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Polikarpov I-152

Kit # 48007
SCALE 1/48
PARTS 18 vacformed and 22 injected parts, one vacformed canopy
DECALS two options
REVIEW BY Jouni Rönkkö


Boxart N/A
from instructions
Again, one unique subject from MPM, a second part of Polikarpov I-15 series. 
I-152 is very similar than I-15 and I-153. main components are vac formed and detail parts are injected. 
Vac parts had engraved panel lines. Wings had quite a lot small bumps, more than usually. Anyway, they are easy to remove. Canvas texture is nicely represented in a wings. 

Injected parts includes a seat, control column, instrument panel and headdress for interior. Rest are propeller, sight, propeller wheels and all struts. All parts are usable after cleaning and thinning.
There is no engine, but it does't show, if you don't open holes in from the front plate. 

Decals are for one Soviet and one Spanish plane. Soviet is unknown red 14, can't comment is it right.
Spanish one is CC-086. Only marking is code, all the rest must be painted. Only width of fuselage band is given, all the rest must be estimated. 

Instructions are typical early MPM,  seven building steps. There is nice 1/48 drawings, but strangely without rigging. Colors are given in english, but none specific paint code.

Hunt it down and build it!!! Classic Airframes is relasing also I-152, but also MPS's kit  is great model with a little bit work.