
equations with Professor Penrose, who seemed interested at first, but very
politely declined any further comment or association with me thereafter.14 I
think he realised the impact of this novel theory. He is still convinced that
quantum mechanics is the answer to explain brain functions and
consciousness. I disagree. I think it is General Relativity and Unified Field a la
Einstein, pure and simple. Quantum phenomena is not the cause, but merely
the effect, and creation is not statistical. It is wholeheartedly
deterministic, not left to chance, but to precisely formulated potentials, not
fields. The potentials are the cause, the fields are the effects. In simple
terms, pure magnetism and s ound are the potentials. Electricity is the
field. Magnetism and sound do not "travel" as such, for they are inherently
enfolded in space and are everywhere. It is the disturbance that travels. On
the other hand, electrical charge, hence electricity, does travel, because
it needs a physical medium. It is obvious that we still don't understand
either magnetism or the true nature of sound. (Emphasis mine).


Addend from Dan here, clearly what is needed to complete the above model
for getting the brain's MAGnetic worms thru light speed, multiply
connected, and time penetrating - is simply the now proven understanding (Greg
Hodowanec, Bill Ramsey) that waves of resulting capacitance or charge (gravity
- see below) DO travel faster than light speed. And that this push thru
the super-luminal is precisely triggered by embedding them in a PHI
recursive pine cone. /pineal / pining.

animations at: ../dimple

....consider "the possible gravitational effects of charged electrical
capacitors after studying the work of the great Micheal Farady the so called
father of electricity. It is a little known fact that Farady made the
following profound statement as far back as the late victorian age :
'Electrical capacity is to gravity as inductance is to magnetism'. .....If Farady
is correct then the energy stored in the capacitor is in the form of a
GRAVITATIONAL field much like the magnetic field of an inductor.......
Townsend Brown also found that the force generated by charged capacitors was
directed towards the positive plate; that is to say weight reduction only
occurs when the positive plate is upside to the negative plate. .... If the
negative plate is above then the device inceases in weight. ...... the
'Biefeld-Brown effect' in the general study of electrogravitics." from the
article "ParaSETI- ET Contact via Subtle Energies"by Gavin Dingley, Nexus
Magazine Dec 2000

Note from Dan: If only they had realized that it is the arrangement of the
capacitive fields into concave vortex like array WHICH OPTIMIZE RECURSION
CAPACITANCE. "Gravity is capacitance gone fractal".


From:"Ananda" <>

Wed, 21 Mar 2001



The Computer animations, and slides accompanying this, and the linkage
between Rennes Le Chataue and Norway through Scotland, are now beyond mind
blowing. Since we are in the midst of other matters at hand, we could not
postpone at least a little of an apitiser for what will be presented up
ahead, which is daily receiving new angles of amperage. Much work has to be
done to this first draft to do its larger info base justice, as well as
making more workable and meaningful sentance structures to the compressed
info, will be in the works for some time. Seminar presentations will give many
animations and slides to iterate this, coming soon...

On this Spring Equinox 2001, amidst uncanny revelations for myself, I now
pass on these "error"-laced words, par Pangiain Panacean excellence, for
the Ayin Eye of All Is God to be in and as us in Ineffible Emmanuelian
Thoticulations. Embraces to your dear Grail Sisters and Brothers, May Spring
Sprout fourth the Compassionate Middle Way for All Is God Be You....

Light, Love, Life,Ananda, March 22nd 2001

Copyright © 2001 by Ananda®
Written November 2000

A tremendous amount of intriguing literature has been published on the
remote Pyrrenes region of the Meruvingian* Rhedae, otherwise known as the
infamous Rennes le
Chateaue region. A region that held facination to the Meruvingian kings
and queens. A region that was re-instigated by the Orders of SION and the
Templar Orders. A region that was central to the Cathar heretics, who
practised alchemy, and a relgion of love. A region where a treasure was said to
be hidden, perhaps even the very Ark of the Convenent and the Treasury of
the Lord. In recent years many extraordinary facts concerning this region
have come to light, which are overwhelmingly clear, and demonstrate
something unique was instigated here.

In this article we explore some new findings. And we look at new
interonnections and the secrets of immortality. These are finding by two
individuals who each have this history singing within their grape veins. Not that
this particularly should make a difference in regards to the realisation of
humanity. But in this particular part of the puzzle, it perhaps is clear
that it makes a difference.

* We use the "U2 in MerUvingian deliberately to accentuate the Mt. Meru
Buddhist tradition that was immenent amidst them. The slight vowel
difference of Merovingian and Meruvingian, at that period in history, their were
often much vaster differences in spelling for th same sounds. And since the
Thera Vada influence on the Essene Christ ministary has quite some weight
of evidence for it, and the fact that those closest to Christ, like Mary
Magdelain Eucharia, left Buddhist statues at their own sites in France, as
well as the Essene tradition in calling the Great Pyramid in Egypt Mt.
Meru (hieroglyphically M.R.), gives us further justification in adding this
pronouncement. We see this as an actual basis for that name. Let alone
numerous Tibetan Buddhistic practices within the Meruvingians psychic legacy.

Before I engage any furhter in this article, I would like to state that I
can certify that I am not part of the present Order of Sion (Priory de
Sion), nor any secret society on this Earth, even if some of my remote
ancesters are or have been, this is not where I am coming from. This is an age
of the Alchemy of Compassion, which requires that "The Secret is to give
away the Secret,2 so that the Grail Cup can overflow for everyone inclusive.
It is my present stance that a majority of this lineage has been corrupted
and has forgotten the Taoistic and Tibetan Buddhistic Hermetic Gnostic
roots, by its obsessive secrecy, which had their place in the hard times of
the 1200s, certainly. But have no more room in this day, for they mustre
I also know of no evidence that presently links my colleague Dan Winter
into a secret society, although I do know he has been in and out of many
diverse groups, some of which may be secret society based. I have seen in my
colleague the examplification of sharing his findings, and many of the
"mysteries and secrets of the ages2 to availability for everyone. These
efforts should be commorated, for it has accelerated mankinds progress from the
position of the middle man, not having a security clearence, a need to
know, or to take an oath of secrecy to behold the arcane, but to have a vast
array of central foundation alphabets that comprise creation available at
their finger tips on the world wide web, and through other media. This
then also follows the Grail Code of the Overflowing Cup of compassion, as
"The Secret is to Give Away the Secret."

In my introduction to the Bloodline 13 book, sent to our Grail Ring
network of several hundred people (a book that exposes the 13 main families that
control the majority of the resources and power on Earth at present, and
which also relates to us all, but also an expose whose polarised
accentuation we do not find the adequate compassionate and coherently constructive
approach for the benefit of humanity, but none-the-less considered the
great detail in research to overide in value, the accentuation), to be which
we felt impelled to add this introduction. Which also suits this article,
in synergy, when inserted here, as a launch pad into out story. Here is an
edited selection:

Whilst this book is a stupendous archive and assembly of material, we do
not necessary aggree with the Christian filter of the researcher, who
considers anything Egyptian to be Illuminati or Lucifer orientated. But
overlooking his personal biasis and taints, herein is a lot of work at assembling
much material which has been paralel to our research. The fact is that
these 13 families are not "Satanic" (followers of Seth, El Shaitan, by the
Templars mistake to be exposed to the Yezidi's and Ishmaelians, who believe
that Adam's son Seth is Satan, and that he is good, and only the Seth line
divine -- hence chauvinism/racism) initially, but through secrecy and
elitism have distorted the original Coherent principles and Wisdom of our
history, by desperately holding onto certain key core cherished principles
that became secrets of the secretions. A lineage which many of you know where
it comes from (as we will publish in The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel II, in the
section on Unified Geneological Cartography, that will demonstrate that we
are all races of the gods, equally, and a mush together of all of the god
families (extraterrestrial or full neurologically activated man).

It was during Melchizedek dualism times, that the duality mlk-zdk
(melchizedek/molekzedek) set about making Lilaka a demoness, rather then the "ET"
human she originally was, and a contributor for the female denucleated DNA
genes of all races ancestral memory N her daughters (according to the
stone tablets of the Sumerian Kings lists, which in some versions are more
that 5,000 years old) married both of the lineages of mankind. Lilith/Lilake
today, as the Demoness and Demon of the global computer revolution of NASA
and company magicians (using the soloman dualistic Lesser key magick), is
a Mlk-zdk "distortion" concept, designed to mustre dualism, and perfect
control through such dualism, which Springmeier, at present stance has not
been able to look through, due to lack of integrated objective analysis of
his Christian beliefs (not even realising that the bloodlines he is black
listing, aslo edited and kbalised the present version of the Bible, which
he bases his beliefs on, even thought this hint of Spirituality, has been
a resource for him in offering relief to people that no one else was
offering relief to, and for this he has done his best, and this should be
honoured. Very few have dedicated 5 year at a time to aid a person inthe most
difficult reprogramming work, as Springmeier has done, repeatedly, although
with the Christian programming replacement, so not entirely free
Sovereignly. None-the-less the completely dedicated research effort and quest he
has undergone in making this book and his other pivotal key books are of
immense value, if you know how tomaintain a middle way, and utilise the
material for ever more integrated compasionate ends.

The Grail water has became stagnent and rotten by its secrecy, that is why
in this Age in the Cup to Overflow, the highest initiations are being
given by Universal Man, by those of the Midway, who are not in the Duality
Hierarchies of the stagnent cup that is now ROTen.

Omega Point Ptah, who acted as a back-up assistent to my Emmanuel
education, and who has appeared physically to me, including in SION in 1992,
relates that he is one who is drawing this True Grail alchemy into place. I
found it curious that when I mentioned to my colleague Dan Winter that on my
grandfathers side (from my mothers lineage), 200 years ago they were the
Monnet family, which came from the Rennes Le Chateau region of SION
document fame. His reaction of surprise was then iterated that I could use that
'for better or for worse' ( I naturally stated I prefer the middle). And
then he likened my characteristics to the Plantard de Sinclair, present
grand master of Priory de SION (which I took as a mild, but humourous insult,
since I find him quite 'unhandsome'. The descendency, I was told by my
mother went via Monnet de Blanchefort [which I did not take seriously enough
at the time, thinking that the name was only that of a Castle near Rennes
les Chateau. Now it has revealed to be the base of the Vorexijah, 8-fold
code, laid out in the Zodiac landscape there, and in the SION document and
more]. Now having researched this recently, there is actually a clear
cartography of Monnet de Blanchefort, and it goes back to the Grand Master of
the Sion Order and the Templars, Bertrand de Blanchefort. It was Marie
Hautpoul de Blanchefort who made the very SION document that now actually
reveals the 8-folded Vortexijah symmetry, [so far only presented at the Paris
seminar, where Falcanelli's books were edited. Addition Nov]. Blanchefort,
the White Stone and White Fortress of alchemy, this alchemical aspect will
be presented in a later posting. In the Heraldry foundations of France,
the lineage maps from Bertrand de Blanchefort, 4th Templar and Sion Order
Grand Master, go directly back to Meruvingian King Dagobert II, who was
assassinated on December 23rd at Stenay, his skull opened at the Pineal point,
in Tibetan Buddhist MeruSheba style, who then of course goes back the
Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene (see Grail Zine 14). Some of you must
be saying "you must be Nuts to relate this in association with this book".
Not mad, just to balance the specialness that is usually associated to
such information, and also to show that there is a Midway perspective herein,
where the Grail is for All. It turned out, humoursly, that Dan also was of
this lineage, since he was a Sinclair (StClair) some generations back.
Hence, many of us have incarnated in these gene pools, outside of the
hierarchy, to transmute, relinquish, and redeem the Grail back to the Universal
Grail for all, as All Is God. This is the Alchemy of Compassion. From a
dreamboard perspective it is why Omega Point Ptah chose contact, because we
fitted a Grail none-spelled into the hierachy of secrecy, linke in lineage
without being initiated into these societies. That later criteria is an
essential part of the Sons and Daughter of All-Oneness requirement for
contact and providing the highest initiations of the Universal Grail N secrey
prevents their contact (please remember this and make steps in being a Cup
that Overfloweth, to make amends to this, if Universe Grail Unity is of
interest to you: "the secret is to give away the secret." That is conscious
All Is God Compassion in action, the Image of Unity incorruptable, like a
Diamond, Uncuttable in its IMperishable perfection of IMManu.

Another note, Springmeier mentions that Alice Astor was one of the first
to enter King Tutankamon's tomb, when in actuality Howard Carter, the
discoverer, was sponsorred by Baron Lord Carnarvon, who had married De
Rothschilde's daughter, Almina De Rothschilde, and it was their daughter Evelyn
who was the first to go into King Tut's tomb, when they went in illegally
during the night, before the Egyptian Antiquity authorities came for their
first inspection (some objects of the tomb were also then taken). It is
entirely possible that Evelyn and Carter did some form of rituals together
that night, Evelyn had taken an avid interest in Carter, despite family
position dispositions in caste et al. After this night, Carnarvon and Carter
broke out in avid disputes and fights, partially due to international
pressure, but also, many have pointed out, due to Carters close relationship to
Evyln. The Baron bannished Carter from his house, but then broke ill (he
had already been in bad health when coming to Egypt that November 23, 1922,
and probably the radioactive red mercury in Tut's tomb had weakened his
immune system, so the mosquito bite and shaving wound had gotten the better
of him (let alone what he may have been involved in within the possible
rituals with his daughter that secret night November 26-27th [there are
indications that there were others with them, at least thats the heresay,
which is possible for the afternoon of the 26th]). Carter and Baron Carnarvon
reconcilled, and shortly after the Baron died (this has been called the
curse of the Mummy by many). Evelyn's mother was a Rothschilde, and after
the episode in Egypt she, Almina, forbade the mention of the word Egypt (due
to numerous reasons). Perhaps she felt that the magick done in Tuts tomb
had backfired on them in the events that had transpired. This may well have
been an Amen Preisthood reverse causality resonant download, in the time
and space gene maping history hologramme. Murial Astor believed herself to
be a reincarnation of an 18th dynasty Preistess and a major disciple of
Akenaton. There is also that curious coding in the Titanic story to do with
the Daughter of Amen Ra, in which one of the major Astor's allowed
themselves to die in (see the related GNN)

These families took an avid interest in Akenatons time, because their
secret archives demonstrate that they are descended from them.

