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Concept: Barney and Friends take a trip to a brothel.

Kids? Excuse me, come again? You call this a kid's video? I don't think so Skippy. It's more like a soft porn. I didn't, not even once, see Barney and you expect me to believe that this is a video children should watch? *Coughs* Delusional *Coughs* Huh? What did you say? It's not suppose to be for kids? *Laughs* You must really think I'm stupid if you think I'm going to believe that. Hello, it's called "Kids" der, of course it's for kids. Damn, some people just aren't too bright....

This is a very dirty video. Mr. Williams, don't think I don't know what all those little hands gestures mean...Bob-o, you nasty. The video starts off ok- just a pair of big lips making naughty sounds. It flips back and forth between Robbie and that Kylie chick singing and then it shows them dancing their way up some stairs. This is where we take a turn for the worse. Now, please, did I ask to enter a lesbian strip club? I don't think so. If I wanted to see lesbians I'd watch the Jerry Springer show. You English people really do have a twisted sense of what a kid's video should include. Here's a hint, chuck the lesbian pole dances.

After that the video then moves into a scarier part of the club- the foil fetish room. Here we see Bob-o, Kylie, and yes, the Liza Minnelli lesbians all dancing and having a merry S&M time. Robbie does his little rap part, making very naughty gestures, which, of course, signifies he's a real man's man. Hell, he likes lesbians doesn't he? Yes, and so after Robbie stuns us with his vast vocabulary knowledge, Oooo grab the bleepers he said sodomy, the video finally cuts to, what has to be my favorite part, the skinny dipping in the Holiday Inn pool scene. Bob-o and Kylie get, um, wet in the pool and the video ends with a nearby champagne bottle exploding...oh, what symbolism! Teletubbies, eat your heart out.

Over all rating- **

Deep Thought- You people need Jesus...
