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"One time before swim practice started, the guy I liked was telling me this really funny story. I guess I was laughing so hard that snot was coming out of my nose, but I didn't realize it. When I went to itch my nose, the snot got all over my hand. The guy just looked at me and said, 'That is so disgusting!' Then he walked away. Mortifying!"
"My friends and I were all hanging out at a park by my house, and I was trying to get the attention of this guy. So I yelled over to him, 'Hey! Guy in the blue shirt!' Well, 'he' turned around and was actually a she! I felt so bad!"

"I always like to leave funny things for my 'away message' when I'm on AOL Instant Messanger in my dorm. Well, I forgot that recently my parents got a brand new computer and had made me teach them how to use IM. So I put up this away message-'taking a lonely shower...anyone wanna join?'- and went to class. Later, I got a call from my dad, who was very upset. Turns out that he had signed on, tried to IM me, and got my message. He actually thought he'd intercepted a message meant for someone else! I'm still not sure he believes it was a joke. Whoops!"
"This one day, I went to the pool, and after I took a dip, I noticed that everyone seemed to be staring at me. At first, I thought I was just being paranoid, but then, after I saw that people were starting to look seriously uncomfortable around me, I thought, Man, do I have a booger or something? I rushed to the bathroom, and as soon as I stepped in, I saw in the mirror exactly why they were staring at me: I didn't know this when I bought my bathing suit, but when it gets wet, you can see all my pubic hair! I had been walking around like that for quite a while-no wonder!"