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The Gods of the Desert


During the height of the Ancient Egyptian civilization, Amun was called “King of the Gods”. That’s well and good, but what does he mean to us? Well, as it is, Amun is quite important. Amun is often found in combination with the sun god, Ra, and is called Amun-Ra. This makes Amun very powerful in magick dealing with sun energy. Sun energy can be used in any daytime magical working, and Amun’s aid is very helpful wherever outdoor sports or cooking is concerned. Amun appears as a ram, a man with the head of a ram, or as a man wearing an ostrich plumed hat. Amun has a fondness of fancy feathers and lace. A small token consisting of a lace ribbon or a bright colored feather is sure to endow his favoritism when working with him.


Anubis is the God of embalming, as well as the God of the dead. Anubis is also known by two other names, in two other cultures: Hermes and Mercury. This makes Anubis extremely important in all dealings concerned with wit, speed, and communication. As Anubis, he is a comforting presence who is watchful, caring, and a good listener. He is extremely fast to respond to any request. If you are upset, simply talk to Anubis. It does not matter what the problem is, weather trivial or very serious. Anubis is always interested in helping to make one feel better. Trust Anubis is any kind of financial bargain, especially if it involves a lot of bartering. If trade is your thing, Anubis is the one to help. Never ever ask anything negative of Anubis. He will not tolerate it, and may very well turn his back on you until you approach him in a much more suitable manner. Do not believe a thing you have seen on Anubis from the movies, as they have gotten only one thing right about him: His looks. Anubis appears almost exclusively as a man with the head of a jackal. He does take the form of a black jackal on occasion, but as far as I’ve seen this is rare, done only when guarding the coffin of the deceased. In ancient times, the priests of the funerary cults wore masks of Anubis during mummification ceremonies. How do you contact Anubis? I’ll tell you a secret. Anubis is so easy to contact you could probably reach him just by yelling really loud if you wanted to (though I wouldn’t suggest doing this unless you want him to arrive with guns blazing and jackal teeth bared). Like I said, he is quick to respond. You can very nicely ask him to join you and he could be there before you’d finished inviting him. Don’t let his appearance frighten you. He is a wonderful deity and one to be granted the utmost respect. Anubis is the son of Nepthys and Seth or Nepthys and Ra. Isis is Anubis’s adoptive mother.


The story of Aten has an interesting history. During the reign of King Akhenaten, Aten was made King of the Gods. In fact, Akhenaten had forbidden the worship of any of the other deities in favor of having Aten as the only God. This, however, did not last long. Akhenaten’s reign was not one favored by the people of Egypt, and after his death, the people reverted to the old ways and Aten was no longer considered King of the Gods. Aten is not simply a Sun God, but is revered as the sun itself. Everything that happens during the daytime is in Aten’s rule. He mainly concerns himself with politics and foreign affairs, though he is willing to help with other things that are of lesser importance to him. He has a superior attitude to him, but he is in no way arrogant. He is simply a symbol of true royalty and he shows it in all he does. This deity does not have the attitude of a parent or friend. Rather, he has the attitude of a pharaoh who watches over his people. Your problems are his problems, and will deal with them accordingly. He does favor those of royal and noble blood above others, but he will help anyone in need. He is a good deity to talk with, as he shows a sharp contrast in both attitude and appearance. Aten appears in hieroglyphics as a sun disk with rays that end in hands. In a simple circle, Aten is more seen than felt. If you are lucky enough to get a visual of this deity, you will most likely only see a ball of soft light that gives off extreme warmth, though it does not burn. Aten has no humanoid appearance that is known of.


Atum was the first of the Egyptian deities, and it is believed that he is responsible for creating all the other Gods. Today, Atum is not considered so much of a god as one of the earliest renditions of the All, or the combination of all energies, both masculine and feminine, in the Universe. Atum can be consulted as one would normally consult the All. If you have any questions about doing a magical working, you should ask Atum. Atum appeared in hieroglyphics as a man wearing a double crown, the double crown showing that he ruled supreme over both Upper and Lower Egypt.


