The reason why
______________________There are a few names to be aware of::
_________________-Michel Victor Mertz = SDECE and Mossad agent
_______________________________-Jean Rene Souetre = chief-commander of OAS
_________________-David Lemar Christ/Daniel Lester Carswell = CIA agent
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Al C. Holbert = GRU and Mossad agent
_________________-Yuri V. Ushakov = KGB agent

What do these names have in common ? They've been used, from time to time, as identi-ties for the same impersonator, along to a few others - Charles Rogers, Carlos Montoya,Ma-ha...       Now, let's dive deep into an ambiguous bunch of lies, maybe we'll find out the truth.     *Michel Victor Mertz was born in the Mosel region's french community. In 1941 he was draf-ted into the german army. Two years later he deserted to join the french resistance, and soon became an underground legend as "Commandante Baptiste".    In 1945, general de Gaulle awarded him the Legion of Honnor, just before Mertz joined theFrench Intelligence (with the rank of captain).   *From 1959 to 1961, Yuri V. Ushakov was registered as a student at Stanford University. *David Lemar Christ, alias Daniel Lester Carswell, was a CIA agent durin' 1959-1970.    Accordin' to some CIA documents, DLC procedeed to Havana on august 17th of 1959, returned to Washington on august 31st of 1959, and departed again for Havana.    Accordin' to Cia agent Hemming, source of A.J. Weberman, DLC got arrested in Cuba,inseptember 1960, while runnin' an operation located in an apartment above the Chinese Community News Agency (apt. 162, 17th floor of Edificio de Retiro Medico).    From september 1960 'till april 1963, DLC was a prisoner of Cuban G-2 at Isle of Pines.   *It's time for a little discussion. There is another link to the CIA activity of this special agent codenamed QJ/WIN.    QJ/WIN was a former nazi spy who seemed have taken a lot of money from the CIA in the course of establishin' his cover, but produced little results.    Let's not forget that some people, like Mikhail Lebedev, know things about Zed, the nazi agent payed by Martin Bormann to shot JFK.    Tracy Barnes told Robert Morrow that Jean Souetre, alias Michel Victor Mertz, aka MichelRoux, was QJ/WIN.   *In april 1961, the french SDECE was suppoenin' Michel V. Mertz with the mission to in-filtrate OAS, while supportin' him and his family to move to Montreal, Canada, on the 4thDecember 1961.   *In april 1963, CIA released DLC from his prison. On 23rd of april 1963,DLC arrived at Air Force Base, Florida.  *In october 1963, M.V. Mertz got another "operation chamois" (wet operation), meanin' the   JFK assassination.   *Raymond Bernard, Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order, met "Maha" (meanin' Maha-Chohan,the executive leader of the "hidden kingdom" of Agartha) in Lisabona, Portugal. The eventhappened twice, durin' 1964.   *Durin' 1966, Jean Souetre was connectin' Guerin Serac and Guido Giannetini, representin'the french and the italian neo-fascist organisations. This event happened also in Lisabona,Portugal.   *From 1967 to 1981, Al C. Holbert colaborated with Michael Riconosciuto. They met "through the Stanford crowd" (accordin' to mr. Riconosciuto).   *Meanwhilw, Yuri V. Ushakov was the protagonist of the "iberic fiasco", known as "the affair", which happened in the 1969th Spain and Morocco. The SDECE impli- cation was signifiant, along to the attitude of the British secret services, in savin' Yuri's neck durin' the events.   *In july 1972, M.V. Mertz got imprisoned, but then he was secretly released  *Denis Morissette telephonically interviewed Jean Souetre in 1983. Back then, JS was a hu-man resources director in a french casino. This is the last heard from the most powerfull guy in the world. A picture makes more than a thousand words. Watch "christs1".      Now, watch David Lemar Christ arrivin' at Air Force Base, Florida (christcuba3).I mean, come on ! I wear glasses, but I'm not that stupid. Who the fuck is this guy ? Compare "christs3" to "rogers.gif". Then compare 'em to wittdisplay.      Yea, that's right. Meet the (in)famous "umbrella-man", aka Aeolus _ former Mahachohanof Agartha...      As you know, the leader of the society of the Nine Unknown, aka the Leng monastics, isthe powerfull sorcerer Yue-Laou. I mean, come on... Yue-Laou, Aeolus/Aiolos...Small world, isn't it?     No, really, who the fuck is this guy?     You may consider him an "ascended master" of the "cult of cthulhu", a Kn'yan (an aliasof the Kuen Yuin organisation of the Green Men), the leader of the Nine Unknown... whatever.He might be each and every of these, none of 'em or anythin' in between.    If you asked him: "Who are you, really?", I guess he'd answer in a simple way: "I'm your worst nightmare..." ("Are you Rambo's mum ?!")     This "artist" had an excentric habit : he sometimes used names that were about to became famous, or even known.

For example:   - Carlos Montoya = the famous iberic director of the '70s
                          - Al Holbert = well-known competition driver in the '80s
                          - Yuri V. Ushakov = russian ambasador in USA durin' the '90s.
   In present days, "the artist" is hangin' arround between the GRU SV-8 Department and Organizatsiya ( Russian Mafia).    And this is the reason why the Organizatsiya stole the gotyk "Necronomicon" from the Mos-cow Airport.    And this is the reason why the Tetrys affair involved such dramatic events.    And this is the reason why the russian mafia got the power these days, includin' the psychotronics developed by the russian and american agencies.
   And this is the reason why we live like under a spell.
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