Cass Corner

Welcome to Cass Corner, my column. Usually I shall ramble and rant about what takes my fancy, or world issues, or something that happened to me and discuss it with you fine folk, the readers.

But for now, you don’t know me, so this column - my first column on this site- will be geared towards an introduction. Readers, meet Cass. She’s a twelve year old Canadian girl who describe herself as a ‘free spirit’. No, I am not a hippy. I’ve just always been creative and reluctant to join the crowd thoughtlessly. Some people may believe that my being a Catholic brands me as a ‘sheep’, but I disagree. Religion has just been something that comes naturally to me. True, I’m not the most devout person you can find. But hey, I try.

I have only a few friends in real life - only a few people can live with my erratic behavior. But the friends I do have, I trust completely. But other than that, I don’t go telling my secrets around often. Call it common sense, if you will.

That’s one of the things that irriate me. The second you tell somebody a secret, they go and blab it to everyone. Is it that hard not to tell anyone? Yeah, I have a really long list of things that irritate me. Idiots, lemon in your ice water, tomato on your burger. Then again, it really depends on what mood you catch me in. Half the time, I’ll probably just laugh if somebody is an idiot. The other half of the time, I’ll have the sudden urge to sever their spinal cord. But that’s just me.

It may seem like I have a short temper, and I do, but it would take extreme measures to get me to hurt another human being. I’m a big wimp. I do know alot of really good violent threats though.

I really love the internet, I do. Partially because when I first meet people, I’m really quiet and shy. Only then can I be excited around them, when I really know them. The internet totally removes this step. I can be myself right off from the bat. Also, if somebody irritates me, I can just press ‘WARN’ or ‘BLOCK’ on AIM. Bada boom bada bing, I never have to see them again!

So, that’s a look inside my head, a little journey through my mindframe, an expedition through the rapids of my logic. If you would like to speak further to me, or you have feedback, feel free to e-mail me at . I also have MSN at and AIM in CookyCass.

If you’ve read this far, then I congratulate you. Au revoir.