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Things to Think About

Well this is a new page which I hope to update weekly. I might put in anything from quotes to things that are just stuck in my head.

4/22/03 NHTSA research has determined that a person who drives impaired will drive impaired 80 times a year. Police apprehend only one in 2,000 impaired drivers. Won't you just feel safer while driving now?

5/10/03 'Penguins can't fly .'~The Critic~

5/14/03 'life sucks no matter what, so don't be fooled by location changes.' ~Daria~


Why is it that stupid people are always the loudest?

It wouldn't be that bad if they could process the request to be quiet instead of forgetting about it two minutes later...


"Home was a condo on the fifteenth floor of a filing cabinet for widows and young professionals. The walls were solid concrete. A foot of concrete is important when your next- door neighbor lets her hearing aid go and has to watch game shows at full volume Or when a volcanic blast of debris that used to be your furniture and personal effects blows out your floor- to-ceiling windows and sails flaming into the night." ~Fight Club~

It's one of those days... The kind where someone could be mowed down by a car a foot away and you'd feel completley indifferent. After all they shouldn't have been in the street..


Advertisements, you see them everywhere. Entire buses painted like a god damn cell phone and interupting yout television viewing every 5 minutes.. They aren't that bad, you can change the channel or just tell people that you ride around in a giant cell phone. But what the hell is whith subjecting movie audiences to them. People don't pay 8 bucks (or more) to go watch a commercial. Previews are fine, but subjecting someone to sit through a powerade ad that suggests its audience is a bunch of moron with no ability to think for themselves? (wait there are people like that... after all most movies are made for 13 year old boys) So with this in mind and boredom of having to sit and watch such things, I've made a list. Things you can do while being subjected to mindless movie ads: Jab the person next to you, talk noisily (who would want to shut you up to listen to a commercial?) Slit your wrist with your popcorn bag or straw and watch as your blood oozes down the aisles and into the front row, Leave because you just know you have a good ten minutes of that crap, pretend to have a seizure and flop your way into the aisle, stuff your face with more artery clogging movie theater popcorn goodness. If you have any other ideas send them to me through my guest book. It should be on my home page. If you can't figure out how to get there I don't think I'd want to hear your ideas...


'Three more inches with the copper wires'


It's 5:13. Do you know where your children are?

I wonder if anyone else remembers these commercials...


Yes, it's been a while. I have not been around to add more quotes. Rest asure though, I am not dead or missing in a park somewhere. I am going to be missing for another five weeks or so, depending on how much work I have to do...


The Spread of Bad Ideas...
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The Land of Fuzz