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My, Aren't We Pretty?
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I Put the Ass in Assistant

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Falling In Bed Again


I gave this song a cheers because not only did it have dirty parts, which you know I always like, but it also had a moral. What more could you ask for in a song? Yes, yes, naked men are always good, but I think we should leave that for the video. When I first heard this song I was like, "Great..." and I quickly hit the skip button. I mean to tell you the truth I could have cared less about curry stains, sweat stains, or other presidential stains. Eventually, though, my Cd player came back to track 2 and I couldn't find the remote to change it, so I was forced to listen to the whole song this time.
Man, was this skank Carol a big slut! So she has clean teeth, big whoop. I have clean teeth too, and look, no cabbage. So, Rob, you like girls who fall into bed, do ya? I fell off the top of a bunk-bed once, does that count? No? Oh well. At least we all learned the very important elevator oral, oops, I mean moral to the story; Going down while you're going up makes you a slut...just ask cabbage teeth.