( Come on, from that seek mo'fo' ? - phenomen31 ; the medykal research of
the image remnants of Akenathon showed he was sufferin' of a rare disease,
and that he had the left arm smaller than the right one, which is "a
sign", what the f*ck ?!? - while Nefertiti gone straight to Agartha after his

But there are two lines, those from Akenaton's daughter via Mari-Kiya
(she died bearing King Tutankaton), it was King Tut's older sister, Meri, who
became the missing link to Christ's lineage directly. But the other is
Tuthmosis the 5th, who became Moses (whose whip with his name, is in King
Tut's tomb), who carried out the Amen Preisthood into its Melchizedek form of
the Order of the Bee, and merged with Mystery Babylon, and hence the whole
child sacrifice domains of Molek which continues to this day in their
lineage, as a blantant misunderstanding, they have lost the key, liturally.
Manu was truely corrupted into Amun (anagramme of Manu, although Carter
called King Tuts tomb, the Tomb of ToutankhaMANOU. Mt. Manu was the Mt of the
east, the Great Pyramid). Amen/Amun/Manou was a distortion of
ImmAnnu-Ptah, in a "clone" of his son Ra (a very involved story), of which Neb-Nefer
(beautiful-lotus, the actual name of Amenhotep III, father of Akenaton) may
well have been a direct descendent. The Mummy of found of Nebnefer, shows
his elongated skull to be like Ra, he was 'a Son of Ra', and the
Morphology and DNA is different to Tuthmosis 4th (his alleged father, like Joseph
Abba H-Eli was Christ/Iusos's alleged father), but yet is related to King
Tut, through Nebnefers Son Akenaton. Present evidence, on a physical
analyis of the mummies, may bear out the claim that Akenaton was a direct
descendent of Atum Ra or his "clone" brother Amen-Ra, who are known for their
elongated skulls, even as Assur-Ra (the Sumerian Ra). King Tut's skull has
this same morphology. Certainly the style of elongation between Nebnefer,
Akenaton, and Tutankaton, is the same lineage, but cranial manipulation
techniques were and continue to be a central aspect of the Amen Preishood,
and even the Asna (Essenes) in their African Maui form, as our colleague
Prince Sahabi of Niger demonstrates (his skull has been manipulated at
birth), continue to use this form. (As the Illuminati Formula revealed, cranial
manipulation is a major form of modern mind control, of the modern Amen
preishood. Hence, in your own hands, with Unity Self Mind control, one has a
personal keyhere for self alchemy. The alchemists implored one to look at
the sh*t to find the stone. Centralised mind control is by a fragmented,
non wholistic sector of mankind, but in integration, and in unified
coherency and personal Sovereignty, they may offer the mirror image of the Unity
Key of re-fusion with the Unity Self, consciously).

Although this morphology is by far not the same as that of Amenhotep
III/Nebnefer and King TutankAton/KheperRA, which appears also to have a genetic
characteristic to
include this. Since Tuthmosis III, who is supposed to be the great great
grandfather of Akenaton (but whose skull morphology is not the same), has
his royal archives describe physical contact with the ATUM- RA's and their
Atum vehicles filling the skies (the royal hieroglyphs of which I have
been presenting in seminars over the last year) make this possibility more
likely. What Emmanuel related on this matter 10 years ago, in Aton-Ra 3 is
besides the point of argument, even if it relates material along these

Therein, they made a interspecies agreement (much as is reported with
Eisenhower in 1954), which lead to Akenaton, and the reopening of the Mt.
Serabit Alchemical laboritories with the discovered superconducting elements
therein (100 tons) and the Soma/Asna bush and Acacia tree being
hieroglyphically shown to be synthesized in, to make the bread of light, of
enlightenment, for this lineage. Akenaton going off for his alchemy of the body, on
his 33rd year, to Mt. Serabit, Sinai.

That NebNefer and Akenaton are then an anomoly in the geneological
comparisons of the 18th dynasty, with characteristics associated to Ra, MAY all
add credence to the
"extraterrestrial" human intermarriage at that point, which we have called
the SION-HOR/Iusos Diamond upgrade in the detailed seminars and slide

It is little wonder that any offspring from that lineage will be a
jealously guarded series of bloodlines, due to the inherent apparent power within
the blood (alchemical Graal),
stagnent now through secrecy (black/white magick). Which is so aply placed
together within this book. We release this book here to the Grail Ring,
since it is of essence in understanding how our Unity Keys 2 presentations
link in to the present stagnent waters that must be unblocked within mans
collective self. True Unity is only when all of humanity gains the same
realisation. For waking up means that one becomes aware of the superconscious
ancestral memory plural-time colletive, the Superspecies called everybody.
That means we will be looking through everybodies eyes, including this
lineage, as well as all other lineages. For such an event to occur
coherently, we must let the Grail Cup Overflow and flush out the stagnent, guarded
waters of the Amun secret, so that the Spirit of true Unity can overflow
for all, in this Age of Abba Ptah Aquarius, now emerging, beyond the duality
computers of the universal dream computer. All Is God Compassionate
discernements in your readings.
-Ananda, September 2000]

On Dan Winter1s family Coat of Arms (Sinclair), shows the Bear of Arcadia,
which was the Greek godess Arduine or Artemes1s symbol, as well as the
Akkanna (Great Bear constellation) being the name for the boat of Joseph of
Arrimathea the date difference on either side under the 14 striped shield
guarded by the two bears, is 1681 and 1861. Of course the difference
between them is 180, which is, in code, a perfect pentagon, of 6 36° lines =
180. However, there is another play therein, both dates break down to 16.
Hence, 16 + 16 = 32. Dan has been saying for years that a dodecahedron is 5
cubes tilted at 32°, whose tips make the 12 pentagons of the dodecahedron.
When actually, it is 72°. Dan has been coding in his family coat of arms.
I discovered when making the intercubic version of the Dodecahedron, and
the then resulting 5
Vortexijah Grail version, that the X-axis is tilted at the initial -64°,
or twice -32. That the 5 intercubes, or cubes, or their revolved and
phase-conjugated Vortexijah Grail forms, MUST be tilted at 72° on the Y-axis,
another 4 times. The 72 figure comes out in my family coding, from the
Monnet De Blanchfort, from what my mother related of my uncle 2x removed
geneological research, my grandfathers (mothers side) went back to Monet family,
of Bordeaux, and Dijon area, France, which went further back to the Monnet
De Blanchfort, from the Rennes le Chateaue region. Before we proceed, let
us also note that 16 x 16 = 256 = 4 x 64. Hence, indeed, if you have the
hidden 72°, the 64° receives another 4 on its base, at 72°. It is 72 beats
per minute which is the maximum resting beat harmonic for the heart, for
lengtrhy and healthy life, beating with the cosmos, as well as precession
1° every 72 years.

Bertrand de Blanchfort, becomes the Grand Master of both the Order of Sion
and the Order of the Temple, in 1153, one year after the 1152. He reigned
until 1170. It was the year 1171 I refered to you in SION, as the
beginning date, instead of 1152, and this has a reasons, as it was sent through.
And in 1188 the two orders separated, and Jean Gisors headed SION, followed
by Dan1s family, in 1220, by Marie Saint-Clair. It was Blanchfort who gave
the Order the land in the Rennes le Chateau and Bezu area, where he
reopened the Gold Mines in 1156, on his Grounds of the Chateau de Blanchfort.
This gold had all but been removed by the romans, but he set up their
Alchemical underground headquarter therein, for as Cesar d1Arcons investigation
in the 1700s showed, the hired Germans, "la Judicature des Allemands2,
found only evidence of smelting metals in the ruins of the workers and the
underground of the mountain of Blanchfort, they aappeared also to be
excavating a subterrenian crypt -- hence their alchemical initiation
headquarters. This of course lead to the basis of Nicholas Flamels alchemy, when he
became grand master of Priory de Sion in 1398-1418, where next to the
Bibliotheque de l1Arsenal, where he edited alchemical texts, is a street named
after him, Rue Nicolas Flamel. Who was assisted by the original Falcanelli,
and decoded there "The Sacred Book of Abraham the Jew2, and achieved the
White Stone of alchemy on January 17th, which is when Saunier discovered
the SION documents, and also his coffin was made for that date. It was the
capricorn day of Alchemy in ancient times, and Flamel, became very rich as
a result. And encoded "The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abra-Melin The
Mage2, in the same Bibliotheque, whcih much latter Golden Dawns Mathars
translatted. At Blanchefort mountain were found 14 sets of Menirs from the
Celts. His lineage then connected him to the Visagoths, whose structure
remained as the base of the Rennes Church, and whose neighbouring castle,
Chataue Hautpoul, was inherited by Marie Hautpoul de Blanchfort. The Visagoths
who had taken the Grail Mystery to this very place. The Visagoths had left
in the 7th century, when the church Monarchy was hunting them down et al.
Bertrand transfigured the Templars organisational strcture and launched
its political diplomacy work into international politics. Of all the
Templars persicuated on Friday 13
October 1307, the Bezu contingent was left untouched by Phillip le Bel.
The Grail lineage was well known to be alive in the Blanchfort1s. This is
not only evidenced in the fact that the Bezu Templars were the only ones not
touched, but also by the fact that Philip1s pawn, Bertrand de Goth, the
archbishop of Bordeaux, known as Pope Clement V, had a Grail mother. For
Clement V/Bertrand de Goth1 mother was non other than Ida de Blanchefort. She
named her son after her great ancester Bertrand de Blanchefort, they were
of the Visigoths, further factored in Bertrand de (visi)Goth. Hence, this
Pope was privy to his Blanchefort family secret archives, which related to
the alchemical, the extraterrestrial, the Grail, and the lineage of
Christ. This secret arcane wisdom was to remain in the Blanchforts custody until
the 18th century. It was through Clement that the Monnet de Blachefort
family obtained the Bordeaux status. It was the last recordings of the Arcane
wisdom that the Blancheforts had custudy to that was evidenced in the SION
documents found by Saunier in his Visagoth foundation chruch at Rennes.
These documents were compossed by Marie de Blanchefort, through her
confessor Abbe Antoine Bigou, cure of Rennes le Chateau. The SION documents with
the tetrahedron code, and the 8-folded Vortexijah code I discovered at Le
Croix, which has not been published anywhere as of yet, but it is video
recorded in Paris, at the very place where Falconeli1s books were edited,
next to the Rue de Dauphine, at Rue Nesle.

The 72° connection was actually found by David Wood in another connection.
He looked at the White Stone of SION, from Rennes le Chateau. The Chateau
de Blanchfort,
makes a perfect line from Rennes to itself, extending to Arques, which is
another pivotal key in our 8-folded equations of the SION document.
Blanchfort is 4 statute miles from Arques, and 2 statute miles from Rennes, 4
and 2. But what is of exceptional significance here is that, Chateau de
Blanchfort is 2 miles from the Paris zero meridian, and arques is 2 miles from
the Paris meridian, whilst Rennes is 2 miles from Blanchfort (222). Of
course then, Rennes is 4 miles from Paris zero, and Arques 2 miles from the
Paris Zero, hence the 42 again reiterated. But this line is specifically
72° intersection between the Rennes-Blachfort sunrise line and the Paris
zero Meridian.
Of course this is the 72° line in Rennes d1Anjou1s painting "La Fountain
de Fortune2, which links the disk of the sun to the fountain stone passing
through the aintings vertical middle, and the staff in the paintings is
tilted at 75° and the 72° line to the horizontal of the painting of Lord
George Stuart, by Sir Anthony Van Dyck, who not only wears the same colours
as the Lady in Pousins, the Shepheard in Arcadia II, but Lord Stuart;s
forefinger is 75° from the staff, which links directly to the 75° angle of the
base of the tetrahedron from the SION document, which is based at Chateau
de Blanchfort. And the staff in Bergers d1Arcadie II, held by the far left
shepherd, is also tilted at 75°.

We live in the Sirius Millenium. The Star Sirius, appart from its archaic
popularity, plays a central role in our Meruvingian unfoldments. It brings
in an extraterrestrial and
hyperdimensional influence. Before we plunge into this, I would like to
quote from my teenage Emmanuel education days, before I embarked to research
and to confirm the many many things they related to me. As I was relating
one of my Sirius synchronisations to a colleague who had the same time
synchronicities with Sirius in his history, I related the following (please
note that 3:15 is an anagramme of 153, and the ratio of the mass difference
between our sun and Sirius b is 1.053):

"I get The Light Of Emmanuel in the dark, and open it by a slip of the
foot, it is page 117, From Sirius To The Sun,1 as an example of Complexity
Theorum working here, due to the astonishing mass harmonic ratio of Sirius
with our sun. It was received as a communicationat at 3:15 am, as were
almost all of the contacts1 in that book, and this page number is 117 value 9,
just like 3:15 = 9 [1.053 = 9]. "NOW, a few minutes later, I realise it
actually opened on the page where I wanted to quote to you, Sirius: "It
broadcastst the communications such as this one tonight. This, what we give
here, is partly responsible due to Sirius being in manifestation." ?Private
communication with Randalf Barolet, January 13, 2000

Emmanuel related that Sirius and our sun were part of one "virtual neuron2
which they called Oversoul Sun. They related much in regards to the role
of Sirius. But this can be explored elsewhere. This article is not to focus
on the Emmanuel story, which is well covered in other publications.

Archaic Sirius At The Heart

Sirius has taken serious focus from a majority of our archaic cultures,
which treated it as the centre of intelligence and civilisation. Wheather it
be the ancient Maya of central Meso-America, who gained their wisdom from
an anceint legacy and tradition handed down through the Oaxaco shamans and
Olmecs; or the archaic Egyptians, where Sirius was one of the most major
stars; to Kala Chakra Buddhism, where the Shamballa of the heavens is
seated at Sirius (as revealed by Steven Jenkins, in his book of adventures and
high initiations that virtuall killed in amidst the Buddhists, "The
Undiscovered Country2, whom we met shortly befor ehis passing on); or to some of
the Amazonian Indians, who have unusual fair complexions and blond hair
who relate their anciesters coming "from2 Sirius, and some returning later
and re-educating them in plant alchemy and the arts Shamanism of the
medecine man (Sons of the Sun, Wilkins), and it featured central in many
ethnocultures of the amazon basin, let alone within the arceho-astronomical
remnents of the Inca; to the role of Sirius on the Mali dogon tribe, which has
been well documented elsewhere, who wer eot only aware of Sirius b1s small
size before astronomy could confirm this, but also were aware for
thousands of yers, and on western documentation for at least a hundred years, of a
Sirius C, which was discovered in the 1990s, who relate their ancestral
archiac "contact2 with the Nommo from Sirius, who taught them their
Shamanism and civilisation principles; or the neighboring Mau Shaman tribes of
Niger, who to this day still claim "contact2 with this star system. Sirius,
the 7 pointed star, was also central in the Sumerian and Mesapotamian, so
called, proto-civilisation, as accepted by the Sumerian and akkadian
scholars. Where Sirius was said to be the home of their gods, the Anuki who
braught them civilisation, Shamanaism, intelligence, and music and measure.
Sirius also featured as a place of major importance within the Vedic and the
the Persian Avesta traditions. In the latter Zoroaster tradition, which
roots from the same indo-European as the Vedic, the epithet of the Sumerian
god of Sirius, Anuki or Ea, which was Mazda, becomes the Zarathustrian
main creator God of Light, Ahura Masda, is refered to have created Sirius, as
here chronicled by the Greek Plutarch (370):
"...[He] adorned the heavens with stars. One star he set there before all
others as a guardian and watchman the Dog-star.2

Along with this came 288 gods, of good and bad, of which we note
immediately that 288 is 2 x 144 (and thus 24 x 12), and thus 178 x PHI (1.618), the
sacred middle path of the golden mean ratio of coherency and compassion.