Also known as Bast (and pronounced as Bast), she is the gentle protector, the giver of music, dance, and laughter. Bast will purr you to sleep if you are extremely upset or angry. Bast is known to appear on her own accord should she feel you need a shoulder to cry on. Bast was much loved by the Ancient Egyptians, and was honored accordingly. Bast had many temples built to her, but more famous were the cat statues that adorned the cities and villages. Bast was so revered that all cats, being her favored creatures, were considered to be pets fit only for royalty and nobility. The act of killing a cat, even by accident, was punishable by death. To this day, Egyptians of all religions treat cats well. Bast appears as a woman with the head of a cat. The only time she appears differently is to protect a ruler in battle, during which time she is seen as having the head of a lioness. Bast is a deity that, like Anubis, you can simply sit and talk to without having to ask anything of her. She loves to give a helping hand when she can. Bast is also good to consult in all matters concerning love and happiness. A good gift to Bast is a cat toy or treat. Catnip is great. She is also excellent if you have anything going on in the music or entertainment industry.Bast is a daughter of Ra.


Bes is an interesting one, but is not contacted very much in this day and age. Which is ironic, since Bes would be of more help now than ever before. Bes is the protector of pregnant women, newborns, and the family in general. This is especially true if you live in a desert region that harbors snakes and/or scorpions, as Bes protects against snake and scorpion bites and stings. Although amulets and small statuettes of Bes were popular with everyone in Egypt, Bes never had a single temple built to him (that we know of, anyway). If you are pregnant, ask Bes to protect the child against any kind of negativity, including birth defects. If your newborn has not been feeling well, implore the aid of Bes (as well as taking the child to the nearest hospital, of course). Bes is yet another example of attitude and appearance difference. Bes appears as a dwarf with lion and human features or as a dwarf wearing the skin of a lion. Bes has the attitude of the protector of the clan, especially the females. He is the one who plays a big role in the family clan’s survival. Bes is a nice deity, but does take some getting used to as his attitude is so different and much more based on our own needs and desires than one would normally be used to with most of the other Egyptian deities.


Geb is a God of the earth. In fact, Geb is considered to be the earth. The ancient Egyptians believed that earthquakes were Geb’s laughter. Geb is very nice. His is the essence of jolliness and the bounty of the harvest. He is a deity who is willing to share his bounty with anyone who comes to visit him. Ask Geb for anything that concerns gardening, crops, farm animals, or soil in general. Geb is not quite as quick to respond to requests as some of the others, but he grants enough to make up for this tenfold. Geb is also the one to contact if you are worried about having enough to eat, either for yourself or others. Geb makes sure everyone has enough on their plate when you sit at his table. Geb appears in hieroglyphics as a man lying down below the arch of the sky goddess Nut. In a simple circle, he appears as a man with a goose on his head. Geb is the husband of Nut, and the father of Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, and Seth.


Hapy was then and is now very important to the Egyptians, as it is Hapy who brings the annual flood to the Nile every year. The flood was and is important because it deposits rich silt on the Nile’s banks, allowing the Egyptians to grow crops where it would otherwise be nearly impossible to do so. Hapy is a very friendly deity, but he gives off an impression of constantly being wet. Ask Hapy for help in growing anything, especially where either tropical or water plants are concerned. Do NOT ask Hapy for water unless you are suffering from an extreme drought, as Hapy does not bring a little water, he brings an entire flood. Hapy appears as a man with a potbelly and crown of water plants on his head. Hapy is a very laid back and relaxed deity. Hapy reflects his name in that he likes to laugh. Give Hapy anything that is positive and funny and he’ll make your cup runneth over.

Hathor is the Goddess of beauty, love, and gentle protection. Hathor is also the Goddess of jewelry, and especially favors anything made of turquoise. This makes any small jewelry token buried into the earth an excellent offering to Hathor (If you cannot bring yourself to part with any of your usual jewelry, it is perfectly acceptable to by one of those twenty five cent rings out of a machine, cleanse, consecrate, and bless it, then bury it. Hathor understands not all mortals can afford more than that). She is also connected with foreign places. This makes it a good idea to ask for Hathor’s aid when overseas if you have to use traveler’s checks. She can help keep your money safe as well as keeping those swindlers at bay who like to prey upon tourists. Having relationship troubles, or need to get into a relationship? Ask Hathor. She is a goddess much like Venus, and is very helpful in such matters. Hathor is also great when you are trying to make friends with whomever. Hathor appears as a cow, as a woman wearing a sun disk headdress with cow horns, or as a woman with the ears of a cow. In a magick circle, Hathor generally appears as a woman wearing a headdress, although she does take her other forms on occasion. Hathor has a very kind and gentle attitude that makes you feel loved and cared for. Give Hathor a small mirror, rose oil, even a drop of makeup as a gift. Hathor is the wife of Horus, and as the pharaoh was considered the living Horus, the ancient Egyptians sometimes saw Hathor as the wife of the pharaoh.


Horus is the God of the sky. Hours is the ruler of the living, and is sometimes found in connection with the Sun God Ra. Horus is the God of protection, a powerful masculine force who will deal with one’s opponent quickly and fairly. He is not cruel and will not cause any harm to anyone. Rather, he separates conflictions and resolves them, though he will fight if he feels he has to. Although you cannot ask Horus to fight for you, you can ask that him to resolve any conflicts in your life. Then he will decide what has to be done and will do it with the prompt swiftness that matches his symbol of the hawk, his favored animal. Horus is the warrior of the kingdom, the protector of all that is good and just. He battles anything that upsets that balance. His presence, though not so much loving, is a very strong presence, and can make you feel safe in nearly any situation. Call on Horus for anything that deals with fighting for what is right (this is not just what you believe is right, but what truly is right). If you are trying to collect donations or other pledges to save the rainforest, animals, stop world hunger, etc., asks Horus for his help. Horus appears as a hawk, or as a man with the head of a hawk. In a magick circle, he can and will appear as either of these forms, depending on his mood and what is needed. If you simply feel like talking to him, expect his pure hawk form to show up, if you need a favor; expect a man with the head of a hawk to enter you circle. Horus has an interesting story, which involves his uncle, but we’ll talk about that later. Give Horus anything that you personally like and so long as it’s positive, he’ll love you for it, particularly if it’s something you can show off (anything that sparkles, shines, etc). Horus is the husband of Hathor, and the Son of Isis and Osiris.


Isis is the all-powerful as well as all-purpose Goddess of protection. Isis uses powerful magick spells to help people in need. Isis is one of the earliest forms of the combination of the triple goddess. She is maiden, mother, and crone all in one. She can be asked for literally anything, so long as it’s positive. Her attitude changes to match whatever is asked of or needed from her. Even today, Isis is highly regarded in modern Wicca as being as powerful an influence as the Celtic Morrigu, a raven battle goddess. In a circle, Isis appears as with a headdress in the shape of a throne, or as a woman with cow horns and a sun disk headdress. A gift to Isis would be a lotus flower or lotus scented oil. Isis is the adoptive mother of Anubis.


Khepri is the God of rebirth and incarnation. He is also found in connection with the movement of the sun. Khepri is very resourceful and diligent, and can help you in any astrological working. He can be implored upon to make sure all astrological workings for your magick are correct at the time you perform your art. Khepri is another of the deities that is felt more than seen, which is generally a good thing as although a perfectly nice deity, his appearance can be quite startling; he has the body of a man, but the head of a scarab beetle. His connection with scarab beetles does not end there, but we’ll discuss that later. Good gifts to Khepri would include items like straw, hay, and even cow dung- though I personally would recommend straw or hay just for sanitation reasons.


