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Now For a Little Skit
The Brilliance of Bob-o
Letters From An American Fan

Garianne The Teenybopper
One Man Cover Band
Number One w/the Mullet
Lifestyles of the Narcissistic
OutHouse Magazine
Bob-o Model/Actor
Shrine of Love
Pink Fashion Show
Bob-o the Psychic Swami
Breakfast of Champions

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Sometimes, He Scares Me
Better Off

Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Teddy Bears Are Evil
My, Aren't We Pretty?
Pleasing Bob-o
Let's Play a Game
Bored? I've Got Your Answer!
I Put the Ass in Assistant

It's Story Time
The Robfather
Trailer TRASH Talk
Christmas w/Martha Stewart
Deep Arse Travel
Crotching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Beginning Of The End
My Ego Trip
Link Me

If It's Hurting You

«Not Bad«

Robbie: *Sitting down in a pile of green leaves* Ahhh, just a man, his guitar, and nature. Gee, those crickets sound nice. Yup, it doesn't get much better than this. *Smacks mosquito* Except for those fuckin mosquitos. Damnit, now I have to hike back to the tent to get the calamine lotion. Alrighty, where the hell did I put that flash light? *Searches the ground for flashlight* Oh, here it is in a nice big pile of...poison oak? *Turns on flashlight* Fucking hell, I'm sitting in a nice big pile of poison oak! Oh just bloody wonderful! That's it, I'm out of here.

Robbie starts to walk towards camp but he trips on a tree stump and falls on his face.

Robbie: For the love of Mary, where did that tree stump come from?!? Ouch! I think I might have broken my toe.

Just then there's a rustling of trees.

Robbie: Holy shite, what's that?!? Oh no, what if it's a bear?

The rustling gets louder.

Robbie: Oh sod off you bloody wanker!

Robbie throws his flashlight at the noise.

Robbie: Crap! Now I can't see!

The thing that was rustling in the tree starts to run towards Robbie but he manages to hit it with his guitar before the thing can eat him alive.

Robbie: Take that you fucker! And that's for making me throw my only flashlight!

The thing moans and Robbie realizes it's human.

Robbie: Hang on a tic. *Squints* Guy? Is that you? Oh no! I forgot I asked you to come help me with this song. *Cries* What have I done?!? I've killed me writing partner! *Stops crying* Wait, does this mean I have to finish this song by myself?!?

Dum, dum, dum! Will Robbie be able to do it? (You can do it Robbie!)
Tune it next time to find out.