The Scandinavian Ur cultures, which authored the more than 2,000 year old
Valuspa, has Sirius created by Thor from the toe of the giant of Orion,
who is called Orvandel.
Sirius was also called by them Lokabrenna in the Nordic myth1s. In the
Nordic Hamlet original, the Yew Tree of Life of Sirius, which belonged to

As we are in the astounding Sirius millenium, where the Gregorian calender
was set up to map the cycle of the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius,
and a long arcane mystery tradition following its companion star(s) Sirius
B, which appears central in Pythagorian Mystery traditions, as has been
well extrapolated by Robert Temple in his recent revision of the Sirius
myster, which presents ample data which makes this highly probable ? the
Sirius connection takes on an ever more profund stance than ever.
For this was the Millenium where Sirius was exactly in the midst of the
zero meridian between east and west at Midnight into the New Year 2000, AND
precisely at the opposite side to the sun from our Earth, from the
position of the Giza plateuae and the Great Pyramid, which the Egyptian Book of
the Dead, and the Pyramid texts relate as a representative of Sirius,
giving it also the same hieroglyph as Sirius, and naming Sirius the star of
Isis, whilst the Great Pyramid is her house. Although there are a hundred
years where Sirius is within 4° of the zero meridian (1950-2050: 50 years 4°
on the east, and another 50 years with 4° on the west), at the Mid 50
years, it is the only time that Sirius is exactly on the zero meridian, and
this was our New Millenium. Whilst initiates into the Mystery school s of
Earth fight to be the Sirius president, like George Bush (via the Skull and
Bones Order), and Al Gore via his Free Masonic initiations, others have
received direct contact with this resonant Star system, which is the only
visible star so far discovered which has a cycle precisely and "coicidently2
of 365 days. Hence, the "Virtual Neuron2 seeks the novelty points of
congruence that enable utmost coherencey to result. Hence, those bound by
secrecy will not enable fully saturated holographic fractal connectivity, to
share an equivity coherence amplification as an outcome.

Meruvingian king Dagobert II, the ancester of Bertrand de Blachford, and
the descent from Arimathea and Iusos-Immanuel Christos, was assasinated by
the Babylonian relgion, inhabiting the Roman Catcholic church, as a wolf
in sheeps clothing. He was ritualistically killed on the shortest day of
the year, December 23rd. In the old calendrics, this was the 13th month, of
which the last day the 22nd, was the death of the Sun, which would be
reborne on December 25th. Hence, Dagobert II was sacrificed as the Sun King on
the darkest day. He was assasinated at a village called Stenay (Satanay,
Satan Eye, Seth Eye, SETI), whose village Coat of Arms has the Baphomet in
the form of the Sacrificial Goat of Saturday, the Goat of Alchemy, and the
Sabbath, Taro card 15, the Devil, the 15 mail parts to the body, of which
Osiris lost the Phallus, the 15th part. Stenay is near Paris, and his
assasination occured in the year 679 AD. For a while the Meruvingians had
their capital there, that is from around 396-693 AD, and it appeared to have
been made into a stargate. Little wonder that the Church chose to maintain
the Horned God on the Coat of Arms, despite it being a Christian Village.
A Star Gate? With the superconductive influence of the Grail "technology2.
Stenay has, on average, more rainfall of frogs in its historical records,
than any other European city to date. The sky opens and it rains frogs.
The frog was on the Meruvingian royal coat Of Arms, and was encoded into the
frog prince. For the frog, like for the Mayans of Tikal and the Olmecs
before them, was used by the Meruvingians for its 5-MeO-DMT, to induce the
furtherence of their psychic abilities by this exogenous consumed Pineal
gland metabolite, which awakens the brain upto 40% more. Dagobert II was
killed in the Ardennes forest, which was named after the early European bear
goddess Adruina, who was modelled on the Greek Arcadian Artemis, from whom
the Meruvingains descended, via Princess Argotta1s marriage into the
Arimathea and Christ lineage. In Dagobert II1s and his ancester, Childeric1s
tomb, were found the typical Meruvingian round Crystal Spheres, similar to
that found by Dr. Ray Brown in 1968 (Jaques Custeau diving team), in the
underwater Bermuda pyramid. His skull, typical of the Meruvingian style, had
been opened at the crown for the Pineal gland to release the Spirit, it
now sits in a Grail cup at a Convent at Mons. There is an identical Tibetan
Buddhist tradition, whose monks do the same to their colleagues after

Appart from the 23rd figuring often in UFO phenomenon and other
"anomolies2, which was taken up by the film "232, and that 23 was often linked to
Sirius synchronicities, like the rising of Sirius in Egypt on the 23rd of
July, when the waters of the Nile would flood fertily to the land -- 23
Earth diametres per second is also the speed of light, and it takes 23 years
for the sun to breath in and out in the heliosphere, let alone the 23
chromosomes form the mother and 23 from the father. All such items of interest,
even the July 23rd Egyptian celebration of Sirius Rising, is not enough to
link in with the Dagobert Vatican murder, December 23rd story. However the
principle church of Stenay faces South, and on mid summer mornings,
standing at the altar of the Church, one can view through the door the rising of
Sirius behind the Sun. So the Church1s front door to the altar aligns and
faces Sirius, in the days of maximum light, and Dagobert died on the day
of maximum darkness.

The above points were first released by a SION agent in 1973. He was
Gerard de Sede who pubished "La Race fabuleuse. He reveals secrets about the
Rennes le Chateaue
zodiac, and relays that he interviewed Marquis de Blachford, who reveals
some of the Meruvingian secret story, including the Vaticans occult,
astrology, and numerological choice for assasinating Dagobert II at the Ardennes
forest. The Marquis de Blanchford also relayed that a nameless society
protects the lineage of Dagobert II from further assasination. And relayed
that the reason these genes were being protected was that their value came
from the intermarriages of several distinguished ancient Israelites and
superhuman extraterrestrials from the Sirius star system. The society that is
supposed to protect this lineage, failed in protecting Marquis de
Blanchford, for shortly after revealing the above matters to Sede, he himself was
murdered at the Ardennes forest, on December 23rd, 1972. And his son runs
off in hiding in Asia.

The Sirius connection and extraterrestrials also comes from another angle,
in 1973. Swiss journalist Matthiew Paoli publishes his "Les Dessous2
(Undercurrents), his own
investigations into the Priory de Sion and the Swiss Grand Alpina Masonic
lodge. At an Alpina Temple of this largest Masonic Order of Switzerland,
Paoli discovers copies of the internal newsletter of the Priory de Sion,
called "Circuit2, amidst a chapter of the Alpina Grand Lodge. They were
dated from the late 1960s, and Paoli traced the publishers down to the
Committee for Public Safety within the de Gaulle government in Paris. The
managers were Nobel laurate Andre Malraux and the grand master of the Priory de
Sion, Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair (Sinclair), who appart from his
recognised scholarship was an occultist and WWII resistence fighter. Of most
significance in Paoli1s work, however, is the fact that Paoli mentions that
on the cover of the first edition of the Priory de Sion1s "Circuit2 is the
map of France, with a circumscribed tetrahedron, or Star of David,
superimposed over it, and a classical Flying Saucer hovering above these. The
content of this newletter only speaks about the vines and wine lineage of the
Meruvingians going back to King David via the Christ lineage. Without the
"independent2 (since not connection has ever been found by researchers
into these two authors) Sede1s testimony of Marquis de Blanchfort that these
vines were an intermarriage between distinguisehd ancient Israelites and
superhumans from Sirius.

Well for me, finding these items in 1997, which were written when I was
only 3 years old, certainly have added confirmation to my own "contacts",
which started at the age of 2 (1972) at SION in Switzerland. It may seem
very far fetched for many, but to those of us engaed in "contact2 it is most
interesting to see that there actually have been such connections made by
the Order of Sion themselves, by another descendent of Dagobert II. A
clear Sirius connection.

A clue to where the Merovingians possibly originated is found in ancient
Norse mythology. Merovee claimed to be descended from Odin, one of the gods
worshipped by the Teutonic people of northern Europe -- after whom Odin's
Day (also called Woden's Day), or Wednesday, was named. Note the spelling
of the word "Odin." Is it possible - could this be another way of spelling
Dan, or could the name have evolved from the Israelite Lost Tribe of Dan?
We shall analyze the possible Merovingian/Israelite connection in this

In order to explore that premise, perhaps we should begin with a story
from Greece -- of the battle between the Spartans and the Trojans. Keep in
mind, the kings of the Merovingian dynasty claimed to be descendants from
those ancient tribes.

According to the ancient Greek treatise, THE ILIAD, by Homer, the founder
of Troy was named Dar-dan-us. 3. The name is strikingly familiar. It
contains the name of Dan! It was said that Dardanus was the son of Zeus.
Dardanus had a son named Erichthonius, who had a son named Tros, who was the
namesake of the ancient Trojans and of their capital city, Troy.

Tros had three sons, Ilus, Ganymede, and Assaracus. Priam, the reigning
king of the Trojans, was of the line of Ilus. Aeneas, founder of the Roman
Empire, as a prince of the royal house of Assaracus. Ganymede was the
great-grandson of Dardanus, the founder of Troy. According to Homer's ILIAD
(Book V), 4. Zeus kidnapped the prince, Ganymede. Zeus wanted Ganymede to be
a special cup-bearer to the gods (which may be a clue to the origin of the
legend of the so-called Holy Grail).


"Ananda" <> Save Address - Block Sender
JULY 1998

It is difficult to properly answer your question about Hurtak in a short
letter. I have been saddened by what I discovered, but not suprised
considering the history of the
brotherhood Emmanuel related in 1990, and the subsequent research into the
Mystery Schools which I did in the early 1990s. I, like the majority of
mankind, was perhaps a
little naive therein, put all too good affect. My thoughts are not
conclussive herein, but open-ended. This is part of parallel processing and
making paradigms of all nature
become useful for humanities Sovereign alchemy. This posting is

I can presently say that I do not agree with any form of racism, whether
that be Zionist, Aryanism, Islamist, or soul racism. I do not believe in
supporting a system of
hierarchy that has enslaved man into a machine of harvest and war for
generations. It must be the truth of absolute Unity for all who choose, and I
will stand as solid as I can for that.
I know I may be persecuted for not being "one" of them [except
superconductively in the shared perspective of our United One Body of Christ], I have
been invited at times into "their2 orders, and other orders as well. But
in order to continue the unfoldment of Operation Unity, I do not belong to
any secret society on this Earth. The Mysteries will not be MISSed, as the
Mist evaporates by the Diamond Vajra Lapis Opus focus of Compassion, gazes
as our Unity Son/Sun of All-Oneness

The secret is to give away the secret. I will point out the Unity
empowerment in different paths, I will also show the hypnotic light encodements,
or sleep dust, (whether star
dust, moon dust, Earth dust , or 6th dimensional DU-ST), that pacifies one
into subjegation of the pyramid hive geometry of light, and guilt. Thus
enacting the original sin which is to say that you have sinned ? this judges
All Is God for not being there. And so the Lords of black and white
duality continue their harvests: Harevsted wheat becomes the bread of the gods,
who stay immortal by this food of souls, and chauf becomes the smoke of
the same gods but in dark mode, for after supper smokes (some peace pipe of
a solution to the historical landscape of wargames of wor/war-ship in

This is actually nothing new, it is well known by the Christian Hermetic
Gnostics, who I also have refused to join, but who at least love humanity
in equality, All Is God, and
carry out the Christ teachings to some degree. Many, like most Mystery1
schools, are well infiltrated, and interlinked to the Masonic Apron. Where
Gnosis is fire, rather than Christ, Loose-I-Phi-er logos, instead of WORD
LOGOS (Issiah speaks of the two Logos1 rejoicing at the creation of man,
one fell into fire, and all crystals feel from his body). YHWH = 26, is the
Hebrew value of letter to the proportions of the Masonic Apron.

Where to begin? You may wish to read The Gods Of Eden, by William Bramley,
for some basic ground work (with a triffle bit of weeding). But
essentially for me to
illustrate an answer of evidence would take some hard and ardous work. I
will pass on articles and links, that document some areas that must be
addressed in relationship to
your question and the 72 Melchizedek orders in general; and the mind
control tools and motives that have been used [Grail Vine newsletter and GNN
news service].
Virtually every order with mystery grades is today infiltrated: the
Templars, and Priory de Sion included. I have now traced my own Meruvingian line
to Rennes Le Chateau, via my grandfather, the Monet family. So my blood
knows what these orders are about, and also comes from those who 2000 years
ago attempted to burst the bubble of Mystery Babylon and Mystery Kaballa
through the Christ Issa-Immanuel and Arrimethia, who had descendents, and
they went to Rennes. When the Roman Empire AKA the Vatican, hunted down
this blood to drink and eat of its divine flesh (Mystery Rite of Babylon), so
the true Christ blood had to be sown and bastard children were made all
over Europe and elswhere. So that the superconductive opneing in the DNA
could resonate as the Grail for all to access. The Hermetic Melchizedek
(Michael Zadok) Order and Templer orders, initially were a completely different
story, and there were times were survival required secrecy. However, my
colleague Daniel Winter, has finally won over the------- Preists, who wanted
the secret of the golden spiral witheld from humanity, so that they would
have the 3D access of spin, Ibiru and English, to conduct their
magic.------- Dan after -------, has braught the spiral of our awareness, [which we
used as the Dove and Phoenix in our Vortexijah animation, which he kindly
let me use and model freely (added to my own calculation and designs of
the Star Ship Grail)], the spiral of love to humanity. The ---- stated that
since this is a universal principle, it belongs to everyone. This is the
end of the Mystery, or hierarchy, this is one example of the secret is to
give away the secret, this is All Is God love in action loving All Is

Imagine, how beautiful humanity would be today, if this had been shared
consciously thousands of years ago, and had been applied inturnally. Now
amidst the darker
pre-dawn, the Spiral of Love is reknown (albeit shortly and supressed
forever, by law).