Khnum is one of the few deities in the ancient Egyptian religion concerned with making humans. Khnum moulds people on his potter’s wheel out of clay from the banks of the Nile. Because Khnum used Nile mud, he was sometimes seen as being involved in the inundation, or annual flooding, of the river. Khnum is a very patient and hard working deity who doesn’t mind a tough assignment- so long as it’s something he deals with, of course. He is a good deity to ask if you have been trying to conceive a child and have been unable to do so. Khnum is also good to ask if you have a large stretch of land that needs good irrigation constantly. He is a deity that almost everyone feels comfortable around, and his presence is both seen and felt. Khnum appears as a man with the head of a curly horned ram. An offering to Khnum would be clay (play doe will suffice if you get nothing else, even hardened mud is acceptable).


Ma’at is the Goddess of truth, justice, and the law in general. Her power is that of balance. Ma’at is a nice Goddess, but very strict. Her aid can be asked if you need to win a court case. Do not call upon her unless you are in the truly in the right though. Ma’at is balance and will see that everyone, including you, will get what’s coming to him or her. It is a fact that in ancient Egypt, the vizier over the law courts was known as the Priest of Ma’at. It was his duty to make sure all was balanced and right here on earth. Pharaohs often made offerings to Ma’at, as well as some of the other gods, to show they were preserving peace and harmony over the land they ruled. Ma’at was also the feather used in the weighing of the heart ceremony. We will cover that story later. Offerings to Ma’at include feathers, and nuts. If you give anything else, it’s a good idea to give two of the same item, preferably the same size, weight, color, etc. This isn’t necessary, mind, but it helps.


Nepthys was considered a protective Goddess of the dead. However, it would be more correct to say she is the protective Goddess of the grieving living. It is her role to give comfort to the spirit and emotions of those who have lost loved ones. Her picture was often painted on funerary scenes, usually standing next to Isis. Nepthys is an extremely comforting force of energy that fills you with a feeling of calm and understanding. Fear is replaced with logic, and grief replaced with love. Call on this wonderful goddess anytime you lose someone or something you love. Her presence is shadowy, but strongly felt. She appears as a woman wearing a headdress that has her name written on it in hieroglyphics. Lavender is a good gift to Nepthys. Nepthys is the biological mother of Anubis.


Nun was not originally considered a God; instead he was called the waters of chaos, which was believed to be the only thing that existed before land or even the gods. Nun is found in connection with the chaos that exists at the outskirts of the Universe. Nun is very different to talk to. Literally, his attitude is different every minute, and his moods never repeat themselves in the same sitting. I would suggest asking him to make the waters calm if you ever need to travel by boat across either sea or ocean. It was believed the first land rose out of Nun in the form of a hill, or mound. Nun is not seen in circles very often. If you are lucky enough to ever see him, he appears as a man carrying a bark (a bark is an ancient Egyptian canoe). Even if you never have a need to ask anything of him, I would recommend talking to him on occasion. Nun loves to talk, and will adore you for the attention you give him. The perfect gift to Nun is kelp or any other water plant.


Nut is the sky Goddess. Her body is what makes the sky. Nut is the best Goddess to ask if star magick is what you after. Personally, I would suggest Nut over all the others for anything dealing with astronomy. Nut is friendly, but her presence can be overwhelming sometimes. Not that her attitude or anything like that is the problem, it is just her power is so vast and, well, so big, that in her presence you can feel as though to touch a star all you have to do is stick you hand above you hand. She has a very cooling presence. She will make you body temperature lower, but not to an unpleasant level. It just feels like your sitting outside on a cool summer night under the stars. Normally, you will never see her in a circle if it is held indoors. She is simply too large to see in cramped conditions. However, you will feel her enough to more than make up for the lack of a visual aid. If you see her, you will see her as a woman whose body arches across the sky, her dress midnight blue and decorated with the stars themselves. Another thing you can do with Nut that you can’t do quite as well with the others is wish. Any form of wish magick is best directed to Nut. As long as your wish is nothing extremely extravagant (winning a million, ruling the world, etc), she is usually very kind and will grant them anywhere from a few hours to a few months time. The ideal gift to give to Nepthys would be a small silver pentacle. If you cannot afford this, just cut out a five or seven-sided start from white paper. It works just as well. Nut is the wife of Geb, and the mother of Isis, Osiris, Nepthys, and Seth.


