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Wolf3d Vault

In Game Enemies
In Game Items
Source Code
Wolf3d Vault Forum

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Welcome to Wolf3d Vault!  I am glad that you visited the wolf3d Vault.  I am in the making this site one of the best sites on the internet.  It is nowhere close to Wolf3d Dome, but in the future I would like it to be up there.  I would just like to say again, Thank You for visiting and please tell others.

Site News

October 4, 2004

  • A New forum has been added!  Check it out on nav bar!

April 1, 2004

  • The vault has closed until further notice! The Vault will inform you as when it will be open again. Check back later to find out when it will be open again!

March 1, 2004

  • New section added!  It is the Music Section.  Check it out and submit your music from your add-on!

February 23, 2004

  • Utilities have been updated.  Also please check out the Add-on page of the site to submit your add-ons.

February 17, 2004

  • Check out the Add-on page of the site to submit your add-ons.

February 05, 2004

  • Awards and Codes added.

January 28, 2004

  • Site still being built.  Still Looking for any Hints you have or add-ons!


This site does not deal with or support Nazism, Neo-Nazism, or any other racial discrimination group.  Wolfenstein 3D are © 1992 iD Software, INC.  All other noted products are property of their respective owners.  Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers.