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What are Ghosts?

As far as anyone can tell Ghosts are a Life form that Once Lived, but now has since passed.
There has been studies where most people believe that ghosts are people who have died young or with out finishing what it is they wanted to do in life.
Ghosts come all shapes and sizes, most people think of a bed sheet looking ghost when they think of ghosts, but they can be what are called orbs, ecto, or any shape they choose.
Through the years I have had people ask me are ghosts and Demons the same, and my answer to this is no, however at times ghost people see can be demonic in nature.
Ghosts in most cases will not harm people or really try to scare them, but demonic spirits on the other hand will attack people and scare people.

I will be posting more here as the site grows when we start to get letters andinformation from people like you.