Osiris is the God of the dead, but is much more famous for being the God of fertility and inundation. It was Osiris who gave the gift of barley to the ancient Egyptians, which to this day is one of their most important crops. Osiris is probably the most fatherly figure type of deity among the Egyptian gods. He considers everyone to be his child, and is willing to help those who ask of it like a father who is eager to spend time with his child. He is patient, kind, watchful, protective, and devoted to helping.Osiris was very popular among the ancient Egyptians, and anyone who has talked to Osiris is in any doubt why. Ask Osiris for help with anything. He is the counterpart of Isis, and is every bit as helpful, just with different things. Osiris is especially good to ask if you need to grow anything, be it crops or a baby. Osiris will make things grow where the best Gardner or doctor in the world could not. Even if you do not need anything of Osiris, talk to him nonetheless. Osiris loves attention and rewards those who take the time to pay attention to him (as do all the gods, but Osiris is especially watchful). Osiris is the husband of Isis, and father of Horus. He is brother to Seth and Nepthys. An excellent gift to Osiris is barley (make sure to cook it before putting it outside- uncooked barely and rice can be lethal to birds).


Ptah is the craftsman of the Gods. It is his business to make sure al mortal dwelling places are safe and secure against anything that could harm them. Ask Ptah to make sure your home is safe. He can help to guard your home against fire, flood, and any architectural flaws that can occur. He can also help to keep your roof from leaking. It’s true. Also, you can ask Ptah if you need to find a place to live. Ptah is very good about finding a nice place to live that will be affordable to you. Ptah is aware we are not all made of money (as much as we wish we were). He is kind, but has that particular are of a handy man or repairperson about him. He is very knowledgeable about what he does, so it’s a good idea to trust him. You should still take mundane precautions though, just to be safe. Make sure your smoke detectors are working; the foundation is okay, etc. Don’t worry about insulting Ptah by doing this, he will not mind, and would probably be annoyed if you didn’t try to safeguard yourself.


Ra is the sun God. He rules all that thrive under the sun. Not popular? Ra can increase your popularity among peers, coworkers, and even those in the political arena if that’s your thing. Please Ra and almost everyone will start to be your friend. Ra is very imperialistic in attitude, but he is gracious and just in all his dealings. A perfect offering to Ra would be a coin of the realm. Any amount will do (a penny from the U.S, a shilling from the U.K., etc.). Ra loves anything that shows economy. Ra is very helpful towards merchants. Today, that would be the small businessperson or a home business. He is also good about small Internet businesses, but as this is Anubis’s territory, it would be good to ask Anubis as well Ra, rather than just Ra. Although imperialistic, Ra will listen with great attentiveness to all pleas that hit his ears. He is prompt and takes action immediately. One thing about Ra is that although he will help you without question, you must do everything possible to help yourself as well (so long as it’s positive). Ra looks almost identical to Horus, and it’s easier to tell them apart by their attitudes than they’re visages. Ra appears as a man with the head of a hawk wearing a sun disk headdress. Ra is the father of Bast and Ma’at.


Ra-Horakhty is the combined form of Ra and Horus. When these two are together they become the god of the rising sun. Ra-Horakhty rules over new life, new beginnings, birth, and transition. Ask Ra-Horakhty for anything you would normally ask of Ra or Horus. On top of that, you can ask Ra-Horakhty for help in starting a new business, a new relationship, making new friends, and anything else that is new or up and coming. Ra-Horakhty has the attitudes of both Ra and Horus, and makes you feel as though you are addressing either a general or the president. Either way, his attitude can be slightly intimidating at times, but don’t worry about it. Ra-HorakhtyIs like both Ra and Horus, and is therefore doubly kind and attentive to your needs. You have nothing to fear when you are in the presence of this awe-inspiring deity. A good offering to Ra-Horakhty is a wheat penny, which you can get at almost any bank.


