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Code Name: Ocean Pearl

This whole thing started when I was summoned to Ravaan by the chancellor himself. Of course I feared the worse, but it turned out he just wanted to have tea with me! Imagine that! So I went to his palace and was escorted to a parlor, the chancellor came in and asked for the tea. Then the Chancellor asked, "my dear, you are loyal to the senate, are you not?" I knew where he was trying to get at. "Of course chancellor," I replied, "I would never betray the senate." "The other day, you shocked me with how much courage you have to stand up against me," He sipped his tea. "I suppose I was wrong, which is why I would like to make you a commander in my army." I couldn't believe it, not only did he not suspect me, he was offering me a very high position. "I would be honored, but...I do have a planet to rule." "Yes, come with me, dear Chloe, I will show you something, that not even the generals in my army know about." we stood up and walked over to a window. I looked down and below me I saw what appeared to be a huge laser conductor. "When it is done, it will be the most powerful laser in the galaxy, and indestructible." He grinned evilly, I will find the rebellion and crush them!" I wanted to run away, to leave and tell my rebellion of what the chancellor was doing, but that would have given me away. "Impressive," I said, and it was impressive. When I finally left, I rushed to the rebels’ secret base on Ravaan. "He's up to it again!" I wanted to scream, but I had to remain cool and controlled. "What's the chancellor up to this time?" Orion asked. "He's building an indestructible supper laser." I told him, "I've started to come up with a plan, if we can acquire the plans to the laser, I'm sure we could destroy it." The mission fell into place; I would go undercover as a scientist and inspector, Dr. Pearl. I would download the plans on a disk and then get it back to the base. We would figure out how to destroy then send a team in undercover and destroy it. The team chosen is Sachae, Ken, Sal, and I. Orion and Gawaan are staying at the base to monitor the mission. I wore a brown haired wig and but in green colored contacts, I showed my fake ID to the guard and he let me in. Once in the building, I had to get to the room where the laser was being constructed. I used an electronic key card to get into the outer room, than I had to use a double laser key to get into the actual room. "Base, this is Pearl I'm in the room, I'm going radio silent." "Copy that Pearl." Orion replied. I headed straight for one of the computers; I stuck me electronic key card in and gave me access to all the files. I quickly brought up the plans for the laser and stuck my disk in. "You must be new here," I heard a voice from behind I spun around, it was the chancellor. "Yes," I said speaking with a Cavian accent. "I'm an inspector, I'm here to inspect the laser before it can be used." "So, have you found anything wrong with it?" "Not yet, sir." "I see you were going to download the plans?" "Yes sir, I planned to take the plans back to my lab on Cavi to have them properly analyzed." I knew I had said too much. "I guess then that you don't know that any information about the laser can not be taken out of this room, and if anybody tries...they will be executed." he held his hand out. I signed and handed him the disk. At least that was the worst that happened. "Pearl to Base, to you copy?" I said turning my earpiece back on. "This is Base, we copy, over." "Can not download data, must beam it, over." "Beaming can be easily traced, don't beam, abort, over." "No! I will not abort!" I whispered harshly, I tried to keep quiet so know one could hear me. "Beaming data to Zallier, I'll pick it up on my way back, over." I typed furiously. "Pearl, abort!" Orion repeated. "Too late, data is out of here, I'm on my way out, over and out." I turned the earpiece off and cooling stood up and walked out of there. I was going out the doors when the guards stopped me. "Nobody is leaving this building by the chancellor's orders." "We'll I have an appointment on the other side of the planet, I have to leave." I said, and kicked one in the jaw and the other one in the stomach. I pulled out my stinger and stung them unconscious. Quickly I took off, jumped into my hover car and sped off. At the hanger, I jumped out of the car and ran up the ramp and sealed the hatch. I jumped in to the pilot seat and quickly got the ship up in the air. Once out of the atmosphere I quickly set a course for Zallier, and made the jump to hyperspace. One thing I did neglect to remember is that Zallier is completely covered with water, and I sent it to an abandoned transmitter on the ocean. Operation Pearl has now turned into Operation Ocean Pearl. When I came out of lightspeed, and the ship to auto destruct and climbed into one of the escape pods, and jetted down to the planet. Now pods are meant for the airless, pressure less of space, not the powerful pressure of water. Zallier is uninhabited, so I was on my own. I had no choice but it make the pod dive down, nice and slowly. I wasn't worried about it running out of power, I was worried about the pressure and the darkness of the freezing water. I know that it would take forever to get down to the bottom of the ocean carefully, three, four days or maybe even a week. I still had to locate the transmitter. There had been rumors of primitive aquatic life forms on this planet, but it's never been proved. Now, though, I hoped and wished that those rumors were true. Alas they were not, and I spent three days sinking to the bottom of the dark ocean. When the pod impacted on the ocean floor it burst a hole in the pod. I had been ready for this, luckily space suits can be used for deep-sea diving. I had had days to locate the transmitter, and had locked onto the signal. With bright lights, and an insolated suit I wondered the ocean floor of Zallier. The transmitter was much bigger than I could have imagined. It loomed above me reaching up towards the surface. In order to get in, I had to swim into an air lock, watertight doors slammed shut and the water level slowly lowered until the room was completely dry. Then another watertight door opened and let me into the station. The place was truly enormous, maybe the size of my palace on Tamaar. It took me one day just to find the control room and another day to retrieve the information. I found fully stocked deep-sea pods, which could transition into deep space pods. So I was on my way back to the base. "Oyster Base, this is Ocean Pearl, over." I called on the comlink. "Ocean Pearl this is Oyster Base," Orion greeted, "over." "I got the data and I'm heading back to base, over and out." I said, and took the pod into hyperspace. Technicians at the base studied the plans for several days, until they discovered the way to destroy the super laser. I sent in a team, of course I led it. The team consisted of Orion Gawaan Sachae, Sal, and me. Of course I went in as myself, playing along with the chancellor. Orion and Gawaan went in as technicians, and Sachae and Sal were guards. Making the chancellor believe I was on his side, a got Gawaan access to the Palace network. She turned off all alarms, and then Orion and Sal went in to deactivate it. I was not present, because I could not be suspected. The super laser was successfully destroyed and we have saved the galaxy again.