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What are Demons?

Demons are Bibicaly based, the Bible speaks of demons many many times.
Some people think Demons are Fallen Angels, why others believe them to be Bad people who have died.
The bible really does not explain where demons come from, but I tend to agree with the people who believe they are a fallen angel or like there of.
Demons are dangerous and no one should mess with them unless they know what they are doing.
There not like what you see in the movies, they do not operate that way.
Demons can possess anyone young old, however they can not possess anyone who does not invite them in.
If you have God in your life they can not possess you, but they can bother you.
Demons should never never be called upon or messed with at all.

What do Demons look Like?

They as well as ghost can look pretty much any way they want to, however I believe they are the more darker looking forces out there like the Shadow People.
They can take many forms and the can Deceive people very well by looking like a loved one or by looking Godly.
This is where testing the spirits comes into play, you always test the spirits to make sure that they say they are who they are.
We will stop here for now and pick this back up when we here from you about you stories etc.