
1. On August 22, 1910, Japan annexes Korea. Korea remains under colonial rule for 35 years.They no longer are able to speak their languageAlso they cannot practice their religions.They have no rights for what they believe in.

2. On July 26, 1947, President Truman's National Security Act creates US Department of Defense. This is important because it’s granting a partial military power to South Korea. It also gives them some sort of independence.They are on their way to freedom.

3. On August 15, 1945, Japan surrenders ending the Pacific War. While in Japan the news came as a total shock, Koreans were jumping with joyous surprise. With the Japanese surrendering to the Allies harsh colonial rule in Korea would finally come to an end. Not only was the 15th the day marking the end of the Pacific War and WWII being officially over, it served as Korea’s liberation day. However, the liberation from the Japanese resulted in the splitting of Korea into two separate states, North and South Korea.

4. On June 25, 1950, North Korea attacked South Korea revealing the mass destruction, pain, and suffering. This begins what was known as the Korean War. More than 3 million Koreans were killed, while millions of refugees remained homeless. Roughly 1 million Chinese died and 54,246 American casualties.

5. On June 30, 1950, President Truman orders ground forces into Korea. He also authorizes Air Force to bomb North Korea. This is significant because it’s the first time America really enters the war. It’s the first time America caused permanent damage.

6. On July 19, 1950, Chian Kai-shek offers to send 33,000 soldiers to Korea. The United Nations decline the offer. This is important because perhaps if he would have sent them the war would have ended much sooner.They would have one faster because they got troops on the battle.

7. On September 15, 1950, The marines captured the port of Inchon. The troops cut off the North Koreans in the Pusan Perimeter area from those north of Inchon. This is significant because its demolishes the invasion of South Korea any further.They now have an advantage over the North Koreans.The North Koreans don't take this lightly.

8. On October 1, 1950, South Korean troops invaded North Korea and captured Wonsan, Hungnam, and Hamhung. This was a major turning point in the war. South Korea was really beginning to fight back. Also it starts more battles. The North Korean's will want revenge.

9. On November 30, 1950, President threatens to use the atomic bomb. This is important because he felt it was really his only option to put an end to the war. He also was trying to intimidate North Korea. It could kill alot of innocent lives though. It could also send secret attact to try and stop the bombs.

10. On January 4,1951, North Korea captures Seoul, the countries capital. North Korea is rapidly gaining power. This is significant because it forces the United States to attack North Korea. North KOrea could send attacks on the U.S. also to show their power. It also weakens South Koera because they lost a city.

11. On February 1, 1951, the United Nations come to resolutions to end the Korean War. They abandon Seoul, and create eighth army. This is important because they take back Seoul in the same year. The war does not officially end until 1953.There are still countries trying to capture the cities.

12. On March 14, 1951, the allies re-occupy Seoul. This is significant because they used no force in the process. North Korea 8th army captured it the first time however was very forceful.North Korea doesn't give easily. THis shows that the war will last a little long ,unless someone surrenders.

13. On April 11, 1951, President Truman announced the dismissal of Gen. Douglas MacArthur from his duties as Allied Commander of United Nations forces in the Far East. MacArthur had led UN forces north to the Chinese border .They had to retreat when China entered the war on North Korea’s side. MacArthur openly challenged the U.S. civilian leadership by threatening to attack China. MacArthur's statements solidified the growing opposition against him in Washington -- which led to President Truman's order.

14. On July 10, 1951, Truce talks began between the two sides at Kaesong. But fighting continued along the 38th parallel. Fighting continued for two more years. This period of the war is often referred to as the "Battle for the Hills." True at this point would be wise to stop devastation.

15. On November 27,1951, Both sides agreed that the existing battle line would be the dividing line between North and South Korea. If a truce were reached within 30 days then it would have closed war. The truce did not work. The Chinese and North Korean governments refused to allow the prisoners to have a choice of whether they wanted to return to the communist countries or not.The countries are very stubborn to each other. No one wants to take the title of loser.

16. On March 5, 1953, Joseph Stalin died. After his death the Soviet Union began talking of settling the dispute peacefully. This is significant because it shows complete control by Stalin. The Soviets immediately began discussing how to solve it peacefully after he died.One of the powerful men has died. The country is going to be in a bind.

17. On June 8, 1953, both the United States and North Korea agreed upon the principle of voluntary repatriation. This actually began in mid-1953 when the negotiation for a peace treaty stalled and reopened. Stalling the negotiations was the topic of POWs, whether or not they should be repatriated on voluntary basis or not. Fighting became intensified; guerilla warfare became high during the armistice talk. “Operation Ratkiller” was designed to avoid the use of guerilla warfare, however the United States considered the use of the Atomic Bomb to end the war quickly as well as intimidate the North Koreans. In one final offensive attack, the United States forces endangered, (already 7,400 South Koreans were killed), the United States agreed to take responsibility in enforcing the agreement of armistice as well as the principle of voluntary repatriation.

18. On July 27, 1953, the Cease fire is signed. The fighting ends exactly twelve hours later. This is significant because it was really the first major step to finding peace and trying to end the war. The cease fire however was not made. The chinese didn't want to end fire.

19. On July 27, 1953, a peace treaty called the Armistice Agreement was signed by the North Korean army. Finally an agreement was supported under the United Nations. This is significant because a peace treaty had never been signed before.It is the first to happen and it belongs to this war.

20. On May 16, 1961, the Military Revolutionary Committee announced it had taken over all three branches of the government and proclaimed a six-point pledge: strong anticommunism, respect for the U.N. Charter, closer relations with the United States and other free nations, eradication of corruption, establishment of a self-supporting economy, and efforts for national reunification. The Revolutionary Committee was later renamed the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction approving a new constitution and thus inaugurating the Third Republic.

21. On July 4, 1972, North and South Korea agreed to work for a peaceful reunification. This began in September of 1971, discussing the question of locating and exchanging information about relatives split by the barrier line. Years and years of arguing but finally taking steps to reunify.

22. On October 26,1979, President Park was assassinated by the chief of the Korean CIA, Kim Jae-kyu. Prime Minister Choi Kyu-hah became acting President under the Korean Constitution. This is a good move because there is no other economic crisis until the next few years under different rule.

23. On May 27, 1980, 10,000 Republic of Korea troops attacked. A massive demonstration of students and workers in the southern city of Kwangju. As many as 2,000 people were killed, either shot or bayoneted. Thousands more were wounded. This is slowly ruining the population and the power.

24. On August 27, 1980, Chun Doo Hwan, (a military leader) ordered a new constitution.Which limited the presidency to a single seven-year term.This is some what longer than a trem in the U.S. This was a good president advice. It gives the president a chance to stand his ground. THey also get a chance to get their power up.

25. On March 3, 1981, President Chun took office, promising to build a "Great Korea" virtually the same as the Third and Fourth Republics just including the first-ever surplus in the international balance of payments and a peaceful transfer of power at the end of the seven-year term. Questions arose about the legitimacy of the government and the Sixth Republic formed for lack of a solution to these problems, which had become crisis issues.


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