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Love Calling Earth


Not many people like this song. Yeah, apparently they feel as though it's weak, or some cockamamy hooey like that. Of course, these are the same people who praise crap like Nsync and, my new personal favorite girl group, Dream. Hunny, with that face it's more like Nightmare, but I'm sidetracking. I happen to like Love Calling Earth. I'm not exactly sure why, and yes those ball breaking high notes make my arm hair stand on end, but there's just something about the song that I like....maybe it's the Star Wars sound effects in the background. Hmmm.
Oh! I just thought of why I like this song so much! But, I'm not tell you. Why? Because you called it weak and hurt my feeling. Ok, if you really wanna know, you're gonna have to first say you're sorry. No, you have to say it like this, "I'mmmmmmm, soooooo sorrrrrrrry." Alright, now you have to say, "Pleassssse." Hmmm, nope, that's just not cutting it. I'm not convinced you really mean it. Try again, only this time with a little conviction and maybe an octave higher. Hey! What do you mean screw you?!? Why you ungrateful little... Just for that, you're never going to know why this is the best song in the whole wide world and could just put an end to war, famine, and disease! Yeah, that's right. You really put your foot in your mouth this time...