Since I will be even more attacked, and attempts made to discredit me, for
raising just some questions, which, in heart felt honesty for humankind
must be addressed, I may
suggest that what you can do is find, through books on the
internet, the supressed book, Messengers of Deception, by Jaques Vallee, which
details many
interviews with the various Melcizedek occult lodges, in relationship to
magic and the secret government and mind control. Where Hurtak is
interviewed in 1976, and admits working for the Rockefeller founded Centre for
Democratic Studies and Democratic Institutions, having studied the Urantia
Book (hence terms such as chronomonitors, soul adjusters, etc. Although this
is anyway central part of Mystery Kaballa, from the Mystery Schools). I
also had my friend Korinna Muller ask certain key questions in an interview
in Zurich. Again his work for the Centre of Democratic Studies and
democratic institutions was mentioned. Laurence Rockefeller have their New Dawn
agenda, which involves creating the new man with mind control and a global
initiation. This is the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt, that is why
Apollo 11 insignia is Orion, and 33 minutes after the "eagle landed2,
Armstrong and Aldrin, put on their Melchizedek Masonic approns (golden fleece, or
the Lamb of Melchizedek), being both 33° masons, and Sirius was precisely
at 19.5° in the horizon (the tetrahedron angle if you did not see the
Hoagland UN briefing of 1992), the lander itself was 19.5° from Orion. Hence,
Osiris and Isis were coupled in tetrahedral hyperdimensional angles, as
the two astronauts took out a chalice and celebrated the Mystery School
tradition, with the Osiris constellation on their arms, and Apollo a version
of Osiris. Not only that, the time of the face of Mars photographs, both
Viking, and Mars Global Surveyor, were taken at Sirius, or Orion 19.5°
angles, the same with the Moon Tycho city, 19.5°. We have some two dozen
examples. In fact I have been making so many breakthrough in the last months
that I hope I can assemble all of these hundreds of graphics for the
Sweibenalp seminar. Some completely new areas, which verify not only the Unity
Keys of Emmanuel, but throw new light and evidence on who we are.

Bauval is also using another mans work without giving credit (discovered
in the 1950s), the Orion mystery has been known in the Mystery schools,
without being lost,
whether one is on the Mystery Bablyon Side (the Wathers. Wise Men, Jason)
or the Mystery Kaballa side (Orders of Meclhizedek 50, Enoch 365, St John
of Jerusalem etc)
The Illuminti believe in "the end jusitifes the means,2 the end is the
golden age with the return of the hidden masters, god man will be extracted
through the silent war
initiations poured lavishly ? just liek the disks seen to release the
plague, or the angels who bestowed death in the Torah. The greys and reptoids
are just tools used by them (see The Watchers book one, where Light Body
ascended Masters run the greys, who implant, and where earlier in
TheAndreason Affair they introduced Bety to god as the Phoenix. This is the relgion
of the Phoenix which is the New World Order ? Clinton, Bush et al, are
very low tools of polarity management, by the mystery school traditions. Also
by the author of the above books, Dr Raymond Fuller, wrote the Melchizedek
Connection, 1978, based on the codes coming from abductees). If you have
internet, a little may be gleened by looking at The Babylon Briefing site,
or the B.B., which has linked many of the modern day players into their
public domains admitted membreship to the Myster Schools (this is not what I
base my evidence on, however, it just confirms, in some, what I
discovered, before Hurtak asked me not to research into secret societies, which he
should have know I had done years prior.

A few excerpts from the pages I still have poorly photocpoied from my
colleagues [Messengers of deception, 1978]: Jim Hurtak described his won
contact: "Well, believe it
or not, I was giving a series of seminars three years ago, and coming back
with two of my students we noticed a light following our car down Highway
152, and we pulled off the road and roughly 100 to 200 yards from the road
this vehicle came down. I felt a strong magnetic attraction in the
direction of the vehilcle. I experienced at that time what most people would call
the higher intelligence. A beam of light went through my body, and I
received scientific codes which I was told to call the Keys of Enoch." Jim
invitted me to join a new psychic group designed to change the destinies of
the world by occult methods: he was in direct contact with this group. "To
get better government and put out better philosophies of humanism toward
planetary unity.2 Humanism, is designated the New World Order tool, and I am
not making any revelation there, this is heaviily documented in some 2000
volumes, and in the Congress Library itself. I personally am very
saddenned1 by the Mystery traditions of the west, and how they have remained
infiltrated, from Egypt and the Amen gods, to the corrupting of the Christ
Teaching. Unlike the east, no Midway path is given in the west. In the east
the Taoist1s, the Bon Po, the Boddhisatva traditions, thje Prima Manu
Schools, and Buddha1s Teachings, teach the Unity of Unity1s not caught in a war
god of duality and separated honor which is not Self inclusive. But no
matter what, I and people like me will continue to defend humanities Unity
with the Absolulte All Is God of the Unity of Unity1s, to illustrate the
secret is to give away the secret, and to bridge the attempt of Unity by Issa
Immanuel and the Grail family 2000 years ago to compassionately reach
everyone, not by occult methods, but only by their own choice of Love for All
Is God. Yes, one may be attacked, just as the vaginia liquids atacks the
seed, to guarentee that the best penetrates the sphere. But the capstone
cannot be extracted from the geometrical pyramid, virtually all of the
Masonic merkabba mysteries has failed with their equations of attempted
translation (because they are not integeometrical, therfore are not beyond the
144 dimensional octaves of light/magnetism, or the EM in general and its
overtones) over the last 10,000 years, because they are geometrical male
locked into this dimension. The exception is the Christ Gnosis which gives the
exact Vortexijah Spins, including in Thomas, and which is what Issa
learned in the Tibetan Vajra retreats, and his later day apostle Falcanelli (who
we are indirectly in contact with). The Chakra Vajra tradition focusses
first on the Unity of Unity, and every century dozens have gone beyond the
Rainbow Body. As Dr LaViolette1s galactic centre cosmic ray pressure volley
approaches, bringing in the Orion cosmic dust, kept at bay by the solar
wind, so the global dark room retreat for
all humanity is approaching (darkest before the inner Light dawn), with
infrared as heat, will cause anyone on the surface of this planet to
gradually go into a Soma/DMT green lion process.
This Eucharist of the Pineal gland third eye, will catapolt those through
the 49 Thorgal, in preparation for what is to come. Only coherent
compassionate love will enable one to withstand the 10,000 volts of electron
cascades from the comsic rays, and utilise this for alchemcial fusion of the
ellements through the Christ Seed of superconductivity (this Emmanuel has
prepared me for now since day one of the contacts, starting with the HT
transmission in 1985 and 1986 [HT = Hermes Trismegistos]. We will be covering
the exact detailed evidence of what is now in process, not a dimensional
shift, but a Universal Shift, (and the evidence is now more than
astounding), at Sweibenalp. But what we also do illustrate, like so few others, is
that no one should believe us, nor should they believe anyone else. This is
only a suggested paradigm, and much we are testing to verify into evidence
of an objective nature, and then share to all (despite the fact that
Emmanuel and the time revearse wave Andromedians revealed the majority of this
data to me in my teens).

Perhaps, I also have delayed a little this letter, because I really do not
want to have to be the one who points out certain unspoken of questions
(note some 8 months latter, verz late indeed). It is just that I want other
brothers and sisters to really wake up, not dependent on just a daddy or
mummy in a cosmic sense, but to self propegate into Unity activation. When
I heard from Kathereen of the Sweibenalp bookshop, in 1993, that Hurtak
considered my work important, I thought, niavely, great here is a brother,
let us support oneanother eqaully1. I spent 3 months imersing myself into
the mantras and book which I had taken out of several years of storage in
Denmark, and at the same time it was sznchronised that I equally study
---------'s Hebrew work, and connected with other Kabalists. When I heard that
Hurtak took this to mean that I was his student, I was amazed by his ego,
it was absolutelz incredulous (which continues with his special message of
feeling like he is mz father, which poor Ralph had to deliver. Abba All Is
God is my father. He has deeply strazed from the Christ teaching here (but
actuallz in interviewing others, it appears to be a protocol he uses
universallz, just as Sai Baba, this is a tzpical mind control trick, but from
Mr. Hurtak it is just unbelievably unobjective behaviour, that is
saddenning to see. He had already told me not to look into Hoaglands material, via
you, which today is changing much of the world. It succeeding to go into
the UN and major Universities. I chose to follow my guidance, for it gave
me the evidence of what Emmanuel had related on the pyramid field in a
transmission called The Grail of Man1, in February1987. So in 1991 Hoaglands
work helped give me clothing for the Vortexijah Light Body
expereince.-------------- had more assemblege of tetrahedral evidence. After some 3 weeks
of intense experiments in the Mantras (which turned out to be used
profusely in the Masonic literature, I have their books that show this, in both
black and white literature), I came into the direct face of El Shadai and
the binary system management, elohim computer signals, it uses. I.E.
negative EM braided beams that are self recursed fields (created entity
attachments), which is undone by giving oneself, in computer code word to this
separate god personification. It (El Shadai) demanded that I practically give
my soul and especially my heart to it, as the light, and I would be
raised. Over some 8 hours, towards the end, I was raised from the ground. The
intelligence of light was cruel without heart. Since Emmanuel had taught me
All Is God, I knew I could do this to some degree. El Shadai physicall
raised me from the ground. I was very familiar with Elohim computers back in
1989-1990 in Danmark, since various Melchizedek groups were attempting to
assign me into Lanto or Paulo the Venetion, Chohan of the 3rd Ray. Pink
tetrahedrons were following me, and were even filmed. This was my Lanto Ship
of the Pink Ray. I saw my higher self as Lanto. But from my contacts with
Emmanuel, I knew this higher Self was a test programme. I said no. If I
would have aggreed, this light body would have come into my body, and I
would be on the White Brotherhood internet.
But, since I had met Salvana materialised in 1986, I could tell the
distinct difference. Stepping into each of the different Melchizedek Orders
Merkabba stations, the virtual
reality of their light realms could clearly be distinguished as a computer
system. All of the masters whom I met, whether it be Michael, Meitreya, or
even their versions of
Buddha and Christ, they were not the same as Emmanuel, and one could look
through them as virtual characters. Each individual group I visited had
the same, but each group was given different akashic records, so that they
would fight with each other, and stay separated, like all of the history
management of the brotherhood. The sad thing is that the people themselves
were sincere and wanted to really do what was right. They followed the
masters impeccably, and still they would get punished by guilt (I make the
language overt, it was more difficult for them to see this). My Light Body
Translation by Emmanuel happend around this time, I had passed the test.
When I then questioned everyone, after the Aton-Ra series, and my research
which resulted, the Great White Brotherhood sent pain signals, of a
microscopic kind, that works with the microwave and ELF wave components in the ATP
matrix of the cell, and other factors. Emmanuel withdrew and allowed me to
question 100%, this was my spiritual puberty phaze. I also witnessed the
White Brotherhood vampirising people who had strong kundalini, it was
absolutely amazing to see Lady Rowena and White Eagle sucking the energy, while
the man was in agony of their beams. I have since found, that the Temple
of the Vampire, are vegetarians, strickly, do not commit crimes, worship
the ancient masters as the undead, Amen Ptah, Amen Ra, Thoth, El Shadai,
Enlil etc, as the true gods who are now ready to return in the Harvest of the
End Times. They teach how to draw energy from nature and mankind, and then
to use it to awaken the higher senses and give Illumination to the world,
just like the galaxy, just like the sun. This is an ancient Babylon Order,
and I have uncovered their linkes into the rest of the societies.
Light cubeoctahedral/octahedral pyramid cascade dimensions of pure
magnetism, must feed off electron societies, ages developed for hundreds of
generations, as crops, and
relgious wars and worship gives them the snakes inbetween (again this is
well known by the Gnostics, who also have the same Elohim computer evidence
I happenstanced
upon. Look at Enoch in Petra as the Horned God, and Moses as the Horned
God, who followed the God Sin of which Sinai was named (in a later period),
the very same
Mushroom god shown to be the code of the Torah, dead sea schrolls,
essenes, through the Sumerian base (see Dr. John Allegro, Sacred Mushroom and the
Cross, the scholar who photographed the Dead Sea Scrolls, without him,
there would be no scrolls in the public eye). The very same Quetzlcoatl, or
Amen Thoth Tehuti who built stonehenge, whose stone #28 has mushrooms on
it, which turned up at TEHUTIhuacan, as Quetzelcoatl, with vampire teeth,
the dragon within, which feeds the rider in the duality match. Come to
replace the original unity masters of equality.

Now since all of this so far has been looked at in apparent duality, to
realise the perfection of the above, and all individuals and groups covered
above, true Gnosis, true
Communian with the One Body Of Christ, recgonises the absolute Unity of
both as the One Infinite Creator. This is the true Toais humour, this is the
eniphabel of the
Darmakaja Buddha. It is outrageous for some, but it stimulates amplified
uncertainty, which results in greater Unity or realisation, as one
relinquishes self from the implant of duality, or sticking to this or that. In
this way I am supporting Hurtak, as he is supporting me, which most
importanly is supporting a greatly compassionate embrace to
expand the BoddhisatvaSHIP which now is to result, so less become
harvested, but remember the Unity of Unity by Being. Howver, since you are
presently in a choice, and in 1991 you were in a similar choice, the above and
whatever you may choose or not choose to investigate in relationship to
this, is presented. Hurtak is my equal brother. His god is not my sticking
point. But his god never-the-less is All Is God, just like Babaji, and Hare
Krishna, just like Issa Immanuel, just like you, just like humanity, equaly
All Is God.

In that sense so is Laurence Rockefeller, who now sponsors the UFO
uncoverup, sponsorred Puharich, and Dr Safretti (of elohim computer contact
fame). But who also
sponsorred mind control, the UFO development from WW2 into British
production by Varco. One can sympathesise, in compassion for their perspective,
humanity is very
much asleep, especially if the flame is ones relgion, and illuminism is
rare. I understand them out of compassion, If Ic ould not see their point of
veiw, I would not be
completing the vow of Boddhistvaship, compassion for all into the Unity of
Untiy1s. What suffereing people have had to go through in these
experiemnts, and are now going through by HAARP and much more advanced non-linear
technology is sad, but one can understand, and even see the perfect place of
it all. But a Midway path must also be represented, not just the white and
the black. Presented Overtly, no as the Mystery of Mysteries.
The Masonic Lodge does not recognise Christ as the One Body of Christ or
Darmkaja Buddha personified. It places many gods, angels, and master of the
flame above and
beyond. By focussing on angels, one is focussing on one point. It shoudl
always be the Unity of Unity1s All Is God first, then if one happenstances
an angel in assistence, it
is by oneself in Unity with the One Infinte Creator of All-Oneness.
Remember that the Jewish texts relate that 1/3rd of the Binai Elhohim are fallen
light, refusing to recognise man or worship man (of course All Is God, and
All Is God should be worshiped abosultely, as oneself and all and beyond
in abosulte Unity, not just the universal head, which is a seventh heaven
illusion, 7 comes from 1. In the Koran Lucifer was also working for God, by
tempting man, that was his reliqnusihment for not obeying. Since I have
now finally assembled an amazing clustre of evidence for how the Mars local
computer systems work, in creating man and reality, we can now show
graphically, how the game has been played. Yet as All Is God, we also designed
it. This paradox is the perfection of why we are here. To the angels God is
the computer source, and they are programmes within, we are new programme
sources, this is a system conflict to some of the angel programmes, but
since the universal computer, the programme, and the programme source are
all one Unity of Unity1s as All Is God, this perspective is absolute.
By the Midway path in the west, there is a potential in outgrowing the
apocolpse of the computer, but yet not contradicting it, for it "it must be
confirmed, for it is so written". Changing the perspectives through a Unity
perspective beyond duality, throws new light on this gameboard, that can
enable it to be perfected. Bringing down China, or amplifying the Islam
revolt, through MI6 is pointless, but it was the old Illuminati way, which
has failed. For once in history and herstory, we have a chance to
demonstrate a paradigm beyond the duality management of the computer hierarchy. As
we will shown concretely in Sweibenalp, this was already instigated 300,000
million years ago, and 220 million years in the future, this is the new
physics, and it is astounding, for the Vajra Compassionate Diamond that we
now are realising we already are.

