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Roleplaying Contest!!!

Think you got what it takes? Think you can really get into your character? Then fill out the questionairre below for one, or two
 of your characters. Whoever fills it out the most like their character, will get a prize of 25 GP! Winner will be 
decided by Stephen.

1.	If you had a theme song what would it be? (can be something from nowadays)
2.	What makes you happy?
3.	What's your idea of a good evenings' entertainment?
4.	If you weren’t and adventurer what would you be?
5.	When was the last time you cried?
6.	If you were an animal what animal would you be? Why?
7.	What’s your favorite bard song?
8.	Do you prefer the town or the county? Why?
9.	What was the last thing that made you laugh?
10.	What’s your favorite joke?
11.	If you had to decide would you be deaf or blind? Why?
12.	Describe yourself in 3 adjectives.
13.	Describe yourself in a single onomatopoeia.
14.	How do you want to die?
15.	Who do you admire?
16.	How much Is a pint of mead?
17.	Do you have any nicknames?
18.	Where’s you hometown? Did you leave anyone behind there?
19.	What’s your most obvious weakness?
20.	How do you stand up? Walk? Sleep?
21.	How is your hair styled?
22.	Do you have perfect eyesight?
23.	Which is your dominant hand?
24.	When’s the last time you were sick? Catch everything/nothing?
25.	Did you witness any historic events?
26.	Are your reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell people? What would you 
                do and what would happen if the truth became known?
27.	Were you a minority or majority when you grew up? Prejudiced against?
28.	Describe the most traumatic experience from early in life?
29.	Did you have any childhood friends? Where are they now?
30.	What stupid things did you do when you were younger?
31.	Did you keep any toys from childhood?
32.	Do you have any secrets that will come back to haunt you?
33.	Who were your parents? Did they raise you? What was your families’ standing in the community? Did you move a lot?
34.	How would you parents describe you? (From the voice of your father? Mother?)
35.	Do you have any famous or infamous ancestors? What did they do?
36.	Have you begun your own family? Where are they now? What do they tink of you becoming an adventurer?
37.	Who’s your best buddy?
38.	Do you have any enemies from the past or currently?
39.	List any past serious relationships you’ve had.
40.	Name 7 traits you hate in others.
41.	Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations? Why?
42.	Are you who you say you are?
43.	What’s the worst way you can be blackmailed, beaten and tricked by others?
44.	Who would miss you should you go missing?
45.	Who might be convinced to sell you out?
46.	Why have you chosen to risk your life as a career?
47.	What are your attitudes towards material wealth?
48.	Do you conceal your thoughts?
49.	What are your most annoying habits?
50.	What’s your favorite food? Drink? Desert? Do you eat fast or slow?
51.	What’s your faaaaaaavorite color?
52.	Do you have a favorite smell?
53.	Do you have any allergies?
54.	Is there anything that embarrasses you? How would you react to being teased about it?
55.	What is your view on killing? Can you kill in cold blood, do you have to be provoked, or can you 
                not kill without having undeniable reason to (i.e. Being attacked first)? In other words under 
                what circumstances is it alright and not alright to kill?
56.	What would happen if you saw the big bad guy innocently standing drinking punch at a party?
57.	How would you react if someone killed under the wrong circumstances? What if it was your 
                enemy? Friend? An innocent? Family member?
58.	What would you do if someone attacked you?
59.	What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly?
60.	What would you do if something were stolen from you?
61.	What wouldn’t you do for 1,000,000,000,000,000 gold?
62.	Do you have an unusual accent?
63.	Do you remember your dreams? Describe a typical dream. Describe a typical nightmare.
64.	Where were you trained and by whom? Were you a prize student or did you squeak by?
65.	What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up?
66.	Do you like shiny things?
67.	Do you enjoy riding animals?
68.	Do you enjoy water? (i.e. swimming, riding a boat, fishing…)
69.	What would you do if you had insomnia and had to entertain yourself? Do you have insomnia?
70.	Do you dance?
71.	What color’s your house? What’s hanging on the walls?
72.	Did you leave a will? What does it say?
73.	Where do you want to be 10 years from now?
74.	Do you cook?
75.	As a player, what one thing would you like to tell your character? Act as if they’re sitting 
                right in front of you.