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We are about to depart upon a quest. It will take us up and down the River through places unheard of in the world of reality. You will play an integral part in this quest, so you will need to follow some rules.
1. To describe a scene or action, place same within asterisks. *He jumps up and shouts.*
2. To say something, put your character's name and a colon before what you say. MS: Yes?
3. If you wish to say something outside of the story line, put same within parenthesis.((Hi. I'm really not a human being. I am a Martian.))

If you come upon something that is written, or someone who speaks in another language other than English on the River, you can use this to translate.(Note: E=English F=French G=German)


    This Riverworld Chronology page was compiled by a Hungarian reader.     For those of you that have read the series, this is a good review. For those who haven't, this could very well spoil them for you. Riverworld Chronology

There are no mammals, reptiles, birds, or insects on the River, but there are several species of worms that come out at night and dispose of waste products and dead bodies, as well as 100 different types of fish.
    The largest of aquatic life is the Dragonfish, which is as large as an Earthly whale. Their skin is tough enough to protect them from pressure differences. This enables them to move rapidly from the River bottom to the surface. They eat Hornfish and Croakers, and usually they will not attack boats nor swimmers unless provoked. As their skin makes the toughest of leather, and the bones around their mouths make the best of compound bows, they are hunted.
are six-feet long River predators that live about 100 feet below the surface. They eat small fish and plants, and will not attack humans. Their vertebrae come in various colors, and can be made into jewelry, and the six-inch horn on their forehead can be used as good spear tips and knives. Their flesh is tasty, and their stomach lining makes a good grade of vellum for writing paper.
    Croakers are about the size of a small dog. They are slow moving lungfish. As they are scavengers that eat anything that doesn't resist them, they are the River's sanitation system. They will not attack humans, and if provoked they move away. They have very large eyes, and they croak as they come up near the bank at night to scavenge for food.
    The vegetation on Riverworld is very hardy, and fast-growing.
    Bamboo shoots grow to 50-foot plants in ten days. Ordinary trees regrow in six months if cut, and Irontrees with their elephant-ear leaves and red vines bearing bright flowers, reach heights of 1,000 feet. The wood cannot be cut except with steel, and will not burn, but the flowers can be made into alcohol.
    The quartzite minerals like flint and chert can be found only in small amounts, and metals are extremely rare. The volcanic rock basalt can be found at the foot of the mountains, and used as a cutting tool
    Grails are hollow, cylindrical objects made of a special material that is light,(about a pound) but almost indistructable. They are about a foot and a half in diameter and two and a half feet in length.     Each has a hinged lid, with a thin band that is connected to a six inch long strap made of a transparent material. Six containers fit snugly inside. Grails fit into the 700 indentations that are in Grailstones. [Note] The Grail as pictured in the television movie looked like this:grail
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