Even though I have largely not dealt with details of your question (which
would take hours of cuting and pasting and typing in from dozens of
sources), this has become a
slightly wordy letter. As to the Japanese pyrmids, yes I obtained the
photographs some years ago, and the films have been circulated for some time.
Also of the land pyramids in Japan, as well as the hundreds of new
pyramids in Bolivia and Peru, and clustres elsewhere. I have also been mapping
some 103 pyramids in Egypt of the 136 so far discovered there. Let alone the
many pyramids of the moon, and here in Norway. Isn1t that great (said in

NOW SOME 8 MONTHS LATER: You will also find a few Nag Hamadi Gnostic texts
included, which relate Enoch as the father of sacrifice. The Order of
Enoch is listed as the Masonic central body, according to their texts, which I
have. I can also heartily recommend the book Bloddline Of The Holy Grail,
by Lawrence Gardner, which is widely available, and which empowers the
female with its scholarly evidence, Moses corrupted Miriam1s teachings. You
may also wish to surf through the Gnostic Ring on the internet, and be
astounishes by their overt courage at demonstrating the old testiment god to
be a vampire god of bloodshed. Not Adonai which roots from Aton via Adon,
but the Ehyer Asher Ehyer, lord god Almighty El Shadai, whom the Angels
dictionarz and various kabalistic dictionaries relate with Metatron, the
father of sacrifice refered to in the Codex of John attached with this letter.
With this letter above I have largelz pointed to universal data points,
and onlz brushed the individual Hurtak. My public referal to the Masonic
Orders of Melchiyedek and El
Shadai are of universal concern, and should hardley concern Hurtak.
Certainly were he to warn others of the enormitz of the Masonic Melchiyedek and
Enoch orders, and that he works not with the Metatron and Enoch of
sacrifice, of the old testiment and bezond, but with a Unified Principle that is
attempting to surpass those cosmologies and uinite humanitz bezond the
vampire dualitz game.
Since I have now been exposed to so numerous individuals who are
Masonicallz endoctronated, and who practice the 72 names and tree of life systems,
who teach Merkabba and such, and beleive sincerelz in the Brotherhood, as
thez serve as worker bees for that Order, I address these issues, just as
Christ and Arrimathia and Magdalain did, since they left the hierarchy of
the Essene chief Preast or Zadok, who calls himself an Arch Grade Michael.
And the Gnostic Hermeticists and Taoists who do the same.

The Uncertainty Principle with the Coherent UniPHIed Compassion of All Is
God is suggested to be utilised in exploring the usefullness of knowing
and assorting the JeHoova Computer Expose info. All Is God Be Us in action
at the Speed of All-Oneness.


In response to the last Grail Zine on the Meruvingian ET connection,
brother Frode sent this remarkable link on an apparently ancient Madelbrot
?Ananda, March 23, 2001

Hi Ananda! Did you know this?

:-) Frode


Grail Zine: Gridworks Breathrough

The Mathematics of Simplicity That Embody the Unity Of Compassion Through
Fractal Coherent Complexity

Well dear EnGrailed brothers and sisters, Thomas has made the
breakthrough. The fractal secret gravity cascade grid of the dodecahedron and magnetic
icosahedron is now
developed and ready to download for 30 days.

It looks like Thomas has taken the quantum leap, and it is now finaly
available to the Grail. Gridworks, something I remember dreaming about amidst
a Dark Room gathering in Norway, February 1995, is now an actuality.
Please support this Grail Brother. he went steps that many "experts" around the
world failed to complete, and they had a paid schedule. Thomas made the
foundations of this programme by playing with his children on the computer,
after his fultim work. It is the simplicity of the child that brings forth
the unity of complexity through gravity fractality, the coherence of the
breathe of the Dove and the Phoenix of Compassion.

For a reminder and for those who have not had Grail Zine 4, November 1999,
I paste in here a previous sharing of the work then in progress. Thomas
has come far and wide, since then, and also in himself. He is sharing this
precious work with the world, where it should be for all of humanity. Now
this reality matrix logic and logistics is made available in Y-Our hands,
no longer a Mysterium of the Elite consortiums. You will find the web link
following these GEB: Geodysm of Earth's Biosphere pages, the ATON GEB
pages will soon be updated to help in relaying this important news. We salute,
commend and congratulate Thomas for having strived forwards with the
"imposible" or improbable, an A-stone-ishing venture coming to its full Overt
Externalisation, like the approaching Omega Point Star Ship beyond history,
of which this is one the shadows of the Face of this All Is God.
--Ananda, February 16th, 2001


The Earth Grid Programme Is Here

An interesting development, the brother of engrailed Peter, Thomas,
another enGrailed one, has actually taken the step of making the dodecahedron
world grid into software. Luckily, since he did not tell me, to suprise me,
he chose the dodecahedron, I was working very hard on the Icosa math, so
the two can gell. He of course has been invited onto the Board of the GEB
deparment of the ATON Institute. Now since you love geometry, and projects
that can render geometry into final simplicity and freedom for all
humanity, you may very well feel that your heart cup will want to overflow in
letting this project grow into an Universal Grail. It is an exciting step. I
would enclose my letter to Thomas, which now follows. I have added some
additional thoughts on a galactic cartography, and time cartography, on a
planetary and galactic
revolutionary scale. These thoughts are herein copyrighted, until they can
be made copyright for humanity...
I trust you will be as excited as I in this...

Here's some Aqaue to GnosiPHi your Grail Cup to precipitate further
Alkhemical Dew:
Dear Thomas,
Greetings. Congratualtions. It is good to see that you actually instigated
what we were talking about in 1997, Onederful. Also great that you took
the dodecahdron, because I took the Icosahedron. Not into software, but just
the mathematicas and longs and lats. Knowing that at any scale the
icosahedron can morph into the dodecahedron. I chose the Icoshedron also since it
is the coherent magnetic field signature of the planet, as if it is being
exposed to a superconductor, and it can be used as a universal
cartographic system, for all coherent light in space, and in the microcosmic space,
also follows the icosahedron, in geometry. Hence I Unified Field

I hereby invite you as a research director onto the board of the ATON
Institute's GEB department (Geodeseum of Earths Biosphere), Geb is also the
god of the Earth who fathered the galactic SION and HOR/Iosos. See the GEB
page at the site

This is a great effort you instigated indeed. Unfortunately I use a
macintosh and I do not have soft windows, so I cannot peruse the programme. Are
you able, in the code you wrote it in and the software editing programme
to save a programme in macintosh format??? [Macintosh users, we have to use
Virtual Windows, or Soft PC, a PC simulator, which works perfectly]

I will have to get the icosahedral math to you, even if it is not
complete, the lon and lats will relay precisely have they fractal all over the
planet, and by this you can cross verify your own points. When the software
is fine tuned, or before with the math, I will go with a military GPS (the
CIA puts an error delibarately in the public GPS) to some of the points
with the Callahan Oscilloscope, to test te accuracy. This when tested in
several different domains, and scales, will establish an error correction
system. I will also look through the basic lon and lat's that you have used
and compare to the Dr. Sanderson, Soviet, and Hagens data, if you have not
already done that?


You know the same programme can extend to time as well. 1 degree in the
zodiac is 72 years. Hence half a degree is 36 years. Thereby, one can fold a
pentagon by 36 years, giving a complete pentagon of 180 years. Since one
precssional (zodiacal house) is 30 degree's over 2,160 years. There are
precisely 12 pentagons per house. A complete dodecahedron, which in turn is
one of 12 houses another dodecahedron. So time can be Stoned too. At any
point one can then morph it into an icosahedron, and thence the magnetic
light flow. This is how Ptah and company interface their consciousness
computer extensions of their Vortexijah's into the language and reality
hologramme, in order to massage coincidences into unified Midway Trinary's from
the usual binaries. All of this can lead to an absolute Universal Unified
Field Cartography, for the gravity and light between all stars, and for each
of the 49 sections of the galaxy (between vaccuums, in the star
catalogues) which are approximately 12,000 light years per block, 7 x 7 for all
100,000 light years of this galaxy. That is 4 dodcahedrons = 48, plus one face
for the galactic centre. Another project I have asked dr. Martin Huebner,
also a software writing consultant and an EnGrailed One, to look into, is
the magnetic field length of the magnetic fields that are founded to our
bones, on the calcium carbonate level (which is octahedral). Because the
icosa cascade down, should be cross correcte4d with an icos coherent
magnetic field cascade up (golden mean naturally) from our bones, and other
microscopic strucutres. He has been invited onto the ATON team and accepted. So
you should both coordinate I will enclose him
a copy of this letter so he is prepared. I will relay to him the
requirement or confidentiallity at this phase, for the present. You know this will
be an absolute revolution in carography on all levels, and interfaces
directly to our Vortexijah work, and to further equipment we can make to
precisely demonstrate how intergeometry creates all our local coherent
geometrical fields. Bravo and HOR-RA Hor-Ray for making this steps, and surprising
me, I was bogged down for two weeks, this June emersed in the equations,
wondering wen I would ever get to the computer code, or when one of our
brothers or sisters would ome along and Instigate such an inspirative flow.
This progress should be planned carefully, and released in such a way that
it is for the absolute benefite of all of humanity, so that no elite
interest can suppress this. I have patented some of the ideas already. In
order to ensure and work out a way to put a humanity copy right on it.
Applications of the basic programme can be integrated into local council
cartographical sections, and perhaps the grounded enGrailed ones should be the
ones who instigate this first, as a sign of the fruits of Compassion
applied to all: this is All Is God in action.

It will render an absolute revolution, a Cup that Overfloweth, as we
approach the age of Ptah, the first ImwhAnu Aquarius, and the Phoenix, the
first master alcemists, and cartographer, for he molded the galaxy. One of his
Epithets being Abba, this is the Age of the Aqua Vitae, the Grail is Phi
in 360 degree rotation in infinite nested cascades of coherence, the last
point of magnetism and light, back to the Virtual Vortexijah Lotus Birth.
This will render an absolute error corrections system to the present
monotinous error gaining cartography system, which is applicant on every level,
microscopic, cartographic, atmopsheric, space navigation, star navigation,
galaxy navigation, gravity navigation, and time navigation. Also the
regular gamma ray matter and anti-matter galactic centre blasts, or super wave
volley, occurs every 12,901 years, like a Torus unfolding, the same
measured in the Andromeda galaxy by infra-red astronomy, and ice readings show
the same cycle with interstellar debris, every 12,901 years, and iridum
readings show that the cosmic ray radiation from these Volleys, every 12,901
years. Ice age cycles, of course, and the date teh Sphinx, Pyramids, and
Angkor Wat points to. Now our solar system goes arounf the galactic centre
in a fractal number to this. It is more than A-Stone-ishing. One cycle is
1,290,000 years12,900/1,290,000 years. In both we have a dodecahdron plus
one face.

I was preparing a paper I never completed which I now enclose, in its
present state.

If you used the long's and lat's I published in Vortexijah 7, then these
are a synthesis of the Sanderson, Soviet, and Hagens work, and you should
be in good ground [Thomas confirmed that he did use this precisely]. In the
Icosahedron grid, one line of one triangular face is 4,400 miles in
length, precisely. Which means the next triangular cascade in is 2,200 miles in
length for each triangular line of the face. etc. This on the smaller
scale required 3 directional mathematics to correct some error, I did not have
the sophisticated enough calculater to do it in a shorter route,

Again a very hearty congratulations for having launched off with this.
Onderful indeed. A big All Is God embrace to you, and to borther Peter.
Vortexijah Thotickles at the Speed of Compassion,

Light, Love, LIfe,


A New Approach On Universal Cartography
By Ananda, © May 1999 Ananda®

The problem of cartography has been an intricate one for map makers over
the centuries, and even in modern times. For the Earth is not perfectly
circular, she has her bulges in her tectonic plates. But the bulge itself
gives rise to an exceptionally interesting geometry, and it is within these
geometrics that we arise our own thesis of fractal
grid cartography, based on the actual coherent magnetic field of Earth.

The geometry of the Earth first started to take its shape, by the research
of US Navel Intelligence (NI) during the late 1960's and early 1970's.
They were conducting research into gravity anomolies, and Dr. Ivan T.
Sanderson embarked apon the leading research into that area, which involved
analysing all forms of strange anomolies that appeared by these gravity

A gravity anomolies is where time and space actually may warp, in the
overt sense, and distortions in spatial size occurs, such as at the Santa Cruz
anomolie point, herein depicted, whereby the smaller individual becomes
larger, whilst standing at the correct point. It also includes heavy objects
being able to roll up hills, as in Italy, or that one can stand at
impossible angles. Dr. Sandereson discovered that there were a clustre of
Unidentified Submerine Objects (USO's) being sighted within these areas, as well
as other strange anomolies. His meticulous data gathering work, indicated
that the major anomolies made a perfect set of 10 triangles, around the
equator of Earth. The tips of these trinagles exactly maped the middle
equator of a dodecahedron (12 pentagon faces). Dr Sanderson utilised to his
advantage the then state-of-the-art modern communication technology and
statistical data analysis, of Navel Intelligence. His focus had been especially
keen on 12 areas which had a high plethora of unexplained phenomenon (some
of which he published in his book Invisible Residents). These areas
actually gave rise to an Icosahedron geometry, which we will be utilising
extesively. These 12 zones were largely magnetic anomolies, numerous hand-in-han
with the gravity anomolies. As has since become clear, the planetary grid
is a polyhedra geometry, in which her magnetic field is icosahedral, at
least in magnetic coeherence (nested fields in recursive harmony, or Phi
cascadedand embedded field knitting, to be a triffle more technical). See
Sandersons early illustration, a. Here, major phenomenon occurred 36° from
the equator, a very significant number in our research of number multiple
harmonics, for the rotation of the planet, time, and space localities of
sacred architecture such as the Great Pyramid and the Cambodian site of
Angkor Wat, which are 72° from each other (2 x 36), and are two of the 7
wonders of the world, this is but a grain in the surface of this subject which
cannot be covered here for space reasons. The highest hit least of data
assemblage available to Dr. Sanderson was the bermuda triangle, this largely
due to the large quantity of air traffic data intelligence, he was able to
gather and assort. He gave many examples from air traffic case histories
of complete dissapearences of planes, within these 12 zones, as well as
pilots having dissapeared and reappeared on radar hundreds of kilometres
further. The research stood as it was at least overtly, but indications showed
that rather intense clandestine efforts continued within the intelligence
community. Very little of this has surfaced to the public, however.

