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      DONKEY KONG COUNTRY - FULL REVIEW - GBA                                       

It's Back People! The great hit Donkey Kong Country for SNES is Back for Gameboy Advance! I was very excited to see that the big man was back. I mean where else are you going to see leaping rhino's and apes getting shot out of barrels.
Not much change since SNES except that the game cartridge is smaller and can fit in your palm, but great nonetheless.

 Donkey Kong Country now has some great special features for the GBA version of the game.  They added a few mini games to the act such as Funky's Fishing where you catch as many fish as you can in the time limit and Candy's Dance Studio that will test your rhythm with fun dance games. Either the main adventure or these new mini-games can be played with one or two players!

Other additions include collectable character art, a stat tracker and the ability to save your game anywhere, even mid-level!
So as you see Nintendo hasn't been slacking off and the D-Man is back! You have to get this game even if you haven't played it for SNES.

* * * * * 4 out of 5 stars

Verdict: It's Donkey Kong in the palm of your hand for under $40, what the hell is holding you back. That's right....start up the car.....good boy....