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Adopt A Teenybopper
Is your site missing that certain flare? Is it too bland? Flat? Lacking in the pazazz department? Well, look no further and adopt yourself a teenybopper today. We've got tall ones, short ones, big ones, small ones, old ones, young ones- you name it we got it! The choices are endless! (*Actual number of teenyboppers on site is 4*) The Teenybopper Warehouse is the world's best supplier of annoying skanks. These teenyboppers are in desperate need of a home and are ready to be put on your site. All you have do to adopt one of these loving psychos is pick the one you like best, then cut and paste their info on your site and Wa La! you've got your very own teenybopper.

|The Screamer Teenybopper|

Do you like your teenyboppers loud? Loud, as in, able to break glass with one scream loud? Make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up loud? If so, then The Screamer teeny is the one for you. Screaming bloody murder is what this girl does best. Countless numbers of celebrities have gone deaf because of this teeny and her high pitch screaming. Our Screamer once made Mariah Carey say, "Damn." Wanna know more? Just click on her picture.

|Bitch is Nekid Teenybopper|

Have you ever been at the mall, a concert, perhaps the movies, just minding your own business when all of a sudden you're blinded by this half nekid skank? Uh huh, that's our Bitch is Nekid Teenybopper and she's ready to be put on your site. Now, I know what you're thinking, "why would I want some nekid hoochie scaring away my visitors?!?" Hmmm. I dunno, maybe you're into people who like to wear napkins and loin cloths in the dead of winter. Maybe Jane- Queen of the Butt Nekid Jungle reminds you of your sister. If she does, and you'd like to know more, then click on her picture.

|The Giggler Teenybopper|

The Giggler is perhaps our most annoying, but tragic, teenybopper. Kicked out of her home because her incessant laughing drove her family up the wall, she is a real trooper who won't let other's negativity bring her down. Should this poor teeny be punished just because she's happy? Help stop this terrible injustice and click on her picture to adopt her.

|Sideshow Sob Teenybopper|

Awww, what's wrong with this teenybopper? Don't worry, it's just our Sideshow Sob teeny. Have you ever been at a concert and some moron was bawling her eyes out? Well, that's our Sideshow Sob! Sensitive, yet completely insane, this teenybopper cries over everything. Also known as the "Ohmigod, he touched me" teenybopper, this one of a kind girl is guaranteed to annoy the hell out of all your visitors. Click her picture to learn more!