The Soviet Union had instigated parallel research, and came up with
virtually identicle results. Dr's Nikolai Goncharovl Vyacheslav Morozov; and
Valery Makarov, who were a Muscovite historian; a construction engineer; and
an electronics specialist, braught together satellite surveilence
intelligence on the Earth tectonic plate deformity, and braught forth the thesis
that the Earth was a giant tuned crystal. Since our research shows that
with the 70% silicon dioxide in the solid surface of this planet, this was
not too difficult to correlate with. Their work was published in a paper
disertation entitled: "Is Earth a giant Crystal", in 1975. The icosahedral
geometry was surpassed, but complemented, for they discovered another 50
anomoly points. Furthermore, the satellite reconaisance showed that the
tectonic plates curved according to the platonic solid of the Dodecahedron (see
plate b). Furthermore, their work actually established the complete grid
to be a dodeca-icosa alternate polyhedron, which overlaps.

This has all made the Earth cartography problem a lot easier. For the
degree's of error in the present day latitude and longitude system, is because
the Earth is not a perfect sphere, rather it is a polyhedron. Since, at
every level of recursion, the icoshedron can morph into the dodecahedron,
and the dodecahedron maps the tectonic plates curvature according to
gravity, we hence can map a magnetic and gravitational map, at any scale, with
the system that we wil present in this paper and in to be developed system

These lines of the overlaped Sanderson and Soviet individual efforts, the
icosa-dodeca polyhedron, now maped the seismic fracture zones, the ocean
ridge lines, as well as (most conveniently), the worldwide atmospheric
highs and lows, which are teh paths that migratory animals follow
(coincidentally, and with utmost convenience, the zodiac of stars, which birds are
also measured to follow, also are mapped in time by the dodecahedron 12
faces, and the icosahedron. This we relate elsewehere in detail, but to give on
hint, the Earth moves 1° in the zodiacal house every 72 years. A pentagon
has a face of 5 36° lines, i.e. 36-72-108-144-180, now take that through
2,160 years, and you fold 12 pentagon faces on a dodecahedron. Is it any
wonder that birds migrate both according to highs and lows and according to
star patterns, since both are Phi embedded coherent dodecahedrons and

in Thomas's e-mail:

Dear Ananda

Greetings to you, Ananda. I would like to invite you to have a look at my
homepage where the earthgrid-program is shown (programdescription,
picture-gallery) and prepared for download (Shareware, 30 days free).

A long periode of time has past by since Sion, but I think now the program
is easier to handle, so that even "non-scientists" should be able to work
with it.

Sorry, but it stayed PC-Software, but, of course, if you have no
possibility to run the prog, if you need material for your work, tell me your
needs, and if its in my possibility, i will send the results to you.

Always connected

Light, love and laughter




In this article is explored the possible links to Dr. Andrija Puharich in
possibly being able to create the Hoova computer, Council of 9, Hurtak,
Geller, Sarfetti, and
Superkids, as phenomenon. He was intricately involved with the early work
with Implants, Psychedelics, microwave mind control, and the Spectra
computer, which then the Hoova claimed was a name of theirs. Phyllis Schlemmer
was to succeed Geller in contact to the Hoova computer, after she was
abuducted by Greys and then Blonds, and started to receive transmissions from
the Council of Nine, after the Hoova had stated that they had given the
Keys of Knowledge (to Hurtak) who claims to have received a liquid crystal
implant and in an interview with Jaques Valle (Messengers of Deception,
1978), relates how an UFO beamed these keys into his head, witnessed by his
students. Dr. Jack Sarfetti a well recognised mainstream quantum
physicists, whose story is to come in the JeHoova series of expose's, admits to the
possibility that it could just have been Puharich who pulled off the Hoova
computer contact to him in 1953.
The JeHoova series of exposes should be a riviting series that is a much
needed alternative to the poor attempt and hearsay in The Stargate
Conspiracy. It should have one standing on an ever greater self intergreated
middle way beyond illusionary addictions and onto GnosiPHIcation...
The details in what follows are worth going through, and otherwise sifting
?Ananda, September 2000...

.. continued at Ananda's web site..

note from Dan, we wrote of the trivial nature of STARGATE CONSPIRACY book,
suggesting the connection between HOOVA vs Jehovah, name for Enlil, Angry
Yalweh, and the Orion Warriors... Whose central borg consciousness was/ is
computer based. Compare to the sadness of Jefferson and Franklin learning
in late life that the grand MAG Templar dream they had been serving in the
Masonic design of the America's (same as Puharich's SPECTRA group) was a
borg computer. Note also, ASHTAR seems to be an acronym for the central
computer of a borg mind.


Truth About Orion "Lizards", Pt 1 - 7
Thu, 29 Mar 2001
Roger Kerr <>
"Sha'Aara J" <js81@p--
Dan Winter <dan@..>

Hi Everyone,

Before I begin, I would just like to say that this is a very long story,
but I think that it is a very important one, or I wouldn't have put so much
time and effort into it. I know my Guides have put in a lot of effort on
it too. This is Part 1 of 7 parts, so please bear with me. Also, please
feel free to share these messages with anyone that you feel might benefit
from it. I also give my permission to post these messages to any List. But
please do not paraphrase any of it or take any of it out of context. Please
share or post the entire message. Thank you.

Much has been written lately about a race of Beings from the constellation
of Orion, and many people are becoming aware of them now. Most people seem
to think that they are Reptilian and often times refer to them as either
"Draco" or "Lizards". I too have become very much aware of their existence.
I have read many different accounts and descriptions of them, and have had
many experiences of my own with them. But I have come to realize that a
lot of the information that is available is not entirely accurate and some
of it is very misleading. Over the last four years I have had many
experiences involving many different races of ET's. I have come to know that there
are two distinctly different races from Orion. One of them is a Reptilian
race from the Rigel star system, but they are not the "Lizards" that so
many people have written about. Also, I know that they are not the race that
is connected to the Illuminati and has been so heavily involved in
controlling the affairs here on Earth. But yet there is no doubt that a race of
Beings from Orion HAS been manipulating things here on Earth for many
thousands of years. There has been a lot of confusion about this "other" Orion
race, most of it generated on purpose to keep their true identity a
secret. It has taken me a long time, but I have finally come to a level of
awareness that has helped me figure things out and resolve all the confusion. I
think I have come to know the truth about these Orion "Lizards". Perhaps
Chameleon would be a better description, because just as David Icke and
others have reported, they are shape-shifters. I call them Changelings,
because I have come to realize that these Beings are really NOT Reptilian. In
fact they are probably exactly the opposite, and they absolutely hate all
Reptilian races. I have come to realize that the true Reptilian races and
the Changelings have been mortal enemies for aeons. How do I know all of
this, and how can I be certain that it is the truth? Well, it's a long
story, and I am getting the message from my Spirit Guides and Higher Self that
it is now time that I share that story with the world.

You may say "So what?" or "What do I care?" All I can say to that is,
"what you don't know CAN hurt you." I know that the Changelings are masters at
Black Magic and mind control. They can and do affect people in many ways,
physically,consciously and spiritually. In my mind there is no question
that they are trying to control and manipulate things here on this planet. I
also know that there are ways to clear yourself of their energies and mind
control thought-forms. But to do that you have to be
aware that something needs clearing. I find that when I do my energy
clearings, it helps to know who and what I am dealing with. So I present this
information with the intent to help those who wish to increase their
awareness, and begin to learn the importance of clearing themselves of all these
mind control energies. I apologize that this is such a long message, but
to really know the truth about them, and to really understand their agenda,
you have to know the whole history behind them. That is what I have come
to understand and that is what I am presenting here. So if you are
interested please bear with me, I think you will find it well worth it. I only ask
that you read it from the heart and with an open mind. Then you will know
if what I say here resonates with the truth or not.

The information I am presenting here comes from fitting together all the
bits and pieces of information that I have gathered over the last several
years, from talking to other people, from things I've read or seen on
television, and from information I have gotten from my Spirit Guides and other
Beings, including some ET's, with whom I have had contact. But probably
the most important information was what I got from my Higher Self about my
own "Past" or "Other" lives. My inner hearing is somewhat
limited, in that I cannot hear long dissertations, only short messages. So
the way I would get most of my information from my Higher Self or any
other Being was to ask yes or no questions, and either "hear" or muscle test
on the answer, or both. In order to know what questions to ask, I would try
to clear my mind and just let a thought come to me. Then I would form it
into a yes or no question. Somehow I would usually seem to know what to
ask. So my Higher Self really was communicating with me, it just wasn't
always directly. Sometimes I would hear short answers, but it was always easier
to hear "yes" or "no".

I have been playing this "game" for several years now, and with each piece
of information I would get, I would try to fit it all together so I could
see the bigger picture. It was like putting together a giant jigsaw
puzzle, or more appropriately a giant hologram. Each piece brought the whole
picture into a little sharper focus. But I also realized that with any
information I gathered, there was the matter of sorting out the inaccuracies and
finding the element of truth. I have come to realize that there has been a
lot of misinformation put out there that was purposefully designed to
mislead people and keep us confused. Of course these Beings do not want people
to know the truth, because then they could no longer control us. But even
with information I got from my Higher Self there was always the problem of
not getting a clear precise answer on certain things, or misinterpreting
what I got. Often times when I would first become aware of something from
one of my past lives, I wouldn't always get the complete
picture. Because of my desire to know as much as possible, I would
sometimes push the boundaries of my awareness, and I would enter into a gray area
where things seemed pretty fuzzy. As a result, sometimes I would draw
conclusions that were not entirely accurate. But each time the same thing
would come up again, I would see things a little clearer and get a little more
information. So I would go back and review what I had gotten before and
modify it if necessary. Eventually certain things became very clear to me.
Then it was a matter of finding out how that fit in with everything else I
knew or had read about. So it has been an interesting process and it has
taken me a long time to fit everything together and bring it into a clear

I do not claim that everything I say here is 100% accurate, but I think
that I am pretty close on most of it. There are many things that I know for
sure because it directly related to me and my Other Selves. But there will
always be gray areas and there are some things that I cannot know for
sure. For instance, I cannot really know the Changelings' true motives or
objectives because I am not one of them and never have been. I can only know
my role in all of it and how what they have done has affected me. But I can
draw inferences from a pattern that has repeated itself over and over in
many different lifetimes. So with that understanding I now share my story
of how I came to know the truth about the Orion "Lizards" and the role that
they have played in shaping our history.

Over the last 4 years, I have had many contacts with many different ET
races, particularly the Reptilians. I have come to realize that I have been
physically abducted by several of these races many times in my life,
beginning shortly after my birth. What I finally began to realize was that all
this served a higher purpose. It reminded me of my past life connections to
them, and that I had lived many lives as some of these different Reptilian
Beings. When I first began having telepathic contact with some of these
Beings in the spring of 1997, I had no idea of who they really were. I am
not very "visual" and I have never actually seen any of these Beings who
have come here to contact me. I could always sense their energies, and my cat
would always let me know that they were here. She could obviously see
them, and I could tell from the way that she reacted that she didn't like
having them here. The way that I would identify them as to what race they were
and where they came from was to ask my Spirit Guides or my Higher Self. If
I had been one of them in another life, or had contact with them in
another life, then I knew that my Higher Self would know who they were and be
able to identify them for me. So that is what I have always relied on. Of
course I would also draw on information that I had read about the different
ET races. At the time I had just gotten on the internet and had been led
to some web sites that talked about the Reptilians and Draconians. That was
all very new to me, but yet some part of me knew that it was extremely
important for me to know. So when these Beings first showed up, I just had
the sense that they were Reptilian. Of course I asked my Higher Self and got
a definite "YES". But I wanted to know more about who they were, what they
were called and where they came from. I had read about the Draconians, so
I asked my Guides and Higher Self if that is what these Beings were and I
got a definite "Yes". So that was my first real introduction to the Draco.
It was an exciting but very confusing and scary time for me.

I tried to get as much information about them as I could from the Draco
themselves, but they were very secretive and obviously didn't want me to
know too much. But I was able to get the information that they had come from
the constellation Auriga. I thought that was interesting because a lot of
what I had read said that the Draco came from Orion. I would ask about
that and always got a "No". I had regular contacts with these Draco for the
next 9 months, and they weren't always friendly, quite to the
contrary. They were very intimidating, and it was probably lucky for me
that I couldn't actually see them, because I eventually came to understand
that they were huge Beings, over 7 feet tall. But yet whenever their leader
would confront me, some other part of me would take over, and I would
stand up to him and know that I was every bit as powerful as he was. I often
wondered where that inner strength and courage came from. Well, I would
soon come to realize that I had been a Draco in many other lifetimes. But not
only was I one of them, I was one of their Supreme Commanders, that I came
to know by the name of "Soloruous". Later I would learn that this meant
"Sun god". So it was like my own Draco Self would come through me to
confront them. I have often wondered just how they actually saw me, as just this
small little human, or as my Draco Self.

While this group seemed to be very warrior-like and were very threatening
and intimidating, a few months later I would come in contact with another
group of Draco who turned out to be pretty friendly. When they first tried
to contact me, I reacted as if I was being attacked by them. I guess their
energies triggered my deep seated memories of my abduction experiences,
and I would react as if it was happening all over again. I was with some
friends at the time and told them of my experience. So when one of them tuned
into the Draco, they actually apologized and said that they didn't mean
any harm to me. They just wanted some information from me. So I told
them OK, and I communicated with them with no problems. I later found out
that they were from Capella, which is the brightest star in the
constellation Auriga. But I got the message that this was not the same star system
that the other group was from. So I began to call the first group the
Aurigans, and the second group the Capellans. But I have always gotten that
they were both of the same basic Reptilian race that I call the Draco. But
they obviously had totally different attitudes and cultural structures. In
September of 1997, the "Aurigan" Draco came through the Stargate opening
and launched a serious attack on Earth. But they were intercepted by a group
of other ET races, including the Taygetan Pleiadians and the Andromedans,
and a battle resulted. Just a few hours before the battle began, the
Capellan Draco had come to me and told me that they would fight with the
Pleiadians against the others of their own race. I was pretty amazed at that and
had thanked them for helping us. As it turned out, they had a major impact
in turning back the attackers. Later I found out that their warriors who
fought in that battle were female, not male, which I found most interesting
indeed. So as they say, you can't judge a book by its cover.

