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Welcome to the HtR Hail The rail Clan Site!

|HtR| Site Underconstruction!!!

Red Faction Clan Links Below

Untitled Document





|Clans links|

<F^C> Faction Core

=BoA= Brotherhood of Arms

[88] 88 clan

AOD Angels Of Death

<ap> Angry Pacifists

<(BG)> Big Guns

(BC) Boilers Corner

(CSD) csd clan

-DNR- Do Not Resuscitate

(DALCAN) dalcan clan

|DNA| dna clan

[EF] Elite Factions

=EotW= Elite of the World

|EoD| Eve of Destruction

.fa. fatal attraction

[4WD] 4 winning dudes

*GoDz* Godz Clan

[GK] Galatea's Knights

[HEL] Hells Elite Legions

*HM* Hit Men

(HS) Holland Slachthuus

[JAC] Just Another Clan

KoN Killers of Night

MMC Martian Marine Corps

MoRF Miners of Red Faction

[NDP] New Definition of Pain

|NERV| Nervous clan

[nNo] New Net Order

++ House of Plus

]PsY[ Psychotics

|R$K| Really $ucky Killers

-{reHAB}=| ReHAB

RAIN Recon Assault Intelligence Network

[R.F.K] Red Faction Killers

[SeF-E] Sabres Elite Force Europe

SKG Clan

<MaRiNe> Clan

AOD red faction devision site



Untitled Document

=Zx= clan Zx

-=XP=- Xtreme Predators

-=XG=- clan XG

-XF- X-Faction

{VOS} Victims Of Society

[URK] Un Real Killaz


|UF| UF clan

||UB-XP|| Unbeatable Experience

TDF The Dread Faction