Cass Corner #2

Hello, and welcome to Cass Corner. Don’t piss in the pool, just chillax and listen to me. Wakka wakka. This column will be about a major part in all of our lives- ENTERTAINMENT. Yes, that’s right, I will be discussing everything from the big screen, to celebreties I hate, to boredom. So bear with me and plunge on in.

Humans, theoritically invented wide-scale boredom. With boredom came video games, computers, and TVs. Ironic, isn’t it? With what was supposed to CURE boredom, CAUSED boredom. But I digress, you’re not here for a lecture. I am so willing to endure boredom for a few hours a week to get the technology of today. Mario! Sonic! Zelda! Starcraft! Resident Evil! Aw yeah.

Video games are, without a shadow of a doubt, hands down one of the best things in our world today. There’s adventure, horror, evil lurking around every corner! At the moment, I have a Gamecube, an N64, a Nintendo Entertainment System (the original) and a GBA. I think that Nintendo wins best console out there, hands down. You’ve got Mario - one of the funnest, most charming game series you can buy. You got Sonic the Hedgehog - Awesome and brilliant. You’ve got Zelda- instant classic. You’ve got Resident Evil so that you can crap your pants.You’ve got it all.

X-Box... what the hell is that? It’s large enough to use as a family car!! You lose? No problem, beat the winner to death with one of the controllers! I can name off very, VERY few games that are classics off X-Box.

PS2 is middle ground to me. I appreciate it, but I still think it has little to no chance against the greatness of the Nintendo Gamecube. I will admit it has alot going for it, but GameCube remains #1 in my mind. As always, you are welcome to share your thoughts if you disagree with the contact information at the end.

Then... there is the Almighty Computer. I spend so much time on this lurvely thing it’s ungodly. There’s any number of things you can do. Aw yeah, I love my computer. I own all Macs, and while I do love them, it’s irritating not to get PC files and having to wait for Mac Games to come out. Bah. But, I go to two message boards on a regular basis - RajahWWF ( and ReHorror ( Great times are had by all debating and discussing and the like.

Now, I’ve discussed the positives... it’s time for the negatives of enterainment.

Annoying Negative #1: Going to the movie theatre and there’s loud mouths there, children who cannot comprehend the film and have to ask ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ at the top of their lungs what’s going on every ten seconds, teenage idiots who refuse to stop talking or turn off their cellphones, wise cracking idiots who aren’t funny and think the whole theatre needs to hear them say “Hey, I didn’t know this was Shrek Two!” during the Hulk. Drives me to homicidal rage, folks.

Annoying Negative #2: People who nitpick. Now, I don’t mind if there’s a gaping plothole and then somebody points it out after the movie, or asks a question, or makes a little comment (Hey, wasn’t Iceman an adult in the comics?) I’m talking about people who sit down, and analyze the most unimportant details. This is ESPECIALLY true in comic book fans. Yes, it would be irritating for your childhood hero’s appearance on the big screen to be a disaster (i.e. Hulk). But nitpicking the tiniest things out of movies... drives me insane, friends.

Annoying Negative #3: People who go pyscho if a video game/comic book movie isn’t fashioned EXACTLY after aforementioned video game/comic book. Self explanitory.

Annoying Negative #4: Really dumb video games for high prices. Yeah, self explanitory.

Annoying Negative #5: People who love to spread false rumours/easter eggs.

Annoying Negative #6: People who get high scores in stuff and then brag and brag until you would do near anything to shut them up.

Obviously, I didn’t do near enough Annoying Negatives, nor include enough on Entertainment. So, dear viewers, I encourage you to send comments on what you think I should of added, what you think I was wrong on, and Annoying Negatives that drive YOU insane. Contact me at:



AIM: CookyCass

And a big shout out to Julian and David. You know who you are. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.
