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Well they finally killed it. Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker is a total upset for the Gamecube. Graphics, plot, and battling, all of it...complete bite off from the great N64 game Ocarina of Time and it still wasn't up to par.
One of the weakest things in the game is the sailing. You have to do a lot of it. and it takes way to long. Just to get from one side of the map to another it would take several minutes! It's just pathetic.
Also considering some of the great graphics I have seen in the past from Gamecube? These are just sad. I was really expecting more from such a great title as Zelda.
. Zelda went all the way back to the first Nintendo system, and now it's over. It's a sad day for Nintendo.

Rating: * * * * *  2 1/2 out of 5 stars

Verdict: Your fame is over Link, this one just killed, unless your a die hard Zelda fan, I don't even feel it's worth renting.