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Hail The Rail Clan "JOIN"
"Rail Only Clan"


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Welcome to the HtR Hail The rail Clan Site!

|HtR| Site Underconstruction!!!

|HtR| Joining info: ON Joining |HtR| - |HAIL The RAIL| we would have to set up a 3 vs 3 |meaning| 3 Elite members vs. 3 unknown players, The unknown players would have to reach over |200-250 KILLS|. AND this is all Joining info for now want to find more out you can e-mail me, my e-mail address is below or go to |HtR| server and ask!!!

Level you would have to play in order to tryout wourld have to be a rail level like "CM-Rail"or any other basic level like Blasted Canyon or warlords in the 'Rail Only Style. It would mostlikly be 25 cap game and 60min. long.
