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Serenity - Firefly class Frontier Trader

Designed by: Admiral Savage (based on the TV series, Firefly)

T20 Game System

400-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined, TL15
AC: 13 (14 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-13)   SI: 145   Initiative: 2
Starship Size: Medium  
Cost: 216.363 MCr (270.454 MCr without discount)
Model/4 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer  
Avionics: Less than 1,000-ton  
Sensors:  Long Range (4)  Communications: Medium Range (Maser) (4)
Cargo: 58.88-tons   (and 19dt in 2 launches)
Extra Ship's Stores(8 weeks  (2-luxury passage,19middle passage), 2.3t, .1278MCr) :
    16 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 168 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 21.636 KCr (10.818 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 5.409 KCr/Month (54.091 KCr per year)
Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3) J1=42.8t, J3=128.4t fuel
Acceleration: 2-G   Agility: 2
Power Plant: TL-13 Fusion (25 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks) 25t  fuel
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-13, 7hrs per 100 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 1,175kph   Cruising = 3,525kph   Maximum = 4,700kph
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 4
         1 forward, 2 on wings, 1 aft

Ship's Vehicles:
2x 20-ton small craft (External Dock - Streamlined) - T20 Traveller Handbook, Launch page 312
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
8x Double Occupancy Stateroom (16 People)
1x Captain's 6t Stateroom (1-3 People)
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
2x Airlocks
Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
2x Engineer (2 standard - but can be managed by 1 expert)
1x Medic/Steward

Firefly History:
Variations of the Firefly class merchant ships have been around thousands of years. Over 40,000 were produced
prior to the end of the Terran Confederation and at leat that many have been active at any one time since.  It is one of the oldest,
most reused designs in known space.  It's a non-licensed design like the original 100dt scout, 200dt free trader and 400dt subsidized merchant. 
Historically, it is believed that this was a pre-Terran Confederation era (or as it was sometimes called, The Alliance) design.  Records of those days indicate that non-military vessels were usually unarmed by law.  Firefly's were seen travelling from Earth to distances farther
than the terrifying Reaver's Deep.
The modern Fireflys are sturdy, flexible designs that commonly exceed the normal 40 year ship lifespan but do not have the
 highest profitability margin.  It is relatively easy to find a cheap, old Firefly.  Some manufacturers have gone back to basics
producing a J1 or J2system in an effort to improve profit margin by modifying the distance. These vessels are classified as Long
Traders instead of Frontier Traders.  These lower-tech Fireflys are closer to the original Firefly designs.

Ships weapons and vehicles are sold optionally but the ships usually has basic armor, 2 launches, and a 6 displacement ton
captains' suite.  Energy weapons will impact ship's agility (-1) when powered.   It is common to find "secret cargo" storage
compartments inside the dead spaces of a Firefly. There are so many variations that they have been known to be found during
major refits, years after having been forgotten.

A Firefly is highly prized, by some captains, for their 3 parsec jump capability, no frills, and low resale value.

The ship usually has a crew 5 but many captains will hire an extra pilot, muscle or gunners when travelling the frontiers.  A ships'
doctor (instead of medic/steward) or other professional can sell his or her talents along the way adding a certain respectability.

  • 58.88dtons of cargo in the primary cargo hold with launches and no weapons
  • 19dt in the launches (9.5dt in each)
  • 4 guest cabins (which can be removed for an additional 16dt cargo),
  • The cargo hold can handle the additional 40dt capacity if there are no launches on the ship
Hydrogen Drop Fuel Tanks (TL15)
2x 21.4dt (1 Jump = 42.8dt)  mounted one on each wing   31400Cr each
2x 42.8dt (2 Jump = 85.6dt)  mounted one on each wing   51400Cr each

Classic Traveller/ High Guard

         FT-4132441-100000-00000-0 MCr 268.790 400 Tons
Bat Bear                                               Crew: 5
Bat                                                         TL: 13

Cargo: 69 Fuel: 136 EP: 16 Agility: 2
Craft: 2 x 20T Launchs
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification

Architects Fee: MCr 2.688   Cost in Quantity: MCr 215.032

Special Design Notes, Deckplans and Views
The TV show description for Firefly class traders are limited. Based on the DVD she might be as large as 800dt but that does not jive with the crew makeup and complement. We don't have an exact list of her systems, cargo capacity, weapons capacity or displacement tonnage.  I've based this middle of the road design on some of the communications I have read, watching the series and the fan drawings below.

Firefly views:

Firefly class' Photo Gallery

Firefly Deckplans:

Firefly class Rogue Merchant deckplans

Serenity working layout

Fuquay Game Group's Firefly model

Laurel Candre HQ's Firefly deckplans for D20 gaming

Alliance Commander: "Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."

Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

For use with Classic Traveller, Traveller T20  or go to my Traveller site's home page for additional popular ships and designs.

Firefly is a trademark of Fox Television and Mutant Enemy, Inc.   This page is intended as a compliment and is not intended to dispute copyrights or trademarks.  Joss Rocks! This is an unofficial page.