Sekhmet is the Goddess of war. It is best not to ask anything of Sekhmet unless you really and truly have need of her, as her only role is to protect the King in battle, and to win wars and end very severe family arguments. However, I do suggest talking to her, as she is extremely interesting. She is not like the Roman or Greek gods that deal with wars. She is not power hungry, blood thirsty, or jealous and vengeful when other Gods get more attention than her. Sekhmet is in truth a form of Bastet, although as Sekhmet has a far more Xena warrior princess attitude than the other Goddesses. She is very helpful, quick to take action and will fight for you if she deems it necessary. If you do ever need to ask Sekhmet of anything, make sure you add the old Wiccan adage of ‘harm none’ to the mix, just to make it clear you don’t want a fight but a resolution to a problem. There may come times when having Sekhmet charge into battle is necessary, but until then it’s best not to get bad karma thrown your way for encouraging a fight. A gift to Sekhmet would be a sharp piece of metal. Small knives with folding blades are wonderful (if you choose to offer a knife, make sure it’s one with a foldable blade that locks shut). Make sure you bury this where no one will find it or get hurt by it. If you don’t want to offer a weapon, a gift of patchouli oil works just as well (and I encourage this to those who have small children or animals).


Seshat is the Goddess of writing, measurement, and education in general. Need to pass that math exam, ask Seshat to help you with your studying (yep, you still have to study). She will help make all those numbers and letters fit into organized places in your mind rather than sit in a jumbled heap that you can’t sort out. Seshat is a nice Goddess, and her attitude is one that reminds you of a favorite female schoolteacher (with glasses and hair in a bun, even). A perfect gift to Seshat is an apple. After all, all teachers love getting apples from students. Seshat is both seen and felt. She appears as a woman wearing a panther skin dress and star headdress (although I see her with glasses and hair in a bun as well).


Seth is the God of chaos and battle. Seth was considered evil for a deity and was compared by the Greeks as being their demon-God, Typhon. However, that was the past. Today it is acceptable to talk and deal with Seth magickally. It is a good idea to get on Seth’s good side even if you don’t plan on asking him for anything. Your battles are his battles and your problems him when you become a friend of Seth’s. Seth is extremely easy to please. All he wants is attention and adoration. Giving any small token of esteem to Seth will make him love you. The only warnings are to never offer meat (including fish) to him or any other deity. It’s a bad idea. Also, NEVER EVER FORGET TO TALK TO HIM! Seth will be highly upset if you hit him with a sudden lack of attention. If you are too sick or the like to do it though, he’ll make an exception. Seth is seen and felt, and can sometimes make one dizzy. Not that he’s trying to, but he is so off the walls that you can get dizzy trying to follow him. It’s best to sit when talking to him, and complimenting him will make him an even better listener than usual. You don’t really need to ask anything of Seth. If you get hurt by someone and you tell Seth about it, he’ll do something about it before you had the chance to ask, or object. Seth acts on his own accord, but by being a good follower to him, he will take excellent care of you. Seth appears as a man with the head of an aardvark. Seth is the husband of Nepthys, brother of Isis and Osiris, and Uncle to Horus. Seth had a major battle with Osiris and Horus, but we’ll cover that later.


