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chapter 3 - episode 2

chapter 3 - episode 2


· Go to the parachute and press ACTION to take one of its ropes

· Tie each end of the rope to the towers and wait

· Don't wait in between the towers otherwise this will be a short play

· Eventually a guard on patrol will ride into the rope

· Press ACTION to take the guys helmet and again to get onto the ski thing

· This is the tricky part: use the GPS to see up coming obstacles and weave between them

·Don't get too close

· Keep the UP ARROW pressed to outrun the guys chasing you

· Eventually Steppenwolf will hide from the guys


· Here's where you'll eventually end up

· The entrance has been blocked so you need to find another way to get in

· Stand near the rope on the ground and press ACTION to pick it up

· press ACTION again near the solar panel tower to hook the rope onto it

· go to the lever that the rope is coiled onto and press ACTION to turn it on: one of the mirror panel things will fall off

· press ACTION to pick it up

· Have the panel selected, and make your way to the left red tower and press ACTION to hold up the panel: be wary of the laser

· the laser will be reflected and cut off the top of the dome

· to get in walk over to the slope so that Steppenwolf will be above the dome

· press ACTION and he'll lower himself down


· go all the way LEFT to where you see the pink area

· be careful, you're not alone


· the aim here is to trapthe Eruka...yeah? so he doesn't hurt you...later

· go over to the shelves on the LEFT, and press ACTION to move them over

· this will cause the Eruka to jump into a black and yellow storage bin

· the Eruka will jump back out by the way, so be careful because it will attack you

· go to the computer at the BOTTOM LEFT hand corner and press ACTION: this will open the cylindrical compartment next to the pink thing on the RIGHT

· Go UP to the capsule next to the other computer and take a look

· Have a look at the computer too

· Notice the order of the colours: YELLOW, GREEN and then RED

· Go back to the other side of the lab (THE LAB 1) and go down the ladder

· Pick up the red blow torch lying next to the GPS

· Then take the blue power cable hanging from the steel support a little to the LEFT of where the GPS is

· When you have the cable press ACTION when standing near the box on the ground

· Connect the other end of the cables in the right order to provide power to different things around the lab

· Go back up to THE LAB 2

· When the Eruka is in the yellow bin, press ACTION to pick it up and dump the skinless monkey into the cylinder filled with water

· Now it's safe to pick up the video tape in the middle of the room amongst the papers

· If you go to the computer again you'll see that the system is operating, now that you've plugged everything in


· As soon as you enter, inside the yellow machine thing is a bunch of Oxygen tanks

· Press ACTION to take the Oxygen

· Take the 'elevator' for a ride (the black and yellow stripy platform)

· Press ACTION to place the Oxygen tanks near the blocked tunnel

· Select the BLOW TORCH from the INVENTORY and press ACTION to leave it with the OXYGEN

· As soon as you leave it, run to the platform and go up, otherwise you'll blow yourself silly

· When you go through the tunnel, you'll end up here

· Select the video from the INVENTORY and press ACTION to place it into the VCR and play...
