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Silverlorian Empire | History of Silverlore | History of Celestia | Culture | Factions | Geography |Magic & Technology | Registered Mages | Religions | Characters of Silverlore | Rules of Silverlore | Warfleet Alliance | Silverlore Boards | Map of Silverlore | Fall of the Ever Tree |

Silverlore is a harsh land of darkness and chaos. The monarchy runs everything and very little goes on without their knowledge. They only have one law..."Their word is law." This is a place where only the strong rule. The punishments are swift and harsh.

Cultural Characteristics: European, Dark Ages
Race Position: Completely Intermixed
Techonology Level: Crusades (Early Middle Ages)
Government Form: Militocracy
Social Alignment: Lawful Evil
Subsistence System: Mining, Banditry, Trappers/Furriers


Silverlore is a player-based hub. It is here for you, the player. As moderators, we are storytellers and referees. We do not seek to control or dominate the rp, we seek merely to enhance it and make sure the rules are followed. If there are any questions, concerns, or complaints feel free to ask any of the moderators. We can be reached by PMs or other contact methods (listed below). If there is anything that you, the player wishes to see, or a plotline you wish to run, feel free to bring it up to the moderators. We will speak on it and make a decision accordingly. No suggestion or concern will be ignored. Feel free to come and go as you wish, and above all, have fun, for that is what rp is all about.

Xaryon: email
AIM Kitty Hitman
Yahoo Kitty_Hitman

Alyra: email
AIM Spellrayven

StarNight: email
AIM StarNight

Fawn: email

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