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Messerschmitt Bf 109B/C

Kit # AM-48.05
SCALE 1/48
PARTS 13 vacformed and 22 resin parts, one vacformed canopy
DECALS four options
REVIEW BY Jouni Rönkkö
Old Karo-As can be build either Bf 109B or C. 
Vacuparts consists fuselage, tailplane, cockpit floor and walls, wings and landing gear hatches.
Canopy is also vac formed and there is couple of small bumps in frame. 
Vacu parts are full of small bumps and most of them are located into engraved panel lines. 
Some engraving  is necessary.  Canvas texture in tailplane isn't very good.

Resin parts are typical for Karo-As. They are very hard and brittle resin
In my example had some air bubbles and seat was broken to two parts. 
There is seat, control column, pedals,  instrument panel, landing gear, wheels, two different propellors, 
exhaust pipes, antenna, tail struts, mass balance weights and couple of intakes. 
Wheels are toylike, but most of resin parts are usable. 

Decals sheets gives four options, two German and two Spanish
First is B-2 white 5 of II/JG 132 "Richthofen" in 1937.
Another is C model and also white 5 of I/JG 132 during Polish campain.
Spanish planes are model B-1   6*51 of Condor legion and B-2 6*56.
Decals looks good, but are yellowed. 
There is also some stencils and decal for instrument panel.

Instructions are good, thanks to really good 1/48 drawings. Also cockpit drawing is included.
Painting instructions are also good, each option have 4-view diagram.
Colors are given in english, german  and RML codes.

This kit is not for Messerholics, but can be build fairly good model. There is some problems, like radiator seems to too small and things like that. Cockpit is sparse, but world is full of accessories for Bf-109. 
And word of warning: this kit ( and many vacs ) need's to build around the canopy.  I build one and clued fuselage halves together and then try to fit the canopy. And it doesn't succeed.....