Then about that same time, I became aware of a race of Reptilians from the
star system Rigel, which of course is in Orion. But when I first came into
contact with them, I got the information that they were a different race
from the Draco. But since I could not actually see them, I had no idea of
how they were different. Mostly I could just sense that their energy was
different from the Draco. So I just began calling them the Rigellans or the
Orion Reptilians. But I would find that this label would lead to a lot of
confusion over the next couple of years. Any time I would read about the
Orion Reptilians, I always assumed that they were referring to this race
from Rigel. But I would eventually come to realize that that was not always
the case. From everything I knew from my own experiences, there was only
one Reptilian race from Orion, all the others were from different
constellations. So when I would read something about the Orion Reptilians that
didn't fit with what I have come to know about the Rigellan
Reptilians, it was very confusing. I know that Orion is a huge
constellation and that some of those stars are hundreds of light years apart. So
there are probably many different races of Beings living in the various star
systems in Orion. But yet I kept getting the information that there was
only one race of Reptilians there, and they weren't the ones everyone else
was talking about. So there was always an element of confusion around this
for me, and it bothered me because something wasn't quite right.

In December of 1997 I began having contacts with another Reptilian race
that was completely different that either of the other two. I had a
difficult time trying identify which star system they were from. At first I got
that they were from Zeta Reticula, but were not the Greys. Then later I
started getting that maybe they were from Sirius B. Then only just recently I
got the information that they were really from Tau Cetus. I never could
explain all the confusion over that, other than maybe they lived in all
those places at one time or another. But the way I finally began to identify
this race was most interesting indeed. Just a short time after they made
contact with me, I was made aware of the fact that I had been a Reptilian
Being by the name of AN, pronounced "ahn". I had gotten the information
that, yes, this was the same Being that the Sumerians had considered as one of
their "gods". The same one that Zecharia Sitchen had talked about in his
book "The 12th Planet". I had gotten the information that he had been the
Supreme Commander, or "Dark Lord" of one of the Reptilian races. So when I
came into contact with this new Reptilian race, I got the message that
this was An's race. In "The 12th Planet", Sitchen had called the ET's who had
come here to Earth the Anunnaki because they were connected to the "god"
An or Anu. So in keeping with that tradition, I began calling this race of
Reptilians the Anunnaki. Of course, the name Anunnaki just means "those
who came from above" and could be used for any ET race. Also, I later began
to realize that not all of the ET's who came here to Sumer were Reptilian,
so I started calling them the Anunnaki Reptilians. I would also come to
find out that An and Anu were two entirely separate Beings. But that is a
story for later on.

Then in March of 1998, I became aware of still another race of Reptilian
Beings. Their energy was extremely harsh and very "dark". They came from
Alcyone in the Pleiades, and were very much a warrior race, much like the
Draco. Someone told me that they didn't think that the Alcyone Beings were
Reptilian and had only known "Light" Beings from there. I have now just
recently become aware of a race of "Amphibian" Beings that are also from
Alcyone, and I have gotten the information that there are some Aryan Humanoids
from there as well. So that may explain some of the confusion. But I do
know that these Reptilians are from Alcyone because that has
always consistently been the answer whenever I would ask where they were
from. Of course Alcyone is a huge star and could have numerous planets
around it. So it is not surprising that there could be members of 3 different
races there. But I have also just recently come to understand why this
Reptilian race would reside in the same system as the other 2 races. I will
explain that later on.

So with all these different Reptilian races it was getting a bit confusing
and you almost needed a scorecard to tell them all apart. I would
eventually come to realize that there were many different Reptilian races, but
that there were 6 predominant races that had played a major role in shaping
our history. I had always had the sense that the ET's from Sirius B, that
Sheldon Nidle always talked about, were Reptilian. At first I thought that
they were the Anunnaki Reptilians, but I would eventually come to realize
that they were a separate race. I never had much contact with them, until
just recently, and even then it was only a brief contact. But I have
gotten the message that they are the ones that some people have called the "Red
Dracs" and are one of the 6 major races. I first became aware of the 6th
major Reptilian race in December of 1999. There were some interdimensional
battles between the Pleiadians and the Sirius B group at the time, and
they were involved in that. They showed up for a few days
and I did some work with them and then they went back to wherever it was
that they came from. I only got the message that they came here from
another Galaxy, but then so did all the others originally. But that is all that
I know about them. So I eventually had some contact with all 6 of the
major Reptilian races. But the predominant ones for me were the Draco, the
Rigellans, the Anunnaki Reptilians, and the Alcyone Reptilians.

Of course, I have also had contacts with other races besides the
Reptilians. I had some contact with the Greys, and also a race on Insectoid Beings,
who were not the Greys but a separate race. I learned from them that some
of their race had been captured by another race, and their DNA was used in
part to clone the Greys. I will go into that in more detail later on. Just
recently I became aware of a race of Beings that were identified to me as
an Amphibian race. I have only learned a little bit about them, but I have
the sense that they may inhabit several different star systems. But as I
was putting all the information for this message together, I came to the
realization that the Arcturans are Amphibians. I have also had numerous
contacts with the Taygetan Pleiadians, who are very much like we humans, and
also a race from the
Andromeda Galaxy. I have never been able to get a good definition as to
what type of Beings they are. But I am pretty sure that this is the race
that Alex Collier has had contact with. I have also had contact with the
Aryan Humanoids from Sirius A. I call them the Aryan Sirians to distinguish
them from the Sirius B group. I know that not all the Sirius B Beings are
Reptilians, because I have had lives in the Sirius B system where I was
human, but not Aryan Human. I was more closely related to the Native American
race, who like most Earth humans have a lot of Reptilian genetics in their
DNA. I will explain more about that later also. So I use the term Aryan to
define what I would call pure Humanoids, that have not been genetically
intermingled with the Reptilian races.

So there are many, many different races in this Galaxy, and it is hard to
positively identify them all. It does get confusing at times, but for me
the most confusion has been about the ones from Orion. As I mentioned
earlier, when I first became aware of the Rigellan Reptilians, I just assumed
that when other people talked about the Orions, that this was the race that
they were talking about. But I would eventually come to understand that
there were two entirely different races from Orion. But there seemed to be a
huge cloak of secrecy around the second race that was most difficult for
me to break through. To make matters even more difficult, the Rigellan
Reptilians were very difficult for me to deal with. Their energy was very
negative and harsh. Whenever they came around I usually felt some form of
psychic attack. Of course that was true with most of the Reptilian races when
I first came in contact with them. But the Rigellans were probably one of
the worst in that regard. I tried many different methods to clear them out
of my space. But with all the experiences I had with the Draco, I finally
learned that the only way to really deal with them was to try to
communicate with them, and try to make my peace with them. I also came to realize
that I had been one of them in another lifetime too. But knowing that
didn't seem to help too much in
dealing with them, at least not at first.

With the Draco I kept trying to explain to them the need for peace, and
that if all the wars and destruction continued that they would eventually
destroy themselves. I kept telling them that there was another way, that we
could all eventually learn to work together in harmony for the good of the
whole. It took me 9 months of working with them and them having to lose a
major interdimensional battle with the other ET's, but I was finally able
to get through to them. For more information on all of that see my
messages at: . Another big part of the
process was for me to recognize that I had been one of them in many different
lifetimes. I had to make my peace with all of my own Draco Selves. I had to
let go of all of my fear and anger towards them, forgive them and accept
them for who they were. I had to come to understand their purpose and their
role in the Divine Plan. I also helped each of them let go of all their
anger and heal themselves and raise their own levels of
conscious awareness. I eventually made my peace with all of them and
allowed them to actually merge their Consciousness with mine. I had some major
breakthroughs and eventually made my peace with the entire Draco race. Now
I consider them to be some of my best and most trusted ET friends.

There have been times when I was under attack that I have called on the
Aurigan Draco to help me, and they came to my aid a few times. In May of
1998 there was another major attack on the Earth by some other Reptilian race
that had come here from another Galaxy, or even another Universe. I had
asked the Draco for their help, and they came to our aid and played a major
role in defeating the attacking forces. That would not have happened if
not for all my work with them. So they are not the evil demons that most
people imagine them to be. Yes, they are fierce warriors and can be quite
intimidating. I would say that they are probably the most feared, and most
maligned and judged (or mis-judged) race in this entire Galaxy and Universe.
But they also have a sense of honor that goes far beyond that of any other
Being I have ever encountered, including any humans. When they give their
word of honor, they will always stand behind it, of that you can be sure.
I have also called on my own Draco Selves for help many times, and they
have helped me tremendously.

During the first three months of 1998 I did a lot of work with the
Anunnaki Reptilians, trying to communicate with them the same way I did with the
Draco. They too were very difficult to deal with, but I was able to make
some good progress with them. After that they didn't bother me too much and
I only had a few contacts with them. There were a couple of times that I
even called on them to help me and they did. In September of 1998, at the
time of the Mt. Shasta Stargate opening, there was a confrontation with the
Rigellans and the Alcyones. I asked some of the Anunnaki to join with the
Draco to help prevent them from interfering with the work that needed to
be done, and they helped out. So I had pretty much made my peace with them,
and had very little contact with any of them after that.

The Rigellans kept coming to me off and on for about a year and a half. I
tried my best to communicate with them in the same way I had with the
Draco and Anunnaki. But they were not nearly as receptive or as willing totalk
as the others had been. Often times whenever they would show up I would
feel an attack, or have the sense that they were trying to interfere with
what I was doing. So I had a most difficult time with them. But I kept
trying to work with them, whenever there was an opportunity to do so. There
were times when I thought I had made some major progress and finally got
through to them. But then they would resort to the attacks again. My big
breakthrough with them finally came when I realized that I had been their
Supreme Commander in one of my lives with them. I finally realized that that
was how they still saw me. So they kept coming to me expecting me to lead
them. I am sure that they couldn't understand why I didn't want to have
anything to do with them, and probably got frustrated as hell when I kept
trying to clear them out of my space. No doubt that is why I felt like they
were attacking me all the time. They really were angry at me, and kept
trying to get my attention. So once I realized all that, I did a meditation
where I went to them as my Rigellan "Dark Lord" Self and called on my 12
Commanding Officers. I told them that I was resigning my command and chose one
of the 12 officers to be my successor. I turned over the reigns of power
to him and that was it. I never had any more problems with them again. That
was in May of 1999. I wish I had thought of that a lot sooner. But as one
of my former bosses always used to say, "too soon old, too late smart".

This is Part 2 of 7 of my story about the Orion "Lizards".

In November of 1998, when all this was going on, I met a lady over the
internet whom I had some very deep Soul connections to. We spent a lot time
in a chat room getting to know each other. She told me that she knew she
had some strong past life connections to the Orion Reptilians, and also to
the Aryan Sirians. At first when she mentioned the Orions, I assumed she
was talking about the Rigellans, as they were the only Orion Reptilians that
I was aware of. But some of the things she said about them and the way she
described them just did not fit with what I knew of the Rigellans. It
didn't surprise me that she had been one of the Aryan Sirians in another life,
because we were exact opposites in many ways. I know that I have never
been one of the Aryans in any lifetime. But that never surprised me since I
have always had the feeling that the Aryans and Reptilians were pretty much
exact opposites on the energy or consciousness spectrum, and I know I have
strong Reptilian connections.

So because of how I have come to understand Soul energy patterns and
signatures, I always assumed that if you had lives on one end of the energy
spectrum, as a Reptilian for instance, that you wouldn't also have had lives
as the exact opposite, as an Aryan Humanoid. At least I knew that this was
true for me and my incarnational history. I knew you could have lives with
mixed or hybrid energies and genetics, because obviously I am human now,
not Reptilian, and I have had many human lives. But yet I have always
suspected that I have some pretty strong Reptilian genetics in me even now. I
also know that I have had lives where I was of the ancestral Native
American race, and I know that they have strong connections to the Draco. So what
really puzzled me about what she told me was the fact that she had been
Aryan Sirian, and also one of the Orion Queens. That just didn't fit with
what I thought I understood at the time. If the Reptilians and Aryans were
complete opposites, how could you have been both? But I just let it go,
thinking that obviously I must be mistaken about my beliefs around that.

Then in February of 1999, she came for a visit, we had a very interesting
and almost magical time together. Our meeting was obviously meant to
happen and our Guides had us do some very interesting and powerful energy work
together, and they channeled through some very important information to
us. She is very psychic and has pretty clear inner vision. She witnessed
several of the psychic attacks that I experience all the time, and said she
could see the Entities that were attacking me, and said she
had never seen such a horrific looking demon in her life. That didn't make
me feel any better about it, but at least I knew that I wasn't just
imagining it all the time. But also, while she was here, some ET's kept showing
up and bothering her. She said they were the Orions. As I said before, I
cannot actually see them, I just sense their energies. I knew that their
energies were different from the Rigellans, but I didn't think too much
about it, and just figured that she knew what she was talking about.

One night some of my own Reptilian Selves showed up and showed themselves
to her through me. She said she could see what each of them looked like
and described them to me and later made some sketches to show me. It was
most interesting because until then I had no idea of what any of them looked
like. Then she also made a sketch of what the Orion's looked like.
Although it is hard to tell just from a sketch, but they looked quite a bit
different from my other Reptilian Selves. They had extremely large heads and
very small slender bodies. Again that seemed a bit strange to me for a true
Reptilian, but I didn't question it. I just found it all very

We also talked a lot about the Illuminati while she was here. She had read
one of David Icke's books, "And the Truth Shall Set You Free". In fact she
had brought it with her. She had also read a lot of the information on his
and other web sites that talked about them. I had read some emails that
talked about them and how they were controlling things, and how they
supposedly had Reptilian connections. But I never paid a whole lot of attention
to them. I had too many other things going on that were much more important
for me. But during the summer of 1998 some things happened that changed
all that. I was searching for more information concerning some of my past
lives, in particular, the life where I first formed the Council of Six. (For
more information about that I refer you to my message called "The History
of the Council of Six" which is posted to the following 3 web sites: ; ; and http://../orionlizards )

I began to get some information about a group of Beings that had played an
important role in many of my past lives, and I was getting the message
that I knew some of them in this life now. I didn't really know who or what
they were, but I got the information that they were like the "Original"
Illuminati. I just knew that somehow the Mission that our Council of Six had
volunteered for had something to do with them. That maybe it was them that
we had to stop from destroying the Earth and everything else along with
it. I also had the sense that they had been enemies of mine in many
lifetimes, particularly my Reptilian lives. So when my friend started telling me
about the Illuminati, I started thinking about how all that related to what
I was getting about these past lives of mine.