Shu is the God of the air. Shu is the ruler of the East, and is very helpful in speeding along anything you need done in a hurry. Shu will get your creative juices flowing, and is very helpful towards writers, artists, and interior decorators. Ask Shu to remove any obstacles in your creative path. Shu is very hyper and quick. He is sometimes like a ten-year-old full of sugar; he’s full of so much energy. When asking Shu for things, it’s best to keep your talks with him short and to the point, as Shu, though kind and nice, does have a rather short attention span. He is not forgetful though, and will remember all that you ask of him (as long as he’s paying attention, of course). A good gift to Shu is anything related to the element of air. Feathers, leaves, and incense are all good. Shu has a sweet tooth, so he’s very fond of those who give him sweets. Cotton candy is a favorite of his, though he also loves anything chocolaty. Shu is felt much more than seen, but he is seen somewhat of the time. In hieroglyphics, he is shown as a man wearing a headdress of feathers, holding up the figure of Nut, separating the sky from the earth. In a circle, he is seen as a lion.


Sobek is the God of the Nile. In fact, he is god of all rivers and water sources. In ancient Egypt, temples were built to Sobek, in which were kept his favored animals, crocodiles. As it was Sobek’s job to protect the pharaoh on water trips, as well as protect the Nile River, this is not surprising. As the Nile is the only river in Egypt, Sobek was then and still is highly important there. Another service Sobek provides to those who ask nicely is the ability to get along well with all reptiles and amphibians (though I still wouldn’t stick my head in a crocodile’s mouth or anything else of the like). Sobek is an interesting one. Talk to him and you will feel as though you are talking to a crocodile. This shouldn’t make you feel nervous though, as Sobek is not a violent deity. In fact, he is very calm and might even seem lazy at times. He will listen to your needs though, and do what he can. Sobek goes at his own pace, so sometimes is a good idea to ask Anubis or Shu to help speed things up a tad. Sobek will always aid those who ask if the need is genuine. If it’s not something you really need, he might help if he feels like it, but no guarantees. A good offering to Sobek is the shed skin of a reptile (not the skin of a snake or other reptile that was killed. Sobek will NOT like that). Sobek is one of the stronger deities as far as being seen goes. He appears as a man with the head of a crocodile on occasion, but is usually seen as a crocodile wearing a feather headdress.


Tawaret is like Bes in the way that she never had any temples built to her, even though the service she provides saved many ancient Egyptian women their lives. Tawaret is the Goddess who protects women during pregnancy and childbirth. She is also the protector of newborn infants. If you find yourself pregnant, don’t waste any time asking Tawaret to protect both you and the child you carry. Tawaret has the power to protect against birth defects (though you should make sure your doing everything possible to protect the unborn child in the mundane world, too). Tawaret can help make childbirth quick and easy, as well as saving you a lot of pain. Tawaret is a sensitive and caring Goddess, but she has a tough side to her that she uses to protect those who need it. Tawaret is odd looking, even by Egyptian deity standards. She has the head of a hippopotamus, the back and tail of a crocodile, the arms and legs of a lion, and the breasts and stomach of a pregnant woman. Why those animals? It signifies all those creatures that are so very protective of their babies. The best gift I have found to Tawaret is milk.


Tefnut is the Goddess of Moisture and Rain. As the gentle rain Goddess, Tefnut will ease the hot summer days and help to end mild droughts. Ask the aid of this extremely kind and soft-spoken Goddess for a light rain to bless you whenever you feel the need. Good gifts to Tefnut include fern leaves, lava rocks, and natural spring water blessed in her name. Tefnut appears as a woman with the head of a lioness wearing a headdress.


Thoth is the God of writing and knowledge. If there ever was a professor deity, this is he. Thoth can help you on any path of academic studies, particularly if your chosen field is either writing or philosophy. Ask Thoth to aid you in studying, end of semester tests, fieldwork, and research. Thoth can also make it easier to understand abstract theories. The ancient Egyptians believed that it was Thoth who gave them the gift of hieroglyphics. Gifts to Thoth include feather quills and brown paper. One of the best ways to honor Thoth is to give him the gift of a paper or school report that you got a good grade on. Thoth is both seen and felt. His attitude is like that of a professor, but a professor that you like and likes you in return. He appears as a man with the head of an ibis holding a writing palette and reed quill pen. Although I’ve never seen this form, it is said he also appears as a baboon.