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Sukhoi Su-9

Kit #  - 
SCALE 1/72
PARTS 25 vacformed and 36 injected parts, one vacformed canopy
DECALS one option
REVIEV BY Jouni Rönkkö


Soviet Me-262?  Well, not really, even resemblance is obvious. 
The kit is typical MPM vacu, nicely molded vac sheets and some injected parts.
Main components ( fuselage, wings, elevators, engines ) are with engraved details. 
Cockpit floor and landing gear doors are also vac formed. 

Injected parts are white plastic and not so good. There is some flash and they need cleaning and thinning. You'll get a seat, control column, instrument panel, two side panels for cockpit. Landing gear and all struts are provided. In some parts, like wheels, are quite big pits. There is also one bomb and two JATO-rockets.  

Decals are for one Soviet aircraft. They are useless since they are badly yellowed. But since stars are only marking, there is not big problem to find replacement decals.

Instructions are typical MPM. There is only one assembly drawing where you have to figure out, which part goes where. A good 1/72 drawings and painting instruction is also provided.
Painting could be sometimes simple, you'll only need. grey, black and aluminium. 

Like all vac kits, this is not "shake and bake" kit. It needs some serious scratch building. Some parts should be taken from other spare parts box. 

If you have 1/72 ME-262 in your shelf, Su-9 looks neat side by side.