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Let Me Entertain You


Apparently this is the long version of the song. I guess that's opposed to the short one? The difference? Ummm, this one's longer...?
When I first heard this song I really liked it because it was up beat and really different from all the boring shit I was usually forced to listening to- (My friends have zero musical taste). I liked this song so much that I would play it whenever I was driving. One day my ex best friend was in my car with me and so I put on my song, like I normally would. She turned to me and said, "What the hell is this shit? Jesus Christ Superstar?" *Gasps* I should have known right then and there that she was a bitch. Her idea of music? Hah, the Backstreet Boys. Knowing this I didn't let her rude comment affect the way I felt about "Let Me Entertain You." I took her with me when I went to see Robbie in concert and, of course, she loved it just as I knew she would.
Now who's the Jesus Christ Superstar? That's right bitch.