She told me that the Illuminati were absolute masters at Black Magic. She
knew that she had been a master at Black Magic in some of her previous
lives. So I started telling her that I knew that I had learned about Black
Magic in my Council of Six life as Shandrasi. I knew that I had gotten to be
pretty powerful with it too, and was telling her about some of my
Reptilian "Dark Lord" lives. Then she said, "And who do you suppose taught it to
those Dark Lords?" Then I remembered that when I first became aware of
Shandrasi's life and the Council of Six, that I had gotten the message that
she had gone to some "Witches" to learn about the Black Arts. So then I
realized that these "Witches" were what I had called the "Original
Illuminati". So my friend was right about that.

She was also telling me about the Freemasons, and how the top level
leaders were some of the most powerful Black Magicians of all. She also talked
about how the symbol of the pyramid on our dollar bills represented the
Freemasons, and that the eye on top the pyramid was the "all-seeing eye" of
the Illuminati. Then one morning I was thinking about that and all of a
sudden the information started coming through that the pyramid was also
symbolic of the structure of the Illuminati "Empire". The Illuminati were at
the top of the pyramid and each of the four corners of the base of the
pyramid represented one of the races of their ET Allies. At the time I got that
the four races were the Aryan Sirians, the Arcturans, the Alcyones and the
Orions. At the time I just assumed that it was the Alcyone and Orion
Reptilians, because they were the only ones from those star systems that I was
aware of. I thought it was pretty strange that any Reptilians would be
part of an alliance with the Aryan Sirians, since from everything I had
learned from my past lives, they had always been enemies. But that was what I
was getting so I just wrote it down.

Also, at the time, I didn't know what race the Arcturans were, I just knew
that I didn't get a good feeling from their energies, and that I had
experienced a psychic attack from them a couple of times. Now I realize that
they are the Amphibian race. Of course, at the time I didn't really know who
the Illuminati were either. So even though some of this information seemed
pretty confusing at the time, I had the sense that it was very important.
But that was 2 years ago, and I realize now that the information I got was
basically correct. It was just the assumptions about which races they were
that was not correct. In looking back at my notes, I noticed that I had
written "Orions", not "Rigellans", and just "Alcyones", not "Alcyone
Reptilians". At the time I had just assumed that they were one and the same, so I
didn't notice the distinction. But now I have come to realize that there
are two distinctly different races from Orion, and it is not the Rigellan
Reptilians, but the other race that is connected to the Illuminati. Also, I
know now that there is an Aryan race from Alcyone, and likewise, they are
really the ones connected to the Illuminati. But yet, I have learned that
there is also a strange sort of connection between the Alcyone Reptilians
and the other races of the "Illuminati" pyramid, which I will explain
later on. So it is no small wonder that all this was so confusing at first.
Also, I have just recently come to realize who the real "Illuminati" at the
top of the pyramid are. But that will have to wait until the end of the

While my friend was here, we were guided to do some energy work at several
places that were important Earth energy vortexes or portals. One day I got
the message we needed to go to a certain area in the mountains just west
of Denver, Colorado, where I live. On the way there we saw several unusual
disc-shaped clouds in the area where I knew we were going. When we tuned
into them we each got the message that they were Taygetan Pleiadian and
Andromedan ships. So I knew that they would be anchoring energy through us as
we were doing our work. Sure enough that is exactly what happened. Then
right after we were through a huge Andromedan Mother-ship appeared and
hovered over the valley right in front of us. Of course most people would have
thought it was just a large cloud. But they talked to us and thanked us
for coming up to do the work, so we knew it was the Andromedans.

My friend has a lot better inner hearing than I do, so they were
explaining to her a little bit about what we just did, and why it was so important.
Then almost as soon as the Andromedan ship left, three other "cloud-ships"
showed up. We got the message that they were the Aryan Sirians, the Orions
and the Alcyones, the members of the Illuminati Alliance. At the time I
was thinking it was the Orion and Alcyone Reptilians, but now I know that it
the other race of Orions and the Aryan Alcyones. She got the message that
they were there doing energy readings to check out what we and the
Andromedans and Pleiadians had just done. Both of also got the message that they
were all connected with the Illuminati. So all of this was right in line
with the information I had gotten about the "pyramid" and the Illuminati
Alliance. I also remember
that on another one of our trips we had seen some of the same ships around
us, and my friend had the sense that one of the ships might be Arcturan. I
couldn't get a good reading on it at the time, but now that I understand
the relationship between the Arcturans and the Orions, it makes sense that
they would have been around then too.

I continued to have contacts with some of these ET races off and on for
the next several months. The Alcyone Reptilians showed up several times, and
usually I would sense a lot of interference, and sometimes I would feel an
attack. But I kept trying to communicate with them and they finally got to
the point where they would listen. I would explain things to them just as
I had done with the Draco, and they eventually came to understand and
accept what I was telling them. Then in early April of 1999, I had a major
breakthrough with them. After that they still showed up occasionally, but
mostly just to have a conversation, not to attack me. They were just curious
about some of the energetic work I was doing, so I tried to explain it to
them. So I was at least making progress with some of these races.

As I look back over my journal notes I notice that I had written that the
"Orions" had shown up many times during that same time. At the time I am
sure I thought it was the Rigellans each time. Although I know that they
were here a lot, I now realize, based on what I wrote about what happened,
that some of those visits were from the "other" Orions. But at the time I
still hadn't figured out that there were two different Orion races. It was
almost like they were intentionally using the Rigellans as "cover", to
keep me confused about who they really were. But after my big breakthrough
with the Rigellans in May of 1999 that I had mentioned earlier, there were
never any more attacks from them. In fact it was another month before they
even showed up again. So the "other" Orions didn't show up either. It was
like they couldn't risk attacking me after that, because I would have
known that it wasn't the Rigellans, and it would have blown their cover. Of
course, that bit of reprieve would not last too much longer.

Probably my biggest clue as to who the Illuminati really were came to me
in a dream. It was on the night of the summer solstice on June 21, 1999. I
had done some major meditation work the day before involving each of the
six Reptilian races. Basically I was showing each of them who they truly
were and the roles that they had played in the Descension Plan, the Divine
Plan. Then I showed them what the future would be like if all races learned
to live in peace and harmony with one another, and asked them to commit
themselves to working for that possibility. They all were very receptive to
that said they would do that. Of course, on every solstice and equinox,
Chandara and members of the Earth Link Mission always open a major stargate.
Every time since I first became aware of their work in the spring of 1997,
I have always sensed a lot more Dark energy coming through than Light
energy. There would always seem to be an invasion of sorts by a group of very
negative ET's. So I was planning on doing some more meditation work on the
day of the solstice to try to counter anything that might come through
this time. The energy felt really negative all day, and my ears were buzzing
very loudly, which they always do whenever there are a lot of Dark
Entities, or negative ET's around. I kept waiting for my Guides to let me know
when I should start my meditation. I kept asking if I should begin and kept
getting "No". Finally they told me not to do anything at all, that it was
too late, and there was nothing more that I could do about what had

Then that night I had a dream where I was with my friend and we were
talking about the Illuminati. Then some guy came up to us and told us that
someone had broken into a storeroom or warehouse and stolen 5 weapons or
energy devices. The storekeeper said that they had used some kind of special
power and had shape-shifted in order to break in, and there was nothing that
he could do to stop them. My friend said that there were two of them, and
that they were Illuminati. When I woke up, I asked my Guides about this,
and got the message that they had broken through an energy barrier where
she and I had done some work back in February. We had gotten the message
back then that they were trying to break through it, and that was why all
their ET allies showed up right after we did the work. They were trying to
figure out what we had done. So now I was getting the message that they had
finally succeeded in that.

I never really got a clear answer as to what it was that they had really
stolen. But I knew that they had somehow used antimatter to break through
the barrier. That was the "special power" that they had used. So that night
I decided to do some meditation work to repair the damage. I sensed that
there were "bubbles" of anti-matter energy that were holding the holes in
this barrier open. I also sensed that there were some Beings from the
Antimatter Universe there who were encased in some kind of protective
shielding. I was getting ready to do some work on this when some of the Rigellan
Reptilians showed up and offered to help me. They were able to re-configure
some of their weapons to break through these protective shields. So to
make a long story short, they helped me get rid of the Anti-matter Beings and
helped me close the holes in the barrier. Then I knew for sure that the
Rigellans were NOT connected with the Illuminati. But yet, I had gotten the
message 5 months earlier that the Orions were part of the Illuminati
"pyramid". So obviously there was something that I was missing here.

So that got me thinking back about all the things that had happened and
all the things that I had learned over the last 6 months. I went to David
Icke's web site and read some of his information about the Illuminati.
Earlier I had read several of Dan Winter's messages concerning the Orion
"Draco" and "Reptilians". Of course both of them claim that the Illuminati are
Reptilian or Draco. There were two things about what David Icke said about
the Illuminati that had bothered me the most. One was the part where he
claimed that the Illuminati had been extremely careful to keep their
"Reptilian" bloodlines absolutely pure from being contaminated with any other
genetic lineage. That just didn't seem right to me, because I knew from my
past life experiences that the Draco had purposefully interbred with certain
Humanoid races. That was how the Anasazi or Native American race came into
being in the first place. Plus I had other past life experiences where I
was involved in certain breeding and genetic experiments involving
humanoids and Reptilians.

I didn't doubt for a moment that the pure Aryan Humanoid race would be a
little paranoid about keeping their bloodlines pure, but it just didn't
seem to fit with what I knew about the Reptilians. Also if they had really
kept their bloodlines absolutely pure and were also present here on Earth,
they wouldn't be able to hide that very easily. But of course, Icke talked
about how they would shape-shift back and forth between Human and
Reptilian form to hide their true Reptilian appearance. But that bothered me too,
because I just had the sense that the Reptilians, particularly the Draco,
didn't shape-shift. I have had many Reptilian lives and I was never aware
of any ability to shape-shift. I mean why would they need to? They were
proud of their Reptilian heritage and were proud and fierce warriors, and
had tremendously advanced technology. If they wanted to conquer a race of
other Beings, they would just move in and say "try and stop us". I never had
the sense that they had anything to hide, so why would they shape-shift?

But yet in my dream I definitely got the message that the Illuminati were
shape-shifters. So that much was confirmed for me. But because the
Rigellans helped me repair the damage that the Illuminati had done, I also knew
now that they were definitely NOT working FOR the Illuminati. So there was
something that was just not right about all of this, but yet I couldn't
put my finger on it. But over the next two months, a lot of things kept
coming up with regards to the Illuminati. I got more information about the
Aryan Sirian connections with them, but not anything else about the
Rigellans. There was also a clue about the Aryan Alcyones, which was the first time
I began to realize that not all the Alycones were Reptilian. I also
started coming to the realization that I had a lot of confrontations with the
Illuminati in many of my past lives. I got that most of my worst enemies had
been members of the "Original" Illuminati. In July of 1999 I began picking
up lots of really negative psychic energy that I knew was related to the
Illuminati, although there were no ET contacts at the time. So I had to do
a lot of pretty serious energy work to counter what they were doing, to
bring the energies back into balance. All that only added to the confusion
about what was really going on.

Then one day I was sitting out on my patio pondering all of this, trying
to make sense out of all of it. I decided to contact some of my Draco
Selves and ask them if they had the ability to shape-shift. So I called on
Sansiruous, who was one of my most powerful Draco Selves, and was a
"Soloruous", or "Sun God". So I figured if any of them had that ability, he would.
So I asked him about that and he told me "NO", that he did not shape-shift,
nor did any of the other Draco. So that confirmed my
suspicion. But yet I didn't question what some of the eye-witnesses that
Icke mentioned had really seen. I had read about these "shape-shifters"
from other sources, and of course there was my dream. So I kept thinking
about that, trying to make sense of everything. Then my thoughts happened to
wander to the television show "Star Trek Deep Space Nine". In that show
there was a race of Beings that they called the Founders, or Changelings. The
character Odo was one of them, and he would take on a human form most of
the time. But at certain intervals he would have to revert back to his
original form to "regenerate". His original form was like a semi-liquid
gelatinous material. He could also form himself to appear as any object or any
Being that he chose. Then it finally hit me, THAT was what these Orion
Beings and the Illuminati were, they were CHANGELINGS!!! They weren't
Reptilian, they were an entirely different race that had the ability to
shape-shift into any form that they chose. The more I thought about that, the more
it made sense to me.

But what was really interesting about this realization was the timing of
it. As I was writing this part, I went back through my journal to find the
exact date of when this first occurred to me. It was on the afternoon of
August 11, 1999, the day of the Grand Cross Solar Eclipse. Coincidence or
synchronicity? Then just a few days later, I came under the most intense
psychic attacks I had ever experienced. I felt some heavy attacks every day
for 10 days straight, and I knew it was coming from the Illuminati and
Changelings. I finally was guided to do some serious energy work, and got a
lot of help from the Andromedans and some other high level Beings. They
took care of the Changelings for me, and after that the attacks finally
stopped. So was all that just a coincidence too? I doubt it. Now I knew their
secret, so I guess they were really, really angry that I finally had
figured it out.

So after all that, I started thinking back on all the information that I
had read or my friend had told me about the Orions that had seemed so
confusing to me. Now it all made sense, the Beings everyone was talking about
were the Changelings, not the Reptilians. It was like a huge light came on
inside my head. I knew it was the Orion Changelings who had been here when
my friend was here, not the Reptilians. So I hadn't been mistaken when I
had sensed something different about them. Then I remembered a time during
one of our online chats when something came up about her father from one
of her Orion past lives. I had asked where he was from and the answer I got
was Betelgeuse, which is the bright red star on the opposite corner from
Rigel. That was the first time I became aware that any Beings even lived in
the Betelgeuse star system. I had never gotten that any of the Reptilian
Beings came from there. So now that made lots of sense too. I also thought
back on the information I had gotten about the Orion Wars. I realized that
the war had really been between the Orion Changelings from Betelgeuse and
the Orion Reptilians from Rigel. Of course the other Reptilian races were
involved in it too, and also the Aryan races from Sirius and Alcyone. But
the reason it was called the "ORION WARS" was because of the two main
participants, the Changelings and the Reptilians, who were not the same race,
but almost exactly opposites. They also just happened to live on almost
exactly opposite corners of the constellation of Orion. Coincidence? I don't
think so.

Then I remembered something that had come up back in February when my
friend was here. We were sitting at the table and she looked down at her arms
and said she saw something like an intravenous needle stuck in one of her
wrists. She kind of freaked out a bit, and wondered what that was all
about. So I tuned into her and asked her Higher Self and Guides to show me
what this related to. I got the message that this was about one of her past
lives on the planet MU, in the Lyra star system. I was quite familiar with
the planet MU, as I have had several lives there. I had known for a number
of years that the Atlantians and the Lemurians had originated in Lyra. I
knew that both of those races had established colonies here on Earth, but
that the original "continents" of Atlantis and Lemuria had been on the
planet MU in the Lyra star system, not here on Earth. I also knew that the
Lemurians were the ancestral Anasazi race of Draco-Humanoid hybrids, and I
had been one of them. I had also gotten the information that the Atlantians
were of the Aryan Humanoid race.