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One of the best parts of The Hulk is that it's not an actual copy of the movie but rather a sequel to the film. Instead of copying the events of a picture that's not due in theaters for another couple of weeks, Hulk tells a new tale altogether. Drawing on his comic book roots, the Hulk's enemies this time around consist of the genius known as The Leader while bringing in several more foes for him to battle with (Madman, Flux, Ravage, and Half-life to be specific). This way we get to be excited when we actually see the movie instead of knowing what happens already. (Smart Idea)
A great add-on to this is that you don't just play as the Hulk. You get to play as the Hulk and Bruce Banner. Just like in Spiderman. Instead of having to transform from Banner to Hulk there are certain missions for each one which I think is kind of cheap. But what can I say if you like running around and smashing things get the game, because that is pretty much what you do (well besides the stealth missions with Banner). So have fun and get the game. The graphics are pretty good, and once again you get to smash stuff. So go rent it, and SMASH!

Rating: * * * * * 3 out of 5 stars

Verdict: A mix between Rampage and Spiderman, very much like Spiderman actually. It's a good one to rent or buy pre-played.

~ The Game Junkie