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Chores of the Fortress

new chore rules

It seems W/we need to look at the chore rules once more, they are not getting done, and need to so W/we are adapting a new system, or bringing back an old one.. please read and understand what is expected. If you have questions bring them to the Ubara Mistress Wolf Shadow or pandora , DO NOT bother the Free with the questions. Once it is completely understood what is expected, you WILL be expected to follow the rules, so please concentrate.

1. you will have three (3) to four (4) assigned chores daily, these are the chores that MUST be done if you are online.
2. you will also have one (1) to two (2) weekly chores that can be done at some point when time allows you to do them, but they must be done.
3. Chores are done at the egroup
4. When not doing chores, or serves, girls should be studying, slaves do not idly kneel on the furs and push their noses into the affairs of the Free. Play time is over girls. If there is a question about this, please check the site for slave rules.
5. The list is devised and will be sent weekly every wensday. you will keep the same chores for the week then move to other chores, this will make you comfortable with the chore and by the time a few weeks have gone by you would have tried them all.
6. A daily bath is supposed to be taken. That is to begin once more. You can do that in any of the FOS rooms that are open. Remember ws, NO skin shows, so you need to be careful when bathing. It does not have to take forever, a quick dip and wash is all that is needed. Lengthy descriptions do not need to be there. Smelly slaves is not something that would please the Free, and is overall unhealthy.

Consequences of not doing what is expected.

There will be punishment given to you if you do not comply with the chore rules. Each punishment that needs to be given by pandora_WS_r regarding this, will be reported to Mistress Wolf Shadow, and Master Sloan, and if personally kolared your own Master/Mistress.

If the punishment is an essay, it will have a dead line as to when it will be done, and if not done, words will be added to it.

Jashi va in advance for adhering to these rules, and understand that they are meant. Please send a short sentence to Myself or First Girl pandora_MWS stating these have been read and understood. The chore schedule starts wendsday, and all are responsible from that day on to do them.

love ya all..... Ubara Mistress Wolf Shadow

make fresh blackwine and kal-da
have food ready to prepare
clean counters
picking flowers for main room
bake bread
sweep and mop main room
sweep and mop servery
bring in wood
vulos to be cleaned, fed and eggs gathered
bosks milked twice a day
walk bytchpuppy
clean slave kennels
Feed the animals:
Larls, Sleens, Thalarions,
Tarns, Vulos, & bytchpuppy

bake pies
clean furs
clean hearth
sweep stairs and dust banister
clean Free's chambers
rake sand pit
restock cool room and servery
clean guest chambers
clean sleen, larl, and thalarion pens
clean tarn cot
tend gardens
tend bosk and gather dung for fuel
making up first aid kits
clean bath house
All slaves must bathe once a week.

Fortress Links

Main Fortress Page
Chore Help Animals
Chore Help General
Egroup where Chores are to be done

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